Day 2, Part 1: A New Day And A Busy Morning

Continued from Day 1, Part 3: Ending The Day . . . .

Sam woke Damien up at 7 am who then quietly went outside to do a few tasks and not wake any of the others. Outside the three goblins on guard duty were Bot and Jin, the female cooks and Hex, a hunter Goblin. Bot and Jin had started the fire and Hex was in watch. Damien went along with his tasks and

checked the daily check-in.

Ding . . . Congratulations on surviving another day proceedings with Day 2 check-in, receiving, 20 E and S pts., 4 12 oz bottled

water, 4 hot cakes and sausage breakfast, 20 U. stones, 2 pills and 2 potions.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Then as the system store has reset at 7am also he checked that as well. Opening system store T1.

System Store T1:

1. 6pk of flavored 12 oz. drinks

Available 5/5, Costs 10 S pts.

2. Cheese Burger and fries, lunch

Available 5/5, Costs 5 S pts.

3. 10ft Pop- up tent

Available 5/5, Costs 10 S pts.

4. AB - Sink and Butchers Table

Available 5/5, Costs 15 S pts.

5. T1 Jewelry box

Available 5/5, Costs 10 S pts.

After spending 175 S pts. for all the items except the AB scroll, Damien then proceeds with using his recruiting stone for the day.

After another beautiful light show, a very handsome elf walked up to Damien and knelt.

"Greetings my lord, I am Aerin Worldtree, a forest elf and hunter. I offer my loyalty and service." Aerin said.

"Welcome to Atlas Island, I am Damien Atlas and Lord of this island. Please stand I am not one for formal ceremony and such. For the moment I only have 2 tasks for you, first explore and map the island to completion and second help my familiar Blaze to patrol the goblin mines not far from here. Capturing any goblins you can and killing any you can't. Before you leave for those I have 2 gifts for you, these 5 Stat pills to help boost your stats and if you will allow me to see your bow, I can upgrade it." Damien said and took the

offered bow.

Activating U. Skill, Flip For It, choose T1 Hunter's Bow, Quality and Heads . . . and won as the coin showed heads. He then received a T2 composite Hunting Bow.

Activating U. Skill, Flip For It, choose T2 Composite Hunting Bow, Quality and Heads . . . and won the coin flip as the coin showed heads. Damien then received a T3 Composite Recurved Hunting Bow.

After thanking Damien, Aerin took the 5 stat pills, 2 STR pills and 13 pts. to his STR stat, 2 PER pills and 19 pts. to his PER stat and a AGI pill and 7 pts. to his AGI stat and the he left after studying Damien's map and headed in the direction of the goblin mine.

Checking of Blaze, Damien saw that he had fully recovered and was eager to greet his new master. Calling Blaze out of his monster space, he was greeted by a red, orange and yellow full grown fox, tail waging a mile a


"Hello master, thank you for saving me and naming me. I will loyally serve you as you command." Blaze communicated through Damien's tamers skill.

"You are very welcome Blaze, I look forward to our future adventures." Damien spoke. "Can you join my new companion, Aerin, who is patrolling the goblin mine. But first lets equipt you with this armor and weapons." Then he gave Blaze a T1 leather harness armor, a iron helmet, a SS collar, iron claws and iron teeth.

"I'm on it and thank you for my gifts." Blaze replied and took off.

Damien then needed to open a few boxes looking for supplies to feed his expanded group.

Opening  gatherers box:

1. 6 – ass. tools

2. 7 - Gatherers push cart

3. 9 - 5 gal. bucket w/ lid

4. 9 - ass. Gathering bags

5. 9 - storage space upgrade stone

Opening Food and Water box:

1. 6 whole chicken

2. 6 gallon bottled water

3. 5 6pk canned fruit

4. 6 gallon bottle drink

5. 8 leg of beef

Opening 2 Survival Gear boxes:

1. 12 Cooking and Eating Gear

2. 13 Illumination Gear

3. 20 Food Gear

4. 14 Fire Gear

5. 19 Shelter Gear

Opening 2 Breakfast Meal boxes:

1. 11 – Trays of a dozen large eggs

2. 16 – 1 pound pack of bacon

3. 12 – 1 pound pack of sausage

4. 20 – 1 pound bag of rice

5. 19 – 1 loaf of sandwich bread

1. 10 – Box of 6 oatmeal pouches

(Assorted Flavors)

2. 14 – 12 ounce Bottled Drinks

(Assorted OJ, Iced coffee, milk, etc.)

3. 15 -Bag of a dozen muffins

4. 18 – 1 pound pack of sliced ham

5. 13 – 12 ounce containers of condiments

(Ketchup, butter, creamer, sugar, etc.)

Opening 2 Fisher man's Boxes:

1. 11 – Assorted Fishing Poles

2. 13 – Tackle Box (500 Ft. of line, 5 packs of hooks, 5 packs of floaters, 5 packs of weights, set of tools: fillet knife, needle nose pliers, wire cutters, Bic lighter and a Multi-Tool)

3.19 – 1 pound pack of bait (assorted types: worms, bugs, fish eggs, etc.)

4. 20 – Crab traps

5. 14 – Throw net

1. 15 – 1 Litter Scuba Diving Mini tanks with manual pump w/pressure valve

2. 16 – Diving vest rig with pull inflation and extra pockets

3. 12 – Spear gun w/extra spear

4. 17 – Diving gear ( assorted gear: Mask, snorkel, fins, etc.)

5. 18 – wet suit set (Assorted gear: top, bottom, one piece, protective gloves, reef walkers, etc.)

