
The morning light filtered through the curtains of the dormitory room, casting a soft glow on Kallous as he stirred from his slumber. Allyn, his ever-vigilant system, chimed its cursed melodic alarm, rousing him from sleep with a gentle persistence. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Kallous sat up, his mind gradually transitioning from the realm of dreams to the reality of another day at the ever-so-perfect orphanage.

✿'Good morning, Kal,' Allyn's soothing voice greeted him, its holographic round form hovering beside the bed. 'A new day is ahead of us! Time to wake up ( ˘▽˘)っ.'

With a weary sigh, Kallous swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pushed himself upright. The room was sparsely furnished, with bunk beds lining the walls and a small desk tucked into the corner where Ian and Ivan's belongings lay in disarray.

As Kallous made his way to the communal showers, he could already hear the familiar sounds of morning chatter echoing through the corridors. Ian and Ivan, the twins who had become his closest companions and friends since his arrival at the orphanage, were likely already awake and causing mischief of their own.

Most likely Ian-

The hot water of the shower provided a brief respite from the chill of the morning air, washing away the last vestiges of sleep as Kallous scrubbed himself clean. By the time he emerged, towel draped around his waist, Ian and Ivan were waiting for him in the dormitory, their faces lit up and greeted him.

Ian, ever the exuberant one, flashed Kallous a bright smile, his eyes filled with genuine warmth under the dark eyeshade. "Morning, Kallous!" he exclaimed with a mischievous grin, holding out a plate of cookies as if offering a lifeline, their sweet aroma wafting through the air. "Ivan baked these for you. Figured they might help kickstart the day."

"Morning, Ian. Morning, Ivan," Kallous greeted them, accepting a cookie from Ian with gratitude. "What's the occasion?"

Ivan, ever the stoic counterpart to his brother's spirited self, merely shrugged in response. "Just felt like baking, I guess," he mumbled, though the faint hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

The atmosphere shifts subtly as the butler's knuckles rap against the door, the jovial atmosphere of their morning chat dissipates like mist under the sun. His demeanor, though composed, carries an undertone of severity. 

"Children, it's time to assemble," he announced, his tone brooking no argument. "Ms. Lucy requires your presence."

Kallous met the twins' gaze, a silent understanding passing between them as they exchanged a look filled with unspoken apprehension. Gathering their meager belongings, the trio moved as one, a solemn procession navigating the dimly lit corridors of the orphanage.

The hallway seemed to stretch on endlessly, the walls closing in around them like the bars of a prison cell. With each step, the air grew heavier, laden with the weight of uncertainty and fear. Other children joined them along the way, their faces etched with the same mixture of resignation and dread.

Ian glanced nervously at Kal, his usual energy subdued by the oppressive atmosphere. "This doesn't feel right, does it?" he murmured, his voice barely audible over the shuffling of feet, he held his older twin's hand tighter.

Kallous shook his head, his own unease mirrored in the tightness of his jaw. "No, it doesn't," he replied, his tone heavy with resignation. "But we don't have much choice, do we?"

Ivan tightened his grip on Ian's hand, offering silent reassurance as he pulled him closer, his protective instinct flaring in the face of uncertainty. "We stick together, no matter what," he stated firmly, his voice a quiet anchor in the midst of turmoil.

The assembly area loomed before them like a specter, the dim light casting eerie shadows across the faces of the gathered children. Lucy stood at the front, her presence commanding obedience and respect, though her eyes held a glint of something darker beneath the surface.

As they took their places among the other children, Kallous maintained a facade of calm, though turmoil churned within him like a tempest. The assembly room, with its dim lighting and hushed whispers, seemed to amplify the weight of uncertainty that hung in the air. Yet amidst the palpable tension, Kallous found solace in the reassuring presence of Allyn, whose soft voice offered a lifeline of support in the tumultuous sea of his thoughts.

✿'Keep your spirits high, Kallous,' Allyn's gentle voice echoed in his mind, a steady beacon of encouragement. 'I'm always here for you(˘∀˘).'

Kal offered a small smile in response, grateful for Allyn's steadfast support in moments like these.

Allyn was blinded by his smile and blushed as she hid from his sight.

