
『???' POV』

In the midst of the bustling training ground, the spiky-haired knight's words rang out with an intensity that demanded attention. "MY COUSIN IS MISSING, AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!" Ned exclaimed, his voice edged with disbelief and desperation.

"Ned, please stop behaving foolishly; you're going to make things worse. Let's figure out a way to solve this first," urged John, the steadfast knight whose bald head gleamed under the sunlight. His words carried the weight of experience and calm. Ned released a frustrated huff, his practice sword clattering to the ground.

John sighed, turning to meet Nick's gaze. To his surprise, Nick's expression was serious, devoid of his usual playful demeanor, and he wasn't clutching his ever-present mirror. This unexpected shift left John intrigued and slightly apprehensive.

"What do we know about this situation so far?" John asked, his voice steady.

As the silence stretched on, Nickolas gathered his thoughts and then, with a determined exhale, began to speak.

"Two apprentice knights heard Sam grumble about complaints concerning the orphanage and decided to personally check it out, but they didn't witness him go there personally. Sam was last seen in town ten days ago."

The White Lotus side character, his hand still on Ned's back, gasped in disbelief as he turned to the blonde knight."Ten days-what do you mean? How could we have not notice his absence for so long?!"

Ned bowed his head in shame, the weight of responsibility heavy upon his shoulders. As Sam's cousin and sole living relative since the passing of their family, he should have been the first to notice his disappearance. The thought gnawed at him relentlessly; if anything happened to Sam, he would never forgive himself.

A heavy silence enveloped them, each person grappling with feelings of responsibility. Regret hung thick in the air. Had they been more attentive, perhaps their friend would still be offering his characteristic lectures that had become a staple of their group dynamic. Each individual couldn't shake the nagging thought that they could have done something, anything, to prevent this outcome.

Breaking the silence, Ned's voice, though quiet, cut through the tension. "What's our next move?" he asked, his tone serious but uncertain, inviting input from the group.

As their conversation unfolded, a tremor of fear threaded through the words. "But what if... what if those rumors were true?" stammered the White Lotus aspirant, his voice quavering with dread at the mere thought. "What if Sam was indeed taken by the people from the orphanage, or-or something even worse?" The shiver that coursed through him bespoke the chilling possibilities that haunted his imagination.

John glanced at his companions, observing the concern etched on their faces. Unwavering in his resolve, he sought to uplift their spirits, injecting a spark of positivity.

"Standing here won't bring him back," John remarked, his tone measured yet tinged with impatience. His gaze shifted to Nick. "Are the two apprentice knights sure about what they witnessed and heard?"

Nickolas met John's gaze with a resolute nod, his expression mirroring the determination reflected in his leader's eyes.

Satisfied with the confirmation, John's movements became purposeful as he reached for his coat, the fabric rustling softly as he prepared for action. With a deliberate turn, he positioned himself to address the group, drawing all eyes to him with an innate sense of command.

"Fetch those two apprentice knights," John instructed, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "We're wasting no time. We're heading straight to the Captain." Each word was punctuated with unwavering determination, leaving no room for hesitation as he set the course for their next steps.

With a shared nod of understanding, the group fell into step behind John, their footsteps echoing through the corridors as they made their way toward the main office. The urgency of their mission hung in the air, driving them forward with a singular focus as they prepared to confront the challenges ahead.


Vita, Elpis knights' headquarters.

The vibrant hues of sunset painted the sky in fiery shades, casting long shadows across the courtyard, the knight group congregated anxiously outside their Captain's office. Their brows furrowed with concern, they exchanged apprehensive glances, their minds consumed with the weight of the matter at hand. With determined resolve, they approached the entrance to their commander's domain, only to find themselves barred by the imposing figures of the guards stationed outside.

"Apologies," one of the guards interjected, his voice firm but tinged with sympathy, "the Captain is currently engaged with a guest."

A sense of frustration washed over the group, their collective tension palpable in the air. However, it was John who stepped forward, his posture erect and his gaze unwavering as he addressed the guards.

"Perhaps," he suggested, his tone respectful yet insistent, "you could inform the Captain that John seeks an audience. There are pressing matters that require his immediate attention."

His words hung in the air, the gravity of the situation palpable as the group awaited the guards' response, their hopes pinned on the possibility of gaining entry to the Captain's presence.

After a moment of silent deliberation, one of the guards exchanged a meaningful glance with his companion before motioning for the other to step aside. With a sense of cautious optimism, the group watched as the guard disappeared into the Captain's quarters, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Time seemed to stretch infinitely as they waited, each passing second laden with uncertainty. Yet, their patience was soon rewarded as the guard emerged once more, his expression unreadable as he held the door open, silently granting them entry.

