Operations Rescue and Destroy Section 2

Chapter X

"Operations Rescue And Destroy: Section 2"

After the MTF and GOC soldiers left the operation area, some ROASDF soldiers came out from their hiding position at the back of a building with civilians, along with women and children. The leader opens his gas mask and grabs his walkie-talkie.

"This Is Group Bravo, we've rescued the civilians, HFC please respond."

"This is General Bakar, how many civilians are with you, over."

"We have in total 30 civilians, and also 10 children."

"Good, meet us at the extraction point, we will take you back."

"Copy, Bravo out." They then head to the extraction point.

The cold winter starts to make them shiver but they keep on moving to the extraction point. When they arrive, they light a flare signal for the evacuation helicopter. Soon the rescue helicopter comes to take them back to a nearby safehouse that they've used for operations. The leader looked at the children and survivors they rescued from the facility and felt relief because they managed to save lives.

As they were leaving the area, the facility detonated. The leader looks at the building that is now rubble.

"Jesus, wasn't expecting this, but did they just blow up that facility?"

The leader looks disbelief, but he ignores it as his mission is completed now.

_Meanwhile at MTF HQ_

05-1 enters the room where the Chaos Insurgencies are being held in custody.

"Well, well, well, what do we got here, didn't expect you just to be here with me."

The Chaos Insurgency leader glares at 05-1 and stares him dead in the eye.

"Now, about the things you've said to my staff before, about joining the foundations again, what is your motive to join us back?" 05-1 smokes his cigarettes and sits in front of the assassin. The Chaos Insurgency leader speaks in a cold and threatening tone.

"You think I'm joking? Also, is it a must of you to torture me in the first place? If you really wanted to kill me, then do it."

05-1 replies in a calm tone.

"No, no, no, not like that. You wanted to join the foundations back, it's not free, and your late leader was always making the foundations hard times, so we're just doing something to avenge those you've wronged."

"Is that really necessary?!" the assassin replied in an angry tone.

"Oh come on, it's not a free price to just come to us after all the sins you did to us in the past." replies 05-1 to the assassin, having his brother lost his life because of a Chaos Insurgency raid in the past.

"It's not my fault but it's the engineers' fault!"

"But you're in control now right?!"

"Yes! But you should do it to members of Chaos Insurgency that've done it in the past, not me!"

05-1 sighs heavily.

The assassin speaks in a calmer tone.

"If torturing me will avenge all the deaths of the members of the foundation, is that enough of you?"

"They will say it'll avenge their revenge on us, but will it be worth it in this condition? Millions of people are dead, millions of children are starving to death. But you intended to torture me, yet you're ignoring the fact that the world is in shamble right now, is this better than what is happening in the world right now!?"

05-1 was silenced by what the assassin said and sits on his chair.

"So, what do you think? You could release me right now and take care of this bloody massacre, or keep torturing me, and every minute, people are going to lose their lives?"

05-1 stares at the assassin for a while and then stands up to release him.

"If you behave deviant on us again, or if you attempt to betray us again like you did in the past, I will kill you with my own hands, do you understand?!"

"Of course I know the consequences of my actions, betraying you will only lead me to the death penalty."

"Good, I don't need to remind you then."

"Of course not, I already knew the foundations' rules and protocols, so no."

_Meanwhile in Vatican City_

The pope and the swiss guards are running through the hallway, fleeing away from the uncertain but grave threat behind them.

The pope asks the guard who is running along with him.

"Where are our extractions?!"

"Sir pope, I believe they're coming, but we need to keep moving now, sir pope."

Suddenly, the guard was shot in the leg.

"Sir pope, keep running!"

The pope keeps running but because of his old age, he can't run quickly and was caught up by Serpent Hands agents.

"Where do you think you are going old man? You better put your hands up and come with me."

The pope immediately refuses

"I will never come with you! If you want to take me, do it then!"

The swiss guards tackled the agent to the ground, giving the pope times in hand to continue flee away from grim reaper's hand.

"Damn it, you son of a bitch!" the Serpent's Hand killed the guard with a bop at the head, and shot the pope.

"Son of a bitch with this belief in God, always makes me stressed with their decision, saving their religion over their life."

The agents walk to the pope's corpse and take the bible from it and burn it with a match.

"This is what you get, son of a bitch. "The agent throws the bible onto the ground and wears a gas mask then leaves. The city of Vatican and other cities in Italy are now filled with gas that wiped out everyone, and its thick gas surrounds the entire city, making no civilians able to be rescued nor survive.

_Surabaya, Indonesia_

After most major cities in Indonesia are engulfed in gas. And invasions launched by Serpent's Hand. Not a single soul could comprehend this disgustingly ludacris act. Bodies piled up in every corner.

Some people were able to survive with their hand crafted gas masks, made out of water bottles, and a simple filter. Most of them are 11 and 12 graders. They were more knowledgeable than those who were older from them. Perhaps from media influences. Now they are on their mark to leave for somewhere safer.

"Man, I'm parched. I want to drink water so badly!"

"Budi, hold your urge for a moment. We're almost there!"

"But, I'm already thirsty Febri! I really want to drink!" Budi desperately wants to drink the water bottle, but Febri keeps holding him off.

"You keep being the noisy one Budi." A girl sarcastically said behind them.

"You too Gina?! Ugh I'm gonna die of dehydration"

They kept walking till they arrived at a tall apartment, which the gas couldn't reach. They soon enter one of the rooms and are immediately greeted by someone.

"Oh, you guys are already back?" A guy greets them at the front door.

"Yeah, is the food already done Nathan?"

"No, still not done yet."

Budi sighs heavily and takes off his gas mask, he finally takes a drink from his water bottle.

"I wonder when the gas will diminish." Febri asks everyone.

"I don't know, but I hope there's rain soon." Nathan answers Febri because he feels the hopelessness of this situation.

"Yeah, I hope there's rain soon." Gina replied to Nathan.

"Same, if it's raining, we can explore more easily." Febri replies to Gina. Nathan then goes to the kitchen and continues to make curry, while others take showers in the bathroom in each room.

Later, after they're done, they eat it together in the living room.

To Be continued