Shattered Resolve

"Missed me?" Cian greeted, a twisted smile playing on his lips.

At that moment, Kallous cursed whoever brought him into this world. The sight of Cian filled him with a potent mix of dread and fury. This was the last person he wanted to see, especially under these circumstances.

The scene around him began to take shape. They were in a desolate, abandoned area, the remnants of dilapidated buildings looming like silent sentinels. The overcast sky cast a gray pallor over the landscape, enhancing the sense of foreboding that gripped him.

✿ 'Kal, focus,' Allyn's voice was a gentle whisper, trying to anchor him amidst the chaos.

─ 'I know,' he replied through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched with barely contained rage.

Dr. Elias stepped forward, his expression a mask of cold detachment. "Bring him inside," he commanded, turning on his heel and striding towards one of the crumbling structures.

Cian grabbed Kallous roughly by the arm, dragging him along. The grip was painfully tight, and Kallous struggled to keep up, his bound feet stumbling over the uneven ground. He was pulled into the shadowy interior of the building, the darkness swallowing them whole.

Kallous could feel Cian's breath on his neck, a mix of smug satisfaction and cruelty. Disgust churned in Kallous's gut, but he suppressed it, focusing instead on the cold fury burning in his chest. He knew showing weakness now would only invite more torment.

Inside the building, the air was thick with the scent of decay and neglect. The cracked and peeling walls, littered floor, and dimly lit corridors formed a labyrinth that seemed to lead deeper into despair. Eventually, they reached a heavy, iron door. Cian shoved Kallous forward, and the door swung open with a groan, revealing a dimly lit room beyond.

The room was stark and foreboding, with a single, flickering light casting long shadows across the floor. In the center stood a metal table with various ominous instruments laid out in neat rows. Kallous's heart sank at the sight, a sense of déjà vu washing over him.

Dr. Elias turned to face him, his eyes gleaming with a cold, clinical interest. "Welcome to your new home, Kallous. We have much to discuss."

As Dr. Elias spoke, Kallous noticed movement in the shadows. His eyes adjusted, revealing a group of other orphans, each with a look of terror etched on their faces. Some of them recognized him, their eyes widening in recognition and fear. Whispers spread through the group, and a few began to cry softly, the sound mingling with the oppressive atmosphere.

A girl with matted hair and hollow eyes reached out towards Kallous, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Youngest.." she whimpered, her voice fragile and broken.

Relief washed over Kallous as he quickly scanned the group and realized that the twins were not among them. He silently thanked whatever fate had spared them. Their absence meant they were safe, hidden away from this nightmare and away from their fated demise.

Before Kallous could respond, one of the adults—a tall, stern woman with a scar running down her cheek—stepped forward and barked an order. "Silence!" she commanded, her voice like a whip crack. The children immediately fell silent, their fear palpable.

Kallous's mind raced, his senses heightened by the tension in the room. He took in the sight of the other children, their fear palpable, and his resolve strengthened. He couldn't afford to show weakness now, giving them the satisfaction is the last thing he wanted.

Suddenly, Kallous felt a gaze on him. He turned to see Cian's gaze fell on him with an intensity that made his skin crawl. It was a look of hunger, of possessiveness, and something darker that Kallous couldn't quite define, which he would rather not think of. He felt the weight of Cian's stare, a predatory gaze that seemed to strip away his defenses.

For a moment, Kallous's mind went blank with a rush of anger. He despised Cian's arrogance, the way he looked at him like he was some prize to be won. Deep down, he knew what Cian saw in him – vulnerability, innocence that was easy to exploit. But Kallous was far from innocent. He had seen enough darkness to steel himself against the likes of him.

Kallous clenched his fists, meeting Cian's gaze. He knew he had to bide his time, to find a weakness to exploit. He couldn't afford to make a move yet, not when the odds were stacked against him.

'Cute little thing,' Cian thought with a smirk, his eyes drinking in the sight of Kallous standing there, defiant and unyielding. 'Can't wait to have my way with you.'

Dr. Elias's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Cian, take Kallous to his room," he asked, his tone indifferent.

Cian's smirk widened, as if he enjoyed the discomfort he was causing. He grabbed Kallous roughly by the arm, his grip sending a jolt of pain through Kallous's body. With a rough shove, Cian directed him towards a narrow corridor leading to the messy living quarters.

Kallous stumbled forward, his jaw set in determination. He would endure whatever came his way, but he would find a way to escape this place.

As he stood alone in the room, Kallous felt the weight of the situation settle heavily on his shoulders. The air was thick with the scent of decay and neglect, the cracked and peeling walls, and the littered floor adding to the oppressive atmosphere. The dim light from the flickering bulb cast long shadows, creating an eerie ambiance.

"I know I can leave using the system," he whispered to Allyn, his voice firm and determined. "But I won't let these kids suffer like they did in the novel. I will atone for the sin of writing that tragedy by saving them."

