First Hunt 2

Thirty seconds went by slowly, and Ingrid was yet to do anything. Aldritch expected this, so he wasn't upset at the behavior.

In Ingrid's mind, thoughts of whether this lady really deserved it floated around, clouding her judgement and causing her to hesitate. Even though Aldritch tried to talk and convince her, it didn't do much.

"Hey! How are you doing, beautiful?" A slightly burly man said to the lady as he approached.

"Lower your voice, I'm fine. What do you want?" The lady asked, her voice etched with slight annoyance. She looked the other way as the man approached with a grin on his face. From her body language, Aldritch could tell that she was uncomfortable.

'Do they know each other? But from her body language, it doesn't seem to be a customer that pays.' He thought to himself.

Looking at how things were going, they had lost this target already, it was best to leave and find another unsuspecting prey.