CHAPTER 10 : Helia's Journey

In the heart of the Mahargical Kingdom, in a world of luxury, there was a young woman named Helia. She was known not only for her beauty but also for her blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light and her long silver hair that danced with every step. Her every move was graceful, making her presence felt wherever she went.

As a lady of House Sterling, Helia was born into wealth and power. Their mansion, with its grand pillars and wide gardens, was a testament to their status. The Sterling name was respected, and Helia was raised with high standards of beauty and nobility.

Helia's upbringing was steeped in luxury from a young age. She was taught art, music, dance, and literature by tutors chosen by her parents. She attended lavish balls, always dressed in beautiful and expensive clothes. Her beauty and high status attracted attention from handsome young men of wealthy families from all over the Mahargical Kingdom. But despite her seemingly perfect life, Helia felt a growing sense of dissatisfaction.

Yet, despite her seemingly perfect life, Helia felt a sense of dissatisfaction and lack of freedom. The endless social occasions, meaningless conversations, and constant pursuit of power weighed heavily on her mind.

One evening, as Helia stood by the window at a lavish party, she overheard her companions' conversations.

Lady Layla leaned in closer to Lady Marga, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Have you heard about Lord Vine's latest scheme? He's targeting Countess Yara's trade routes—it's bound to cause chaos."

The weight of constant politics and deceit felt heavier than ever. She was endlessly engulfed in manipulation and scheming.

She turned away, feeling a heavy weight in her chest.

"I don't belong here," she thought. "This world of masks and manipulation isn't mine."

Helia decided to leave the party early.

That night, as the moon cast a silver glow over the manor, Helia made a decision that would change her life forever. Her dissatisfaction had grown into an unbearable weight on her soul. With a heart pounding in her chest and her hands trembling, she packed a small bag with simple clothes and a few cherished items. As she quietly slipped away, leaving behind the opulence that had become a gilded cage, she whispered to herself,

"This life was never meant for me. I must find my true self beyond these walls."

Though uncertain of her destination, she rode her white horse into the night, driven by a newfound determination.

Riding her white horse under the bright moonlight, Helia felt the cool night air brush against her skin, and the sweet scent of wildflowers filled her senses. Her heart raced with excitement and a touch of fear.

"The stars are so bright tonight," she whispered, feeling as if they were guiding her.

As she ventured deeper into the thick forest, the distant howl of wolves sent chills down her spine. Suddenly, she heard rustling nearby and saw a pair of shining eyes. Dismounting carefully, she approached and found a wounded fox, its fur matted with blood.

"Easy now," she whispered, her touch gentle but assured. "I won't hurt you. Let's fix you up."

She carefully selected the right herbs, her hands steady and heart full of compassion.

After tending to the fox, she continued her journey until she reached a small village, its houses battered and roofs torn apart by a recent storm. The sight of the destruction tugged at her heart. She approached the villagers, their faces etched with despair, and learned of their plight. Determined to help, she rolled up her sleeves and joined the efforts to rebuild. She repaired roofs, cooked hearty meals, and shared stories to lift their spirits.

An elderly woman, her eyes glistening with gratitude, approached Helia as the sun dipped below the horizon. "I don't know how to thank you, dear. You've given us hope when we had none."

Helia's throat tightened with emotion. "The pleasure is mine," she replied, her voice steady and full of warmth. "Finding purpose here has been a gift."

Helia continued to help the people, and several days passed since her arrival. One afternoon, while resting under a large, ancient tree, an old woman named Maeve approached her. The lines on her face told of a life filled with wisdom and experience.

Maeve approached, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "You seem different from our usual folk," she remarked, her eyes curious and kind.

Helia nodded, a wistful smile forming on her lips. "I come from afar, searching for a life that's truly my own."

Maeve's face softened with understanding. "How would you like to learn the art of healing? I can guide you if you'd let me."

Helia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I would be honored," she replied, her voice brimming with eagerness.

Over the following months, under Maeve's patient guidance, Helia learned the art of healing. She studied herbs, practiced spells, and honed her skills, finding a deep sense of fulfillment in helping others.

One day, while she was walking through the forest to collect herbs, she unexpectedly met a stranger. He was tall and strong, and though his clothing was simple, his charisma was undeniable.

Helia was unaware that this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life.