A/N - A low gore warning. I tried my best to depict an absolutely inhuman, evil villain with complete disregard for all life aside from his own, with little to no consequences for his actions, yet.
Disclaimer - All the owners have their respective rights. I only own the characters that came from my addled brain (don't worry, I am completely sober).
Kamar Taj [June 2015]
–Alveus (HIVE)–
He was travelling in one of the cars that his cult had. He was doing trips like these more often, across the world actually. It was somewhat of a security risk, especially since he was wearing the same face for a long time but one of the newer Inhumans was blessed with a power to change anyone's face permanently, without much in the way of limits.
That particular power allowed him to travel the world without having to worry about Stark and his pet AI. It still boggled his mind sometimes when he thought of these primates having invented all these things and then going a step further and creating life itself, something that only the Kree were previously able to do.
The AI still had its limits, obviously but he was more than interested in picking apart the brains of the person who made it. Stark was obviously on his list but more than that, Jack was his number one priority. The man had not made any large appearances in many months but he knew that the moment he did something that might threaten the world, he would be fending off the attacks from these Avengers, Jack Sullivan himself, and the governments of this world.
No, he had to first find out something that can neutralise these monkeys or atleast trim their numbers to a manageable number before he can make any overt moves. Once he has something that can tame these wild primates, he can move on to taking out the Avengers and all the so-called defenders of the planet all at once. This would take time, obviously but he was nothing but patient.
His immortality made it trivial to wait a few more months. FOr the time being, they were more focused on finding out the source of the people who could conjure up portals and weapons made up of orange lights. They were obviously not INhum ans since having similar powers did happen rarely but so many different people having the exact same powers was not possible.
It either meant that it was once again some technology they found or something else. He leaned on the latter option because he knew that there was no technology that could do this or the Kree would already have it when they captured and banished him.
Either way, it meant that they had to find these people because it was the only solid piece of connection that the people working for him were able to find. Disappointing as it was to know that his enemy was nigh untouchable in all aspects, it was a start and he was sure that Jack had a weakness. It was only a matter of time before he found what it was and used it to devour the single strongest being on the planet.
Plus, if he could get the ability to make global portals instantaneously, his operations would be much more streamlined. Also, this world had changed a lot since he was banished and despite devouring more than enough brains to understand the normal changes, a few things still confused him, and not because of his inability to properly assimilate the knowledge from the brains.
No, it was because the things did not make sense. How could the primates make something that could allow them to harness the power of the sun itself? That was the domain of the Kree and the Gods and yet, the humans trampled on that notion with ease.
Not only did they trample on the natural order of things, they did so without any retribution. In fact, according to his memories, almost all of humanity believed that the Gods were nothing more than fiction and did not pray to them at all. Some of them did but even they believed that God was someone who would never come down to Earth and would only punish them when they died and reached Purgatory.
That was blasphemy itself and he remembered the harsh and cruel punishments that awaited anyone if they so much as breathed wrong in the direction of a Strong God. Ofcoruse, these Gods did not disturb the KRee for the KRee held powers that could demolish the entire planet which was the source of power for the Gods but even then, he would be the first one to admit that most of the Gods were stronger than all but the strongest of the Inhumans.
So, he set out, armed with a new face after spending some time travelling, in search of nascent Inhumans, the people with the portals, and also in search of the Gods or what happened to them once he was banished. His first thought was that with so many new mortals as believers in the Gods, they would have grown strong enough to escape the clutches of the planet and ascend but that was not the case, as the humans were not praying to them, not in the truest sense anyway.
Humans, all but a small fraction of them, held no fear of any repercussions of their blasphemy towards the Gods of various pantheons, at least not until they were alive. They believed that the punishment came when they died but he knew that most of them went back into the void, aside from some highly specialised heavens and hells that were propped up by the overwhelming power of some beings before that too dissipated, leaving a collapsed alternate dimension with multiple souls.
So far, his Inhuman army had expanded to over 300 people. He'd found about 1000 Nascent Inhumans and had forced all of them to undergo terrigenesis, getting about 500 more new INhumans but none of them held any particularly useful powers, so he used them as his food, to temporarily satiate his hunger. He only left about 200 alive out of the 500 who had somewhat useful power, like the one which could change the face structure but even that would be mostly useless once he was strong enough to publicly take over the world.
[June 2015]
It was one of the routine operations that his operatives held, with a single Inhuman always present to escape if any of them were ever detected. The Inhuman had a limited teleportation power, with the ability to "mark" two locations before being able to teleport a limited amount of matter to any one of the two locations, and this was despite him personally investing his time to train them.
That was when his office door was knocked on. He mostly spent his time reading more and more about this world. Psychology was one such subject which fascinated him. How the primates had figured out so much about the mind despite barely having brains fascinated him and the more he read about these primates, the more he was convinced that he needn't kill all of them. In fact, he was sure that he could keep most of them under his thumb and they would barely notice, aside from the steady stream of sacrifices that he would take from them.
However, with how fast they multiplied and their sheer numbers, it was like taking a drop from the ocean. If they could continue to entertain him, he could let them live, at least the revolutionary authors would get to live, as more than the cattle that the rest of the primates were.
"What?" He asked as he flipped the page using a minor telekinesis power that he held, courtesy of one of the unwilling sacrifices. It was useful for mundane tasks but nothing that would help him in battle, although he would not disregard any power in his inevitable battle.
