Day 2, Part 3: A Much Larger Group And Last Tasks For The Day

Continued from Day 2, Part 2: Afternoon Tasks . . . .

Knowing his group had greatly increased, and so they would all need food water and shelter for the foreseeable future. 5, 10' pop-up tents were used as temporary shelter, along with 5 CPC to protect them and with Flank choosing to stay at the mine camp just in case anything goes wrong along with

the goblins.

Damien gave him 2 Str, 2 End and 1 Int pills which gave him 10 Str pts., 9 End pts., and 7 Int pts. He also gave him 100 food and 100 water items enough to feed all the goblins and told him to have a group of 10 goblins

to be on guard, with orders to capture first and kill only if necessary. He also asked that a group of three come to the LM and guard as well.

Ding . . . Congratulations your companions and slaves cleared more forest and continued the path betwee the LM and GM, 331 trees were cut down and stumps pulled, 156 useful plants and another 165 resources were collected, receiving 9830 XP and S pts., 2 t1 treasure chests, 2 woodsman box,

2 gatherers box and 2 food and water box.

Damien, Aerin and 10 of the cook goblins took the loot to the cave camp before the goblins returned to the mine camp.

Ding . . . Congratulations on completing a daily task to full expectation and another daily task: completely explored the island found a minor resource: a mud hole w/ a small fresh water spring, 80 XP and S pts., 16 T1 treasure chest, 2 gatherers box, 2 hunters box, 2 job box and 2 food and

water box.

Ding . . . Congratulations of discovering a hidden task: Map your Island, receiving 1000 XP and S pts. And 2 T2 treasure chest, Awarded the title: Explorer.

Looking at the total loot gained from todays raid there was . . . 160 ass. Weapon/tools, 426 ass. Armor/clothes, 184 water items, 126 food items, 131 ass. Pills, 54 ass. potions, 166 U. stones, 102 ore pcs., 94 gem

pcs., 70 mana stones and 70 MR.  

Damien decided to open 5 T1 treasure chests.

Opening T1 treasure chest:

1. 6 - water item

2. 9 - food item

3. 6 - survival items

4. 5 - armor

5. 8 - weapon

6. 5 - AB scrolls

7. 7 – personal item box

8. 6 - resource boxes

9. 9 - job box

10. 6 - tamers boxes

1. 9 - water items

2. 5 - food items

3. 9 - survival gear

4. 10 - armor

5. 9 - weapon

6. 9 - AB scrolls

7. 7 - spell scrolls

8. 10 – personal item box

9. 6 - resource boxes

10. 9 - tamers boxes

1. 9 - water item

2. 8 - food item

3. 5 - survival gear

4. 8 -  Jewelry

5. 8 - weapon

6. 6 - BP scroll

7. 10 - one time use spell

8. 6 - resource boxes

9. 8 - SSUS

10. 6 - job boxes

1. 6 - water item

2. 7 - food item

3. 5 - survival gear

4. 9 - armor

5. 8 - weapon

6. 8 - AB scroll

7. 7 - skill scrolls

8. 7 – personal items boxes

9. 8 - SSUS

10. 5 - U stone boxes

1. 5 - water item

2. 6 - food item

3. 10 - survival gear

4. 8 - armor

5. 5 - weapon

6. 10 - AB scrolls

7. 9 - spells

8. 5 - U Stone boxes

9. 5 – personal items boxes

10. 6 - tamers boxes

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Opening 2 Personal Item Boxes:

1. 8 – Regular Clothes Set

2. 10 – Under clothes set

3. 9 – Under Clothes Set

4. 7 – Shower Hygiene Set

5. 9 – Shower Hygiene set

1. 6 – Sun Hygiene Set

2. 5 – Hair Hygiene Set

3. 9 – Teeth Hygiene Set

4. 9 – Regular Clothes Set

5. 7 – Skin Care Hygiene Set

Loot affected of Blessing of Fortuna

Then Damien level upped his U skill to level 3 and 4 uses a day, then he activated his U skill.

Activating U skill, Flip For It, choose a T1 flying mount, quality and heads then . . . Won a T2 flying mount from Fortuna's Treasury.

Activating U skill, Flip For It, choose a T2 flying mount, quality and heads then . . . won a T3 flying mount from Fortuna's Treasury.

Sam suggested to not push his luck with that skill and with that mount.

