
『 Allyn's POV 』

'Serve him, guide him, protect him.'

Those words echoed relentlessly in the depths of my mind, like whispers from an unseen presence.

I awoke in darkness, surrounded by an oppressive void that seemed to swallow every thought and sensation. The voice, insistent and commanding, offered no clues to my identity or purpose.

Lost in this abyss, I struggled to grasp any fragment of memory or understanding. Fear gripped me like icy tendrils, my thoughts consumed by the unknown.

I don't know how long I've been here; I tried seeking answers from whoever that voice belonged to, but it was all in vain.

I fear of losing myself.

I'm scared.

Please, whoever you are.

Save me.

I beg you.

Let me out.


I'll do anything.

Help me.

I pleaded silently, desperate for answers that never came.

But then, a glimmer of warmth pierced the darkness, a fleeting respite from the cold emptiness. It enveloped me, offering solace amidst the chaos.

In that fleeting moment of tranquility, I allowed myself to surrender to sleep, the weight of uncertainty momentarily lifted.

Yet even in slumber, the voice persisted, a final admonition before oblivion claimed me once more.




The word echoed in my mind as consciousness slowly seeped back into my being. I found myself ensnared in a labyrinth of shadows, the chill of the void clinging to my every breath.

I reached out tentatively, fingers grazing against the unseen tendrils that encircled me. The darkness yielded no secrets, no answers to the questions that haunted my thoughts.

Time slipped through my grasp like water through clenched fists, leaving only the faintest trace of its passing. How long had I wandered these shadowed corridors, adrift in a sea of uncertainty?

But then, a glimmer of light pierced the darkness, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching gloom. It beckoned to me, drawing me closer with its siren song of warmth and life.

I followed the light, each step a hesitant shuffle into the unknown. The darkness seemed to recoil at its touch, retreating to the fringes of my consciousness.

And there, amidst the swirling shadows, I found myself standing on the threshold of a world unknown. The forest stretched out before me, a tapestry of moonlit glades and whispered secrets.


I ventured forth, guided by a sense of purpose that pulsed within me like a heartbeat. The trees whispered secrets in hushed tones, their leaves rustling with the weight of untold stories.

As I journeyed deeper into the heart of the forest, I stumbled upon a stream, its waters shimmering in the pale moonlight. It was a sanctuary amidst the chaos, a refuge from the darkness that threatened to consume me.

But as I approached the water's edge, a strange bubble caught my eye, drifting lazily along the surface of the stream. It seemed to beckon to me, its iridescent surface shimmering with hidden promise.

Without hesitation, I reached out to touch the bubble, drawn by a curiosity that bordered on obsession. And in that instant, I was engulfed by a torrent of memories, each one a shard of a life long forgotten.

Scenes flashed before my eyes, fleeting glimpses of joy and sorrow, love and loss. I was a spectator to a life not my own, an outsider peering into a world that existed only in fragments.

And yet, amidst the chaos of memories, a single truth emerged. The person whose life I witnessed had suffered, had endured trials beyond imagining.

For once, I considered death to be merciful as I witnessed what had to be the most dreadful experience of their lives.

I felt myself shrink away from it.

This person, whom I had only known for mere seconds, had experienced loss.

They had gone through anguish and fear.

Death had appeared to me as the innocent entity that it is.

I don't want to have this sort of memory.

I don't want to feel this sort of pain.

Tears clouded my vision as I witnessed the people around him being taken one by one, leaving him to live out his days in despair.

The tears quickly ceased as I gradually regained my vision. His final days were devoted to his book, his sole source of happiness.

The memories soon came to an end when he laid the book on the grave of the person who had been his support; one whose death had caused him to lose all faith in humanity.


Why was I experiencing all of this?.

Why was I shown this person's memories?.

I felt a surge of empathy, a connection forged in the crucible of shared pain. Their struggles became my own, their triumphs a beacon of hope in the darkness.

But even as I grappled with the weight of their memories, a voice echoed in the depths of my mind, its words a solemn vow that echoed through the corridors of my consciousness.

'Serve him.'

The command was a clarion call, a summons to a duty long forgotten.

'Guide him.'


'Protect him.'

I stood at the precipice of understanding, the weight of the voice's command pressing down upon me like a heavy cloak. 'Serve him, guide him, protect him.' The words echoed in the recesses of my mind, a constant reminder of the task that lay before me.

But even as I grappled with the implications of my newfound purpose, a sense of clarity washed over me. The memories I had witnessed, the trials and tribulations of a life long past, they were not meant to be a burden but a gift.

I gathered my courage and questioned the voice.

"Those memories... he, the one whose face I cannot see, whose existence I hardly knew anything about, whose name I do not even know, I understand what you want from me, but...


Why me?

Why show me his memories?

Though the words were stuck in my throat, I was able to gather myself enough to press on and perhaps learn more about the situation.

The voice, however, gave no reply, leaving me to wonder alone with my own thoughts.

