CHAPTER 3 : Wonder Kid

It seemed like just an ordinary day in the quiet forest, where a small shack stood. The small living room, with wooden floors, was filled with playful shadows cast by sunlight filtering through the thick leaves of the surrounding trees.

Although Castiel was only three months old, he possessed the mental capability of a 48-year-old man. He had stopped pretending to be a baby and instead keenly observed his environment and himself.

His parents, who deeply loved and cared for him, were busy with their daily chores. Helene was folding clothes while Arthur was busy repairing broken parts of their humble home.

Castiel's bright eyes followed the gentle movement of a toy hanging above him. Unexpectedly, his small hand reached out, and to his surprise, the toy started spinning on its own.

At first, he thought it was just the wind.

[Telekinesis Unlock]

But he was startled by an announcement from a familiar voice echoing in his mind.

He muttered to himself,

"Whoa! 'Coach Big Mouth' is starting with the announcements of some new unlocks again."

Castiel tried to move the hanging toy again to confirm his newly unlocked skill. This time, a brighter light emanated from his hand, and he could move the toy at his will.

Helene noticed the unusual movement of the toy and observed it closely. She glimpsed the faint light coming from her child's small hand.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was seeing things. When she confirmed the unbelievable event, she sighed and dropped the clothes she was folding. She quickly called Arthur.


Her voice was filled with worry but also a hint of awe.

"Look at Castiel, hurry!"

Arthur looked at his child. He rushed into the room, his disciplined steps showing a hint of urgency. When he saw the glowing hand and the spinning toy, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What is happening...?"

Castiel enjoyed the feeling of the strange power within his small body. He felt the energy flowing through him like a warm embrace. Excitement filled his mind as he considered the endless possibilities this newly discovered ability could bring.

While Arthur and Helene exchanged confused glances, the light from Castiel's hand shone brightly for a moment before fading. The toy gradually stopped spinning. Helene and Arthur could barely speak due to the astonishing event they had witnessed.

Arthur kneeled beside his child, instinctively acting as if to protect him. This was a reflex due to his adventurer's training. He scanned the room for potential threats; his breathing quickened, a sign of his anxiety.

"What was that? Is he doing that?"

His mind raced to answer his questions, a cold sweat forming on his brow. He still couldn't believe it.

As Helene kneeled beside Arthur, her calm expression wavered.

"Arthur, this is amazing, but it's also frightening."

She seemed to catch her breath and continued:

"What does this mean?"

Seeing the serious expression on their child's face, she immediately picked him up. Helene's nurturing and protective nature took over. She stroked her child's face.

"It's alright, dear."

Her voice trembled slightly as she whispered,

"Mommy's here."

Arthur, always the problem-solver, took a deep breath.

"For now, we must keep this to ourselves," he said, gently rubbing his wife's back and looking at her seriously in the eyes.

"We can't risk anyone finding out until we understand what's happening."

Helene nodded. A mix of wonder and concern played in her eyes.

"I agree. We need to protect him, no matter what."


One evening, as Arthur and Helene sat together watching Castiel hold a simple wooden rattle—something he had little real interest in—they quietly discussed what to do next.

Arthur's protective nature was evident in his furrowed brow and the tight grip on his cup.

"We need to teach him to control this."

His tone was serious as he continued.

"He can't be setting things on fire or making objects float. It could be dangerous."

Images of potential disasters ran through his mind—a floating piece of furniture crashing down, a sudden burst of flames—and his grip on the cup tightened further as he tried to think of ways to keep their home safe.

Helene nodded in agreement, her nurturing side full of concern.

"But how do we teach a baby to control magic? Even we don't fully understand it ourselves."

She bit her lip, her mind whirling with questions.

'What if they made a mistake? What if they unintentionally hindered his abilities?'

Her careful nature made her consider every angle, searching for a balanced step as her heart filled with worry.

With a sigh, Arthur ran his hand through his hair.

"We have to figure this out on our own. We can't risk anyone finding out. If the wrong people know..."

His voice trailed off, the unspoken dangers hanging in the air. Memories of his past days flashed before him—scenarios where power could be exploited and used for harm.

Helene's eyes were filled with concern. Her voice cracked slightly, fear evident.

"They might take him away from us. We have to protect him."

She envisioned strangers coming to take her baby, confusion and fear in his eyes. Her nurturing nature worried not only about immediate danger but also the emotional impact on Castiel.

She reached for Arthur's hand, seeking comfort and strength.

As they continued their conversation, they didn't notice Castiel crawling toward them. Suddenly, in a voice too clear for a three-month-old, he spoke.

"Don't be afraid."

Arthur and Helene froze, their eyes widening in shock. Castiel looked up at them, his expression calm and reassuring.

He repeated it, this time more clearly.

"Don't be afraid,"

he smiled before continuing,

"I won't do anything to harm our family."

Recovering from their shock, Arthur's voice trembled.

"C-Castiel, how... how are you speaking?"

His disciplined mind struggled to process this new information.

Castiel shrugged his tiny shoulders and continued to smile.

"I don't know. One day, I just could. But please, don't be afraid. I'm still your child, even though I know this is strange. I just... remember things from my past life."

Helene reached out to touch Castiel's cheek, tears starting to form in her eyes. She whispered,

"You're talking. How is this possible?"

Her calm disposition wavered, but her nurturing instinct drew her closer to her child.

Castiel looked at his parents with an understanding beyond his months.

"I can't fully explain. I just know that I've lived before, but not in this world. But I don't remember much from that world. All I remember is... my death."

He paused, and without realizing it, he started to cry.

"I was hit by something, and then I woke up in a strange world—before I came here. But I promise, I'm still your child. I love you both."

Arthur and Helene could barely speak. They could hardly comprehend what was happening. Their child, their baby, was speaking to them with the wisdom and clarity of an adult.

Helene hugged Castiel tightly, her tears flowing freely.

"We love you too, Castiel. No matter what."

Arthur joined the embrace, his heart filled with a mix of love and confusion.

"We'll figure this out together," he said, hugging his family tighter.

"We'll learn how to help you and protect you. You are our child, and that will never change."


From that day on, Arthur and Helene worked tirelessly to understand and nurture their child's unique abilities.

They read every book they could find, conducted careful experiments, and used their instincts to guide their child. Arthur's disciplined nature provided structure and safety, while Helene's nurturing and compassionate approach ensured that Castiel felt loved and supported.

They created a safe environment within their home in the middle of the forest where Castiel could explore his abilities without fear while keeping his powers a secret from the outside world.

Despite his extraordinary circumstances, Castiel grew up in a loving and supportive home. Arthur and Helene's dedication never wavered, and their bond with their child grew even stronger.

Castiel, on the other hand, approached his new life with appreciation and determination, driven by his curiosity about his past and his abilities.

However, after that incident, as Castiel continued to grow in the world of Agarthical, his memories of his past life as Akira Fujiwara gradually faded.

Every morning, he woke up with a sense of something missing—a piece of the puzzle he couldn't find.

This loss of identity left Castiel confused. He would sometimes sit quietly with a distant look in his eyes, trying to understand the fading pieces of his past life. But as the days and weeks passed, those pieces vanished further, and he began to exhibit behaviors characteristic of a true child.

He embraced his new life with innocent curiosity, eagerly learning about the ways of his new world from Arthur and Helene, who lovingly guided him through this profound transformation.

Helene often found herself amazed at the speed of his adaptation, her heart swelling with pride and a touch of sadness for the memories of her child that were lost.

Together, they faced the passing days filled with joy and love.