Chapter 5: A Hearty Feast

Seiji's stomach rumbled as he wandered the streets of Vallencrest, the bag of groceries he had purchased before his summoning still clutched in his hand. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the bustling town. He peered around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings and the lively atmosphere that filled the air.

His eyes scanned the buildings, searching for a suitable place to satisfy his growing hunger. As he turned a corner, his gaze landed on a quaint tavern, its windows aglow with a warm light. The sounds of laughter and clinking glasses spilled out, inviting him to step inside.

Seiji pushed open the door and was greeted by the tantalizing aroma of roasted meat and spiced ale. The tavern buzzed with activity, patrons chatting animatedly as they enjoyed their meals. He spotted a vacant table in the corner and made his way over, taking a seat.

Before long, a beautiful waitress approached, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Hello, mister, would you like to order something?" she asked, her voice like a melody.

Seiji's heart skipped a beat as he realized she was addressing him. "Yes?" he replied, his voice laced with a mixture of hunger and curiosity.

The waitress repeated her question, her eyes narrowing slightly in concern. "Would you like to order, sir?"

Seiji's stomach growled in response, and he knew he couldn't delay his meal any longer. "Yes, please," he said, his voice more assertive this time. "I'll have your special meat menu and a big glass of whatever ale everyone else is drinking."

The waitress nodded, her eyes widening slightly at his request. "The special meat menu is a bit expensive, sir. It costs fifty copper coins."

Seiji nodded, unperturbed by the price. "That's fine. I'm quite hungry, so please bring me your finest fare."

The waitress accepted his order and hurried off to the kitchen. Seiji's eyes trailed after her, taking in her graceful movements and the sway of her hips beneath her apron.

It didn't take long for his meal to arrive. The waitress returned, her arms laden with a large platter of roasted meat, sides, and a frothy mug of ale. The aroma of the food filled the air, causing Seiji's mouth to water.

"That will be 60 copper coin, please, 50 copper coin for the special meat menu and 10 for the frothy mug of ale" the waitress said, her eyes flicking briefly to the coin purse at her waist.

Seiji produced a silver coin and handed it to her. As she turned to retrieve his change, Seiji couldn't wait any longer. He picked up his fork and dove into the meal, savoring the juicy meat and the explosion of flavors that danced on his tongue.

The meat was perfectly cooked, tender and juicy, with a hint of spice that tantalized his taste buds. The sides complemented the dish perfectly, adding a burst of freshness to the hearty fare. The ale washed down the meal, its crisp bitterness refreshing after the rich flavors.

The waitress returned with his change—fourty copper coins—and Seiji thanked her, slipping her an additional five copper coins as a tip. "Is everything to your satisfaction, sir?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Yes, it's delicious," Seiji replied, his mouth full. "Thank you."

A smile lit up the waitress's face, and she bid him to enjoy his meal. Seiji needed no further encouragement and continued to devour his feast, his hunger momentarily sated.

As he ate, he observed the lively atmosphere of the tavern, the laughter and conversations of the patrons filling the air. He felt a sense of camaraderie with these people, all of them seeking solace and comfort in the warmth of good food and drink.

(End of Chapter 5)