A White Flame?

(S-she… H-how can someone unleash such tremendous power at such a small age!?)


Shigeru's entire body trembled as the realization of Ryoko's terrifying strength settled in. The world around him felt like it was collapsing.

Ryoko, a teen girl, possessed a power that defied all logic.

This was a force unlike any he had ever encountered—a force that rivaled the greatest warriors of his era.

The air was thick with her icy energy, as though the very atmosphere bowed to her will.

Ryoko stood amidst the frozen devastation, her posture calm yet commanding.

Her eyes remained closed, her expression devoid of any emotion, but her presence was undeniable.

The frost covering the ground glittered under the moonlight, a reflection of the cold, lethal aura that surrounded her.

The ice she conjured wasn't just cold in temperature; it radiated an oppressive pressure that made it difficult for Shigeru to even breathe.

His mind was racing, trying to process what had just happened.

The little girl, who appeared so innocent and fragile moments before, had transformed into a merciless force of nature.

Shigeru's limbs were pinned to the ground under the weight of the force she exerted, and his thoughts turned toward Akiko.

In the distance, behind Ryoko's small yet powerful figure, Shigeru could make out the motionless form of his beloved wife.

Akiko lay on the ground, her body battered but miraculously still breathing. Relief flooded Shigeru's heart.

His entire world revolved around her, and to see her alive in this massacre was the only thing keeping him from falling apart completely.

He felt tears welling up, his eyes glistening under the weight of both fear and overwhelming gratitude.

His heart, though exhausted, swelled with emotion.

Ryoko had saved Akiko—saved them both, really. In that moment, Shigeru's hatred turned to awe.

(Th-thank you, little girl… I swear on Akiko's name that I will repay this favor. No matter what, I will stand by you one day. Thank you… thank you…)

Shigeru's body gave way to exhaustion as he whispered his thanks in his mind.

The relief of knowing Akiko was alive, coupled with the immense pressure surrounding him, proved too much.

His vision blurred, his body slackened, and with a final grateful smile, he lost consciousness, tears trickling from his eyes as he slipped into darkness.

Ryoko remained standing, seemingly indifferent to the chaos around her.

As the last of her enemies fell, a bright, ethereal flame burst to life on her forehead—a brilliant blue fire that glowed with raw energy.

Slowly, her eyes opened, revealing a cold, determined gaze that now focused solely on the maple tree where Ryuu was waiting.

The ice sword she had conjured vanished from her hand, turning into crystalline mist that disappeared into the air.

Without hesitation, Ryoko raised one hand and summoned a pathway made of pure, glittering ice that rose from the ground, coiling around the massive tree like a spiraling staircase leading to the heavens.

Her movements were graceful yet swift as she dashed up the path.

The ice formed a perfect bridge to the treehouse at the top, where her sole purpose awaited her.

When she reached the entrance of the treehouse, Ryoko stepped inside.

Her eyes immediately found Ryuu, lying limp on the floor, his body bruised and cold.

The cold mask she had worn since the battle melted away, replaced by a desperate, relieved smile.

Her stoic facade broke down as emotions rushed through her.

"R-Ryuu-kun!" she whispered, her voice cracking as she ran to him and collapsed beside him.

She gathered his unconscious body into her arms, hugging him tightly as tears began to pour down her face.

"I-I'm here… I'm here to protect you… N-nothing will happen to you. I won't let anything hurt you ever again."

Ryoko's sobs shook her small frame as she held Ryuu close, her forehead pressing against his.

The flame on her forehead flickered brightly, and as it touched Ryuu's, the two flames began to merge.

They intertwined like two souls reuniting, blending into a single, brilliant flame.

Slowly, as the two flames became one, their light began to dim, shrinking smaller and smaller until, finally, the flame extinguished entirely.

Both Ryoko and Ryuu fell unconscious, their bodies resting in peaceful slumber, side by side, on the cold wooden floor of the treehouse.

For the first time in a long while, Ryoko's face looked calm—free of pain, fear, and anger.





Deep in the forest, Seichii and Masumi were still following the ice trail left by Ryoko.

The frozen path glittered in the moonlight, guiding them through the thick woods like a beacon.

Despite the urgency driving them forward, a nervous silence had fallen between the two as they both worried for Ryuu and Ryoko.

"Seichii-kun! W-where are we? How much further?"

Masumi's voice was tinged with anxiety. She had never felt so lost.

Seichii kept his gaze focused ahead, his eyes scanning for any sign of movement.

"We're close, Masumi-san. I can feel it. The ice path… only Ryoko-san could have created something like this."

The forest began to thin, and soon they could see the open sky beyond the trees.

But as they broke through the treeline and into the clearing, both Seichii and Masumi froze, their breath catching in their throats.

The sight that lay before them was nothing short of a battlefield.

The ground was soaked in blood, the bodies of demons scattered everywhere.

Some had been torn to pieces, others frozen solid in grotesque poses. It was a scene of utter carnage, and the stench of death hung heavy in the air.

