Day 2, Part 2: Afternoon Tasks

Continued from Day 2, Part 1: A New Day And A Busy Morning . . . .

Damien saw that Flank and the goblins had made great progress with clearing the forest and the path to the Goblin mines and were all on the way up the hill toward the LM. Aerin was already seated at the eating

table sipping a bottled drink.

"Greeting my lord." Aerin spoke as Damien sat across from the elf. "Blaze and I were able to capture quite a few goblins as they exited the mines." Gesturing toward a group of restrained goblins. "Blaze is on guard

as well and after this meal we will switch and intend to take him his meal was


"No need for that as I will be going into the mines after lunch and you may go and explore the island." Damien informed Aerin.

Ding . . . Congratulations your companions have captured 25 level 0 goblins, receiving 250 XP and S pts. And 2 T1 treasure chests.

By the time they had finish their short chat, Flank and his helper goblins had joined and were either helping put lunch on the serving

table or seated. To the east of the newest awning was a huge pile of logs and next

to it another pile of pulled up tree stumps. The cook goblins said lunch was

ready, fire roasted chicken with roasted vegetables.  Flank had built a fes makeshift pen for some captured wild game with the help of a few goblins and was now eating along with everyone else and after making a plate for himself and getting a cold bottle of

sweet tea, sat to eat as well.

Ding . . . You're companion has chopped down  268 trees, uprooted 268 root stumps, began grading a path and harvested 200 assorted useful plants and mushrooms,

receiving,  7360 XP and S pts., 2 Woodsman's Boxes and 2 BP Stone Path.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Ding . . . Your enslaved goblins have, captured 10 wild fowl, 16 chicks,  3 50 lbs. wild boar, 2 baby wild boar, killed 3 100 lbs. wild boars, 4 wild fowl, harvested 5 lbs. of

wild rice, 10 lbs. of wild potato and 10 taro roots, receiving,  630 E and S pts., 2 small huts and 2 domesticated animal boxes.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Then Damien went over to the captured goblins and enslaved all 25, his level 2 enslaving skill allowed for 10 uses.

Activating Job Skill: Enslave, enslaved 10 level 0 goblins.

His job skill leveled up, allowing for 20 uses , so Damien used it again.

Activating Job Skill: Enslave, enslaving the remaining 15 level 0 goblins.

His job skill had leveled up again, allowing for 40 uses. Damien then checked all of the new goblin's status before assigning them

classes, equipment and skills.10 were female named, Oli, Minn, Raaz, Vell, Ann,

Cat, Zan, Pie, Ula and Qin. The males were Bell, Jax, Pike, Max, Sun, Tom,

Ryan, Oran, Vahn, West, Xan, Lee, Nite, Unko and You.

Oli, Minn, Raaz, Vell and Qin were given gear and skills the same as the cooks. Ann, Cat, Zan, Pie and Ula were assigned to be mages and given the same gear as the other mages. Lee, Nite, Unko, You and Bell were assigned

as hunters and given their gear same as the others. Jax, Pike, Max, Sun and Tom

were assigned Sword and Shield and given their gear and skills. Lastly Ryan, Oran, Vahn, West and Xan were assigned to be spearmen and given the needed gear

and skills.

As everyone finished eating but were still seated, they all were chatting and just relaxing, even the goblins and Damien was wondering what was going on, Sam chimed in with. "They are linked to you now and are your subordinates, as such the system has compensated by increasing their intelligence to make so they are on our level." Sam told the trio. "That means language, communication skills and social skills. We are all being helped to be agreeable."

Damien checked the status of all 35 goblins, Flank, Aerin and Blaze, with the XP pts. they had collected for todays work they boosted everyone to level 10. The 7 cooks were given the gatherers carts that could carry 100

items each, they were ready to raid the goblin mine.

