Craziness Over Death

Chapter V "Craziness Over Death"

"Sometimes death is scary but death is how you will treat someone until they die"



Seoul, Republic of Korea 

 The Polatia is moving containers from the container ship to their storage. Alongside a man and the Polatia representative. Moving several goodies to somewhere else.

 "Get those food containers into storage A and storage B" Heath commands his employees.

 "We might have to stay until the weather's changed back to normal," the Polatia representative says.

 "Yeah I agree, we don't have icebreaker ships because it's too expensive".

 "Let's move this container first".

 "Yeah yeah".

Unknown location, somewhere in a lab

 Some serpents hand researchers and soldiers walk along in the hallway.

 "Subject 51 is showing potential, we can use him as our weapon if the test is successful" some Serpent Hand scientists discussing the subject.

 "I agree, subject 91 is the most successful one". 

 "How many stocks of subjects are left?"

 "If I remember correctly, we only have 2 subjects left".

 "We should be fine".

 "Have you noticed how weird lady Hotsu is acting lately?".

 "Yeah, she is kinda weird now, but let's not talk about it, or our heads get chopped down"


 In a room, a lady is seen sitting on a chair holding stocks of knives in her hand, while gandering to the wall obliviously. She then throws her knife at the wall, one by one by one. Turns out, there is a photo of Shadow on the wall. Which has been surrounded by knives, with some of them on Shadow's head.

 "I love you, Darling. But unfortunately, we are separated by factions and allies" " she spoke with a seductive voice. She took a deep breath and put her knives down. Looking down, with dreamy-ish eyes.

 "Ah, just forgive your step-sister's shadow"

 The lady spoke with hatred in her voice. The lady seems to be obsessed with Shadow, for an unclear reason.

 "I don't know if something happened to her lately".

 "No idea, but don't mind her, we must finish this report now".

 "Also about him, should we rescue him?".


 "Sarkon, I'm talking about that guy".

 "No, he is stuck in that cage for good, there is no way of getting him back".

 "Sigh, forget it, gather all soldiers".

 "yeah yeah".

Damascus, Syria

 Several trucks pass through the desert land, full of people on board. It is the Syrian soldiers that are driving those trucks, lining up like a caterpillar, with a whole village on them.

 They are bringing the refugees to the north where it is safer than where they were originally from

 "Is there anyone left in the town?" One of the soldiers asks

 "I guess not, we have evacuated everyone on the sight. The town is empty now", another soldier clarifies.

 "Move the truck!" a soldier waves to the truck drivers.

 The truck parade slowly disappears.

 "Hope my family is safe there".

 "Yeah, I hope so".

 "Let's move to the south, we still need to evacuate those people in the countryside"

 "Yeah- right. But let me grab supplies from the outpost first".

 "Alright, but you need to be quick".

 When the soldiers leave, his partners look at the inside of her Toyota Hilux. 

 "it should be here somewhere"

Suddenly a soldier appears behind him

 "oh you're back already", turns out it is a Serpent Hand behind him, he mistakenly thought the person behind him for his partner. The Serpent Hand stabs the soldier's neck with a knife. Instantly killing him. He fell to the back of the passenger seat. The car was stained with blood from the soldier. The Serpent Hand left him immediately. 

 At the same time, the blizzard and the poison gas in Europe intensify, making it hard for people to survive in the extreme conditions; Making it difficult to even inhabit the place.

 The UN is still supplying gas masks and food to Europe, but not enough because of the expensive material and shipping costs that have risen due to the blizzard. 

 The 12th UIU division has been sent to Europe to evacuate the remaining civilians with the GOC Broken Dagger division. They were sent with the C130 Hercules and were dropped on the cities of Warsaw and Paris. 

 In the plane heading to their destination. Plenty of the UIU soldiers look sick and anxious. Some of them are looking at their family pictures, and some of them are praying with the cross necklace.

 "We should be arriving in about 20 minutes or more in the city of Paris. The GIGN vans are currently awaiting our arrival at the point" the captain informs his men. 

 "We will meet again, in Spain!" the commander of Broken Dagger says

 "better be, we hope to see you again!"

 "you thought I'm gonna die that easily"

 "just saying"

 The plane was filled with jokes. Giving levity to the already dreaded situation; giving the people inside some bit of happiness to them. But all of those stops when the pilot yells to the back of the cabin.