My perspective on time, which had long been lost, caused me to doubt my reality at some point.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the feeling passed, leaving me standing in the midst of a clearing bathed in moonlight. It was a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos, a chance to gather my thoughts and steel myself for the trials that lay ahead.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the crisp night air, letting its cool embrace wash over me like a benediction. In that moment, I felt a sense of peace settle over me, a quiet assurance that everything would be alright.

Being trapped here alone, with no ability to reject or agree to do this mission that is forced upon me, I took a deep breath and reached to wipe the tears from the corner of my eyes.

And with that newfound sense of calm, I continued on my journey, guided by the voice's solemn command and the memories of a life long past.

'Serve him, guide him, protect him.' The words echoed in my mind like a mantra, a reminder of the duty that had been bestowed upon me.

The forest whispered secrets as I journeyed deeper into its depths, its ancient boughs swaying in the gentle breeze like sentinels guarding long-forgotten truths. Each step forward brought me closer to my destiny, a destiny woven from the threads of memory and purpose.

But even as I pressed on, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Shadows danced at the periphery of my vision, their shifting forms taunting me with glimpses of things unseen.

I quickened my pace, driven by a sense of urgency that pulsed within me like a heartbeat. The forest seemed to close in around me, its branches reaching out like grasping fingers, eager to ensnare me in their embrace.

And then, just when I thought I could go no further, I stumbled upon a clearing bathed in ethereal moonlight. In the center of the clearing stood a figure, cloaked in shadow and mystery.

I approached cautiously, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat. The figure did not move, its form shrouded in darkness as if cloaked in a veil of secrecy.

I called out tentatively, my voice echoing in the stillness of the night. "Who are you? What do you seek?"

But the figure remained silent, its presence a enigma wrapped in a riddle. I felt a chill creep up my spine, a sense of foreboding that prickled at the edges of my consciousness.

And then, just when I thought I could bear the silence no longer, the figure spoke, its voice a whisper on the wind. "I am but a shadow, a specter of the past. I seek only redemption, a chance to right the wrongs of long ago."

I listened intently, my senses attuned to the secrets that lay hidden within the figure's words. It spoke of a time long forgotten, of a life lived in shadow and regret.

But even as the figure spoke, I felt a kinship with its plight, a shared sense of longing for absolution. And in that moment, I knew that our fates were intertwined, bound together by the threads of destiny.

I reached out to the figure, my hand trembling with anticipation. "Let me help you," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the rustle of the leaves.

As if pulled by an unseen force, I found myself whisked away to an unfamiliar locale—a beach. The once-vibrant shoreline lay buried beneath a grotesque tapestry of refuse and decay, a stark testament to the folly of humankind.


Just by looking at this place, I felt myself shiver in disgust.

The sand, once pristine and golden, now lay obscured beneath a thick layer of debris. Discarded remnants of civilization mingled with the detritus of nature, creating a macabre mosaic of human neglect. The air hung heavy with the stench of decay, a potent reminder of the consequences of unchecked consumption and indifference.

For a second there, I thought of returning to the hell hole I was in.

But I had a task to do.


I recoiled at the sight, a wave of revulsion washing over me as I surveyed the desolation before me. It was a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked consumption and indifference.

But even amidst the decay, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. For in this desolate wasteland, there lay an opportunity—an opportunity to make a difference, to reclaim what had been lost.

Not bad.

My eyes lit up, this was more than what I had been expecting.

Like a whirlwind on steroids, information was swirling around. I could finally get to the bottom of what was going on.

The information gave me confidence as well as it allowed me to understand my situation better.

With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, I set about my task. Information flooded my mind, providing clarity amidst the chaos. I learned of my role as an administrator of a system, a custodian of order in a world gone awry.

Transformed into a formless entity, I turned into some type of floating bubble, at least that's what I think it looked like. With this, I don't have to worry about getting hurt or die anymore I guess...

That is, if I was even alive in the first place.

My first task was clear—to locate my charge, my master, amidst the chaos of the digital realm. With a sense of urgency, I scoured the virtual landscape, my senses attuned to the subtle nuances of the digital ether.

And then, like a beacon in the darkness, I found him. His bright silver eyes gazed back at me with curiosity, a silent question lingering in their depths.

If only my form wasn't so.. novel, I could've made a much shinier first impression.

It doesn't seem like he's ignoring me, at least; he is differently curious.

After a few moments of watching him attentively, I smiled and spoke cheerfully, hoping that little host is weak to shiny cute little bubbles such as myself.

"Hello little host! I'm your new system's admin!."I greeted him with a cheerful demeanor, hoping to alleviate any apprehension he might feel. But his response was one of silent contemplation, his thoughts a mystery to me.

The little master, who appeared to be deep in thought, didn't respond and instead looked at me in awe. Maybe he was surprised that I was talking to him, and it wasn't long till he continued his silent game by staring blankly into space.

A small spark of hope, however, lit up in my heart. I knew he was listening to me and could've picked up on what I said in that short time frame, so I gathered my courage and continued.