Up front 3 Sword and Shield Goblins to defend the group, 2 Spear Goblins behind them with Damien to be the main attackers and Blaze and hunter goblins at the rear using magic and bow and arows to attack. The other goblins were going to stay at the camp Damien was going to build and guard the captured and rotate as they go down in the cave. Lastly the Cook Goblins would

follow behind the fighters and help to collect loot and bodies. Flank would be continuing

to clear  forest and extend the path

between the mine and the LM and Aerin was to explore and map the island and hunt

and gather till before sunset.

Sam warned them there was a group of 12 goblin, 5 of them hunter goblins outside the entrance. The soldier goblins knelt and the hunters stepped up, and with a twang of the bow all five were injured, the whole group

of goblins went over and tied the 12 goblins up. The 2 healing goblins healed the

injured goblins while they were tied up.

Ding . . . Your raid group has captured 5 lvl 2 hunter goblins and captured 7 lvl 0 goblins, receiving, 220 XP and S pts., 26 Assorted

weapons/tool, 56 assorted armor/clothing, 26 water items, 10 food items, 10 random

stat pills, 26 U stones,10 random ore pc., 10 random gem pc., and 2 miners boxes, 2 raw ore and stone boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Activating Job Skill: Enslaved all 12 goblins, the 5 hunter goblins requited the armor and weapons and helped with the raid (males: Jinx, Loner, Taxi and Anvil, female: Doll). The 7 level 0 goblins went on to help

Flank clear trees (female: Erin, Nora, Pam, Winn, Illa, Fran and Tash).

Damien had prepared a bunch of supplies to take build a camp outside the mine to be a base to clear the goblins and then the base of operations for mining ore and stones. When the group made its way to the entrance to the mines. Once there Damien, Flank and Kalair built the camp 4 AB Wood Palisade Wall, 2 AB Wood Towers and 2 AB Fire Pit. Altogether costing 70 S pts, the last

thing was 2 AB Wood Doors for the cave entrance and 2 more for the palisades,

costing 40 more S pts.

All the goblins were also given blunt weapons to help with subduing goblins instead of killing them, short baton replaced short sword, blunted spears and arrows, and mages were given stun or bind spells to help.

Ding . . . Congratulations on building and securing a camp next to the goblin mines, receiving, 100 XP and S pts., 2 AB scroll boxes and 2 food and water boxes.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Blaze had gone ahead to scout and reported that in the 1st cavern there was 15 goblins, 7 level 7 Sword goblins and 8 level 0 goblins.

Blaze would stay and watch them and report any movement.

In both towers there was either a mage or archer to provide over watch. All the other goblins were to be on standby and switch with the goblins who were fighting and bringing the captured goblins to their camp. Any captured goblins that aren't enslaved today are to be guarded by any of the

waiting goblins.

The three sword and shield goblins would pull the enemy goblins attention, Damien and the spearmen goblin would be the primary attackers and the mage and hunter goblins would help out. Blaze was to serve as scout and last resort attacker. Lastly the cook goblins would follow with the gatherers carts to take the loot. Then the shield or spear goblins would take any other lvl 0 goblins out to join the other lvl 0 goblins and guard them also.

The raid group made its was to Blaze before attacking the 1st cavern and the 7 lvl 7 sword goblins. The attack was quick and deadly, 4

enemy goblins went down immediately by the combination of spear goblins and Flank, then shield goblins finished off the remaining enemy before approaching the 8 lvl 0 goblins and tying them up and leading them out to the other captured goblins.

Ding . . . Congratulations on capturing 7 level 7 sword goblins and 8 level 0 goblins, receiving, 640 XP and S pts., 44 Ass. weapon, 128 Ass. Armor, 44 water items, 28 food items, 28 pills, 28 potions, and 28 U

stones, 28 random ore, 28 random gems, 14 mana stones, 14 ass. Mine resource, 2

T1 treasure chests, 2 miners boxes and 2 raw ore and stones boxes.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Activating Job Skill: Enslave, all 15 goblins were then added to Damien's group of goblins. Carl, Sid, Warren, Bane, Gran, Hanna and Amy were given their Sword and shield gear back and Dean, Erny, Fork, Geo,

Bella, Camie, Jamie and Kate were sent to help Aerin with whatever he had hunted and gathererd.

