Chapter 10: No Chance for Edo Tensei!

"The power is quite impressive, and using it for a sneak attack is even more effective," Yuhara remarked as he watched the scene below from the sky. His tone, however, sounded more like he was mocking the situation.

Knowing Troy's Magnet Release ability, Yuhara was cautious of his every move. From the moment Troy controlled the kunai to launch a sneak attack, Yuhara sensed a faint chakra fluctuation from him. As soon as this fluctuation intensified, Yuhara used the Body Replacement Technique. Though he was slightly slow, resulting in a kunai grazing his shoulder, it didn't injure him significantly. Instead, it allowed him to toy with Troy.

After swapping positions using the Body Replacement Technique, Yuhara noticed that some subtle, concealed chakra had been left on his clothing. Recognizing this as a tracking mechanism, he promptly removed his jacket and handed it to a shadow clone. Yuhara himself then used the Flight Technique to observe everything from the air.

He didn't fly too high, hiding his figure behind a building to avoid detection. Even if he were spotted, Yuhara didn't consider the Flight Technique a secret. Though flying techniques were rare, they weren't unheard of, especially considering the existence of sky ninjas years ago.

As a potential clan leader with greater ambitions, demonstrating his capabilities and strength was necessary. Glancing to the side, Yuhara noticed that Shisui's battle was nearing its end. Shisui's skill, particularly his speed, was extraordinary. His Body Flicker Technique was so enigmatic that even Yuhara, with his Sharingan, had to focus intently to distinguish between Shisui's afterimages and his actual body.

Shisui's overwhelming speed made it impossible for the Cloud ninjas, who also prided themselves on their speed, to counterattack. One Cloud ninja had already been killed, and another was injured. Despite their considerable strength, the Cloud ninjas were outmatched by the Uchiha, whose Sharingan rendered their taijutsu and speed inadequate.

"I need to speed up too. Troy's Magnet Release is troublesome, but he doesn't have intel on me, so..."

Yuhara's eyes narrowed as he watched his shadow clone being cornered by Troy's shurikens. Troy maintained his distance, wary of Yuhara's Sharingan. Controlling his shurikens, he confirmed that the chakra he'd left on Yuhara was still present, leading him to believe everything was under control.

Troy remained cautious, knowing that underestimating an opponent could be fatal. He retrieved two card-shaped shurikens, which transformed into blade-like shapes with a surge of chakra. With a swift motion, he slashed at Yuhara, the special chakra ensuring the blades would hit their mark.

"Too bad you lack intel on me. It's time to end this," Yuhara thought.

Magnet Release: Jakuho Twin Blades!

The sharp blades sliced towards Yuhara, who suddenly charged at Troy, seemingly unafraid of the attack. This unexpected boldness gave Troy a bad feeling, but he couldn't hesitate. He struck with his blade, only to see Yuhara replaced by a puff of smoke and a discarded, damaged jacket.

Troy's expression changed; had Yuhara discovered his technique's nature? Before he could think further, a figure descended rapidly from the sky. With no time to react, Troy took a punch to the face, feeling his teeth rattle. Though dazed, his robust physique kept him conscious.

In the next moment, Troy's face turned pale as he locked eyes with Yuhara's crimson, three-tomoe Sharingan. The eerie chakra from Yuhara's eyes invaded his mind, rendering him momentarily blank, his thoughts consumed by the crimson tomoe.

Seizing the moment Troy was trapped in a genjutsu, Yuhara quickly formed hand seals and unleashed a scorching fireball.

"Ah!" Troy screamed as the fireball engulfed him, the intense pain breaking him free from the genjutsu. But it was too late. As an opponent, Yuhara showed no mercy.

"Since Edo Tensei made you memorable to me, I'll make sure you don't even have a chance for Edo Tensei," Yuhara declared, ensuring Troy's demise.

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