Activating U skill, Flip For It, choose a T1 monster egg, quality and heads then . . . won a T2 monster egg from Fortuna's Treasury.

Activating U skill, Flip For It, choose a T2 monsters egg, quality and heads then . . . won a T3 monster egg Fortuna's Treasury.

Activation Unique Skill: Wheel of fortune, Damien watched as the wheel spun and spun until it stopped at . . . 5 – T5 Tamer's Maturing Potion.

After reading the description of the maturing potion he decided to use the mount item and the T3 monsters egg. He then selected the T3 mount item and choose to use it, and after a little while a small reptilian monster with large wings appeared in front of him.

Ding . . . congratulations on acquiring a tamed mount beast of the proud dragon race, a Moon Dragon, please name her, receiving 100 XP and S pts., 2 Dragon Gear box, 2 containers of meat and 2 T3 treasure chest.

Damien saw the dragons pure white scales and decided to name her, Pearl, and then took out the T5 Tamer's maturing potion and feed her the potion. Sam said put her outside next to the fire pit as she'll grow to full size overnight and have a container of meat ready cause she'll be extremely hungry in the morning.

Hearing that Damien knew he needed to open the dragon gear box and a container of meat.

Dragon Gear Box:

1. 10 – Ass. Mounting Harnesses

2. 10 – Ass. Weapons

3. 10 – Ass. Armor pcs.

4. 10 – Dragon care Kit

5. 6 – Ass. Sleep systems

1 – 10. 1653 – Whole Cow Carcasses

11 -20. 1480 – Whole Ox carcasses

21 -30. 1477 – whole chicken carcasses

31 – 40. 1581 – whole rabbit carcasses

41 – 50.1369 – whole goat carcasses

51 – 60. 1475 – whole boar carcasses

61 – 70.1302 – whole tuna carcasses

71 – 80. 1457 - whole marlin carcasses

81 – 90. 1448 - whole horse carcasses

91 – 100. 1645 - whole bear carcasses

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna

Sam then directed Damien through the process of opening a monster egg, so following Sam's instructions he took out the T3 monster egg and a knife and pricked his thumb and smeared blood all over the egg covering the entire surface. Then placed it in the ground next to the bench he was sitting

on. After a while the egg started to crack and then snapped open to reveal a pair of brown mongoose.

Ding . . . congratulations on hatching a rare twins monster egg, you are the first to tame a T3 monster and a monster twins, please name them, receiving, 100 XP and S pts., 2 Tamed gear box, 2 tamer's box and 2 T2

treasure chest.

After examining the twin mongoose, Damien decided to name the one with a white spot on its head Kane and the pure brown one Abel. He then took out 2 T5 tamer's maturing potions and feed them to the twins. Then made room for them on the bench nearby.

Next Damien choose to level up to level 20 costing 950 XP.

Ding . . . Congratulations on being the first lord to reach level 20, this unlocks 2 new uses a day for Recruiting stones and the T2 A.I. perk and upgrade of the T1 A.I. perk, receiving, 200 XP and S pts., 2 r. stone

box, 2 A.I. reassigning stones box and 2 T2 treasure chest.

"You managed to get an A.I. reassigning stone, this allows your companions to get their A.I.s back" Sam said as he saw what was given for reaching level 20.

Damien opened both the 2 R. stone and 2 A.I.R. stone boxes.

Opening 2 Recruiting Stone boxes:

1. 6 – Master craftsmen

2. 7 – combat unit

3. 10 – Master Craftsmen

4. 5 – Regular

5. 7 - craftsman

1. 10 – Family

2. 7 – Random master

3. 10 – Combat Master

4. 9 – Mage

5. 5 - regular

Opening 2 A.I.R. boxes:

1. 9 – Lost A.I. restorer

2. 6 – T2 perk restore

3. 9 – T1 perk restore

4. 7 – T2 perk restore

5. 5 – T3 perk restore

1. 9 – New A.I.

2. 8 – Perk upgrade

3. 8 – Lost A.I. restorer

4. 8 – T1 Perk restor

5. 8 – Perk upgrade

Now that his uses of R. stones was increased and rest he decided to use them now and took out a master craftsmen stone and as Sam had recommended thought of a master blacksmith before activating the stone. There was the expected light show and a dwarf walked up to Damien and knelt.