With a collective exhale of relief, the group stepped forward, their resolve renewed as they crossed the threshold into the inner sanctum of command. A sense of purpose coursed through their veins as they prepared to confront whatever challenges lay ahead, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

As the group awaited entry outside the Captain's office, inside, a scene of intrigue unfolded. Captain Aric Ironclad, renowned for his fiery red hair and unwavering dedication to duty, was engaged in a discussion with a mysterious guest. This visitor, shrouded in an aura of confidence and determination, had brought forth compelling evidence regarding a suspect the knights had been tirelessly pursuing for months. With rapt attention, the Captain listened as the guest methodically presented their findings, each detail adding another piece to the intricate puzzle they sought to solve.

Meanwhile, the knights' entry into the office brought a momentary pause to the proceedings. The Captain acknowledged their presence with a nod before turning his attention back to the conversation.

It was then that the knights noticed the man to whom the guards had referred - a figure they recognized instantly by the symbol adorning his cape.

With a mixture of surprise and respect, they approached the newcomer, their expressions reflecting a blend of admiration and curiosity. "Sir," one of them spoke, addressing the guest with deference, "it's an honor to meet you."

The guest, his demeanor both imposing and enigmatic, acknowledged their greetings with a nod of acknowledgment, his eyes betraying a hint of amusement at their awe.

"Please," Captain Aric, with his characteristic blend of geniality and authority, intervened with a gentle yet playful tone,"let's not interrupt our esteemed guest any further. John," he continued, turning to his childhood friend with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes , "I didn't expect you to be the one to disrupt my audience."

John, though momentarily caught off guard by the Captain's jest, maintained his composure, meeting the teasing remark with a good-natured smile. However, as the seriousness of their purpose weighed heavily upon him, his expression quickly shifted, the lines of his face growing more somber.

"Sincere apologies, Captain," John responded urgently, "but urgent matters indeed require your attention."

Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Captain Aric's demeanor faltered slightly, a moment of awkwardness punctuating the exchange. However, before he could gather his thoughts to respond, John seized the opportunity to address the pressing issue at hand.

"Our leader, Sam, has been missing for ten days," John began, his voice firm and resolute, "and based on eyewitness testimony, we suspect the orphanage may be involved."

Aric's brow furrowed in deep concern at the news. Sam was not only a skilled knight but also a revered leader among them, his absence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their ranks.

Aric's sigh carried the weight of past frustrations and present worries, his features etched with a mixture of resignation and concern. "The orphanage again," he muttered, his voice heavy with the weight of their shared history with the institution. "I won't delve into the specifics now, but if your suspicions hold true, Sam's safety is in danger. We mustn't waste any time."

Turning to his guest, who had remained silent but attentive throughout the exchange, Aric found confirmation in the steely resolve reflected in the visitor's gaze. With a subtle nod of agreement, the guest rose from his seat, a tangible aura of readiness emanating from his poised demeanor as he clutched the documents in his hand, ready to lend his support to their cause.

Ned, unable to contain his concern, interjected with a question, his eyes reflecting the unease gnawing at his insides. "What do you mean, sir?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

The guest, revealed to be the esteemed Captain of the Astria knights, met Ned's gaze with a measured intensity, his response commanding the full attention of the assembled group. "Your Captain previously received this evidence from an anonymous source," he explained, his words carrying a weight that hung heavily in the air. Pausing momentarily to gather his thoughts, he continued with unwavering resolve. "Upon your leader's return, it will be your duty to thoroughly investigate this matter and report your findings back to Captain Aric." His tone brooked no dissent as he issued his directive. 

Aric, ever perceptive, questioned the Astria Captain's decision to remain behind. "Will you not be joining us?" he inquired, his curiosity tempered with understanding.

The Astria Captain shook his head with a calm determination, his demeanor steadfast despite the urgency of their situation. "No, I have pressing matters that demand my attention here," he replied, his voice unwavering. "I entrust this mission to you. Good luck."

With those parting words, the Astria Captain departed, leaving the group to steel themselves for the task ahead. As they prepared to embark on their mission, they were keenly aware of the gravity of their responsibility and the daunting challenges that lay ahead, yet they were resolved to persevere in their quest to find their missing leader and uncover the truth behind his disappearance.

It was then that Captain Aric took charge,his authoritative voice broke the tense silence. "Listen up, everyone," he began, his tone carrying a blend of urgency and resolve. "We're facing a critical situation, and it's important that we act swiftly and discreetly."

The group, their expressions a mixture of concern and determination, turned their attention to their leader, ready to receive his instructions.

"It's clear that time is not on our side," Aric continued, his gaze sweeping over each member of the group. "We need to find Sam before it's too late, and we can't afford to wait for official permission to conduct a search."

The white lotus night, David, ever the voice of reason when their leader wasn't present, spoke up, his tone tinged with apprehension. "But how do we proceed without raising suspicion? Sneaking into the orphanage won't be easy, especially with guards on watch."