Beside him, Ian and Ivan occupied the adjacent seats, their quiet presence offering a sense of camaraderie in the midst of uncertainty. Kal glanced at them briefly, acknowledging their shared experience without delving into deeper sentiments. As Lucy began her address, Kallous found himself appreciating the silent support they provided. Unfortunatly, he won't allow himself to be attached to them.

They weren't meant to be after all.

As Lucy began her speech, her voice echoed softly through the room, her words measured and deliberate. "Children," she began, her tone a blend of authority and faux warmth, "today marks the beginning of a new phase in your journey here at the orphanage."

"What do you think she means by 'new phase'?" Ivan whispered, his voice barely audible over the murmur of the crowd.

Kal shrugged, his gaze never leaving Lucy's figure at the front of the room. "Hard to say," he replied quietly, his tone tinged with uncertainty. "But I doubt it's anything good."

Although Kal never described the precise training these children received when they recounted their tale to the protagonist, it was not a pleasant experience, given what they went through in the novel.

Lucy continued her speech, outlining the supposed training that awaited them, Kal couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism creeping in. "Training for what?" Ian muttered under his breath, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Kal shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "I'm not sure," he admitted, his voice tinged with apprehension. "But we should be careful. Something doesn't feel right about this."

Beside him, Ian and Ivan nodded in silent agreement, their shared apprehension a testament to the unspoken bond that held them together.

As Lucy's words washed over him, Allyn's voice broke through the din of the crowd, a sudden intrusion that sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through Kal's veins.

✿'Kallous,' Allyn's voice echoed softly in his mind, cutting through the haze of uncertainty. 'There's something you need to know.'

Kal's breath caught in his throat as he felt Allyn's presence, a familiar yet solemn reminder of their connection.

─'Allyn,' he responded inwardly, his thoughts sharp with curiosity. 'What is it?'

In the recesses of his mind, images began to form, fragments of a story that unfolded with chilling clarity—the Knights, their clandestine mission last night, and the grim discovery they had made in the depths of the orphanage.

A sense of foreboding settled over Kal like a heavy shroud, his heart pounding in his chest as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

─'What happened?' he questioned, his tone cool and composed.

Allyn's response was a soft whisper, tinged with solemnity.

✿'One of the Knights,' she explained, her voice tinged with sorrow, 'they found their friend... but he's gone, Kal. They left his body but took evidence and left quietly.'

Kallous processed the information with a detached sense of concern. 'I see,' he murmured, his mind already racing to analyze the implications of this new development.

─'Thank you for letting me know, Allyn. It's unfortunate, but perhaps it was necessary.'

Allyn's presence faded into the background, leaving Kallous alone with his thoughts as Lucy's speech continued. Despite the unexpected turn of events, he remained composed, his focus sharpened by the newfound knowledge that danger lurked closer than ever before.

Lucy's speech came to a close, her words hanging heavy in the air, Kal felt a surge of determination welling up within him. He exchanged a meaningful glance with the twins, a silent understanding passing between them as they prepared to set their plan into motion.

Shiny flashback brought to you by our shiny fourth wall breaker~

In the cozy sanctuary of their shared dormitory, Kal found himself surrounded by the comforting presence of the twins, Ian and Ivan. Despite his usual demeanor of coldness and distance, there was a subtle warmth in his eyes as he glanced at the twins, a silent acknowledgment of their presence.

Their eyes sparkled with mischief as they admired Kal's choice of pyjamas, a shiny creation of Allyn that she had insisted he wear for comfort.

"Kal, those pyjamas are adorable!" Ian exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight as he reached out to touch the soft fabric.

Kal's face turned slightly red at the compliment, silently cursing Allyn as he adjusted the sleeves trying to ignore Ian's words.

Ivan, on the other hand, stared at Kal for a moment, a dark glint in his eye, as if tempted to squeeze kal's cheeks in a show of affection. But before he could act on the impulse, he coughed discreetly, his expression returning as its useal. "Yeah, those pyjamas suit you," he added, his tone echoing Ian's sentiment, earning a small chuckle from his younger twin.

