First Hunt

"So, what do you wish to talk about?" Aldritch was calm as he spoke.

"Ah, yes… well, I didn't know you had monsters under your ranks who are capable of speaking human language." She said sheepishly, or so it sounded.

"Even I can't explain how exactly that is possible." Aldritch answered sincerely. "Their ability to speak human language I mean." He clarified.

"Anyway, I doubt that's what you want to discuss." He added.

"Uh, you're right. You offered me power, and I accepted your offer because of my own ambitions, but maybe I didn't think everything through. Even though I now, have this power, I still don't know what your goals are. Please, if I may ask, what are your goals and what exactly am I going to assist with? What am I now a part of exactly?" Ingrid asked. Unrest sipped into her tone slightly as she spoke.