Masumi clung to Seichii's arm, her grip tight as she stared at the scene in horror.

"S-Seichii-kun… W-what is happening? W-why are there so many demons?

This is the center of the city! How did they get here? And who… who did this to them?"

Seichii's heart was pounding in his chest. He had never seen anything like it.

The demons had been annihilated with such force that even the most skilled warriors would have struggled to match.

His eyes scanned the battlefield, noticing the shards of ice embedded in the ground, and it suddenly all made sense.

"This… this was Ryoko-san," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

He had seen Ryoko's power once before, but never like this. She had always seemed controlled, calculated.

But this… this was destruction on a scale that he couldn't have imagined. It was terrifying and awe-inspiring all at once.

(W-Who in the world can annihilate so many demons like this? Ryoko-san… she's really a… a monster.)

Masumi tightened her grip on his arm, pulling him closer.

Seichii's face flushed a deep shade of red, his thoughts momentarily distracted by her closeness.

(S-so close! W-what do I do? M-Masumi-san's chest is touching my arm! No! Seichii, focus!

This isn't the time to think about this. You're supposed to be helping!)

His internal battle was interrupted when he noticed a figure lying on the ground.

"Masumi-san! Look! There's someone there!"

The two rushed over to the figure, a beautiful woman with golden hair lying unconscious. Masumi knelt beside her, checking for signs of life.

"S-Seichii-kun… she's badly injured. There's a deep wound on her back… I-I think she was fighting the demons,"

Masumi said, her voice shaking.

Seichii's heart sank as he looked at the woman's pale face.

But just as he turned to Masumi, his eyes caught sight of another figure nearby.

"Masumi-san! There's a man over there too!"

They hurried over, and when they reached him, Seichii's eyes widened in shock.

"H-he… He's Ryuu's teacher! Morishita Shigeru—the world's greatest scholar!"

Masumi immediately checked Shigeru's condition.

"He's alive… just a few broken bones."

Together, they lifted both Shigeru and the injured woman, laying them on a nearby rock.

Both of their injuries were severe, and time was running out.


Shigeru's weak voice mumbled in his sleep, calling out for someone. Masumi and Seichii exchanged worried looks.

"Masumi-san, can't you use your healing magic? You have to help them!"

Masumi froze, her heart pounding.

"I… I don't know if I can… I'm not skilled enough. I just started learning magic. I… I'm a coward."

Her voice cracked, her body trembling with the weight of her self-doubt.

Seichii, seeing her despair, gently placed a hand on her head, a bright smile spreading across his face.

"You're not a coward, Masumi-san. You're trying, and that's what matters.

Everyone has something special inside them, something they're good at.

You just have to find yours. And you won't know until you try. So… will you help them, Dr. Masumi-sama?"

His words were soft but filled with encouragement.

Masumi's eyes filled with tears as she stared at him, her heart swelling with gratitude.

"Thank you, Seichii-kun… for always believing in me. I'll try. I'll do everything I can to help them."

Determined, Masumi moved toward Shigeru and Akiko. She took a deep breath, her hands trembling as she raised them over their injured bodies.

She closed her eyes, trying to summon the courage and concentration she needed. Time felt like it slowed down.

She could hear her own heartbeat thundering in her ears, her fear threatening to overwhelm her again.

But then, a soft voice echoed in her mind.

("Masumi-san, it's okay. Don't lose hope. I know you can do it.")

Seichii's words gave her strength, and she focused on the injured couple in front of her.

Slowly, a faint green light began to form in the palms of her hands, flickering uncertainly like a small flame in the wind.

Masumi gritted her teeth, pushing past her doubt and fear, channeling every ounce of energy she had into her magic.

The green light grew stronger, brighter, forming two small circles that hovered above her hands.

"I can do this,"

Masumi whispered, her voice firm with newfound determination.

She lowered her hands toward Shigeru and Akiko, releasing the circles of light toward them.

The green circles floated down and rested gently on their foreheads.

For a moment, nothing happened, and Masumi's heart sank, fear gripping her again.

But then, the magic took hold. Shigeru and Akiko's wounds began to glow with a soft green light.

Slowly, the deep cuts started to heal, the skin knitting back together before their eyes.

Shigeru's broken bones began to realign and set themselves as the magic worked its way through his body.

Masumi gasped, her hands trembling with disbelief as the magic continued to flow from her.

"It's working!"

Seichii cried out, his face lighting up with joy. He grabbed Masumi's hands, his excitement overflowing.

"You did it, Masumi-san! You're healing them!"

Tears of relief welled up in Masumi's eyes as she watched the magic complete its work.

Shigeru's breathing became steady, and the strain on Akiko's face softened as her pain faded.

The two of them looked peaceful now, their injuries almost fully healed.

Masumi collapsed to her knees, exhausted but overwhelmed with happiness. She had done it. She had saved them.

Tears streamed down her face as she looked up at Seichii, her heart swelling with gratitude.

(It's all thanks to you, Seichii-kun. I… I couldn't have done it without you.)....