Chapter 3 Identity Card

Seiji approached the reception desk, his heart pounding with anticipation as he clutched the completed paperwork in his hand. The beautiful receptionist, a young elf with shimmering emerald hair and piercing blue eyes, offered him a warm smile.

"Welcome, how may I assist you today?" she inquired, her voice like a melodic chime.

"I've filled out the forms to obtain an identity card," Seiji replied, his voice steady despite the excitement that coursed through him.

"Certainly, please have a seat while we process your request," the receptionist responded, gesturing toward a comfortable waiting area.

Seiji nodded and took a seat, his eyes discreetly roaming over the elegant curves of the elf's figure. She exuded an otherworldly charm, and he found himself captivated by her ethereal beauty.

After a brief wait, the receptionist called out, "Mr. Seiji?"

Seiji rose and approached the reception desk once more. The receptionist handed him a small orb and explained, "Please place your hand on this orb while I initiate the processing. It will verify your identity and complete the card creation."

Seiji did as instructed, his palm tingling as a warm light enveloped his hand. The receptionist continued, "Now, for the final step, I need a small drop of your blood to seal the card's connection to you."

Seiji takes a small dagger from the desk and pricked his finger, allowing a single drop of blood to fall onto the identity card. The card absorbed the blood, and a soft glow emanated from it, signaling the completion of the ritual.

"Congratulations, Mr. Seiji," the receptionist said with a warm smile. "You have successfully obtained your identity card. Be sure not to lose it, as a replacement will incur a fine of one silver coin."

Seiji's heart swelled with a sense of accomplishment. "Thank you for your assistance," he replied, his eyes lingering on the receptionist's enchanting visage. "By the way, what's your name? And could you point me toward the bank? I need to exchange some coins."

"You're most welcome," the receptionist replied, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush. "My name is Lyra, and it's my pleasure to serve. As for the bank, it's just down the street, in the direction I pointed earlier. You can't miss it—it's a grand building with marble columns and a golden roof."

Seiji's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Lyra's name, and he felt a strange warmth spread throughout his body. "Thank you, Lyra," he said, his voice carrying a hint of affection. "I'll be sure to remember that name."