Moving Out

"You two are back." Aldritch said as he came into his room to find Lina and Olgud inside. He had Ingrid on his back since she couldn't maneuver her way into the room through the window. With the stench of blood on her, there was no way they could use the front door and enter normally into the premises. Luckily, the side where their room was didn't face the busy streets.

"Yes, master." Lina said while bowing slightly. Olgud bowed the same but didn't speak.

The two inside couldn't help but notice the blood on stench. Being vampires, their senses were extra sharp. Once Aldritch dropped Ingrid, she quickly moved towards Lina and Olgud sheepishly.

"Well, there were some unforeseen happenings, but in the end no one undeserving of death died… How did it go on your end?" He asked the other two.

"We did as you ordered, no evidence was left, and no one was killed." 

"Good. Go out now, I need to clean myself."