Chapter 29: Lost and Still Lost

Three years earlier, the halls of Elaria's palace echoed with a sense of emptiness as Cedric strode through the palace gates with his companions his heart pounding with anticipation. The month-long mission had felt like an eternity, and he was eager to see Lyra again. The thought of her smile, her laughter, and the warmth of her embrace had kept him going through countless battles against the kingdom of Kinder. But Lyra didn't come to welcome him. Panic set in as he frantically searched every corner of the palace, hoping to find a trace of her. But there was nothing and he noticed he didn't see Alina around either. Cedric was confused.

He approached one of the palace servants. "Where is Lady Lyra? And Princess Alina?" Cedric asked, his voice filled with urgency.

The servant shifted uncomfortably. "I'm not sure, sir. They left some days ago, but no one knows where."

“What are you talking about?” Cedric asked in utter confusion.