Chapter 2: Exploring Aetherium

Seiji stepped out beyond the castle gates, his heart racing with excitement and a hint of trepidation. The bustling town of Vallencrest spread out before him, a stark contrast to the quiet, rural life he had left behind in Japan. The sun shone brightly, illuminating the vibrant colors of the market stalls and shops that lined the cobblestone streets.

As he wandered through the town, his eyes widened at the dazzling array of beauties that surrounded him. Women and girls of various races—humans, elves, dwarves, and more—went about their daily lives, their grace and charm leaving Seiji entranced. He found himself discreetly admiring their cleavage, their juicy buttocks, and their slender figures. The diversity of physiques, from buxom beauties to petite delights, captivated his gaze.

Seiji's steps slowed as he indulged in his fantasies, imagining himself in the company of these exotic creatures. He allowed himself to get lost in the crowd, soaking in the sights and sounds of this magical realm. The women's clothing, ranging from elegant gowns to form-fitting armor, accentuated their curves and left little to the imagination.

As he strolled, his stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since before his summoning. He glanced down at the bag of coins the king had provided—five gold coins, a small fortune by the looks of it. Perhaps he could purchase a hearty meal to satiate his hunger.

His eyes landed on a nearby food stall, the aroma of grilled meat wafting through the air. He approached the stall, his mouth watering at the sight of juicy meat skewers sizzling over hot coals.

"Greetings, good sir!" the stall owner, a jovial man with a bushy beard, called out. "Care for some of my famous grilled delicacies? Fresh off the fire and guaranteed to satisfy even the heartiest appetite!"

Seiji's attention turned to the skewers, his mouth watering at the prospect of tasting this world's cuisine. "How much for those meat skewers?" he inquired, his voice laced with anticipation.

"My, it's just three copper coins per skewer, my good sir!" the stall owner replied, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "A bargain for such a delicious treat, if I do say so myself."

Seiji reached into his bag and pulled out a gold coin, holding it up for the seller to see. "I have this. Can you give me three skewers?"

The seller's eyes widened at the sight of the gold coin, and a hint of annoyance crossed his face. "My dear fellow, I cannot accept such a large sum! I do not have the change for a gold coin. You must be new to these parts."

Seiji felt a twinge of embarrassment. "Oh... I apologize. How can I get smaller coins?"

The seller chuckled, his good-natured demeanor returning. "No need to apologize, my friend. You can exchange your gold for smaller denominations at the banks. They will provide you with an account.Where you can safely store you money. It's quite convenient!,All you need to do is provide them with your identity card,and they will guide you on opening an account"

Seiji's curiosity grew. "An identity card? What does that look like?"

The seller's eyes widened in surprise at Seiji's apparent ignorance. "Bless my soul, you truly are new to Aetherium! The identity card is a standard document issued by the public office. If you plan to become an adventurer, you can also register at the adventurer's guild and receive an adventurer's card, which serves a similar purpose."

Seiji nodded, processing this information. He decided that becoming an adventurer could wait until he learned more about this world, its monsters, and how things functioned. "I think I'll start with the public office, then. Could you please point me in the right direction?"

The seller kindly obliged, pointing Seiji toward a grand building with marble columns and a golden dome. "There you are, my friend. May your journey be filled with delicious meals and exciting adventures!"

With a nod of gratitude, Seiji set off toward the public office, his stomach grumbling in anticipation of the skewers that awaited him. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice the admiring glances thrown his way by the local women. Perhaps his foreign appearance held a certain allure, he mused.

The public office bustled with activity, but Seiji soon obtained the necessary forms to apply for an identity card. He carefully filled out the paperwork, his heart pounding with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

this simple errand would be the first step toward uncovering the secrets of Aetherium, forging new alliances, and experiencing erotic encounters that would forever change his destiny...

(End of Chapter 2)