Aric nodded, acknowledging the validity of David's concerns. "That's where our Astria friend's information comes in handy," he replied, his voice steady and assured. "We'll use what we know to our advantage."

With a sense of trepidation mingled with determination, the group accepted their orders, knowing that their mission was fraught with danger yet vital to their cause. They made their way towards the orphanage, waited for the day to pass as their minds buzzed with anticipation, each member mentally preparing themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

Hours later, they made their way towards the orphanage under the cloak of sunlight, the group's footsteps echoed softly against the cobblestone streets, the tension palpable in the air. The sun hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow upon their path as they approached their destination.

Amidst the hushed murmurs of conversation, Nickolas glanced towards the darkened silhouette of the orphanage looming before them. "We'll have to wait until nightfall to make our move," he remarked, his voice barely above a whisper.

John nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the imposing structure ahead. "Agreed," he replied, his tone resolute. "We'll use the cover of darkness to our advantage."

"We'll need to remain unseen," suggested David, his voice tinged with determination. "Stealth will be our greatest ally."

Nods of agreement rippled through the group as they discussed the finer details of their plan, each member contributing their insights and expertise to the discussion. "We'll need to keep communication channels open," added Ned, his tone practical yet determined. "We can't afford to lose contact with one another once we're inside."

With their plan finalized and their resolve steeled for the challenges ahead, the group settled in to wait, the minutes ticking by slowly as anticipation mounted. In the quiet of the night, their thoughts turned to their missing leader, Sam, and the urgency of their mission weighed heavily upon their hearts.

Finally, as the last vestiges of daylight faded from the sky and the cloak of darkness enveloped them, the group rose to their feet, their expressions set with determination. It was time to begin their mission, to venture into the depths of the orphanage and uncover the truth that lay hidden within its walls. For Sam, for their brother in arms, they would stop at nothing to bring him home.


As the golden hues of sunset painted the sky in a mesmerizing display of colors, Kallous found himself leaning against the weathered stone wall of the dormitory courtyard, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Five days had passed since he and the other special kids had been relocated to their new dorms, a transition that brought with it a wave of changes and challenges.

Their living quarters, still housing three occupants to a room, felt cramped and stifling compared to the freedom they once enjoyed. Gone were the days of spontaneous adventures and impromptu mischief; in its place stood a regimented routine enforced by the ever-watchful eyes of the staff.

Kallous,in the eyes of those who truly know him for his laid-back demeanor and aversion to authority, found himself chafing under the constant surveillance. Every move he made, every action he took, was scrutinized and monitored, leaving him feeling like a puppet on strings, unable to act without fear of repercussion.

Despite his reluctance, Kallous dutifully attended each class and endured the daily check-ups alongside the twins, their familiar presence offering some semblance of solace amidst the suffocating surveillance. Yet, with each passing day, the weight of expectation bore down upon him, a heavy burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment.

And now, as the promise of a new day lingered on the horizon, Kallous couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. Tomorrow marked the beginning of the real training, a prospect that filled him with equal parts excitement and dread. For the first time since their arrival, they would be put to the test, their abilities pushed to their limits under the watchful eye of their instructors.

As he lay in his bed, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains, Kallous couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at his insides. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new obstacles to overcome, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would be up to the task.

But amidst the uncertainty, a flicker of determination burned within him, a silent vow to defy the odds and prove himself capable against all obstacles. With the promise of a new day on the horizon, Kallous closed his eyes and surrendered to the embrace of sleep, knowing that whatever tomorrow may bring, he would face it head-on with unwavering resolve.

As Kallous drifted into the hazy realm of sleep, his mind on the brink of surrendering to dreams, he was jolted awake by the gentle touch of Allyn's body on his shoulder. Startled, he blinked owlishly, the remnants of drowsiness clinging to his consciousness as he registered her urgent emotic-like expression.

✿'Kal, wake up!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞,' Allyn whispered urgently, her voice barely above a breath, completely forgetting that no one but Kal could hear her. 'A group are slipping inside the orphanage. They are knights.'

The words cut through the fog of sleep like a bolt of lightning, banishing any remnants of drowsiness from Kallous's mind. A surge of excitement coursed through him at the news, his heart pounding in anticipation of the unfolding events.

With a grin that stretched from ear to ear, Kallous sprung to his feet, the idea of sleep vanishing like mist before the morning sun.

─'Show me,' he urged in his mind, not to awake the twin, his voice barely containing his excitement. 'Share a screen of what you see using the system.'

Allyn nodded in affirmation, a soft hum filled Kal's mind, and in an instant, a holographic screen materialized before them. It shimmered into existence only for Kal to see, casting a faint glow that illuminated his eager face.

