Organizational Reorganization

Chapter VIII Organizational Reorganization

After Director Joshua was given the permission to massively overhaul the organization, and was given the permission to kill people that corrupts the organization's finance. Director Joshua do a "Martial Law" to the GOC Structure, and successfully detaining a Total of 500 corrupted Vice Director, and 5000 corrupted Head of Staff and Secretary. They were then all sentenced to death by electric chair. With most of the corrupted electrocuted, the GOC structure underwent on a massive reorganizational revolution.

After all of those that happened, they received assets with a total of 150 million US dollar, it helps boost budgets for the investments for Private Company by 25% of 10 million dollar. It returned most of GOC's money that got corrupted, and they finally could continue the warfare for as long as possible, while they search for any new potential investors to help fund the ongoing warfare. This gives a huge push to GOC, however they're still in need of paying debts.

Joshua who is working really hard in his office got interrupted by a knock from his door. The door creeks wide open and reveals a young girl, turns out she's the new vice director. She enters with files and documents in her grip, to be given to Joshua.

Her name is Amelia, she's a very hardworking girl, a very impressive girl for her age. She along side with Joshua saved GOC from the brink of extinction. If it's not for her, what could have happened to GOC. With the achievement comes praises from the office, and from the praises comes nicknames. She's now known as the "Angel from Apocalypse".

While Joshua is working very hard on wrenching the GOC structure, Amelia puts a hot cappuccino on Joshua's table, "Here's your cappuccino, sir".

"Thank you for the Cappuccino, Amel", Joshua who's tired from working day to night for 15 days, takes it while he works his documents.

"Why don't you take some rest, sir? You've been working nonstop of the past two weeks or so".

Joshua then chuckles a bit after hearing her words.

"Then… who's gonna finish all these works? they're not gonna finish by themselves".

"I understand sir, but think about your health first! Don't prioritize your job over your health!".


Turns out, Joshua's health has been declining a bit for a few weeks until now from all of those workloads, and he's been occasionally falling asleep during his work hours. And he has a bloodstain eyes, ready to scare any passing workers away.

As Joshua works, he received a notification from 05-1.

"Hey, you busy right now? I wanna talk with you about something that you might be interested. If you're free, I'll visit you immediately", 05-1 wrote.

Joshua replied back to his message, "Yeah! I'm free, I'll be waiting for your 'spectacular' announcement". After he replied, he fell asleep on his chair from exhaustion. Amelia sees him sleeping, so she continues the documents.

Amelia's pupils turns right facing to Joshua, she flaunt her mouth and cracks out a little smile on her face. Amelia was obviously onto Joshua. She then continue focusing on the documents.

A few hours passed by, 05-1 is walking inside the headquarte, with his promised words ready in his mouth. He arrives at Joshua's room, he knocked the door three time rhythmically, and he was greeted by Amelia.

"Welcome sir, you must be 05-1. Joshua is waiting in his room sir!"

05-1 notices a new face, he knows everyone in the building, but he never have met this strange girl before. He then say "And who might you be young girl?"

"I'm the new vice director of GOC sir, under Joshua's control"

They both head to Joshua's room, on the way, he asked Amelia, "Say… How can you get to work with him? I must say young girl, he's the type of guy to be sensitive around newcomers"

"Well, I worked for him for a long time, but back then we didn't introduce each other. I was just in the pile of flock among the people that works for Joshua, sir. And because of my incredible feats. I got chosen to be vice director, sir".

"For how long exactly?"

"Let's just say when he was still a secretary offensive and UN department, so maybe around 7 years?"

"That is pretty impressive"

They chatted for a while, before they finally enter Joshua's room, they stumbled upon a man sleeping on his desk face laying down with his arm as the pillow, Joshua is very comfortable sleeping, maybe the longest he have for the past weeks. 05-1, looking at him just made him display a small smile. He puts both of his arm on his back and slowly walks to Joshua. Then 05-1 taps his shoulder, but it does nothing to wake him up, so he tried a few more taps, but still no, and finally a big push. That woke up Joshua. He looks dazed and looks around aimlessly for a moment, before looking up and see 05-1 standing looking down at him with a smile. He looks embarrassed. "Oh…! welcome…!". He felt rude to not greet his friend properly.

"It's fine Josh, I know how tired you are from all those works, and I'm not here to pile more of those burden you have", he smiles at Joshua.

He takes a seat and put his documents on Joshua's table. Amelia takes the papers and gives it to Joshua. Then, once she put it down, Joshua carefully opens the first page of the paper, and starts to read the first sentence. But something was off. After reading a paragraph, he became more confused than expected.

"what is this…?" Joshua says it, with no emotion whatsoever, with complete confusion.

"You're correct Josh, you're not hallucinating, it's informations from our intel and UIU discovery", 05-1 reply

Joshua turns his head upward slowly and looks at 05-1, dead in the eye with his bloodshot eyes. With total disbelief in his eyes.

