
"Ughh, my head hurts, it feels like I've been ran over by a truck… Wait, that's exactly what happened!"

After waking up, Lance felt the same way he would feel after working in the farmlands for an entire day without rest. He didn't understand why it was so, but that didn't matter at the moment.

"These memories… No, these are mine, instead, this body is the body I possessed. But why am I only realizing this now? Did I not reincarnate?" Aldritch thought about it, and the most possible reason was that he had been transmigrated into this body. But of all things, he felt a little shamed entering the body of this person because the owner of the body he entered had always been cowardly, well, the trying times were hard. "I can't blame him though."

"But damn, was it that god that made a mistake and sent me over to a grown body instead? What happened to this guy's soul? Did he really die from an orgasm? Was it that good? Damn…"


"Wow, do I actually get a system too? Awesome!"

-Initialising System-

-Initialisation complete-


-Integration complete-

-Updating Sytem…-


-System Update Complete-

-System is done setting up-

[Name: Aldritch Mondragon]

[age: 22]

[Rank: Ordinary]

[Race: Vampire]

[Evolution: Blooded Vampire]

[Blood Bank: 0]

[BP: 0]

[HP: ====]

[SP: 10/10]

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Dexterity: 2]

[Vitality: 2]

[Intelligence: 2]

[Racial Skills: {Blood Manipulation (Lvl 1} {Minor Compulsion Lvl 1} {Healing Factor} {Blood Bond}]

[Skills: {Hypnosis (Lvl 1)}]

Seeing the status window appear before his eyes, Aldritch was exceedingly thrilled.

He quickly went through the contents written on the status window.

'Hmm, good, my name did change, race, vampire, hmm… WAIT, WHAT?!' his expression turned ugly fast.

He was never given the opportunity to choose a race, but it actually came out like this, he became a vampire!

He quickly searched through his memories, but the original owner of the body was very much a normal weak human being, not an undead creature of the night! 'Damn! I've been duped…'

Aldritch calmed himself a bit, thinking of all the pros of being a vampire were. 'Well, I can't cry over spilt milk, at least it's a race that's higher than humans… I hope it is in this world.' There were no memories linked to the existence of vampires in his head, so he decided to just try to live from then on and make the most of life.

His eyes fell on the HP and SP section, and he actually had no HP. He assumed it was because vampires were kind of immortal, he was going to check it out later when he had the chance, after all, he had to know.

"Anyway, what's SP?... and blood pressure?"

[SP refers to your soul power, it is akin to mana, an ethereal form of energy capable of being used for many purposes. BP refers to your available blood points at any given moment, right now you have 0 BP] The system answered.

Aldritch was a bit surprised that his system even had an artificial intelligence, he was impressed.

He checked his stats, and looking at them, they were all basic for the most part. He wasn't too happy, but then again, he couldn't expect much. He quickly moved to his skills, there was nothing to see in the stats section.

'Hypnosis and compulsion, huh?'

[Those are the racial skills you have innately unlocked, apart from hypnosis that is not a racial skill. More can be unlocked]

'I see. I can also communicate with the system through my mind.'

"Hypnosis, huh?…" Thinking about it made Aldritch to smile slyly as the thought entered his mind. It could be an over powered skill if used correctly.

He looked around once again, there was no one inside the chamber. Even though he had been talking to himself, none of the guards at the door had entered or reacted to him, they obviously didn't see him as a threat, and he sure wasn't, at least now he was, as he soon found out. Even though he was a vampire now, he still had very weak stats.



You can do anything from creating illusions within the target's imagination to mind control. What is achievable depends on skill level and your mastery over the skill.

Level: 1

SP: 2/s [One time activation 5]


[Minor Compulsion]

Look into another's eyes and command them to do your bidding. Not effective against those with a stronger mental power and does not consume SP.

Level: 1


[Blood Manipulation]

Manipulate blood in your possession to do whatever you want with it.

Level: 1



[Blood Bond]

Turn others into vampires or lesser beings by injecting your catalyst into them. They will be sired to you with undying loyalty. Does not work on dead bodies and creatures whose rank far exceeds yours by too much.


[Healing Factor]

You can recover your injuries by consuming blood from your blood bank. The power of the skill depends on your mastery over it. It will activate automatically upon injury unless you decide otherwise.



. .

'Given my current situation, there isn't much I can do, I need a plan.'

Now as it was, Aldritch could break free of the old ropes used to bind his legs and hands since they weren't tied tightly this time, but now was not the right time. After he was done cooking up his plan, he waited for the female ogre to return.

Aldritch quickly structured a good plan, using what he had to make the most of it.

'Come back soon, my first meal.'