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna

"Bot and Jin, you can use these supplies to start breakfast and please wake everyone when it is finished being prepared. I'll head out to do a task and will be back for breakfast. Thank you" Damien said to the two cooks and after seeing their nods went to prepare to go to Treasure Chest Cove

or TCC for short.

Damien changed into a part of board shorts, diving vest, protective gloves, reef walker shoes, diving flippers, mask, snorkel and a spear gun and a diving knife w/calf holder. He also got a gathering bag and then after changing left toward TCC.

Ding . . . Congratulations on gaining the job, fisher man and receiving, 10 XP and S pts. and the passive skills, swimming, diving, breath management, bulls eye and proper fishing techniques.

Loot affected by Blessing Of Fortuna.

Now prepared for his tasks at TCC, Damien made ihis way down to the cove, Sam then directed him to the end of the sand near where the forest started and there a chest sat.

Ding . . . Congratulations on finding today's hidden chest, receiving, 10 XP and S pts.and 2 T1 Treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing Of Fortuna.

Sam said to check out the forest area beyond the chest and following his directions found a bamboo grove.

Ding . . . Congratulations of finding a major resource, the bamboo forest. Receiving 20 XP and S pts. and 2 T1 Treasure Chests and 2 Job boxes.

Loot affected by Blessing Of Fortuna.

Then Damien went diving for fish and food stuffs. He managed to spear 10 >10 pound snappers, 24 lionfish, a dozen large lobster and a lot of edible seaweed.

Ding . . . Congratulations on a successful fishing dive and completing a daily task, collecting a resource: food stuffs and finding an edible plant: seaweeds, Receiving 250 XP and S pts., 2 job boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests, 30 XP and S pts. and 6 T1 Treasure Chests.

Loot affected by Blessing Of Fortuna.

It was around 8:30 am when Damien came back to the cave, everyone was up and eating. He gave his harvest to Jin and told them he was going to shower and be out to eat in a bit. After a shower to wash the salt

off, Damien returned in his Armor as he needed to open a personal box for regular clothes.

Joining the others as they finished up, in between eating he gave everyone their tasks for the day. The trio from this morning were to rest then be up to prepare lunch, and they went into the cave to rest a little. Dyn, the other hunter goblin and Axel and Futt, the mage goblins were asked to hunt and gather until noon and the return with their harvest. Cull and Gaav, the sword and shield goblins and Ecko and Ink, the spear goblins were all tasked with helping Flank to clear forest and make a path to the goblin mine.  

Damien finished his breakfast of a heated muffing with butter a few eggs and a stack of bacon and an iced coffee.

Ding . . . Congratulation on completing a daily task, eating a fulfilling meat, receiving 10 XP and S pts. and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing Of Fortuna.

With there still being 2 hours before noon, so Damien started with adding to the cooking and eating areas outside the entrance. First

opening 3 AB boxes to get a few more AB scrolls.

Opening 5 AB boxes:

1.  8 – Outdoor lounge chair

2. 9 – 6'x6'x10' hallway

3. 10 – Children sized bunk beds

4. 6 – Small bathroom

5. 7 – 10' sq. growing plot

1. 7 – wood fence

2. 10 – 10'Lx1'Wx8'H wood, stone and dirt palisades

3. 6 - table

4. 8 - chair

5. 5 – Wood Burning Stove and Oven

1. 10 – watch tower

2. 6 – Table w/sink

3. 8 – fowl fencing

4. 7 – animal shed

5. 5 – Table w/cabinet underneath

1. 7 - 6'x6'x10' small Hut

2. 6 - small full bathroom

3. 10 – 6'x6'x10' room

4. 5 - reinforced doors

5. 9 - palisades

1. 8 - green house

2. 5 - WSS

3. 10 – 6'x6'x10' hallway

4. 6 - Low WSS

5. 9 - 6'x6'x10' hallway

Loot affected by Blessing Of Fortuna.

Starting with the cooking area, Damien first moved all the existing furniture out of the awning for now then he added an AB awning next to the existing one. Under the nes awning he placed 2 AB butcher's set up w/sink and hose and 4  AB FPCs, 2 each next to the butcher's set up. Under the older awning an AB stove and oven, table w/sink,

table w/cabinets underneath and another WSS were added to the existing furniture. This cost Damien 90 S pts. to complete.

Now for the eating area, the current furniture can stay, but Damien added 2 AB awnings next to the existing one along the mountain side. Under the one right next to the existing awning he built, 5 AB tables, for as dining tables and the last as serving table, 14 AB chairs , 7 each for dining, 2 AB each of WSS and FPC. Under the last awning Damien left it alone for now and with that done he now needed to change around the interior of the cave.

Inside the cave, Damien used AB 6'x6'x10' hallway along the front of the cave and straight south from the doors. On the east side of the main hallway he built 2 AB full bathrooms and moved the storage room to the other side of the bathrooms. Further east along the east side of the mountain he built an AB 10'x10'x10' room and a full bathroom for Flank's rooms also added a AB reinforced Wood door at the end of the hall there. This cost 250 S pts. for the hallways 40 S pts. for the rest.

On the west side of the main hall, 2 AB 10'x10'x10' room, a full bathroom and a small vault room all made up Damien's rooms, costing 40 S pts. Further west he placed another hallway the he built 4 AB 6'x6'x10' rooms and 2 AB small full bathrooms to serve as the goblins rooms, this cost 60 S pts, and with that his first remodel of the newly named Lonely Mountain (Yeah LOTR!) was done as he needed to talk to Aerin about his preferences.

Checking the time, Damien saw that it was about to be noon. Outside in the cooking area he saw that Bot and Jin were finishing up on lunch.