Operation Rescue and Destroy section 1

Chapter IX "Operation Rescue and Destroy: Section 1"

December, 2028

The GOC Force with MTF was sent to Iran, specifically the facility that contains thousands of civilians. It was intense. This operation will also decide whether they found the civilians alive or dead. It was intense inside the Chinook. Different units from different organizations gathered to this mission, some show hatred to others as they don't trust each other, but they soon realize, this hatred must be thrown away for the success of this operation.

The MTF Squad, led by Lieutenant Sergeant Lee Chun Ha, looked at the GOC Force Captain, Samuel Washington. They stare intensely until the pilot suddenly speaks into the Chinook speaker:

"We are near the enemy facility, all units are expected to prepare to engage as soon as possible."

Lt. Sgt. Lee Chun Ha stands up from his seat and gives a short speech to all MTF units:

"All units are expected to rescue any civilians and ziptie surrendered enemies, don't overkill enemies."

Soon, they all arrived 2 km away from the facility because there was an Anti-Air missile. They start moving into the facility. They kept moving until they were only 500 meters away from the facility. Soon the sniper team was deployed to support the GOC and MTF force.

Immediately they start engaging the facility. The facility gate gets blown up by C4 and the troops storm in the facility.

The Guards of the Facility start to counter attack the troops, as the GOC force and MTF force keep pushing the guard.

The troops split up and enter the Facility. GOC force focused on engaging the enemy reinforcements on the main building, while the MTF unit was sent to the Research Building and Armory Building.

The MTF force starts entering the facility and keeps moving deeper to the building.

Soon, they begin to breach. Door by door, room by room, they cleared all rooms and soon faced a giant heavy metal door that was hiding something behind it.

It required a password and one of the MTF that was an experienced hacker tried hacking the digital lock.

Some left to search on other rooms, they soon found many human skeletons inside one of the rooms thought of as Prison.

One of the MTF units got closer and spoke:

"This is the skeleton of children."

"Damn it, did they just kill children?!, for what purpose?!" One of the MTF Soldiers shouted angrily and kicked some cans of bottles that scattered around.

The hacker who hacked the digital lock on the door finally managed to open it.

"Hey everyone, I managed to open the door, let's get inside and see what they were hiding."

They soon entered the room that led them to an underground facility.

They keep moving deeper to the underground facility.

"Shit, never expecting the building to have an underground facility with a long hallway." One of the MTF soldiers speaks up

"Wear your gas masks, there might be a toxic gas ahead of us, and also wear your night vision goggles, the more deeper we enter, the darker it will be."

They soon wear their gas mask and night vision goggles and soon arrive in the Scientific Research Laboratory. The first thing they saw is the fact that many of Serpents Hand Researchers and Scientiests died horribly, some were split in half, some had their skulls broken and some even have burn scars all over their body.

"What the fuck is this?" the Second in Command of the MTF squadron speaks up.

"They were getting attacked before we arrived, what kind of creature that attacks people like this?"

"I don't know, we're probably facing a threat that is bigger than we expected."

"Lets keep moving, we need to check if this facility is clear or not."

They then keep moving deepers into the facility, the deeper they enter, the more dead bodies of the scientists from Serpent Hand were discovered.

"Shit, too much dead body, Epsilon-9 Squad will absolutely love to burn these corpses to ashes."

"Hush, don't say that, we're just regular MTF. We don't have that much training like them, and you should be glad that you didn't go to their hellish training."

"Piss off."

Suddenly, they encountered a group of undeads infront of them.


"Shit, we got undeads now."

The Second in Command took aim with his rifle and neutralized all undeads.

"Clear, lets move."

They approach the undead corpse.

"It looks like a scientist, something just broke out from its container if this happened."

"Absolutely, let me take the sample. We can examine this on the laboratorium later." The MTF medic take out the scalpel and the sample from the corpse.

They then move on to the armory sectors and when they go there they were theb surprised by some bullet hell fired at them.

"Shit! Take cover!"

"Foundations?" The unknown group leader spoke up, questioning their presence here.

"Who the hell are you?" The Second in Command spoke up. The Second in Command look at their uniform armbrand and its was revealed that they were some militant from the Republic of Ancara Self Defense Force {ROASDF}

"Oh, ROASDF militants, what the hell are you doing here?" The Second in Command asked what the purpose of them here.

They soon spotted some children, covering themselves with blanket.

The Second in Command replied with a calmer tone:

"I see, rescuing some children in this lab huh?"

The ROASDF Leader spoke:

"Yes, they are Republic of Arcana people that get taken here."

"How do you exactly manage to break into this facility?"

"We just use the chaos you made on the ground."

"I see, where you will be taking these children to?"

"I don't know, but I guess we will take them somewhere safe for now."

"Why you don't give these children to us, we will take care them in the shelter of the foundation."

"No, thanks, we will keep them with us for now."


The ROASDF immediately dismissed and went to the other way.

"Damn it." The Second in Command then sighs heavily.

"Don't follow them, just focus on mission for now."

They then went on the way the ROASDF came from and found many ORIA soldiers was trapped behind bars in starving conditions.

"Jesus christ, what happens to them?"

They opened the jail cells and give them food as an act of the Genewa convention.

"Mind if I ask something?" The Second in Command ask one of the ORIA soldiers.

"What's your purpose here and where is your leader?"

The ORIA soldiers who was tired and hopeless just reply in tone that represents their suffering from trauma and torture.

"We- we just get told here by our leader to cooperate with the Serpent Hands, and our leader of the squad already passed away a few days ago."

"I see, then why are you get thrown into jail?"

"the ROASDF mistaken us as the Serpent Hands soldier and start to torture us and throw us into our cells a few days back."

The Second in Command looks confused but immediately understood what they meant.

"I see, can you stand up? We will take you to a safe place, and do you know is there any survivors except your squad?"

"There's some." The ORIA soldier pointed his hands to one of the rooms.

One of the MTF soldiers checked inside the room and found some surviving scientist and children of the experiment that went under the Serpent Hands name.

"We found them sir."

"Good, lets meet up with the GOC force now."

They all then went back to the upper ground and met the sights of burn and gunpowder as there's an epic war happening while they're still inside the underground facility.

The MTF force then handed the survivors inside the underground facility to rescue helicopters and they all went back to MTF HQ.

Republic Of Ancara

created in 1993 in the land previously owned by Palestinians and Jewish people, united under the same flag in 1993 in the Treaty of Oslo that united these two majority religious parties in the Jerusalem land. They are known for the best army in the series, known as ROASDF {Republic Of Ancara Self Defense Force}. The government in the other hand, is a bit corrupted. Their purpose is to make the Middle East safer as they don't want to make conflict with other countries. When their country started to fall under the Serpent Hands regime, some survivors outside the country decided to rebel against the Serpent Hands with the HFC Supports in 2028. They also play a big part to help the Coalitions push Serpent Hands out of their country and help others as well.