A Mockery?

Both Ryuu and Akiko were now fully healed, their spirits rejuvenated and ready for the challenges ahead.

The following day, they returned to the mountainous training grounds with Shigeru, who guided them with a steady determination.

Despite the busy atmosphere, Ryoko remained preoccupied with thoughts of Ryuu, her worry palpable as she frequently glanced in his direction.

In the training area, students diligently practiced their spells, the air thick with the sounds of magical energies crackling and surging around them.

Yet, Ryoko felt disconnected from the bustling activity.

Instead of joining her peers, she sought solace in the tranquil garden nearby.

There, she settled beneath a sprawling tree, staring at the clear blue sky as clouds drifted lazily overhead, lost in her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Ryuu immersed himself in training alongside Akiko and Shigeru in the mountains.

Each day unfolded as a new adventure, filled with the wonders of nature and the intricacies of the magical world.

He learned to harness the fire element with increasing skill, his confidence blossoming with each passing lesson.

As the sun rose and fell, so too did his understanding of the power that surged within him.

Time flew by, and the three months of the training session came to a close.

The transformation among the students was remarkable.

Seichii and Masumi, once hesitant and unsure, had risen to unleash Intermediate-level spells with impressive control.

Every student had developed in their own unique way, showcasing their potential and dedication.

However, Ryoko remained unchanged, her icy demeanor steadfast as she watched the others thrive.

The upcoming Inter-Division Battles loomed large, just three days away.

Each student felt the weight of the competition pressing down on them, determination etched into their expressions.

Winning the battles meant more than just pride.

It would grant them extra contributive points that could significantly enhance their overall performance, increasing their chances of being selected as elite students.

Elite students would be given the rare opportunity to witness the legendary weapons known as the Atsuras, a coveted privilege that spurred their ambition even further.

As the day of the announcement arrived, all the students gathered on the training ground, their faces set with seriousness.

The air buzzed with anticipation as the chief and several officers ascended the stage, ready to address the eager crowd.

"Good morning, students!" the chief boomed, his voice strong and commanding.

"After enduring relentless training over the past three months, this special training session, organized by the Board of Education, is nearing its conclusion.

Each and every one of you has put forth an extraordinary effort, practicing tirelessly day and night.

Your hard work has not gone unnoticed, and you have all shown the potential to become the saviors of humanity one day."

Cheers erupted from the crowd, the energy infectious, but the chief raised his hand to quiet them.

"Now, as we prepare for the Inter-Division Battles scheduled for three days from now, you will have the opportunity to showcase the improvements you've made during this session.

This is your chance to prove yourselves. The competition will determine who stands out, who has truly earned the right to be called elite students."

His words ignited a fire within the students, a fervor that spread like wildfire among them. The chief concluded.

"I look forward to seeing your progress and the fruits of your labor.

Now, return to your dorms and practice diligently for the upcoming competition."

With that, the chief and his officers departed the stage, leaving the students behind, their expressions resolute and determined.

The atmosphere buzzed with intensity, a shared understanding that greatness awaited those who excelled in the upcoming battles.

As the crowd began to disperse, Ryoko remained in her spot, still staring up at the expansive sky, her mind elsewhere.

Seichii and Masumi stood beside her, concern etching lines on their faces.

"Ryoko-san! What are you thinking about?"

Seichii asked, attempting to break through her contemplative state.

Ryoko, lost in thought, didn't respond. Instead, she continued to gaze at the azure above.

Seichii sighed, knowing her well enough not to expect a response.

"Aha-ha-ha, Ryoko-san, you're truly marvelous as always," a voice interrupted, dripping with insincerity.

Rajin sauntered up to them, flanked by his division members, a smug expression plastered on his face.

"Not giving your attention to the people who are unworthy of your time."

Seichii felt a wave of disgust wash over him as Rajin approached Ryoko, kneeling before her as if she were royalty.

"Ryoko-san, how are you doing? My eyes have been yearning to witness your beautiful face," he purred, holding one of her hands in his.

Ryoko instinctively pulled her hand away, her expression turning to one of disgust.

"Don't touch me," she replied coldly, her eyes narrowing.

Rajin, undeterred by her rejection, chuckled condescendingly.

"Aha-ha-ha! Looks like you're not worthy of Ryoko-san's attention either!"

Seichii couldn't contain his laughter, clutching his stomach as Rajin's face flushed with anger.

The tension in the air thickened, but Rajin composed himself and stood up, brushing off the embarrassment.

"Ryoko-san, let's meet in the Inter-Division Battles.

I'm eager to face you and Aramiya-kun in the competition,"

He said with a smirk as he walked away, his division members snickering behind him.

Ryoko glared at his back, a storm brewing in her expression.

Seichii and Masumi exchanged worried glances, concerned for Ryuu.

As the trio contemplated the implications of Rajin's words, Meiko and Hibino approached them, their faces twisted in mischievous smiles.

"That kid is doomed since Rajin has laid his eyes on him,"

Meiko giggled, a playful tone in her voice. However, she was abruptly silenced when a chill swept through the air, the temperature dropping as an overwhelming pressure enveloped her.

Ryoko stood directly behind her, her aura suffocating and dark.

The intensity in her gaze reflected a deep-seated bloodlust that sent a shiver down Meiko's spine.

"Speak that again, and I will make you regret ever living," Ryoko hissed, her voice low and menacing.

"R-Ryoko-san! Please stop! Don't harm Meiko-san!"

Masumi interjected, stepping in front of Ryoko and grasping her arm tightly.

Ryoko's fury simmered just below the surface, but she held back, unwilling to hurt Masumi.

"If only you weren't so close to Masumi-san,"

Ryoko muttered, her voice cold as ice, "I would have snapped your body in half today."

With one last glare that promised retribution, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Meiko trembling in her wake.

Masumi let out a shaky breath, her heart racing from the confrontation.

(Thank you for stopping, Ryoko-san. I owe you one for that.)

Ryoko's cold exterior remained, but her loyalty to Masumi was evident.

As the atmosphere in the garden began to shift back to normal, the weight of impending competition loomed over them all.

With just three days remaining until the Inter-Division Battles, each student felt the anticipation build.

They knew the stakes were high, and they were prepared to fight for their dreams, their friendships, and their futures...