
A/N: TRIGGER WARNING! This chapter is not for those with weak hearts (Maybe?); skip the first part if you find it disturbing.


『 Kallous' POV 』

The cold seeped through the stone walls, chilling Kallous to the bone. His breath came out in foggy puffs as he was led down a winding corridor, the dim lights flickering ominously. The atmosphere was suffocating, each step echoing with a sense of impending doom. He glanced at the impassive faces of the maids escorting him, their eyes devoid of any emotion.

The memories of Ian and Ivan gnawed at his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was happening to them. However, he trusts that they will be safe. After all, they aren't normal by any means.

His fists clenched at his sides as he was ushered into a room at the end of the hall. The door creaked open, revealing a stark, sterile space illuminated by a single hanging bulb.

"Step inside," one of the maids instructed coldly, pushing him forward.

Kallous entered, his senses on high alert. In the center of the room stood a figure shrouded in darkness, their features obscured. The silence was oppressive, the air thick with tension.

"Welcome, Kallous," a voice intoned, cold and detached. "We've been expecting you."

Kallous's heart pounded as he tried to make out the figure's identity. He felt Allyn stir within his mind, a comforting presence amidst the growing uncertainty.

✿'Stay alert, Kal,' Allyn whispered, her voice tinged with urgency. 'Something isn't right.(⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|)'

Before Kallous could respond, the figure stepped forward, revealing nothing of their features. "You must be wondering why you're here," the voice continued, resonating with an eerie calm.

"Yes," Kallous replied, his voice steady despite the anxiety swirling within him. "What do you want from me?"

"Patience," the figure said softly. "You will learn soon enough."

─'Allyn—' Kallous began.

✿'No need, already on it,' she interrupted briskly.

A screen appeared displaying the details of the figure before him:

Name: Elias.

Race: human. Age: 30.

SB: Locked. Rank: E+.

Title: /.

STR: 21

STA: 24

INT: 43

END: 29

LUCK: 19

> Upgrade the system to show the rest of the status.

Before Kallous could read into it, the figure walked to him, revealing a man with sharp features and cold, calculating eyes. He wore a lab coat, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Welcome, Kallous," the man intoned, his voice cold and detached. "My name is Dr. Elias. I will be conducting your... training."

Kallous remained silent, his eyes fixed on Dr. Elias. He could feel the weight of the man's gaze, assessing him, probing his weaknesses.

✿'Kal, there's a side quest,' Allyn chimed in, her voice a mix of excitement and concern. 'Do you want to accept?'

─'A quest? right now? That's unusual. Show it to me' Kallous responded, his curiosity piqued.




In the crucible of trials, your spirit finds its strength.

Endure the dark, for dawn brings light anew.

With every wound, resilience blooms.

Survive the torment, let courage be your guide.

The reward awaits, a testament to your unwavering heart.

To you, the one who challenges such fates.

make us proud and break its string.


Skill ticket.

─'Always straight to the point, aren't you?' Kallous replied inwardly, a faint smirk touching his lips.

─'Yes, accept it.' 'The reward is enticing after all.'

Dr. Elias moved closer, his expression unreadable. "You see, Kallous, this training is designed to push you to your limits. To break you, so that you can be rebuilt stronger. Do you understand?"

Kallous nodded, a spark of determination in his eyes as he clenched his jaw. 'This is all for that damn side quest. The reward will make it worth it. If I want to succeed, I'll have to endure whatever they throw at me.' "I understand. Do your worst." Every blow, every pain endured, would be a step closer to completing the quest.

A thin smile curved Dr. Elias's lips. "Very well. Begin."

Two more figures emerged, each carrying a set of cruel-looking instruments. The room was stark and sterile, the harsh light glinting off metal surfaces. Their hands were firm as they secured his arms and legs, pinning him to a chair. His eyes darted around, searching for an escape, but the room was sealed tight, the windows barred shut.

Kallous's senses heightened, his mind sharpening as he took in every detail. The sharp tang of antiseptic filled his nostrils, mingling with the underlying scent of blood and sweat.

Dr. Elias stepped forward, his expression unreadable in the dim light. He approached Kallous with deliberate steps, a sense of power emanating from his every move. He gazed down at the restrained child, a smirk playing on his lips.

✿'Kal, focus on your breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. You've got this,' Allyn's voice was a steady anchor in the chaos that was about to unfold. She was terrified; she hadn't expected this kind of torture. Her little master was just a child. This is all because of that damn quest. If only I knew, I would have stopped him from accepting it.

