A/N - A low gore warning. I tried my best to depict an absolutely inhuman, evil villain with complete disregard for all life aside from his own, with little to no consequences for his actions, yet.
Disclaimer - All the owners have their respective rights. I only own the characters that came from my addled brain (don't worry, I am completely sober).
Kamar Taj [July 2015]
–Alveus (HIVE)–
"I hope we have an accord regarding things, especially with your master, Kaecilius?" he asked the sorcerer who was giving him wary looks, especially since he had chosen to show up this time with some of the strongest Inhumans he could find. He didn't know the names of them and did not care as well but he knew their powers.
Powerful and versatile, especially with the training he had given them. These 5 would be the people whose bodies he would possess, should the need ever arise, and they knew it as well, but he had perfected his brainwashing over all of them with much time spent in close quarters for the past couple of months, allowing him to maintain a stranglehold over all 5 of them.
These five were going to be his generals going forward. The last one was a complete surprise, one that almost caught him had it not been for his impeccable senses when it came to Inhumans. Someone who can maintain intangibility, even when multiple energy sources are flowing through the body was someone who was very valuable to him, especially since she could easily disable any of his enemies by scrambling their brains. All she needed was the right time and the right place.
"Yes, My Master has approved this plan. All we need is for your forces to create large enough distractions so that they can't focus on us taking what we need. In exchange, as you asked, we will give you the resources to learn sorcery and also an entire Sanctum's worth of relics."
He nodded at that, it was a nice trade. He wasn't sure if he was being given the short end of the stick but for him to know more, he had to start somewhere, and being provided the basics along with a rather sizable library from one of their lesser centres of importance was enough, for now. Once he figured out how to teach it to every single one of his Commanders, he would be nigh untouchable.
Even the Kree of the Old would be vulnerable against Ghost and the ability to just open a portal to either drop her in enemy territory or to extract her from the same. Ghost was harder to control for him, because he hadn't spent much time working on her brain and also because her powers sometimes interfered with his tentacle's ability to slowly take over her brain.
It was an ongoing process and while she was conscious of the fact that her mind was being taken over, she surprisingly didn't mind all that much when he relieved her of the pain she was under. A botched Terrigenesis process, something that should be completely fatal to everyone involved but miraculously, she survived.
Another round of exposure to the terrigen mists had resolved all her issues, creating a perfect Assassin for him, capable of phasing through bodies and crushing hearts and brains with ease. As he said, Perfect Assassin.
He had a hunch that this Kaecilius had some way of measuring the threat levels of people because he was not as wary as he was the last time they met, or did the man think that more people equals more threat? That was a foolishly naive way of thinking, especially for a man who was about to betray and attack a thousand year old organisation with an Old Monster at the top capable of destroying cities on a whim.
"Very well." He nodded and snapped his fingers, watching with interest as Kaecilius' eyes widened at the portal that opened up behind him, a little bit of theatrics to show that their side was not completely vulnerable to logistical attacks.
Once they left, the portal withered into dust. It was not an actual portal, te hy did not have that good of a power right now, especially a power that could transport them to any place without any limitations. That was a top tier power and even then, it would have some limitations.
That was why he was so keen on getting those sling rings for himself, so he could finally start arming himself. Hell, half of the Avengers would find themselves dead overnight if he could figure out a way to kill them and not have the heat on him because the entire world would suddenly panic and he did not want that just yet because panicked people, especially the old ones in power, might do something undesirable to the planet that he was going to rule.
Already, he had picked out a duo, with a power that would have had him slaughtered due to how useless it was, had it not been for the endless pollution that now littered his planet. The power capable of turning vast swathes of plastic into just oxygen was the perfect for what he needed to do.
If he had been the patient sort and was content with not using violence to get things done much faster, he might have used the man to quickly gain popular support from the so-called green hippie crowd that clamored for the pollution in the oceans.
They had tested it and the man was capable of turning an area of 100 sq.mt full of plastics of all sorts into direct pure oxygen instantly. It did not tire him out much so that meant they could cover quite a bit of area in a single day. He would use that obviously but only once the world was under his thumb.
Back to the somewhat dangerous meeting, once he was sure that Kaecilius and his ilk had left, he called forth their real transport and went back to their base. The attack was scheduled to happen in a month, with Kaecilius giving them direct entry into their bases.
Ghost's powers would be most optimal for the scenario, especially since all they had to do was maim or otherwise injure a lot of people, so as to draw attention away from the library.
According to Kaecilius, the Ancient One would be instantly alerted about the life and death of her Masters, even from far away. If they quickly killed a large number of Masters, she would quickly come back from wherever she was going to be busy that day. That would not be a good thing for either of them so they had a plan.