 "UIU divisions, grab your parachutes now, we are about to arrive at the point", the pilot yells.

 "Better see you in the escape points, what your name is," Commander Jonathan says to the UIU captains. 

 "Hector Stark, yeah"

 They grab their parachutes in preparation for dropoff, the hull starts to open slowly revealing rubbles of cities beneath them.

 "Alright then, I will see you again Hector" 

The UIU divisions jump out of the plane leaving the Broken Dagger team in the plane.

 "Godspeed speed" The Broken Dagger commander muttered.

 The plane leaves the Paris air. They all drop from the plane in a line manner.

 "Wear your gas mask before we drop at point"

 The UIU soldiers take out their gas masks and wear them while they are in the sky. After that, they deploy their parachutes. They space out among them to avoid colliding upon releasing their parachutes. The soldiers land on top of building rubbles. They quickly remove their parachutes upon landing, to avoid getting sighted by unwanted enemies, especially the Serpent Hand.

 "Has everyone landed?" The leader asks through his walkie-talkie.

 "Positive sir" a soldier replies through their walkies

 "Good, move out, follow the route of our subjective" the leader commands.

 They begin to walk and take the stairs. Fortunately, all the buildings that they landed have a rooftop door that leads to the staircase down to the bottom and the basement. They take out their flashlight to show the dark stairway.

 "God it's so dark here..." one of the soldiers uttered.

 They flash the corridor on each floor they descend to make sure no enemies are in sight. Good thing the building is empty to the husk, not even a single living organism is around. They made it down to the first floor of the building. They look around and see a reservation table with a text that says, "L'Hotel Grand", it appears they have landed on a hotel. Sure it may be clear to figure out what building they are in based on how the interior looked. But because of the immense raid and other shenanigans, every building in the whole city has become completely desolated and unrecognizable.

 The UIU captain takes out his walkie-talkie and turns it on, "This is division 12, is the GIGN still in the same spot?".

 "Copier, c'est sergent Louis, nous sommes toujours l'emplacem...".

 "English Frenchy!" The captain shouts

 "Sorry, I said we are still at the location, initiate the evacuation immediately", Sergent Louis replied.iPad

 "Alright, stay and wait for us" the captain replies again. He ends his transmission of his walkie-talkie and puts it in his belt. He grabs his gun again and looks behind to his men.

 "Let's move boys" the captain shouts while raising his hand to signal everyone. Everyone in the division starts to follow the captain from behind. The UIU captain then splits his team into 2 groups, group "Bravo" will rescue Sergeant Louis, and group "Alpha" will rescue any remaining civilians inside the sewer.

 "I hope god is with you!" one of them shouts to the other upon splitting up.

 "best of luck" one of them replies, but with a small tone of fear in the voice. They split out into two different paths, but it all quickly turns silent.

Meanwhile... Poland, Warsaw

 The GOC Broken Dagger team has just dropped and arrived at the Capital City, with soldiers and some medics on them.

 "Okay, let's bring back some civilian boys, they should be in the sewers waiting for us," Commander Jonathan said to his soldiers.

 "After that, we'll grab a nearby military truck and some Humvee and escape out of there!"

 They all nodded, understanding the order that was given. The soldiers start to pull out wear their gas masks and enter the toxic gas sewer.

 "Alright, let's begin the operation", the captain lifts the sewer lid and drags it to the side, revealing the hole.

 "Looks like a long way down there... It's pitch black. Better have your flashlights with you!", the captain says.

 The team enters the sewer, and all of the soldiers pull out their flashlights to lighten the dark sewer. Because of the intense level of toxicity in the water, it releases green gasses into the air, like a fog. Good thing they brought their gas mask with them or else they would have been floating on the sewage water completely lifeless second upon entering it.

 Minutes passed, or even hours. They didn't bring any watches with them in the operation. One of the soldiers asks the captain.

 "Captain sir, how long have we been down here, sir?" one of the soldiers asks.

 "As far as I am aware, probably... a few minutes have gone by".

 They continue to seek for the survivors in the sewer. As the team proceeds, the gas level in the air starts to recede as they get deeper into the sewer line. One of them looks around to see the green gas is not at a lethal level. He looks to the commander, a little nervous to say what he discovered. He then doubts for a bit before opening his mask.

