CHAPTER 9 : Twilight Raid

The sky was clear, and the bright moon cast its silver light on the quiet forest where a peculiar mansion stood, concealed by tall trees. The only sounds were the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of night birds and insects.

Inside their home, Arthur and Helene conversed quietly. Although their lives seemed peaceful, they were always prepared for danger. They had become more alert after a past incident and would not allow anything to happen to their only child.

But how long would their peace last? Would they remain undisturbed despite the unfolding events?

A group of mystic rogues moved silently through the forest, dressed in black cloaks that hid them in the darkness. Experts in abduction and sealing magic, this group had a mission: to abduct the mysterious child and eliminate anyone who stood in their way.

As the rogues approached the mansion, they moved with certainty and silence, swiftly navigating the forest paths, their eyes glinting with determination. This group was more skilled in combat and assassination compared to the Shadow Mercenaries.

Inside the mansion, Helene was reading a book about healing magic while conversing with her husband. Arthur, seated near the fire, was sharpening his old weapons, which he thought he would never use again. The sound of the stone against the metal was almost relaxing, reminding him of the skills he had honed over the years.

Suddenly, Arthur sensed unfamiliar presences. He immediately stood up, ready to protect his family. He grabbed his sword, its blade gleaming in the candlelight.

Arthur whispered softly, his voice serious. 

"We've got company. Stay sharp."

Helene put down her book, stood up, and picked up her wooden stick.

Arthur quickly went outside to confront the unknown individuals, with Helene nervously following behind.

As Arthur saw the group, he immediately questioned them, gripping his sword tightly. 

"Who are you, and what do you want? Speak quickly, or face the..."

But before he could finish his sentence, the group started attacking.

They unleashed dark magic—a debuff that sapped the strength of anyone it touched. Black chains flew through the air, writhing like serpents, seeking to bind their prey.

Helene quickly cast a thin barrier to deflect it. Light emanated from her hands as her barrier absorbed the black chains until they disappeared.

Arthur lunged at the group, his sword a blur, his muscles coiled with years of honed skill and determination.

Helene supported Arthur with her barrier magic to deflect other attacks from the mystic rogues.

The sharp sounds of metal clashing could be heard as the attacks were exchanged.

Arthur's every move was fast and precise; each strike was perfectly timed. He used his physical skills and tactical thinking meticulously against the enemies. He dodged and blocked the group's attacks, their weapons glinting under the bright moonlight.

The rogues were no ordinary opponents. They moved gracefully, their dark cloaks swirling like shadows. They countered Arthur's attacks with agility and dark enchantments aimed at weakening his resolve.

Helene shouted while continuing to create barriers to protect Arthur. 

"You'll never have him! Not while I still breathe."

The rogues responded with loud, mocking laughter. One of them spoke, 

"The Council demands it. The child's power is too dangerous."

Hearing this, Arthur's strikes grew heavier, though the rogues continued to parry them. He focused even more on delivering powerful attacks.

Helene, now in tears, continued to cast barriers to support Arthur.

The battle raged on, sparks of light and darkness clashing in the open space of the forest. The ground trembled from the force of their clashes, and the air changed scent due to the magic being unleashed.

Despite the rogues' skill and persistence, Arthur and Helene's combined strength created a formidable defense. The rogues' traps were revealed, and their attacks were effectively countered.

Inside the mansion, Castiel slept soundly in his room, unaware of the chaos outside. His sleep was undisturbed, his small chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath, oblivious to the impending danger.

Meanwhile, other members of the rogue group quietly entered the mansion, moving stealthily to ensure no one noticed. They peeked into rooms, searching for the mysterious child. Eventually, they found him, their eyes fixed on the small bed where Castiel slept soundly.

They approached carefully, and when they were close enough, they cast dark magic to nullify the child's extraordinary power. But Castiel's barrier absorbed the magic being released by the rogues. The barrier glowed each time it absorbed the rogues' magic.

Frustration grew among the rogues as they repeatedly tried to break the barrier.

One of them whispered, 

"Damn this barrier, what kind of magic does this child have?"

They continued trying, hoping to break the barrier.

In anger, another rogue spoke, 

"Asleep, and still this strong? Cursed magic!"

After several more attempts, they realized they could do nothing and decided to leave the room. They moved cautiously to avoid waking the mysterious child. They knew that if he woke up, they would surely be doomed.

Once outside the mansion, they signaled their comrades, who were currently fighting Arthur and Helene, to retreat. Understanding the signal, they immediately retreated.

Before leaving, one rogue spoke, 

"We will return. The Council's will cannot be denied."

The rogues quickly vanished into the darkness.

Arthur and Helene, exhausted and panting, paused to catch their breath. They had a moment to reflect on the seriousness of their situation. They knew the rogue's words about the Council were true, and it added to their worry.

Castiel abruptly woke from a deep sleep due to a bad dream. He immediately got up from his bed and searched for his parents. But when he went to their room, he found no one.

His heart beats faster and louder.

He called out, 

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?"

Tears welled up in his small eyes, thinking they had left him. He ran outside the house. Once outside, he saw, not far away, his sweaty and exhausted parents.

He wiped his eyes and ran towards them.

He shouted, 

"Mom!! Dad!!"

They quickly turned upon hearing their child's voice.

Helene hurried to meet him with a tight embrace.

Castiel spoke again, his small voice quivering. 

"What happened? Why are you outside? I thought you left me."

Helene tightened her embrace, tears welling up in her eyes. 

"We'll shield you with our lives, my love. They'll never take you from us."

Arthur embraced his wife and child.

"Over my dead body, will anyone lay a hand on him..."

Arthur's words were abruptly silenced as an arrow struck, piercing his body with a sickening thud.