Most of the Masters who remained in Kamar Taj that day were not going to be that strong, aside from two. They had their descriptions and Kaeciulius had told them that killing any one of them would be fine, as long as they did it quickly without giving them the opportunity to warn anyone else.
That was fine by him. Kaecilius had some plan to lure away most of the Masters present in Kamar Taj that day to some trap that would keep them detained and unconscious, but not dead, which should give them more than enough time for Kaeciulius to do what he wanted to.
In the meantime, Kaeciulius would be taking another one of his minions, to demolish one of the so called Sanctums with the help of Kaecilius' minion. They also had a team of the inferior primates on hand to help them recover everything of value before they destroyed the building. The primates that called him back did have an impressive network of contacts that they could use to make sure that the local government did not intervene or even look in the direction of the building for some time.
By the time the relevant authorities, and by extension, the Avengers could figure out anything, they would be long gone and hidden. Ofcourse, it would not be easy to hide from the attack dogs that were the Avengers but Kaecilius had informed him that the Hong Kong Sanctum held an artifact that would help them evade their pursuers, which would be very helpful for him.
It was not lost on him that the situation held too many coincidences to not reek of a scheme but he could not afford doing anything else and from the memories he got from the apprentice, he knew that Kaeciulius was a respect Master of Kamar Taj and his attack on it would destroy his reputation as well.
All that was left to figure out was the identity of the master of Kaecilius because a man like him would not risk angering an old monster like the Ancient One without at least having some assurances in return. So, either the Master of Kaecilius could somehow injure or kill or otherwise stall the Ancient One or he could promise to hide Kaecilius.
Either way, someone who could do that was out of his purview, especially since he had not yet recovered to even a third of the way to his peak prowess. Even now, he struggled to control the darkness all around him, something that came to him with ease as it was one of the powers that he was given by the Kree.
He was special, even in all of the Inhumans created by the Kree. All the first generation Inhumans were all absurdly strong, compared to the ones he oversaw. That was obvious since the blood in the first Gen Inhumans was pure and strong.
He was not the strongest but what he did have was the power to control the strongest, with startling ease. It solidified his control over the army that the Kree wanted but they apparently did not like that, hence the banishment.
He was awake when the Kree put him in a chamber with a black stone branded onto his chest, with the pain keeping him awake as the stone felt burning hot to touch. He could feel the stone burrowing its way into his body. He felt the stone burn through his skin, break through his ribcage, and jostle his internal organs around as it shoved itself right into his heart, puncturing his life giving organ and replacing itself, all the while the terrigen mists were being pumped into his body.
As far as he knew, he was the only one who had to experience that. That gave him a supreme affinity over darkness, along with his primary power of Inhuman Control.
"Prepare for the assault," he ordered them before going to his cabin. He had yet another Freudian book to read. These primates did come up with interesting theories once in a while.
[August 2015]
It happened, exactly as he planned it to. He was in Kamar Taj, the hallowed hall of Magic that held strong for over a thousand years when he saw, with his own eyes, Ghost disabling the strongest combatant these guys had, by crushing his heart.
Then, as per his orders, she plundered everything the man had, including his sling ring along with an interesting staff that had actually cut through his tentacles, burning them in the process. The pain was excruciating but that was not his first bout with pain as he quickly retreated and let Ghost do her job.
Taking advantage of the apparent shock, the rest of the people present were subjected to multiple knockout attempts, including a sleeping gas that had already been spread throughout the complex.
His operatives made sure to grab anything of value that they could, and when he received the signal from Kaecilius, that the Masters were incapacitated, they retreated, as per the plan.
He was back in his base, transported by one of Kaecilius' minions, happy with the news that they now had the dead body of a Master, along with an entire Sanctum's worth of magical relics.
He didn't take the body of this Mordo man because he could sense his body being suffused with the same energy that tore through his tentacles. He chose not to have to suffer through that sensation once again if he could help it anyway.
Now, he sat in the base, with the loots of the mission, and with a general excited buzz all around him, with the educated primates ready to sort through everything with their machines while he sat in his office, with all of his Commanders, ready for war.
After all, he knew what came next.
Devouring the brain of the Master gave him enough insights but even then, his body seemed incapable of making this dimensional energy flow through it in a certain pattern. According to the lessons from the Ancient One, everyone had the potential for Sorcery, but their upper limits were different.
He hoped to have the Sling Ring ready, just in case but now they would have to do all of this the hard way.
Direct Confrontation with people who could manipulate the very reality around them.
Word Count - 2194
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