Plus, HOW DARE THEY TOUCH HIM!(⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠'⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡

The first wave of pain hit him as a scalpel sliced through his forearm. Kallous didn't flinch. His past experiences had hardened him, dulled his response to physical pain. Instead, he watched the blood flow with a detached interest.

'Is that all you've got?' he thought, almost disappointed.

Dr. Elias observed him closely, his cold eyes narrowing as he noted the lack of reaction. "Impressive," he remarked, a thin smile curling his lips. "Most would be screaming by now."

He watched as they continued and smiled while taking in this. 'No wonder the madam likes this one', he thought, his heart beating. 'I have to make him submit so he could be useful in the future.'

Kallous met his gaze, his silver eyes cold and unyielding. "I'm not like most people."

Dr. Elias's smile widened. "Indeed you are not."

The next instrument was a pair of metal pincers, glinting under the harsh light. One of the assistants methodically clamped it onto his fingernail, the pressure increasing until it threatened to crack the bone. Kallous inhaled deeply, letting the pain wash over him without resistance.

✿'Kal, your endurance stats are being pushed,' Allyn's voice noted clinically, though she hid her silent sobs to avoid worrying him. 'Your threshold is increasing.'

─'Good,' Kallous responded, his mind focusing on the purpose behind the pain.

─'Keep monitoring.'

The pincers twisted, ripping the nail from its bed. Blood welled up, but Kallous remained impassive, his face a mask of indifference. Dr. Elias watched with fascination.

"Your pain tolerance is remarkable," he commented, almost to himself. "But pain is only part of the equation. Let's see how you handle fear."

With a nod, one of the assistants approached with a device that looked like a helmet bristling with electrodes. They strapped it onto Kallous's head, and immediately, he felt a surge of electricity coursing through his skull. Visions of his darkest fears flickered before his eyes—images of his twisted past. 

✿'Kal, it's an illusion,' Allyn's voice cut through the haze, soothing and reassuring. 'None of it is real. Focus on my voice.'

However, it lasted only for a moment before he heard a system alert.



'..What?' his mind reeled with confusion.

Fighting to clear his thoughts, he gradually regained his composure. Mental barriers strengthened, focus returned.

The alert flashed again.



Gradually, the buzzing in his head subsided, and the menacing visions faded. Kallous gasped for breath, feeling drained yet strangely empowered. Suddenly, a realization dawned on him, and he couldn't help but smile.

'Even mental assaults are no match for the system.'

✿'Kal, are you alright?' Allyn spoke softly, her voice a gentle attempt to draw Kallous' attention.

─'I miss the pudding from this morning' He replied truthfully, earning a giggle from Allyn.

"You'll have to do better than that, doctor," Kallous looked deep into his eyes while smiling mainacly. 

Dr. Elias seemed to sense Kallous's defiance, a flicker of displeasure crossing his face. The child didn't even scream, which annoyed him further. "Increase the voltage," he ordered sharply.

The assistant, with a sense of trepidation, complied immediately. The electrical impulses surged, causing Kallous's small frame to convulse involuntarily. His muscles spasmed under the intensified current, his body contorting against the restraints.

✿'Hold on, Kal. Your body is adapting. Just a bit longer.'

After what felt like eternity, the helmet was removed, leaving him panting but still defiant.

Dr. Elias approached, his eyes glittering with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "You're resilient, Kallous. But every mind has a breaking point. Let's see if we can find yours."

"Do your worst, I won't even feel a thing," Kallous hummed, smiling mischievously as he delighted in irritating the two-legged creature.

The remark seemed to hit a nerve with Dr. Elias, who scowled in response. With a gesture, another assistant wheeled in a cart laden with various vials and syringes. "Chemical trials," Elias explained. "Designed to break the strongest of wills. Shall we begin?"

The first injection burned like fire through his veins, a searing sensation that made every nerve ending scream in protest. Kallous's body convulsed uncontrollably as the chemical cocktail took effect, his muscles twitching and spasming against the restraints that bound him to the cold, metal chair.

Hallucinations soon melded with the intense pain, creating a surreal and nightmarish landscape of torment. Strange shapes and distorted figures danced at the periphery of his vision, mocking and taunting him. Yet, through the chaos, Allyn's voice cut through like a beacon of light in the darkness.

