A nightmare or Reality?

"If you really want to help us... then please, tell us where Ryoko-san and Ryuu are. I need to find them as soon as possible."

Seichii's voice trembled with urgency, his eyes filled with a deep resolve.

"Ryuu is my only friend from childhood. He saved my life once before.

Now it's my turn to save him, especially when his life is in danger. So, please, tell us—where is Ryuu?"

Seichii bowed deeply in front of Shigeru, his desperation palpable.

Masumi stood beside him, her face equally filled with concern.

Shigeru, sensing the gravity of the moment, was about to speak.


"There's no need to worry about Ryuu-kun!" A sudden voice interrupted Shigeru, echoing through the tense atmosphere.

Startled, everyone turned toward the sound. Ryoko emerged from the shadows, cradling an unconscious Ryuu in her arms.

Her steps were slow, graceful, and deliberate, and to everyone's surprise, her usual icy cold demeanor had melted away.

Her face was illuminated by an expression of pure joy, radiating a warmth that felt almost otherworldly.

She looked like a goddess who had descended to earth, her presence serene and captivating.

Seichii and Masumi were taken aback. Ryoko was someone they had always known to be distant, almost unreachable in her coldness.

But this version of her was a stranger—one who smiled so brightly, it felt like she was a different person altogether.

"Sengoku-kun, Masumi-san," Ryoko's voice was soft but filled with gratitude as she approached.

"Thank you for being concerned about me and Ryuu-kun. And thank you for coming all this way to help us.

I'm deeply grateful."

She bowed respectfully toward them, a gesture so sincere it stunned them both further.

Ryoko shifted her gaze to Ryuu, lying peacefully in her arms.

"Ryuu-kun is no longer in immediate danger; he's just resting. He'll wake up soon."

Masumi, overcome with emotion, rushed forward and threw her arms around Ryoko, her voice trembling.

"R-Ryoko-san! I... I'm so happy to see you're safe. I was so worried about you both!"

Tears streamed down Masumi's face, and Ryoko, though slightly startled, smiled gently in return.

She placed a comforting hand on Masumi's back, her own eyes softening.

"Thank you, Masumi-san. I appreciate your concern."

Seichii couldn't help but smile, relieved to see Ryoko and Ryuu safe.

But as the others shared their heartfelt reunion, Shigeru stood apart, silently observing the scene with furrowed brows, his mind racing.

(Something is wrong. What was that azure flame on Aramiya-kun's forehead earlier? And where did it go?)

His eyes locked onto Ryuu, still unconscious in Ryoko's arms, and then to Ryoko herself.

The bond between them—he could sense it—it had always been there, but now it felt different, more intense, more volatile.

(The mysterious bond between them has strengthened significantly... but it's fluctuating unpredictably.

And Ryuu's magical aura... it's changed. It's far stronger than before, but there's something off about it. This pressure...)

Beads of sweat formed on Shigeru's forehead as unease settled into his chest.

(I need to get to the bottom of this before something even more dangerous happens.)

Shigeru took a deep breath and broke his silence.

"It's getting late. We should head back to the training area. Both Aramiya-kun and Akiko need thorough check-ups."

His voice was steady, but the urgency lingered beneath his calm exterior.

With that, he gently lifted the unconscious Akiko into his arms, and together, the group made their way back to the training grounds, unaware of the dark forces stirring elsewhere.





Far beneath the surface of the earth, in a cavern shrouded in absolute darkness, a low, ominous rumble echoed.

The sheer magnitude of the sound sent tremors through the ground, reverberating against the cave walls.

The darkness felt alive, as if it was breathing, waiting.

A voice, deep and filled with malice, rumbled from within the depths of the cavern.

"So... it is truly him. The time of our return is upon us. And this time, we will stand victorious, above all."




Three hours had passed since Ryoko and the others returned to the training area.

Both Ryuu and Akiko had been taken for medical examinations, while the rest waited anxiously for news.

Thanks to Masumi's quick healing magic, Akiko was no longer in immediate danger, though she still required rest.

