(R18+) Inside the Goblin Queen's Chamber

"Where am I??" Suddenly, as though he had remembered something, something that caused his stomach to turn, his eyes widened and he turned to the side feeling like he would throw up.

It was understandable, after all, after raping the women and girls, the goblins had killed some right before his very eyes. Lance was a simple farmer when he got captured after all and had not known a day of fighting before in his life. If he had known any of those people, perhaps it would have been even worse.

'I don't know why I have been kept alive…' Normally, the men were killed and the women and girls captured, Lance couldn't say if he was lucky or unfortunate.

After being kidnapped by the goblins, he had gotten to experience proper hell and suffering for the first time. He was unsure for how long he would remain alive, as they could kill him at anytime.

'I just want this to end, it's too much...'

Being a normal village boy who had dedicated his life to toiling the soil and domestic work, Lance found himself at a complete disadvantage when he came face to face with monsters after he had escorted his brother, Marcus into the nearby forest to check on some traps he had set to catch small rodents like rabbits.

Under normal circumstances, Lance would never do such a thing as he was quite scared of anything that involved fighting or things that meant putting his life in danger, but after Marcus teased him of not doing real men activities in front of Ariel, Lance made the decision to follow him to hunt. Seeing as he made the promise in front of Ariel, there was no going back for him, at least, that was how he saw it.

Seeing as his brother was trying to preserve his pride as a man, Marcus felt bad for instigating everything since it all started from his teasing. Instead of bringing Lance for a proper hunt, he decided to bring him for something less dangerous, knowing his brother.

"So this is how it works? It looks easy..." Lance said.

'You won't have the same opinion if there was a wild beast around.' Marcus thought to himself.

"Alright, luckily we caught quite a lot today. It's a good thing that you're here, I would have had to made the trip twice to pull the haul."

"Sure thing, I'm good at carrying things, this is totally my job."

"Let's be fast before the smell of blood attracts dangerous creatures, these days even monsters have started appearing more frequently, we don't want to run into any."

"Let's get going then, it's not like we can mask the smell of the blood. To think you do this everyday..." Lance thought about it, somehow, he felt like Marcus was doing more important work than himself. All he had to do was till the soil while Marcus had to face all these dangers regularly. He glanced at his brother shortly with a grimace, his admiration growing even more.

"You know, you actua-" Lance was cut short before he could finish his statement as Marcus jumped on him to push him out of the way.

What was that? What had happened?

These were questions Lance couldn't answer as his consciousness slowly drifted away from hitting his head on the root of a tree.

He had no idea what happened after that, all he knew was that he had been captured.


Sometime after, back inside the goblin den, Lance was put in a wooden cage and carried like some kind of sacrifice, he wasn't sure where they were taking him, how could he know, it wasn't like he had been to this cave before, or any cave for that matter.

After a long while of walking and descending, the goblins brought him to a place that looked different. He could see other monsters that were bigger than an average adult human male with green skin and muscular bodies. They held better weapons like the ones held by soldiers. It was shocking to see.

Even though this was his first time seeing them, he could guess that these monsters were either ogres or orcs.

'They don't have a pig's face, so perhaps ogres?'

Truly, Lance did not know what his fate would be. The goblins spoke, but he did not understand the language. It has been like that since ancient times, humans didn't understand monsters, and monsters didn't understand human, so both sides could only fight one another for everything with the option of settling conflict with dialogue.

After bringing him deeper within this new area, Lance was dropped off in a small space where he would be confined and unable to escape, so he didn't bother to try. Part of the reason was because he couldn't, the other was because he was too scared to attempt, so the fact that he couldn't comforted the side of him that was scared and cowardly.

Soon after, some of the ogres brought him out of confinement and into a different section. There seemed to be a door, more like a path through the cave wall, a crack, covered by a kind of clothe made of material Lance had never seen before. Nevertheless, it resembled a rag, but when they passed through, Lance could feel that it was the hide of whatever unfortunate animal had been skinned like so.