✿ 'Focus on your breathing, Kal. You're stronger than this.'

Her words were a lifeline amidst the storm, pulling him back from the brink of despair. He closed his eyes tightly against the hallucinations, and soon it all stopped.

The system intervened again, and he was back in his own mindscape. The hallucinations faded, replaced by a sense of calm as the drug's effects gradually wore off. The intense pain subsided to a dull ache, and Kallous felt the tension in his muscles begin to ease.

He took slow, deep breaths, trying to steady himself. Allyn's presence remained, a comforting warmth in the back of his mind. Despite the ordeal, he was grateful for her guidance, her voice helping him navigate the storm within.

He looked up at Dr. Elias, his gaze defiant despite the weakness in his limbs. The doctor's expression was unreadable, a mix of frustration and grudging admiration. He knew Kallous had endured more than most could bear. With a wave of his hand, Dr. Elias signaled for the restraints to be loosened. Kallous slumped forward, his head hanging low, but a small, defiant smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

Dr. Elias leaned in close, his expression one of genuine curiosity. "What keeps you going, Kallous? What is your secret?"

Kallous stayed silent, a bright, innocent smile gracing his face, one that Allyn approved of.

Dr. Elias's face twisted in a mix of frustration and curiosity. Before he could press further, an urgent alarm blared through the room, shattering the oppressive silence. The sound was shrill and invasive, causing everyone to freeze momentarily.

"What is that?" Kallous asked, feigning more ignorance than he felt. His senses remained on high alert, ready to seize any opportunity that presented itself.

Dr. Elias's expression darkened as he checked a small device clipped to his belt. "Something's happened at the orphanage," he muttered, his voice a low growl. He turned to the assistants. "Prepare the child. We need to move."

The assistants scrambled into action, their previous calm shattered by the unexpected development. Dr. Elias approached Kallous, a syringe in hand. "You need to be unconscious for this," he said curtly, his demeanor all business now.

Kallous tried to move himself, but before he could react, the needle pricked his arm, and a wave of drowsiness washed over him. The last thing he saw was Dr. Elias's cold eyes, before the world faded to black.


When Kallous regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a dark, cramped space. The air was cold and damp, carrying the scent of mildew and rust. He could hear the muffled sound of footsteps echoing above him, rhythmic and ominous. Disoriented, he realized he was confined in the trunk of a moving vehicle. His hands and feet were tightly bound, the ropes digging into his skin, but he felt the familiar, comforting presence of Allyn in his mind.

✿ 'Kal, stay calm. We're moving, but I don't know where yet,' Allyn's voice was a soothing balm to his racing thoughts.

─ 'We need to find out where they're taking us,' Kallous replied, keeping his voice steady. 'Can you see anything?"

✿ 'It's too dark,' she responded with a hint of frustration. 'But I was able to scan the area. It looks like we're headed to a deserted place...'

As the vehicle jostled violently over uneven terrain, each bump and jolt sending shockwaves through his already aching body, Kallous's mind raced. Why were they moving him? The idea struck him like a bolt of lightning—could it be that the knights had succeeded? Was their sudden relocation a sign that the rescue mission at the orphanage had forced their captors to flee?

The thought brought a flicker of hope to his otherwise bleak situation. If the knights had managed to breach the orphanage and disrupt whatever nefarious plans were in motion, it would make sense for Dr. Elias and his cohorts to move him and the other children to a new location. A smile tugged at his lips despite the pain. Perhaps, somewhere out there, Ian and Ivan were safe, and the knights were closing in.

✿ 'Kal, focus on the present,' Allyn's voice broke through his thoughts, reminding him to stay grounded. 'We need to be prepared for whatever comes next.'

─ 'I know,' he replied, though the hope of the knights' success lingered in his mind. 'But first, I need to survive this.'

Finally, the vehicle came to a halt, and Kallous heard muffled voices and the crunch of gravel underfoot. The trunk opened with a creak, and harsh light flooded in, momentarily blinding him. He squinted, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness, his eyes watering from the intensity.

Rough hands grabbed him, yanking him out and setting him on the cold, hard ground. He blinked rapidly, his vision gradually clearing. As the blurriness subsided, he saw Dr. Elias standing next to a tall, imposing figure. The man's eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and malevolence.

It was Cian, his presence unmistakable. "Missed me?" He greeted, a twisted smile playing on his lips.

At that moment, Kallous cursed the life out of whoever brought him into this world.