He took a deep breath, his thoughts swirling with anger and determination. His mind drifted back to the cruel grip of Cian's hand, the heat still lingering in his arm. He clenched his fists, feeling the rough texture of his worn gloves against his skin—a tangible reminder of the path he had chosen.

Allyn's eyes widened at his confession, her concern palpable. She knew Kallous wasn't one to feel care, especially for those who aren't useful to his plans, but his resolve in this moment was both admirable and chilling.

My baby is grown up(⁠.⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠.⁠)

✿ 'Kal, you need to free your feet first,' Allyn reminded him, her voice filled with concern.

Kallous glanced down at the bindings on his feet. With a sharp piece of metal he found on the floor, he carefully sawed through the ropes, wincing as the rough edges bit into his skin. Finally, the bindings fell away, and he flexed his feet, feeling a surge of relief and newfound mobility

"I won't leave until I see Cian, Lucy, and the doctor's dead bodies," Kallous continued, his voice unwavering. "They have to pay for what they've done."

The weight of his words hung in the air, a solemn vow that echoed through the room. Allyn knew his resolve was unshakeable, but she also understood the danger. She floated closer to him, her voice barely more than a whisper in his mind.

✿'Kal, you can't do this alone,' she said urgently, her eyes searching his. 'We need a plan.'

He met her gaze, his jaw clenched with determination. "First, we gather information," he replied inwardly, his mind already racing through the possibilities. "Then we find a way to disable them, one by one."

Kallous began to pace the room, the flickering light casting long shadows across the cracked walls. His mind worked quickly, piecing together a plan. He couldn't afford to waste any time. Every second brought them closer to discovery, and he knew that their enemies were just as cunning.

"We start with Lucy," Allyn suggested, her voice a soothing whisper against the tumult of his thoughts. "She's the weakest link. If we can isolate her, we might cause the much needed chaos to gain the upper hand of the situation."

Kallous nodded, his expression grim. "But we must be careful," he warned. "One wrong move and we're finished."

As he formulated their next steps, the sound of hushed voices caught his attention. discussing something in hushed tones. Kallous strained to hear their conversation, inching closer while remaining concealed in the shadows. Allyn followed suit, her ears keenly attuned to the murmurs.

"We can't stay here long," Lucy was saying, her voice cold and authoritative. "The knights are getting closer. We need to move them again soon."

Dr. Elias nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Agreed. But we must extract as much information and utility from the test subjects as possible before the next move."

Cian chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with malevolent delight. "I'm sure our little friends here will be very cooperative, given the right motivation."

Kallous's mind raced. The presence of the knights confirmed his earlier suspicions—they were indeed getting closer. He turned to Allyn, his face set with grim determination.

─'We have to act fast,' said Kallous, a sense of urgency creeping into his voice. 'Before they have a chance to move again.'

He moved cautiously, his bound feet making little noise against the debris-strewn floor. Dr. Elias and the others were still deep in conversation, oblivious to his movements. Kallous noted the layout of the room, the positions of the guards, and the possible exits. Every detail could mean the difference between life and death.

✿ 'Kal, I sense a magical nexus within this building,' Allyn informed him. 'If we can disrupt it, it will give us an advantage.'

─ 'How do we do that?' Kallous asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

'There is a central chamber not far from here where the nexus is anchored. If you can access it, I can guide you to disrupt their magical connections,' Allyn explained.

Kallous's pulse quickened. The very idea of tampering with a magical nexus was daunting. He had never used mana before, relying instead on his wits and cunning.

─ 'Is there anything in the system shop that could help me?' he asked, desperation creeping into his thoughts.

✿'Yes,' Allyn responded. 'There is a Mana Disruptor in the shop. It's expensive, luckily you are still in the free trial period, and it can sever the nexus's connections temporarily."

Kallous accessed the system shop in his mind, quickly navigating to the Mana Disruptor. The cost was high, but he didn't hesitate. With a mental command, he took the artifact, feeling the weight of it materialize in his hand—a small, intricately designed object that pulsed with a faint, blue light.

'This is it,' Kallous thought, his resolve hardening. 'I can do this.'

─ 'I'll need a distraction,' he told Allyn, hoping his confidence sounded more genuine than he felt.

✿'Leave that to me,' Allyn responded, her presence in his mind steady and reassuring.

A sudden noise startled him, and he turned to see Allyn causing a commotion near the far end of the room. She had knocked over a stack of metal trays, and the clattering sound echoed loudly. The guards' attention shifted immediately, and they rushed towards the sound, barking orders and brandishing weapons.

It was his chance. He quickly made his way toward the corridor, his heart pounding in his chest but his mind focused. He moved silently, his senses heightened, until he reached the entrance to the central chamber.

Allyn guided him through the building, her ethereal form flickering in and out of sight as she scouted ahead. They moved through darkened corridors, past rooms filled with broken furniture and remnants of past inhabitants. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to thicken the closer they got to the central chamber.

✿ 'We're almost there,' Allyn whispered, her voice a soothing presence amidst the tension. 'Just a little further.'