Ryuu, however, had not yet woken up.

Inside his mind, Ryuu found himself drifting in an empty void, a vast expanse of nothingness, where only darkness stretched out infinitely in every direction.

He slowly opened his eyes, blinking in confusion.

"W-where am I?" he muttered groggily, his voice echoing in the void.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes, trying to make sense of his surroundings, but nothing came to him.

The place felt surreal, detached from reality.

"Is anyone here?!" Ryuu shouted, his voice rising in panic.

"Anyone?! Can anyone hear me?! Answer me!!"

His words were met with silence, the kind of silence that presses in from all sides, suffocating in its stillness.

Fear began to creep into Ryuu's heart as he stood and started running aimlessly through the endless dark, calling out for someone—anyone.

"Ryuu-kun," a soft, familiar voice called from behind him.

Ryuu froze, his heart racing. He turned quickly to see Ryoko standing a short distance away, smiling at him.

"R-Ryoko-san!? Is that really you?"

Ryuu's face lit up with joy at the sight of her, but something about the way she stood, her expression... felt off.

He tried to move toward her, but with each step he took, Ryoko seemed to drift further away, her figure fading into the darkness.

"Ryoko-san, wait! Why are you moving away?!"

Ryuu's voice cracked with desperation as he ran after her.

"Where are you going? Why won't you answer me?!"

Tears started welling in Ryoko's eyes as her smile faded.

"Ryuu-kun," she said softly.

"did you forget about me?"

Her question struck Ryuu like a dagger to the heart.

"W-what are you talking about?" he stammered, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're Tatsuno Ryoko-san, an S-rank magic user, and more importantly, you're my precious friend.

Of course, I haven't forgotten you!"

But Ryoko's expression grew sadder.

"So you truly have forgotten," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"But don't worry... I will make you remember. I'll help you remember everything."

Ryuu's steps faltered, confusion clouding his mind.

"W-what do you mean, Ryoko-san? Remember what?"

But Ryoko only smiled faintly.

"Goodbye, Ryuu-kun. I'll see you soon."

And with that, she disappeared completely into the abyss, leaving Ryuu alone once more.

He dropped to his knees, exhausted and helpless, as the void swallowed him up.

The last thing he heard was the faint echo of his own voice calling her name before everything went dark again.





Back in the real world, Ryuu shot up from his bed, drenched in sweat, his eyes wide with terror.

"RYOKO-SAN!! RYOKO-SAN!!" he screamed, his voice hoarse.

Ryoko, who had been sitting beside him in silence, immediately leaned forward in concern.

"Ryuu-kun! You're awake! What happened? Why are you sweating like this?"

She placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

But Ryuu, still caught in the emotional aftermath of his dream, instinctively pulled Ryoko toward him, embracing her tightly.

Ryoko gasped, her face turning crimson as she found herself in his sudden, desperate hug.

"R-Ryuu-kun! W-what are you doing!?" Ryoko stammered, flustered by the sudden intimacy.

But Ryuu said nothing. He simply held her, his grip firm, as if afraid that letting go would mean losing her again.

Understanding the situation, Ryoko's flustered expression softened.

She gently wrapped her arms around him in return, her voice soothing.

"Ryuu-kun... Did you have a nightmare?"

She asked softly, brushing his hair back tenderly.

"It's okay. I'm here. No matter what happens, I'll always protect you."

Her calm words and comforting presence helped Ryuu regain his composure.

Slowly, he loosened his grip and sat back on the bed, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry, Ryoko-san. I didn't mean to—"

Ryoko interrupted him with a light-hearted laugh.

"Ha-ha-ha, Ryuu-kun, are you blushing?" She giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"It's the first time I've seen you like this! Don't worry, I know you didn't do it on purpose."

Ryuu smiled sheepishly, his embarrassment fading as he started to laugh along with her.

For a moment, everything felt normal, but in the back of their minds, both Ryuu and Ryoko knew that something deeper was stirring, something that could change everything...