But amidst the lighthearted banter, Kallous knew that they had a serious task ahead of them. As they sat together, their conversation taking a more somber turn, Kal leaned in close to the twins, his voice low but resolute.

"Listen carefully," Kal began, his voice barely above a whisper as if someone might hear them yet filled with unwavering resolve. "When Lucy gives the signal to the maids, we let them separate us. Don't resist, don't draw attention to yourselves. But if they lay a hand on you, you have my permission to defend yourselves, by any means necessary."

Ian and Ivan nodded in silent agreement, their expressions serious as they absorbed Kallous's instructions. "Got it, Kal," Ian affirmed, his tone determined. "We'll stick to the plan."

Kallous managed a small smile, gratitude swelling within him for the unwavering loyalty of the twins. "Wherever there's a shadow," Ivan spoke, looking at Kal's, "we'll be safe. Remember that."

With a shared nod, the three boys settled into a comfortable silence, their thoughts focused on the challenges that lay ahead. Despite Kal's aloof exterior, he knew that their friendship was a source of strength, even if this friendship won't last for long.

Shiny flashback endz~

And so, as Lucy's gaze swept over the room, her signal to the maids clear and unmistakable, Kallous remained outwardly composed, his heart pounding with anticipation beneath the facade of calm. He allowed himself to be separated from the twins without protest, steeling himself against the ache of uncertainty that gnawed at his insides.

The maids closed in, their hands reaching out to snatch the children away amidst their confusion. Kallous met the twins' gaze, silently conveying his trust in their ability to handle whatever came their way. "Stay strong," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the chaos unfolding around them. "We'll reunite soon."

Ian and Ivan nodded in silent acknowledgment, their determination mirrored in their eyes as they watched Kallous being led away. They knew the risks, but they also knew that Kallous had entrusted them with a crucial task—to protect themselves at all costs.

Once separated, Kallous found himself led down a narrow corridor he had never seen before. The walls seemed to close in, shadows dancing ominously as the maids escorted him. Each step echoed with a sense of foreboding.

The air grew colder, the light dimmer, as they descended deeper into the orphanage. Kallous's mind raced with possibilities. What lay ahead? What was this 'new phase' Lucy had spoken of? He glanced at the faces of the maids, but they remained impassive, their expressions betraying nothing.

Just as he was about to question them, a door at the end of the corridor creaked open. The maids stopped abruptly, and Kallous stepped forward into the unknown.

Inside, the room was stark, illuminated by a single hanging bulb that cast eerie shadows. In the center stood a figure shrouded in darkness, their features obscured.

"Welcome, Kallous," a voice intoned, cold and detached. "We've been expecting you."

Kallous's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to make out the figure's identity. The air was thick with tension, the silence oppressive. He felt Allyn stir within his mind, a comforting presence amidst the growing uncertainty.

✿'Stay alert, Kal,' Allyn whispered, her voice tinged with urgency. 'Something isn't right.'

Before Kallous could respond, the figure stepped forward, revealing nothing of their features. "You must be wondering why you're here," the voice continued, resonating with an eerie calm.

"Yes," Kallous replied, his voice steady despite the anxiety swirling within him. "What do you want from me?"

"Patience," the figure said softly. "You will learn soon enough."


While everything was unfolding within the confines of the orphanage, outside its gates, a different scene was taking shape. A group of knights stood in the early morning mist, led by their resolute captain. They held an official search warrant and orders for arrest, prepared to confront whatever lay within the orphanage's walls.

The cobblestones echoed softly under their boots as they approached the imposing gates. With a nod from their leader, they advanced, determined to uncover the truth hidden within.

Inside the orphanage, the halls were dimly lit and eerily quiet. The knights moved through the corridors with purpose, their breaths visible in the cold air. They reached a heavy door, and the captain raised a hand, signaling his team to be ready.

The door creaked open, revealing a stark room illuminated by a single hanging bulb. In the center stood a figure, their features obscured in shadows.

"We have a search warrant and orders for arrest," the captain stated firmly, holding up the documents.

The head butler stood still, his expression show nothing of his inner thoughts. 

"I understand," He replied evenly, stepping to the side as if he expected their 'visit'.

"The orphanage welcomes you."