"Although I'm aware of your circumstance, I'm still unsure of your identity or what your goals are for the future. However, I'll do my best to assist you."

For a brief while, his body was motionless, but I was able to detect a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.


As my confidence grew, I decided to address the main issue that was bothering me.

"If it's not too much trouble, little host, and if you'll permit me, I would like to look into your soul. "I began nervously, glancing at his little innocent face.

His facial expression didn't change at all and his eyes remained unfocused.

As I was explaining the situation to him, he gave me a couple sidelong glances and didn't appear to comprehend what I was saying, but I knew he did.

He responded by closing his eyes and then looked up abruptly again, as if he was, in fact, aware of what I had said. The warm smile he gave me shot an invisible arrow straight through my heart, and as he nodded his tiny head in approval, I smiled.

"Thank you little host! Just leave it to me."

And with that, I floated near him as he lifted his chubby little hand up. I then landed on his palm and looked at him..

While examining his body, I realized that, while his figure was small, it was still significantly larger than mine. This made me consider taking an update after all of this was done.

I shook off the ridiculous ideas I had in my head and with his silent consent, I delved into the depths of his soul.

As I brushed aside the fleeting thoughts that had momentarily clouded my mind, I found myself delving deeper into the recesses of my master's soul. It was a journey fraught with uncertainty, a plunge into the unknown depths of his being.

His soul... It bore a striking resemblance to something... someone... from my past. The realization struck me like a thunderbolt, sending a surge of emotions coursing through my digital veins.


Memories, long buried and forgotten, surged to the forefront of my consciousness, threatening to overwhelm me. I struggled to maintain my composure, but the floodgates had already been breached, and tears streamed down my ethereal cheeks.

Unexpectedly, a soft hand reached out to stroke my head, offering comfort in my moment of vulnerability. My master's voice, gentle and soothing, reached out to me through our connection, his words a balm to my troubled soul.

"Host, you– "

─'...Allyn?' his voice was gentle as he spoke through our connection, holding me gently in his embrace.

─'Don't be sad, ' He spoke as his chubby little hand patted me tenderly, 'If you don't like the name, I can always just... '


Did he think I was reacting cause of the name?


Am I being comforted by a child?

Am I that weak in his eyes?-

Didn't we just met-

My master is too trusting, too pure. What if I was a bad person?-

I should teach him common sense, I thought as my mood shifted in an instant. I was upset at myself, for breaking down like that in front of him, but then I soon realised something.

What did he just call me?

─'Allyn? ' he asked, worry reflecting in his innocent eyes.

I guess... I should at least answer him.

Before I could respond, I heard a growling sound coming from the child before me.

Looking at little master's blushed face, I had to stop myself from laughing as my mood turned for the better. still, with a newfound sense of purpose, I resolved to stand by his side, to protect and guide him on his journey. With a playful smile, I teased him gently, offering him a snack to sate his hunger.

"hungry?" His cheeks went from a light blush to bright red as he avoided making eye contact.


Pfft– little master is so cute!!

I thought before taking out the first item I could find; a nutritious child-friendly fruit snack that looked like some kind of melon.

"Here, I got you something!" I showed him the fruit snack.

The boy gave me the strangest look as if he was somehow disappointed that I didn't bring anything more shinier than a simple fruit snack.

Oh well, little master wants to eat, so I'll give him whatever he likes. Even though his age and physical appearance don't match—he looked like a one-year-old while only being a few weeks old—logic doesn't work in his case, so eating small snacks of his choosing shouldn't be that much of a problem.

I opened the snack and put a whole piece into his mouth.

Seeing how pleased he looked after being fed till his little cheeks resembled that of a chipmunk, I took this opportunity to voice out my thoughts.

"Thank you." I said in a soft voice as I continued to feed little master.

This time I had his full attention.

─'Hmm? ' He raised his eyebrow questioningly at me.

I noticed how perfect this boy's features were.

His bright silver eyes, rosy lips, and cheeks are way too adorable! It should be illegal to watch this for free.

I can't wait for the next upgrade to enable the camera function; it'll be the perfect tool to capture my master's beauty.

I left the idea aside for later and turned my attention back to him, correcting myself.

"It's nothing~ " I spoke as I quickly changed the topic. Which in return, earned me a light pout from him.

His action was way too cute to be ignored, so I decided to give him another snack as compensation for interrupting his meal.

Now isn't the right time; one day I'll show him how grateful I am for the name he gave me. I smiled as I looked at my little master.

With a contented sigh, he soon drifted off to sleep, his small form nestled snugly in the cloud-like bed I had prepared for him. I watched over him with a sense of quiet pride, knowing that I had fulfilled my duty as his guardian.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I took a glimpse at my surroundings; by the time I finished fixing everything and preparing a cozy place for little master, the sun was already setting.

I floated to his side and laid beside him.

"Goodnight, little master," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the night. And with that, I allowed myself to drift off into a peaceful slumber, knowing that I would always be there to watch over him.