CHAPTER 11 : Threads of Fate

Helia's heart raced as a man suddenly emerged from behind a tree, his presence both mysterious and captivating.

He was a tall and strong man, with long black hair and bright red eyes, holding a small fox in his arms. His forehead was furrowed with worry. The fox was clearly in severe pain, with a large wound and labored breathing.

Arthur, accustomed to handling a sword, seemed awkward while holding the injured animal. His face showed the struggle and concern he was feeling.

As he stroked the fox's fur, he heard a rustling sound behind him. When he turned around, he saw a beautiful young woman walking towards him. He felt a strange sensation in his heart—not out of fear, but something else he couldn't explain.

Helia quickly approached when she heard the faint sounds of the suffering animal. When she saw it, she recognized the fox—she had helped it once before, while on her journey to find freedom.

The setting sun cast a soft light on Helia, highlighting her beauty. Her long silver hair and blue eyes added to her charm.

Arthur was mesmerized by her presence as she came closer, shifting his gaze from Helia to the poor fox.

When Helia finally reached him, she spoke gently, smiling softly, "Your friend seems to be in bad shape."

Arthur nodded, carefully holding the fox. He felt shy and almost stuttered as he responded, "It approached me injured, but I don't know how to help it."

He admitted with a hint of disappointment, "I don't have the skills to heal it, and I'm worried it might not survive the night."

There was a tenderness in Helia's eyes. "I remember this one. I helped it once before," she said, kneeling to examine the fox closely. "Let me help."

Arthur hesitated, surprised by Helia's confidence. But as he gently handed over the fox, he saw the determination in her eyes, giving him reassurance. He watched quietly as Helia began her work.

With calm and skilled movements, Helia inspected the fox's wounds. Her fingers moved with expertise, as if she had done this many times before. Arthur was amazed as Helia softly whispered to the fox, her voice soothing. He admired not only her skill but also her genuine care for the creature.

Helia took out some herbs from a small jar in a pouch at her waist. She carefully selected them, crushed them, and mixed them into a paste. "This will help with the pain and start the healing process," she said, applying the mixture to the fox's wounds. She also cast a healing spell from her hands to speed up the recovery.

The fox whimpered slightly but calmed down as it felt the soothing warmth from Helia's magic, its breathing becoming steadier. Helia continued to wrap the wounds with pieces of cloth. Arthur could see the relief in the fox's eyes, a result of Helia's gentle care.

Helia sighed in relief when she finished. "There, it should be better now," she said, looking at Arthur. "It needs rest to recover fully."

Arthur felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He was also troubled by his inexplicable feelings, but he smiled gratefully and admiringly. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I didn't know what to do. If it wasn't for you, the fox might not have made it."

Helia smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks. "I'm glad to help. Healing is something I've learned, and it seems to be useful," she said with a light laugh.

For a moment, they sat quietly under the large tree. Arthur couldn't shake the feeling that their meeting was not just a coincidence. Helia's purpose and kindness touched his heart.

"You're skilled," Arthur finally said, breaking the silence. "And you don't seem to be from around here. What brings you to this forest?"

Helia looked into his eyes and gave a sweet smile. "I'm on a mission to gather herbs and essential ingredients for my potions and remedies," she answered, her voice filled with hope and uncertainty. "I came from a faraway place to seek my freedom, and I found it in a small village near here."

Arthur nodded, feeling an unexpected connection to Helia. "What's your name? "Helia asked, curiosity shining in her eyes. "And it seems you're not from here either."

"I'm Arthur," he replied, offering a warm, though tired, smile. "I also hail from a distant land."

"I'm Helene," she introduced herself with a gentle voice.

As the last rays of the sun set and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, they continued talking, seemingly unaware of the passing time. The fox, now comfortably resting at their feet, lay on a bed of leaves they had made for it.

Arthur turned to Helene, his expression thoughtful. "You have a natural talent for healing. How did you learn it? "

Helene smiled softly. "It's a long story. I lived with an old healer who patiently taught me. But enough about me. What's your story? "

Arthur hesitated, his gaze shifting to the fox, then to the sky. "I think it's only fair to share my past with you. I used to be a knight in the Kingdom of Emuzhidi," he began, his voice tinged with sadness. "I faced many battles to protect the innocent. I was skilled in my craft, known for my tactics and bravery."

Helene listened intently, her eyes reflecting the flickering light of the fire before them. "That sounds like an honorable path. What happened? "She asked with admiration.

Arthur's eyes grew somber as he continued, "Yes. But with every victory came a price—the bloodshed, the despair. I fought for peace, but I couldn't stomach the brutality behind it."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Leaving the battlefield wasn't easy. The weight of the lives lost, the blood on my hands—it stayed with me." Tears welled up in Arthur's eyes as he spoke.

Helene was moved by Arthur's words, feeling the heaviness in them. "I understand the burden you carry, but everything happens for a reason," she said gently.

Their eyes met, and Arthur was struck by the sincerity in Helene's gaze. "Thank you. I don't often talk about this. It's hard to share these things."

Helene nodded, her voice calm. "I understand. We all have our battles, and it helps to have someone to share them with."

As the night went on, they shared more stories from their pasts, finding comfort in each other's presence. Helene spoke of her life as Lady Helia of House Sterling, her disillusionment with nobility, and her search for a new purpose. Arthur shared more about his past as Aspheous, his battles, regrets, and hopes for a peaceful future.

Their conversation shifted to more personal topics. They noticed small details about each other, like the sparkle in Helene's eyes when she talked about healing and the softness in Arthur's voice when he spoke about peace. They laughed together, their laughter blending with the natural sounds of the forest.

Helene stood up, stretching her arms after their long conversation. "I need to rest. Tomorrow, I have to gather more herbs and prepare for the coming days."

Arthur also stood up, his eyes still fixed on Helene. "I'll walk you back. It's a small way to thank you after what you did for the fox—and for me."

Helene smiled, feeling a slight blush on her cheeks. "I'd like that."

As they prepared to part ways for the night, Arthur realized that his feelings for Helene were growing deeper. Her kindness and beauty touched him, filling the void left by years of battle and regret. He realized that his feelings for Helene were more than just gratitude.

In the days that followed, Arthur and Helene grew closer. They spent their time helping each other, with Arthur learning more about healing from Helene. The moments they shared—whether gathering herbs, caring for the fox, or simply sitting by the fire—brought them closer together.

Arthur saw a future beyond the shadows of his past, a future made brighter by Helene's presence. Helene, too, found a kindred spirit in Arthur, someone who understood her quest for a new beginning and could share her journey.

Their relationship naturally blossomed, built on mutual respect and a deep connection formed through their shared experiences. They supported each other, and their love grew from friendship into a deeper, more meaningful bond.