Chapter 4: Opening Bank Account

Seiji stepped into the bustling bank of Vallencrest, his eyes widening at the diverse crowd that filled the spacious hall. Elves, humans, dwarves, and other races milled about, conducting their financial affairs. The air buzzed with the murmur of conversations and the clinking of coins.

He scanned the room and spotted an open counter with a friendly-looking teller. With a polite greeting, Seiji approached the counter and inquired about opening a bank account.

The teller, a cheerful dwarf with a bushy beard, launched into an explanation. "Well, sir, to open an account, we'll need your identity card first. All your account details will be recorded on that card, making it easy to access your funds from any bank in the world."

Seiji produced his newly acquired identity card, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "How does the withdrawal process work?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Is it safe?"

The teller assured him, "Absolutely, sir. To withdraw funds, you simply present your identity card and place your hand on the processing orb, just like you did at the public office. Then, you'll need to fill out a form stating your name and the amount you wish to withdraw. It's a secure process, so rest assured, your funds are safe."

Seiji nodded, his mind turning over the similarities and differences with the banking system in Japan. "Can I use this identity card to purchase things directly, or is it just for deposits and withdrawals?"

The teller clarified, "No, sir, it doesn't work like that. This account is solely for managing your savings and transactions. You can't directly purchase goods with it."

Seiji understood and expressed his desire to open an account. The teller asked for his identity card and instructed him to place his hand on the orb once more. "Now, how much would you like to deposit?"

Seiji hesitated, then produced the bag of coins he had received from the king. "I'd like to deposit these, but please set aside some silver coins for me. I need smaller change for daily expenses."

The teller's eyes widened at the sight of the five gold coins, and he asked, "Are you a merchant or an adventurer, sir? That's quite a sum."

Seiji shook his head. "Just a wanderer, trying to find my place in this world."

The teller nodded, respecting Seiji's privacy. "Very well, sir. How much would you like to deposit, then?"

Seiji thought for a moment, then requested that the teller set aside twenty silver coins for him. The teller efficiently counted the coins, returning twenty silver coins to Seiji and depositing the rest. "There you are, sir. Your total savings now stand at four gold, seventy-nine silver, and seventy-five copper coins. Do keep in mind that the bank charges a processing fee of twenty-five copper coins for opening an account, and one copper coin for each withdrawal. There's no fee for deposits, though."

Seiji expressed his gratitude, his heart warming at the teller's kindness and efficiency. "Thank you for your assistance. It's reassuring to know my savings are secure."

With a final nod, Seiji bid the teller farewell and stepped out of the bank, his identity card safely tucked away in his pocket. A sense of financial security washed over him, and he felt ready to tackle the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this magical realm.