False hope And Despair


False hope and despair

??? place, date 2029

Some serpent's hands are watching the prison cell fill with people they captured around the world for subject experiments.

Prisoners yell at the guard.

"Let me out! You will never break my spirits!"

The serpent hands guard notices the guy yelling because it annoys him

"Oh really, why are you sure that your spirits will never break?" the guard asks the guy in a devious tone

"god with me and Pancasila with me as well! You will never break mine!"

"oh let me tell you something, GOD no longer exists and the things you said Pancasila, isn't that make your race the stupid race amongst all?"

"and let me tell you something, Pancasila you said before make your people stupid, and will be easy for your corrupted governments to control you and sell your people to slavery" The guard immediately stared at the guy's eyes.

"you still gonna cling to those false things?, you will be dead easily, and you will regret it because life is once and you use your stupidity and your low IQ to make you feel better, while others make a new invention to survive, Your scriptures are your real self-restraint and you use them to turn away from what people make and what they have, disgusting"

The man immediately tremblings scared to know the truth while the guard just smirks and walks away from the prison.

The guard's friends ask him

"do you need to do that?"

"What, Indonesian races are the lowest and they don't deserve any blessings, they use their holy books to make themselves better, this is why I hate religious people"

"yeah yeah, it makes sense, all their high IQ people who care for their future run away from their country for a better life, its make sense"

"Also you want to burn some of these people, I already hate them being alive so bad"

"no thanks, I want to have coffee"

"All alright then"

Republic of Korea

Some HFC representatives just arrived at the Polatia port with helicopters.

The Polatia supervisor immediately greet the HFC representative

"Well hello there, partners what do you want to buy from us?"

"Long time no see, Agripin Vasiliev, I didn't expect you to work here after retiring from GRU-P spetnaz"

"you know, I'm in tight positions for money"

"so what brings you here, Hoon-ki Nam"

"I'm here to trade something, but let's get inside shall we?"

"All alright then"

"How are the renovations and rebuildings of your facility Agripin?"

"It's quite beautiful, I don't expect their technology is better than Europe's one"

"I know, it's good isn't it?"

"yeah, how's the HFC doing Hoon-ki Nam"

"it's all good, after the rebuildings of the headquarters and factory, we can start to produce more weapons"

They both walk across the hallway while speaking

"I see, how long does it take?" Agripin Vasiliev asked Hoon-ki Nam

"Probably 2 years or more, you know we need to equip room heaters in our facility"

Agripin looked around the facility while introducing some new weaponry

"Let's get some drink first okay?" Agripin ask Hoon-ki Nam

"Sure, I'm thirsty"

Meanwhile London

Some police patrol around the City and notice something odd

A body bag inside a trash can

The police call for backup and check inside the bag only to find a dead body, possibly mutilated.

Some UIU agents immediately get sent to take the body to forensics teams in the US.

Just after a few hours of identification, they found the missing person from a few years ago, The director of GOC during the conquest warfare of a city in the USA.

After it has been confirmed that the director has been found, it immediately gets sent to the GOC.

Joshua, the Current director among the five doesn't respond to this new piece of information but the GOC Finance director of organizations and Chief medical directors respond to the death of the former director of Offensive and Defense.

While this is a hot topic being discussed around the Five directors on the GOC western front

the discovery of the former director is booming around GOC employees, Ganzir fortress is in different conditions as it gets bad conditions

Joshua speaks up on meetings around the 5 directors and the Council 108

"due to the conditions being chaos each day and endless winter blizzard making this much harder for us to mobilize our troops to help people"

"at the same time, the Fortress of Ganzir has been Exterminated by Serpents hand recent attack on the fortress, It has been estimated that 15.000-30.000 GOC soldiers, Officers, and commander have been killed in action (KIA), and the civilians on the fortress also been Missings from our satellites, there are no movements from serpents hand now but Fort of Ganzir right now Is on the enemy hands, we will launch operations to capture its back but not for now, that's all from Director of offensive and Defense"

After Joshua sits down, The directors of the Financial departments speak up.

"We just found out that our income has decreased 30% from normal, It looks like someone hacked our database or gave permission to transfer the money to others' accounts"

"We don't know who it was but when we found The Formers directors of offensive and defense phone cards, we found an unknown transaction on the bank accounts that sent 30% of our income to other organizations account for 5 years back until now"

After the financial departments speak and sit down, the room is now in intense conditions as each director and council discuss it, as the discussions keep going on, many conspirations spread around the employee how the director died and whether the day he went missing is strange.

This also gained the attention of other organizations because of how strange he died.

Meanwhile, what's going on, The SCP foundations now detained and interrogated the chaos insurgent leader.

MTF agents enter the interrogation rooms and give a hateful stare at the Chaos insurgent leaders.

"I'm the good cop, you are the bad cop, what's your intention to do this?"

The leader just smirks at the MTF agents and speaks in a cold yet devious tone.

"What, don't you happy to capture me, the leader of chaos insurgent forces?"

The MTF agents grab the leader's neck forcefully

"Tell me your real purpose, are you allied with Serpent's hands?"

The leader just scoffed and smirked

"Those guys? No, I don't work for them, and never did in the first place"

"and why do you think I work for them? Is it because they don't have morals and we will join them because they have the same traits?"

The MTF agents still interrogate the Leader of the

"let me ask you something"

the MTF guy leans in closer to the leader's face

"Have you received 30% of GOC income secretly"

The leader seemed confused at first but shook his head

"no, I don't know what you're talking about, we don't receive any money at all"

The leader immediately said

"and if we receive it, why am I here in the first place if I do not intend to join The Foundations back?"

The MTF agents shock a bit but still look at the leader's face

"you gotta be ly-"

The leader immediately spoke up

"no I'm not lying, as the new leader of Chaos insurgents, I'm here by myself to return to the Foundations side!"

The MTF agents seem shocked and also find it strange how the Foundation rivals and enemy now want to work with Foundations again, is this a trap?

"sigh, stay here, I get someone for you

To be Continued