CHAPTER 12 : Alpheous's Redemption

The country of Emuzhidi is shrouded in darkness, plagued by constant war, killings, and territorial disputes. It is ruled by a demonlord named Asmodeus Dabura. Alpheous served as a soldier in the kingdom's army. Despite his humble beginnings, he grew up with a strong sense of justice and compassion, instilled by his hardworking parents in the village who taught him the value of standing up for what is right.

Alpheous was just one of many soldiers training at the palace. Under the watchful gaze of their leaders, the air was filled with the sound of clashing swords and the cries of his comrades. His skill with a sword earned him a place in the armed forces.

Despite the chaos in the country, Alpheous was raised well by his parents. He had a deep love for justice and a strong sense of compassion for others. Despite the harsh realities of life in the army, he found solace in the friendship of his comrades. Although he had not yet witnessed the atrocities of war, this would change on a mission that would alter his life forever.

On one mission, he was placed under Captain Vortigern, a high-ranking officer known for his cruel and oppressive methods. They were sent to a distant village to enforce strict new regulations and collect large sums of money from the poor villagers. When Captain Vortigern ordered the execution of those who could not pay, Alpheous was overcome with disgust.

As the villagers' cries grew louder, Alpheous felt that this went against the principles his parents had taught him. The suffering of innocent people under the captain's orders deeply wounded his heart.

That night, while the village was quiet, Alpheous approached Captain Vortigern.

"Captain Vortigern, this isn't right. These villagers are innocent and suffering," pleaded Alpheous, his voice full of emotion.

Vortigern's gaze was sharp. "And you think your feelings matter here? My orders are law. You will follow them or face the same fate."

Alpheous's fists trembled, his heart racing. "I cannot be a part of this cruelty."

In a desperate bid to stop the suffering, before Vortigern could react, Alpheous drew his sword. Overcome with mixed emotions, he unintentionally killed Vortigern. Because of this, he was marked as a traitor.

At dawn, Alpheous quietly left, burdened with the knowledge that he was now a fugitive. He was stripped of his rank and ordered to be hunted down. He traveled with danger at every step, each move a desperate bid for freedom.

He waded through swamps, climbed cliffs, and navigated dense forests. His resilience was tested by every encounter with those hunting him—his former comrades. But the cries of the villagers inspired him.

One night, he managed to hide in a cave, barely escaping his pursuers. Although wounded, he did not lose hope. For him, his actions were justified, and he had no regrets.

After many months of evading capture, Alpheous reached the border of a neighboring country. Exhausted and worn, he found himself in a small, quiet village on the edge of a thick forest. This peaceful place was far from Emuzhidi's influence.

Alpheous took on the name Arthur, choosing to leave his past behind. He became part of the community, helping with chores and defending the village from threats. He earned the trust and gratitude of the villagers.

One day, while hunting in the forest, Arthur came across an injured fox on the brink of death. Unsure of how to help, a beautiful woman approached him. Despite it being their first meeting, he quickly fell for her.

Beyond her physical beauty, she had a golden heart. Soon, they grew closer. Arthur found himself increasingly drawn to Helene. Eventually, they both fell in love.

One evening, as they sat by a small stream with their feet in the cool water, the setting sun bathed the forest in golden light. The crickets sang, and the leaves rustled in the breeze.

"Arthur," Helene said softly, almost hesitantly. "Do you ever miss your old life?"

Arthur took a deep breath, the sound blending with the gentle flow of the stream. "Sometimes, but I have no regrets. I couldn't stand by and watch innocent people suffer. It came at a high cost, but it was worth it."

Arthur and Helene looked into each other's eyes and felt a connection. It was as if they had always known each other. Arthur leaned in and gently kissed Helene. The kiss was full of kindness and silent promises.

From that day on, Arthur and Helene were inseparable. They decided to build a small cabin in the forest so they could live together in peace and happiness. Arthur found joy in the simplicity of life with Helene.

They spent mornings tending their small garden, afternoons studying herbs, and evenings exploring the forest's secrets. Together, they discovered hidden streams and sparkling rivers, each new discovery strengthening their bond. This life, filled with love and simplicity, became their sanctuary.

In the quiet peace of the forest, Arthur often reflected on his journey—from being a simple soldier in Emuzhidi to living a modest life with Helene. He remembered the faces of the villagers he saved, the battles, and the moral trials he faced.

Each memory reinforced his belief that his decisions, guided by conscience and a desire for a just world, led him to this peace. On nights when he sat by the stream, watching the moonlight dance on the water, he felt immense gratitude for the life he had found.

The forest, with all its secrets and whispers, became his refuge—a place where he could fully let go of the past and embrace the future. Within this forest, with towering trees as its walls, he knew he had found his true self, even if the outside world couldn't understand his choices.

One night, as they sat under the stars, Helene rested her head on Arthur's shoulder.

Arthur gently stroked Helene's hair as he spoke. "Do you ever miss your old life, Helene?"

Helene shook her head, a content smile on her lips. "Not at all. This life, filled with love and simplicity, is more than I could ever have hoped for."

They sat in peaceful silence, the stars twinkling above them like distant dreams. Arthur felt a complete happiness he had never known before. With Helene by his side, he found a new purpose and a new beginning.

To the world, Alpheous Heartwood was a traitor, a deserter, and a fugitive. But to the people of the small town and to Helene, he was Arthur—a man who found redemption and a new purpose. And in his heart, Arthur knew this life was the true life meant for him.