CHAPTER 4 : Infinite Skills!

Inside their small shack, Castiel tried to stand and balance on his tiny feet, with Arthur offering a steadying hand. Helene watched them cheerfully. The old wooden floor creaked gently under his small attempts. Castiel's face showed both determination and frustration.

Arthur whispered softly to his son,


"Easy does it, son. You'll manage to balance on your own soon enough."

Castiel nodded slowly at his father, concentrating hard. Helene stood with open arms, ready to catch him, her face painted with sheer joy.

"Come on, sweetheart."

As Castiel focused on standing, a strange sensation washed over him. A familiar voice echoed in his mind, announcing: 



Castiel's eyes widened in surprise as he felt a sudden surge of power within him. Startled, he stumbled, and Arthur let go as his son suddenly displayed an inexplicable strength. Arthur moved to help him up, but...

"Wait, I think I've got this."

Helene watched with concern but remained silent, understanding that this was part of Castiel's path to independence.

With newfound energy, Castiel carefully stood up. He tried taking one step at a time. Arthur and Helene's eyes widened as they watched their son. Their hearts pounded in their chests.

Their child, who had struggled moments ago, was now taking his first steps. Each movement was surprising, and each step was more confident than the last.

Arthur felt immense pride in his son.

"Can you believe it, Helene?"

Helene, with tears in her eyes, smiled and nodded.

"Our little one is walking."

After a few more confident steps, Castiel grinned. He broke into a run, testing his speed, and before long, he was performing somersaults with unexpected ease. His laughter echoed through the house, a mix of joy and amazement at his newfound abilities.

"Haha! Mom, Dad! Watch me! "

Helene quickly covered her mouth in shock.

"Arthur, how is he?"

She couldn't finish her sentence, her mind reeling from what she was witnessing. Arthur, unable to take his eyes off Castiel's acrobatics, chuckled despite his shock, trying to lighten the moment.

"It looks like he's been practicing for the circus!"

Helene, still trying to contain herself, responded with a trembling laugh.

"It seems we need to set up a safety net."

The surprises didn't end there. In a playful moment of curiosity, Castiel picked up Arthur's old, dusty sword that had stood in a corner for years. With an innocent swing, he demonstrated a skill far beyond his age.

The old sword cut through the air with surprising force. Arthur and Helene gasped as the wooden floor beneath them groaned ominously. Cracks snaked along the walls, and before they could react, a section of the roof began to crumble, sending dust and debris cascading down.

Arthur's voice rang out, full of fear and concern.


Panicking, he rushed to protect his son from the potential collapse of their entire house, carefully trying to take the sword from Castiel's small but strong hand.

The walls continued to crumble, with wooden pieces breaking and falling around them.

Helene screamed, her voice trembling with fear, as she watched their home fall apart.

"The house! It's collapsing!"

Arthur moved quickly to evacuate his family from the crumbling house.

Castiel's eyes filled with tears as he understood the gravity of his actions. His small voice trembled with regret and fear, thinking it was his fault.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to break it! "

Seeing the destruction, Helene fainted, her body collapsing like a rag doll.

"What in the world?"

Arthur's heart ached as he saw his wife lose consciousness. He gently laid her down, trying to wake her with soft whispers in her ear.

"Don't worry, Helene. We'll fix this."

Castiel, deeply worried that they might have no shelter, closed his small eyes tightly. He pointed his tiny hands towards the location of the collapsed house, hoping for a miracle.

"Please! Please! Be fixed! "

He imagined a grand house until...


The familiar voice whispered in his mind again.

Suddenly, his hands glowed, and the scattered debris shimmered, starting to lift from the ground. Piece by piece, the broken wood morphed into smooth marble. The tiny windows expanded, becoming tall, elegant arches of tinted glass. Slowly, the small shack transformed before their eyes, growing into a grand, ancient-looking mansion with intricate runes etched into its walls.

When the transformation was complete, Castiel spoke again, his voice filled with pride and boastfulness about the change he had brought.

"Mom, Dad, did you see? I fixed the house! "

Arthur stood frozen, unable to believe what he was seeing. His eyes carefully examined the grand mansion that had replaced their old home. He almost choked, feeling like he was eating his words.

"Is this... is this real? "

Helene, still weak from her earlier fainting spell, looked at the mansion in disbelief. Her legs wobbled, and Arthur quickly steadied her. 

"It's... it's real? " 

She murmured, on the brink of fainting again but managing to stay conscious this time.

Castiel continued boasting to his parents, who were still not fully awake from what seemed like a dream.

"I knew I could do it."

With both pride and wonder at his abilities, Castiel decided to enter the mansion and explore. As he walked through the grand halls, his eyes sparkled with admiration for the beauty around him. He found a room filled with various broken items, including a broken chair.

An idea sparked in his mind. He tried to fix the broken chair using his newfound magic. He closed his eyes tightly, focused, and pointed his hands at the broken chair.

"Please, work... Hey chair, be new again! "

Arthur, who had followed his son, looked at the chair and sighed. He watched his son closely, hoping for another miracle.

Castiel's small hands glowed again, and the broken pieces of the chair reassembled themselves. Just as they admired the result, the chair began to tremble. With a sudden jolt, it sprouted wings and took flight, nearly colliding with Arthur, who ducked just in time.

Arthur laughed at the situation.

"Mwahaha! Cas, be careful, or you might get hit!"

He reminded his son while trying to catch the mischievous chair.

The father and son laughed endlessly as they continued chasing the chair. When Arthur finally caught the rogue chair, it transformed into a rocking chair. Castiel, watching his father's happy expression, burst into laughter and clapped in delight.

"We got it, Dad! That was fun! "

Together, they stabilized the rocking chair, turning it into a sturdy and comfortable seat that perfectly matched their mansion. As Arthur caught the flying chair, he couldn't help but marvel at what had just happened. He glanced at Castiel, who was laughing with innocent delight. 

'If he can create a mansion and bring a chair to life... What else is he capable of? ' 

Arthur wondered, a mix of pride and concern stirring in his heart.

Arthur spoke to his son, his voice gentle yet firm. After the chaos had settled, Arthur guided Castiel to the newly transformed rocking chair. Taking a deep breath, he kneeled down to his son's level. 


He began softly, 

"We need to talk about what just happened—about your powers."

Castiel's eyes widened, and there was a hint of nervousness in his father's tone.

"Did I mess up, Dad? "

Arthur shook his head, his smile reassuring.

"No, you're not in trouble. But we need to ensure you use your powers safely. You have amazing abilities, and you need to learn how to control them."

Castiel nodded seriously, understanding the importance of his father's advice, despite being so young.

"I'll be careful, I promise."

In that moment, Helene, resting after her fainting episodes, entered the room where Arthur and Castiel sat carefully on the rocking chair. She joined them, her expression a mix of concern and love.

"What are you two talking about? " 

She asked softly, curious.

Arthur and Castiel exchanged glances and smiled at her. Arthur explained with determination and hope,

"We're discussing how he can safely manage his powers."

Helene nodded, her expression serious.

"That's a good idea."

Helene gently squeezed Arthur's hand and continued,

"We don't want any more surprises."

As the family continued their discussion, Castiel's excitement grew. He wanted to learn more about his powers and how to control them properly, so he could use them for good. With growing love and determination in his heart, he faced his parents.

With rising determination, he promised himself,

"I'll make you proud, I promise."

The family began a new chapter in their lives within the grand halls of their new mansion, filled with laughter and cautious hope. Castiel's extraordinary abilities brought both challenges and wonders as they faced the future together.