"Greeting my lord, I am Ollikk  Vulcanborn, I am a mountain dwarf and master blacksmith and gunner. I thank you for recruiting me and hope to be of service to you. If you will give me a second of your time I have a gift for you." Ollikk pulled a revolver out of his inventory. "This is my master piece of

gunnery, a T3 Revolver, named Kaos, my gift to you in hopes that you will do a favor for me." All this time Ollikk stayed knelt down with eyes down.

Damien searched the dwarf with his eyes looking for ulterior motive for the gift and favor.

"Thank you master dwarf and welcome to my Island, I am Damien Atlas. I appreciate the revolver as my A.I. says there is a class open

to gunners I would like. Now let us hear what this favor is." Damien spoke in as best a neutral tone as he could.

"I simply wish that if you find yourself in possession of another R. stone, you use it to call on members of my family. I have a very

much missed them and want any kind of word from them." Ollikk said and Damien

saw that there were tears falling onto the ground.

Sam then told him that he had family r. stone, which can to just that with a few needed ingredients.

"My A.I. says that I have in my possession just the thing that will fulfill you request, but I will need a few things from you." Damien


"Anything I have I will give you to make it possible" was Ollikk's response.

"Then I will need some of your blood, the highest tier mana stones you have and 1000 S pts." Damien said this while taking the family recruiting stone from his inventory and placing on the bench next to Kain and

Able as the twins sleeping.

Seeing the stone Ollikk also pulled out 5 stones, a knife and sent Damien the 100 S pts. via their systems. The 5 stones were all T5 Mana stones a divine treasure, but needing only one he choose the one with the

highest stored mana, then he gave the stone to Ollikk.

"Prick a finger and cover this stone in your blood." Damien instructed as Sam said. He then grabbed the mana stone, placed his hand over Ollikk's hand as he held the blood covered stone and system prompt showed up.

Ding . . . Do you wish to use this Family Recruiting Stone.

"Yes" Damien said.

The pair watched as both of their hands became empty and Damien saw that the given S points were also gone. Then there was a very bright light flashed and a crowd was now standing in front of the fire pit next to the sleeping Pearl.

28 dwarves, men women, teens and children stood before Damien and Ollikk who promptly burst into tears and ran toward his family. The greetings, exchanging for hugs, kisses and brotherly smacks took a long time

and it was full dark, so Damien went to get a few torches and seating AB scrolls. But when he returned the area in front of the built awning was now full of six teepees and a large tent surrounded by torches and full of tables and chairs. The whole family had moved to under the tent and were in the middle of exchanging stories. Ollikk and an older pair walked up to Damien when they saw him.

"My lord this is my father Thelg and my mother Joluna Vulcanborn, they wish to speak to you" Ollikk said as they met and sat down a ways away from the others, then turned away and returned to the larger group.

"Welcome Masters Vulcanborn, I am Damien Atlas and plese feel free to say your piece." Damien said to the sitting duo.

"Thank you, Lord Damien, we just wanted to thank you, for recruiting Ollikk and the rest of our family. Our world is lost to the Central A.I.

because our worlds champions lost their challenge and we were enslaved, with

the possibility of separation or worse. By recruiting the whole family we are

together and we all can tell you are a good man cause you used a very rare item to help a companion. We are willing to serve and help in any way needed as long as we are treated as companions and not as slaves." Thelg spoke and Joluna nodded along.

"That is not a problem as you will see in the morning, I have goblin slaves and they are not treated as such. After I finish conquering

the goblin infested mine, I will leave it to you, to run and keep it accountedfor. As long as that is okay, I may ask for project or gear upgrades but other then that only help for quests and challenges will I be asking for assistance." Damien said.

"We will be honored to run the mine for our group and any requests will be expedited and fulfilled to the best of our ability. Do you have any orders as of now?" Joluna asked.

"For the moment just to start upgrading the goblins gear and help the companions to upgrade their gear as I intend to be using my daily allotted uses of recruiting stone. I also see that you have your own accommodations but if at any point you need assistance in getting permanent housing we can work together to do that." Damien replied and after a nod the heads of the

Vulcanborn family head back to join the other.

It was starting to get late but Damien still needed to take his daily pills and then took 2 STR, 2 AGI and 1 INT and got 19 STR, 18 AGI and 10 INT. Then he took out a sleeping bag and laid out next to his sleeping

dragon and mongooses and asked Sam to wake him at 7am or if Pearl gets up.