Kallous could hear the faint hum of magical energy as they approached the chamber. The air grew heavier, charged with power that made his skin prickle. The door to the central chamber was old and worn, but reinforced with metal bands and an elaborate lock.

✿ 'I can unlock it,' Allyn said, focusing her energy on the lock. The tumblers clicked and whirred under her influence until, with a final, soft clunk, the door swung open.

The room was filled with glowing runes and enchanted artifacts, the hum of magic thick in the air. He slipped inside, his eyes scanning for anything that resembled a nexus core.

✿ 'There, in the center of the rune circle,' Allyn guided him, highlighting the core in his mind.

Kallous moved swiftly, his fingers trembling slightly as he approached the core. He held the Mana Disruptor in one hand, feeling the surge of unfamiliar energy coursing through it. He hesitated, doubts flooding his mind.

─ 'Allyn, what if I can't do this?' he asked, his fear surfacing. 'I've never used mana before.'

'You can do this, Kal,' Allyn reassured him. 'Trust in yourself.'

With a deep breath, Kallous steeled his nerves and carefully positioning the disruptor at the base of the nexus. As soon as it touched the crystalline surface, the device activated, sending ripples of energy through the room. The runes flickered, and the hum of power grew erratic.

✿ 'It's working,' Allyn said, her voice filled with relief. 'But we need to move quickly. This won't hold for long.'

Kallous nodded, smiling at his success. As he turned to leave the chamber when he heard voices approaching. Lucy and Cian were coming, drawn by the disturbance. He hid himself, watching as they entered the room, their expressions a mix of confusion and anger.

"What's happening?" Lucy demanded, her eyes scanning the room.

"The nexus," Cian replied, his voice filled with suspicion. "Someone's tampered with it."

Kallous used the moment of distraction to slip past them, his heart pounding in his chest. He had disrupted their power source, but now he needed to leave and help the kids escape.

As he made his way back to the others, he could hear the alarm being raised, the building coming alive with activity. He had started a chain reaction, and there was no turning back now.

Kallous returned to the main room, the chaos working to his advantage. He moved to the shadows, observing the disarray and planning his next move. He knew this was just the beginning.

The doctor's voice cut through the noise. "Find them! Don't let the entruder escape!" His command was met with immediate action, the guards spreading out, searching the area with growing urgency.

 ─'We need to get the children out of here,' Allyn urged. "This is our chance."

Kallous took a deep breath, his mind working quickly. He needed to buy more time. 'Allyn, can you locate any critical points we can exploit?' he asked.

'There is a cache of explosive alchemical ingredients in the storage room down the west corridor,' Allyn replied. 'If we can create a diversion, it could incapacitate them temporarily.'

─ 'Where can I find it?' Kallous asked.

'Follow the western passage. I'll guide you,' Allyn said, her tone confident.

Kallous nodded to himself, making his way as he reached the western corridor and slipped into the storage room, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. Inside, shelves were lined with various potions and ingredients.

✿ 'Third shelf, to the left,' Allyn directed. 'Look for a vial labeled "Drakefire Essence.'

Kallous found the vial and quickly read the instructions. It was designed to create a potent, non-lethal explosion. He carried it to a central point in the storage room, placing it carefully among other volatile ingredients.

─ 'Ready?' he asked, his finger hovering over the ignition rune.

✿'Do it(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ,' Allyn confirmed.

Kallous activated the rune, and the vial began to glow, building in intensity. He moved quickly back to the main room, knowing the explosion would create the chaos they needed. Moments later, a loud boom echoed through the building, and the ground shook.

The explosion sent shockwaves through the structure, causing parts of the ceiling to crumble and dust to billow out from the corridors. Screams and shouts erupted as the guards were thrown into disarray, their search interrupted by the sudden blast.

Kallous took advantage of the confusion, darting through the shadows towards the orphans. He found them huddled together, their faces pale with fear. "We need to move, now," he urged, his voice low but commanding. "Follow me and stay close."

He led them through the chaotic hallways, avoiding the guards who were now frantically trying to assess the damage and locate the source of the explosion. Kallous's mind raced as he plotted their escape route, Allyn guiding him through the maze of corridors.

They reached a side exit, the door partially obscured by debris. Kallous pushed it open, glancing back to make sure the children were still with him. "This way," he whispered, urging them through the door.

Outside, the overcast sky offered a grim welcome, but the cool air was a stark contrast to the oppressive atmosphere inside. Kallous led the children away from the building, his heart pounding with a mix of relief and urgency.

He stayed back to ensure everyone got out safely.

✿ 'Hurry, Kal!' Allyn urged, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Kallous gave the last child a gentle push towards safety, scanning the area for any remaining threats. Just as he was about to follow the others, a rough hand grabbed him from behind. He was yanked back, his body slamming against the wall. He turned to see Cian, his face twisted with rage and satisfaction.

"You think you can get away that easily?" Cian sneered, tightening his grip on Kallous's arm. "You're not going anywhere."