"That's the thing we got Josh, the UIU and SCPF intelligence found a Serpent's Hand facility deep inside Iran, it's speculated to be under protection of ORIA. They also found plenty amount of trucks, inside filled with skeletons and organs. We suspected they stole the organs and sold it off to the black market, so that they can use the money to feed their chaos on the world".

Joshua gently places down the docs and took a deep breath.

"I can't believe they're literally ignoring morality, if they did this to GOC, SCPF, UIU, or any military organization, then it'll be fine. But it's no shocker at this point now, they're just monster".

"Josh, these are the news we found, it's not just the human organs. A riot is happening in Africa and Middle East. They're telling UN to 'stop being lazy fuckers' and respond to this critical moment that is currently happening, and to send supplies and food. Also, There's a new metal they found in the arctic, our scientists, along with HFC scientists, starts to research on this new metal. Maybe it can be beneficial to us for the war. We've also found some kind of SCP that's being used by the Serpent's Hand through 'Chaos Insurgency', which is like a clone or something. And we also discovered a book that contains intelligence that surpasses the human knowledge, and this book is filled with spells that maybe we can learn just like the Serpent's Hand. We planned to send in MTF soldiers. to assure and secure the book's existence so we can continue on researching it further".

Joshua looks at 05-1 and with a heavy tone he spoke, "And what am I supposed to do with that?!"

"I'm glad you asked, because I want you to do operations on those locations I mentioned earlier. Of course with the help of MTF, we will also support Polatia A10 to the enemy position if your team gets ambushed".

Joshua looks at 05-1, he captured one word that seems very wrong to him, "Using A10 in this cold winter? Is there a wiring fault in your brain right now 05-1??".

05-1 smirks and pulls out a large blueprints, "We have designed and integrated heaters to planes to warm off any ice captured on the plane for more than 15 hourse".

Joshua looks genuinely mildly imperessed with the idea, "Can you gi-".

"I'm sorry my friend, but these piece of blueprints costs $15,000".

Joshua looks surprised, "Really!? Are you offering me a deal or are you asking for my help, if you're asking me for help in the first place, why do you even put a hefty amount of price to the blueprint??".

05-1 just laughs it off and smiles widely.

"What's so funny??"

"I'm just playing trick on you! Of course I'm going to give it to you for free, after the productions have started. I want to export these to all of our allies".

Joshua doesn't accept jokes too seriously due to his exhaustion. He comes back on working on the documents, but then he started to daze off a bit and starts to tumble down to his table.

Amelia rushes to him and checks his vital, she calls paramedics, and rushed to the medical room to take rest. This has happened to him 5 times already. The medics checks his heart condition to make sure nothing is fatally wrong with him. Amelia and 05-1 is left alone in his room.

05-1 casually lights up his cigar and looks at Amelia as she continues Josh's work.

"you sure are a hardworking woman in this chaotic time huh young lady?"

"It's my duties to help him sir!"

"Also, do me a favor, give this to Joshua once he's awake", 05-1 gives something to Amelia

"duly noted sir!"

He leaves the room and heads back to his heli. He got on his chopper, and the pilot starts the engine prepairing to take off, he looks back to the passenger seat and looks at 05-1 and say, "Should we return to the MTF HG now sir?"

"yes, take us there"

"alright sir!"

The helicopter flew away from the GOC base, while they continue their journey, 05-1 pull out his lighter, his iconic lighter, and his favorite light. The lighter, was given by his adopted daughter, Hae-Rim, he lights up the lighter. "This snow, represents your biological family, Hae-Rim, Akuma, you both are my adoptive children. And you always took me as your father figure, i may not be the best, but I will try to be your light, my children…".

They flew for a few hours, however, disaster struck, blizzard attacks the chopper, they suffered a short 'turbulence', but the pilot managed to stabilize the chopper. But it's going to be a rough journey.

Tokyo, Japan August 2028, HFC Base Operations

HFC Mercenary and Scientific Council meeting, Takumi Miyabushi lead the meetings with other HFC Departments 

This meeting is filled with 7 Departments of HFC:

 1. Departments of Mercenary and Task Force 

 2. Departments of Scientific and Knowledge 

 3. Departments of Treasury and Financial 

 4. Departments of Weapon Development 

 5. Departments of Diplomacy and Bilateral 

 6. Departments of Intelligence 

 7. Departments of Medical and Humanitary 

Takumi Miyabushi Discusses with other departments about the current situations and how they should react. Departments of Mercenary Executives Dae-Hyun Cho speak up, "due to the world's conditions in shamble and the lost of many of our costumers and partner at this point, I suggest to participate at this Warfare, HFC Soldiers and Special Operatives is ready to be deploy!".

Takumi reply, "is that so, how about the intelligence George?".

George, the Director of Departments of Intelligence wakes up from his chair and speak, "yes sir, the enemy's activity will hold us in a tight position if we don't act quickly, and with the developments of the Railgun Revolver, we should give this to the Hunter Corps".

Takumi reply

"good, all Departments begin your work, this year, and the future, will be tough day"

To be Continued