 "Private! What are you doing!" The commander looks back at him, this catches the other's attention.

 "Sir, the air here is... somehow clean? There are no more gasses here, I think the survivors are near" the soldier says.

 "Interesting..." the commander utters. He looks to one of the soldiers, who appears to be an operator who got dragged down to be in this operation, he says.

 "You! Yes, you!" The commander shouts.

 "Yes sir?!" The soldier replies in surprise.

 "You got your... uhh, fancy gizmo with you right now, positive?" The commander says to the soldier

 The soldier, a little nervous and surprised, answers "Uh... yes sir, right here sir!". He pulls out the gadget, which looks a lot more like a gun, but with more rounded edges and a bulkier body.

 "They say that this thing can scan for living people nearby, use it private!" the commander demands.

 "Yes sir, right away sir" he points the gadget to the sewer hole ahead of them, he then pulls the trigger of the gadget which instantly displays a message on the screen of the gadget. It displays the number ~50, the gadget is some sort of a radar.

 "Scanning the area. There's 50 people 100 meters ahead of us, sir" the operator informs the commander.

 "Affirmative, let's move now and prepare the gas masks for them!", the commander says to everyone.

 The team ventured deeper and deeper into the sewer and found a big opening with a vent on top. Which shines a ray of light on the sewer, they find the civilians, in a weak state. They all split out and go to each of them to look for their condition. They appear to be hungry, in the corner seems to be a pile of empty tin cans, presumably canned food.

 "Medic! Get them some drinks" the commander shouts to the medics in the group. The medics quickly open their bag filled with food and water for anyone they find to suppress their hunger or thirst. The medic gives the civilians water to drink and a gas mask for each of them.

 "Private with the gadget! Anymore detected!?" the commander looks at the previous soldier.

 "No, we aren't detecting anything anymore, proceed to escape!".

 "Copy, move out!".

 The soldiers grab and lift every survivor in the room and bring them back to the outside of the sewer, it's gonna be a long journey back again.

Arizona, United States

 A Foundation guard is patrolling around the outpost along with some GOC guards.

Suddenly a mysterious van breaks into the outpost gate

 "What the?! Raise the alarm!"

All guards and GOC soldiers immediately point their guns at the van.

 The van door opens and chaos Insurgency soldiers walk out with shields with a guy in a beret.

 "Drop your weapons! We mean no harm here, we just want to negotiate something". The man raises both of his hands in the air, signaling that they mean what they mean.

 "Negotiate?" the guard looks dumbfounded.

 "Yes, we want to meet with the Director Assistant, and 05-1", the man says to the soldiers.

 The guards took suspicion for them but are still dazed by the sudden negotiation offer with Chaos Insurgency. The guard grabbed his walkie-talkie and told others to escort the Chaos Insurgency man inside the outpost.

"Bring them inside, I will contact the supervisor".

 The chaos Insurgency delegate just smirks at how the foundations looked dumbfounded by these sudden events.

Chaos insurgency

 Fractional organizations from SCP foundations. Separated themselves from SCP foundations in 1948 and stole a lot of data and SCP. Then highly intelligent scientists for foundations. Previously they worked for the 05 council along with the mobile task force alpha-1 (Red Right Hands) to protect the 05 council from threat. After that, they separated themselves from the foundations. Their purpose is to create chaos in the world but after the death of the leaders the "engineers" inside the Delta commands caused a civil war inside the organization in late 2020, after the reconstruction of the organization by someone called "The Assassin". The chaos Insurgency will make a comeback in early 2025. But after the invasion launched by Serpent Hand. It made it impossible with the loss of their funds from countries putting them in a tight position. Chaos Insurgency has no large funds making them have to return to the SCP foundation. 

New Delhi, India 

 An HFC representative had just arrived in New Delhi.

 "What's our purpose here?".

 "Our clients asked us to come here, but damn it's more crowded than I expected".

 "It's because of the refugees, if not that'll not gonna happen in the first place".

 "The hell do you mean by refugees? They're all already dead".

 "What? Didn't the government say they have already evacuated at least 40.000 people from southeast Asia".

 "You gonna believe that corrupted news? No, they all didn't survive".

 "Oh, that makes sense".

 "Yeah yeah, let's get going".

To Be Continued