Blaze had already left to scout the next cavern and reported that there was 9 goblins in the nest cavern, 8 lvl 10 sword goblins and 1 lvl 0 goblin. Damien went ahead and used his job skill.

"Ok everyone we need to be cautious with this next cavern, Blaze tells me that there are lvl 10 goblins in there, same as us. All mages

are to immediately cast stun and bind while all hunters are to use the bolas to tie the armed goblins up and the rest are to rush in and disarm the enemy. They proceeded into the next cavern as quietly as possible, and they managed to catch them around the fire pit and not watching their surroundings. 4 of the enemy goblins went down right away to stun spells and bola, three more were K.O.'ed with running shield bashes and the last level 10 went down with a Quick strike

from Damien. The spear goblins then went to the 1 lvl 0 goblin and tied her up and they all were placed ing the center of the cavern next to the fire place.

Ding . . . Congratulations on capturing 8 level 10 sword goblins and a level 0 goblin, receiving, 890 XP and S pts., 34 ass. Weapon, 130 ass. Armor, 48 ass. jewelry, 50 water items, 48 food items, 48 pills, 32

potions, 48 U stones, 32 random ore pc., 32 random gem pc., 32 mana stones, 32 ass.

Mine resources, 2 miners boxes, 2 raw ore and stones boxes and 2 T1 treasure


Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Activating Job Skill: Enslave, and with that 9 more goblin joined Damien's forces. James, Kyte, Mike, Newt, Other, Pen, Qwan and Roof were given their gear back, and Maya was sent to help Flank.

Blaze went to scout and returned with news of what was waiting in the 3rd cavern. 11 goblins, 4 lvl 6 mage goblins and 7 lvl 0


After a short rest the group got into position and traveled down the tunnel and this time the enemy goblins were aware of them and fired spells as soon as they entered. But as the shield goblins lead and had their

shields at the ready. Damien and the spear goblins used their weapons to disarm

while dodging spell fire. In the end blunted arrows that took down the 4 mages.

Ding . . . Congratulations on capturing 4 level 6 mage and 7 level 0 goblins, receiving, 250 XP and S pts., 30 ass. Weapon, 70 ass. armor, 30 water items, 16 food items, 16 pills, 8 potions, 30 U stones, 16 random ore

pcs., 8 random gems pcs., 8 mana stones, 8 mine resource, 2 miners boxes, 2 raw

ore and stones boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Activating Job Skill: Enslave, and with that 11 more goblins added to Damien's group, Lynx, Mort, Kent and Vex were requited with their mage gear, Pot, Sink, Muse, Hair, Pink, Red and Key were asked to help Flank or


Blaze goes to scout and tells Damien that there are 9 goblins in the 4th cavern, 4 lvl 10 sword goblins and 5 lvl 0 goblins. So after

a short rest they all went into the 4th cavern in formation. Immediately the shield and spear goblins able to quickly K.O. all 4 level 10 goblins, then the soldiers go on the capture the lvl 0 goblins.

Ding . . . Congratulations on capturing 4 level 10 sword goblins and 5 level 0 goblins, receiving, 290 XP and S pts., 26 ass. Weapons, 42 ass. armor, 12 ass. Jewelry, 34 water items, 24 food items, 24 pills, 16

potions, 34 U stones, 16 random ore pcs., 16 random gem pcs., 16 mana stones, 16

mine resources, 2 miners boxes, 2 raw ore and stones boxes and 2 T1 treasure


Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Activating Job Skill: Enslave, and Hank, Ivan, Quit and Unit rejoined the Sword and Shield Goblins with their gear, Leann, Xena, Yoko, Ivy and Queen followed them all out as Sam mentions that it'll be sunset soon, so

Damien call the end to todays raid and they left the mine.