Before them, a live feed unfolded, displaying the knights' movements with remarkable clarity. Each step they took, each shadow they melted into, was captured in vivid detail, painting a picture of their stealthy progress through the labyrinthine corridors of the orphanage.

Kal watched intently, his eyes glued to the screen as he observed the knights' every move with rapt attention. With each step they took, his anticipation grew, a sense of exhilaration coursing through him as he awaited the outcome of their daring infiltration.

─'Truly impressive,' Kal murmured, his voice filled with quiet admiration as he observed the knights' coordinated movements. 'The Elpis knights certainly live up to their reputation.'

He found himself immersed in the unfolding scene, a welcome break from the monotony of the past five days. Watching their stealthy progress brought a sense of anticipation and satisfaction, reminding him that there was still a bright world beyond the confines of these dormitory walls.

Allyn couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth wash over her as she observed Kal, his eyes alight with excitement like a child on the eve of a grand adventure. She couldn't deny the twinge of concern that gnawed at her heart, though. These past few days had been a stark departure from the carefree life they once knew. The rigorous training and relentless lectures had transformed Kal into a shadow of his former self, his once boundless freedom now curtailed by the weight of responsibility.

As she watched him now, a pang of guilt tugged at her conscience. She had promised to protect him, to shield him from harm like a sister would. Yet, in their pursuit of a greater cause, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had failed him somehow.

But then she reminded herself of their shared purpose, their determination to see their plan through to the end. It was for this reason that Kallous had willingly sacrificed his freedom, willingly accepted the burdens that came with their mission.

With a bittersweet smile, Allyn resolved to be there for him, to support him every step of the way. She may not have been able to give him the carefree childhood he deserved, but she would be damned if she let him face their challenges alone.

As Allyn's thoughts swirled with a mix of emotions, Kallous's voice broke through her racing thoughts, pulling her back to the present moment. She regarded him with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, eager to hear his words.

─'You know, Allyn,' Kal began, his tone thoughtful, 'I reckon those knights are probably searching for their friend.'

Allyn's brow furrowed at the mention of the poor knight that the unshiny butler kidnapped, a surge of worry coursing through her.

✿'You think so?' she questioned, her voice betraying her concern. 'But how would they know where to look?'

Kal's eyes sparked as he explained,

─'Remember that evidence I sent anonymously? It must've reached them somehow. And since they were already suspicious of the orpahange, the information must've made them act now.'

Allyn nodded, her mind racing with the implications of Kallous's words.

✿'You're right,' she conceded, her voice gentle as always 'Finding their friend has to be their top priority tonight.'

While Kal scanned the screen, his eyes alighted on a particular knight, a plan forming in his mind.

─'Give them a hint,' he instructed, his voice firm with resolve. 'Let them know where their friend was being held.'

Kal was trapped in their dormitory, unable to lend a physical hand to the knights. However, he knew that Allyn who was only visible to him, could tip the scales in their favor.

─'Allyn,'Kal murmured, his voice tinged with urgency in his mind, 'you're my best chance at helping them. You can do something, right?'

Allyn met his gaze with a determined nod, her eyes alight with determination. 'I'll do whatever it takes \\٩(๑'^'๑)۶//,' she affirmed, her voice resolute.

With a flicker of concentration, Allyn vanished, only to return in front of the knight Kal had previously pointed at As the knight approached the area, she took the chance and tripped him up.

In an instant, the knight stumbled, his movements faltering as he grappled with an unseen obstacle. With a swift motion, Allyn guided him towards a hidden entrance concealed within the walls, a secret passage that held the key to the poor knight's rescue.

As the knight fumbled with the hidden latch, Kal held his breath, his heart hammering in his chest. With each passing moment, the tension mounted, until finally, the door swung open, revealing the darkness within.

With a sense of relief washing over him, Kal watched as the knight disappeared into the depths of the hidden chamber. It was a small victory, but one that filled him with hope. Thanks to Allyn's quick thinking and cunning, the poor knight was one step closer to freedom.

With a heavy sigh, Kal felt the weight of exhaustion settle over him like a suffocating blanket. The adrenaline that had fueled him moments ago now ebbed away, leaving behind a bone-deep weariness.

As thoughts of Lucy's imminent demise lingered in his mind, Kal couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction. For too long, she had held sway over people's lives, her cruelty casting a shadow over their every move. Now, her reign of terror was nearing its end, and Kal couldn't wait to see justice served by his own two hands.

With a resigned smile, Kallous allowed himself to succumb to the pull of sleep. His eyelids grew heavy, the events of the night fading into the recesses of his mind as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.

As he slept, a sense of calm washed over him, soothing away the worries that had plagued him. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting embrace of darkness, Kallous found solace.

And as he surrendered to the embrace of sleep, Kallous couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within him. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new obstacles to overcome, but for now, he allowed himself to rest, savouring the serenity of the night.