Chapter 2

Alessio awoke to the sound of a loud bang downstairs, he groaned as he sat up and looked besides him to find Avanya gone. He didn’t panic because he could hear the shower running, he smiled when he thought about their passionate moment. The bang jerked him out of his thoughts, he put on his clothes and rushed downstairs to see what the commotion was about. The moment he opened the door though, he found himself being pushed on the ground with his hands behind his back and men yelling at him no not move. A few policemen burst into the house and looked around.

“Alessio Lucci, you’re under arrest for the kidnapping of Vanya Parez, you have a right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law,” the officer who was cuffing him narrated sternly. “You have a right to an attorney, if you can’t afford one, one will be appointed to you by the State.”

However, Alessio was not listening, he was frozen in shock and could not believe what was happening. He had totally disregarded the fact that Avanya might have people looking for her out there. The thought of losing her left him completely shaken once again.

“What the hell is going on?” Avanya asked in a cold tone as she came into the room dressed in a large t-shirt and tights. The officers paused startled by her tone.

One of the officers cleared his throat,” Ma’am, we have an arrest warrant for this man.”

“On what basis?”

“For kidnapping you…”

Avanya took a step closer to the man with her glare cutting him off,” Do I look like someone who is being held against her will to you, officer?”

The man gulped,” Well no but we were told that…”

“I don’t give a fuck what you were told, officer, your job is to get your facts right before you come barging into someone’s house and arresting them.” She seethed,” Alessio did not kidnap me so I suggest you let him go and never come here again or else I will make sure you lose your jobs the next time you bother my man.”

Both Alessio and the officers were stunned, officer Greg, the one who had been talking went to argue but one threatening glare from Avanya and he kept mum. He gave the other officer a nod and the man unlocked the cuffs. As soon as he was free, Alessio ran to Avanya and hugged her tight, he buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply to calm his racing heart. Avanya held him close, she knew how terrified he must have been at the thought of her leaving. She looked at the officers sternly.

“Who told you I was kidnapped?”

Officer Greg frowned at her emotionless demeanor and the fact that she was holding the man who supposedly kidnapped her. “Someone called to report a kidnapping that they saw take place at the Park in the city a few months ago. After a lot of investigations, we were able to identify you and him with the help of CCTV tapes.” He replied calmly,” What baffles me though is that we saw the footage, you were taken then why are you protecting him?”

She could see the questioning gazes the officers were giving her, she also could guess what was going on in their heads. Avanya pulled back from the hug and marched forward, she slapped one of the officers hard. The others quickly drew their weapons at her but before any of them knew it, Alessio had her pulled behind him. “You’ll have to go through me first before you harm a single hair on her.” His voice was cold and firm.

The officers drew back their weapons in shock, the leader looked at the couple in silence before he smirked. “I see your point, Miss Parèz, next time don’t go around slapping people to prove your point because your lover might be too late to save you.”

Avanya smirked,” I will keep that in mind. Now if you’d please excuse us, we have things to do.” With that she walked them out before turning to her lover. “Dinner?”

Alessio sauntered over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into a deep kiss, “How did I get so lucky to deserve you?” He murmured against her lips.

Avanya smiled,” Well, you didn’t get lucky, you saw an opportunity and you seized it the way I see it. Luckily for you, I happen to fall for you at first sight.”

He froze at her words,” You fell for me? Avanya, did you just say you’re in love with me?” He gaped.

“Wasn’t it obvious? I stayed after you kidnapped me and I gave myself to you just a few hours ago, did I not?” She raised a brow at him.

The next thing she knew she was off the ground and being twirled around by a very excited Alessio. She let out a hearty laugh, he might as well be dancing around like a school kid but she didn’t care. He put her down but his hands never left her waist. Avanya almost laughed at the goofy grin he had on his face, she couldn’t help but feel just as thrilled as he did though.

“I love you so much,” He whispered before pecking her forehead,” Thank you for choosing to stay with me.”

They embraced for a while longer before going to the kitchen to prepare dinner, Avanya noticed that Alessio loved staying as close to her as he possibly could. She figured the first day he had a panic attack after she disappeared that he had abandonment issues. She didn’t know much about his past but she knew that this fear did not just come out of nowhere. Avanya promised herself that she would never leave the man unless he gave her a good reason to.

Dinner turned out to be a fun event as the couple chatted and joked around all night. They would often share kisses or brush up against each other every now and then. By the time they were both done eating, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Alessio had barely finished his last glass of juice as he didn’t drink alcohol when Avanya attacked his neck. He groaned at the feeling of her tongue licking him, she sucked on his sweet spot while her hand travelled down his chest to the front of his pants. He could feel her smirked when she noticed how hard he was for her, he let out a whimper when her hand squeezed his cock.

“We have…Shit!” He swore loudly when her hand pulled his dick out and gripped him a little before stroking him. His mind was a jumbled mess, he forgot what he wanted to say at that point.

“Look at how desperate you are, you’re are already leaking and I’ve barely even touched you.” She taunted in a sultry voice and felt his body shiver,” Want me to make you feel good, Amor?”

Alessio shuddered, “Y-yes please,” he managed to stutter.

“Good boy. Push your chair back and open your legs for me.” Avanya instructed and the man did as told.

It made Avanya smile, he was so obedient and looked so sexy while obeying her. She got down from her chair and knelt between his legs, his eyes widen in shock. But they quickly shut when she took him in her mouth, Alessio nearly came undone at the feeling of her wet haven wrapped around his cock. His entire body wreaked with pleasure, he wasn’t sure if he could last long if she kept sucking him like that. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing a fist full of her hair mainly because he needed something to hold on to.

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop that, Bambi.” He said through clenched teeth.

A whine left his lips when Avanya pulled away from him completely, Alessio opened his eyes soon enough to see her toss her tights and panties aside. She straddled him and sat right on his cock which easily slipped into her like a second skin. “You feel so fuckin’ good inside me, baby,” she moaned as she moved her hips back and forth slowly.

Alessio’s hands gripped her waist, his nails nearly digging into her skin and his face buried in the crook of her neck. “Please, move fast, I feel like I’m going to explode with how tight you’re gripping me.” He pleaded in a husky tone.

Avanya chuckled at his cuteness before she took off her t-shirt and grabbed a fist full of his hair. She pulled his head back a little harshly and he hissed. She smirked as her pace increased, Alessio had his eyes closed and mouth opened slightly as he panted. The chair squeaked under their weight, they didn’t care though because they were so lost in their passion. Avanya was literary bouncing on the man’s cock with how fast and roughly she was riding him. The room was filled with moans and groans of pleasure. Skin slapping against skin with sweat dripping down their bodies.

“Hmm, do you like having me fuck you in the dining room, Amor?” Avanya rasped as she sucked on his neck.

“Yes…Ahhh!” Alessio moaned loudly when Avanya rolled her hips,” I’m gonna lose it if you don’t wrap your hand around my neck, Mamica [Mommy]”

Something seemed to snap in Avanya at that, she was actually into linguistics so she knew what exactly Alessio called her. It was that damn term and hearing him speak Croatian with a good accent that had her clenching around his cock. Her hand flew to his neck and squeezed gently but it was still enough to send him over the edge.

“HOLY FUCKIN’ SHIT!” He roared as his body shuddered and spasm. He grabbed her breasts in an attempt to keep himself steady but that triggered her release and watching her cum had him coming again.