"Sir, we have made…er contact with the subje–Aaaa" He was out of his chair, through his table, and in front of the agent before he could complete his report or even blink, his tentacle bursting out of his back and holding the neck of the agent.
"I thought–" he leaned in close, his eyes watching the delicious fear coming off the agent, despite the anger that coursed through his mind, "--that I forbid contact with the subjects, without my express permission,"
The agent, despite having a choking tentacle on him, tried to speak. He retracted the tentacle and just as hope bloomed in the mind of the agent, he ripped it apart as the tentacle entered the mouth of the agent.
He watched as realisation came into the agent's eyes, knowing the fate of anyone who had their mouth invaded and sure enough, his tentacle disregarded flesh, bone and muscle as it wormed its way straight into the brain of the agent, ripping apart all the memories, and finding out why his express orders were disregarded.
As he read through the information, his face turned amused, "Interesting.."
His tentacle extended into the hallway and pulled one of the guards, "Arrange the meeting with this…Kaecilius."
The guard, terrified with delicious fear, nodded and scrambled out of his office. He then looked at the state of his office and sighed.
"And it was a new suit as well," he mourned the loss of one of the finest pieces of clothing that he had worn in his life and sat back down, his telekinetic powers fetching the book, with the bookmark stained a bit with blood but that was alright.
He was no stranger to a little bit of fleshy bits. In fact, he relished it if the flesh belonged to one of his victims.
[June 2015]
"Welcome, Mr.Kaecilius," he grinned as he stepped out of the shadows, an army of snipers and agents surrounding the entire park they were in, but not taking any hostile action for the moment because this was supposed to be a partnership, for however long he could get use out of all of them.
"Greetings, Mr.Aleveus," The one in the lead, who held no fear of him, spoke, with two of his lackeys guarding his back although the one in the front held no fear for his own safety, confident in his own power.
Hmm, something easily rectifiable but only when he knew all there was to know about their kind.
"So, Mr.Kaecilius, what can I do for you?"
Kaecilius grinned as he waved his right arm in front of him, creating orange sparks which piqued his interest. His interest was further increased when the portal was fully formed and a body dropped out of it, still twitching so alive but a body nonetheless. He noticed the same uniform worn by the body as well.
"An offering, from our Master," Kaeciulius gestured at the body and he grinned, extending his tentacle hand for a handshake, knowing that it would create some fear in them.
"I think we will have a long and fruitful partnership, Mr.Kaecilius," Still, Kaeciulius held no fear in his eyes as his tentacle was shook.
Good. It would not do for him to have partners who were afraid of a little change in people.
Kaeciulius nodded, "We will meet here, again, in a week," opened a portal and then left.
His people were clearly eager to stop and detain them but one gesture from him stopped all of them. He had all he needed from them, information that could be sued against them and he had a hunch that they were going to be quite useful in the future.
"Let's go," He had the people take the body and safely transport it. While he could devour his brains right now and see what tantalising knowledge it held, he would like to do it in the privacy of his work chambers, allowing him to pick the brain apart bit by bit, facilitating a much smoother transfer of information.
Not to mention, the delicious fear and pain in them when he ate their brains while they were still alive and conscious.
[2 days later]
Ah, so that's how it is, huh.
Kamar Taj. Ancient One. Sorcery. Dimensional Energy. Jack Sullivan and his powers.
He resisted the urge to rub his head as the task in front of him turned out to be much more difficult than he thought it would be. Getting the primitive civilisation back to what it once was a few hundred years ago would not be that hard, but doing so while actively combating an organisation that was older than even him and held people who were even stronger than Jack Sullivan was going to be downright impossible.
Especially since he couldn't locate any Royal Blood Inhumans, despite months of searching around the globe. The closest he had gotten was a hint of blood in the snowy Himalayas but even after searching for weeks, he hadn't found anything and now that he knew that Kamar Taj was situated in the same Himalayan range, he was glad that he hadn't probed deeper.
He might be powerful now but he knew, from the memories of the apprentice, that the Ancient One had dealt with enemies much more powerful and ancient than him. He knew that he could easily be sealed in one of those alternate dimensions with no way of ever coming back.
From the memories he plundered, he got the knowledge required to do Sorcery and yet, he could not perform any single one of those actions. The portals require a ring of some sort to work and that was not something that Kaecilius would give him.
He sighed at that, reading yet another book on battle strategies. He would have to engage further with this Kaecilius in their partnership. That was the only way he could figure out more about this new hurdle that had popped up in his way.
Jack Sullivan was a priority and so was the Ancient One but he had a hunch that dealing with that old monster would not be left to him. It would be left to the "master" of Kaecilius. For now, he would have to listen to the man about their plan on how to deal with Kamar Taj because the person whose brain he had eaten, they were not a part of Karcilius' faction which meant that Kaecilius should be making a move on Kamar Taj soon enough.
He stood up from his chair, and walked over to the large window, overlooking the compound showing him the powers that his Inhumans were practising.
It was a nice view, with blasts of various colours, Inhumans who had enlarged themselves, ones that had clearly animalistic characteristics and more.
It was the beginning of an army that would one day take over the planet for him, and he just couldn't wait.
Hmm?" his tentacles snapped out and coiled themselves around something. His tentacles were burned which was surprising but the end result was someone in a White Suit becoming visible to him.
An Inhuman. "What do we have here?"
Word Count - 2545
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