Two ogres were by his sides as they dragged him into the chamber. On getting there, Lance gazed upon the monster before him, for it was close to naked and had an incredibly alluring body for a monster. Even in such situation, Lance couldn't help as the thought of him bending this monster came into his head. Of course, he was only strong and courageous in thoughts and not in reality.

The female monster spoke in a similar language as the goblins, then Lance was thrown to the ground and the two who brought him in left the chamber to stand guard outside. He could see one of them standing at one side of the door through a narrow space between the hide serving as curtain and the entrance wall.

Without warning, the female ogre easily dragged him by the ankle and tossed him towards the makeshift bed that was laid on the ground to the left side of the chamber.

The female ogre herself had a thin cloth covering her ample breasts as her nipples seemed to pierce the fabric. Simply seeing this was enough to get Lance hard enough that it was visible through his old trousers.

Her figure was perfect and she stood at about 6'3, covered in muscle that shone well but did not hide her feminine features. Her hips were wide enough that they called for a mate themselves, and her buttocks looked like they could be used as a cushion, despite her muscular build.

"What do you w-want with me?" Lance tried to back away, but because his ankles and wrists were tied up, he found it difficult.

The female ogre didn't look too thrilled as she stared at him for a while before moving towards him and placing herself on top of his lying body.

He could not move freely and his hands were tied in front of him, the female ogre grabbed his hands that were tied and raised them above his head. Lance was unsure how to feel to about this. This was surely not a good situation, but his body responded in a very different tone.

As her unexpectedly soft palm caressed over Lance's abdomen through to his face, while her left hand held his own hands in place, she stopped when she got to his neck, applying a little pressure so that Lance felt like he was choking for a bit before she released it and moved it towards his chin.

Applying a little pressure, Lance felt his mouth forced open, but for some reason, instead of resisting, he only anticipated what was going to happen next. For a virgin like himself, this was more than fantasy.

Nearing Lance's mouth with hers, the female ogre stuck out her tongue enough that the tip rested on Lance's lower lip, just inside his mouth. From hers, saliva flowed like honey into Lance's mouth, then after retracting for a second, she went in for an aggressive kiss as she battled with his tongue, easily ascertaining dominance, for Lance did not know how to go about it, he had never kissed before.

'This…' It was like torture, but it was sweet and enchanting in a way.

Lance felt his heart beat a bit faster, and his body get hotter. His face became of a redder complexion. Unknown to him, the ogre was not just playing romance, it had made him swallow her saliva which contained a strong aphrodisiac.

'My body… This heat…' "Ahhh…" He groaned in a low voice.

Seeing that the saliva had did its thing, and fast, the female ogre let go of Lance's hands above his head and went straight for his rock hard cock that had been poking at her thighs for some time now.

She grabbed hold of it in an aggressive manner and placed her hands under his balls, using her fingers to form a ring to hold it in place. As she pressed and pushed up his balls from under by tightening her hold, Lance's cock bulged with veins visible all over, it felt as though his cock had grown. At that moment, he was standing at 12 inches! At most he would be 11'5 inches on a normal day, not that it mattered now anyway, as he was fully intoxicated by the aphrodisiac coursing through his entire body.

Slowly and slimy like a seductive snail, the female ogre let her tongue down, coiling around Lance's cock. It seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved around his hard dick. This went on for some seconds that stretched longer for Lance as he felt the heat rising within him uncontrollably.

"This… AH…"

He could no longer bear the tension and with both of his tied hands, he pushed her head down so that his cock was completely swallowed, almost reaching her throat. The force also made her chin to press against his balls, forcing the stored up load to be disturbed greatly.

The female monster was surprised to see this, as she wasn't expecting Lance to take such initiative, but this was also pleasurable for her, so she allowed it, it also felt good.

Feeling the warmth of her mouth, Lance's hips danced like they had become possessed and began moving on their own! After a dozen thrusts, he could no longer hold it in, "Ah ah ah ah.. I'm-I CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER." He let out a hot stream of milky seeds that rushed into the monster's gullet and stomach from the force of ejaculation.

"Ah.. Ah.. Uhha!" After that, strength left his body, and he lost consciousness directly.


A/N: Drop your powerstones in support!!! Comment, drop a review, it all helps!