A Predator's Demise (1)

『???' POV 』

Dear future mommy and daddy

Day one:

Hi! My name is Lily, and today I arrived at a new place called the orphanage. It's super pretty from the outside, with big white walls and lots of flowers in the garden. I saw roses, daisies, and even some sunflowers. The other kids were playing in the yard when I arrived, and they all seemed very friendly. The adults here smile a lot, and it makes me feel safe. I think I will like it here, but I really hope you will find me soon and take me home.

Day two:

Today we had classes. We learned how to read and write better, and even how to sing songs. The classroom is bright and colorful, with lots of posters on the walls and a big window that lets in lots of sunshine. The teachers are kind and patient, and they make learning fun. Everyone says this is the best place to be until we find our forever families. I try hard in class because I want to make you proud when you find me.

Day five:

I saw a new boy today. His name is Kallous, but I call him Youngest because he looks younger than everyone else. He came with a man named Uncle Cian. Uncle Cian is very strict, with a stern face and sharp eyes, but I think he is just trying to keep us safe. Kallous is quiet and sometimes looks sad, but he always smiles when he sees me. I try to make him laugh because he has a nice smile when he does.

Day ten: 

Uncle Cian gets very angry sometimes. His face turns red, and his eyes get scary, but he never hurts Kal. Instead, he watches him closely, always with a weird look on his face like he's thinking something bad. Today, I saw one of the maids being mean to Kal. She grabbed his arm hard and said something nasty to him. Later, she disappeared. No one knows where she went, and everyone is acting like nothing happened. It's strange and makes me feel a little scared.

Day fourteen:

We had more classes today. They are teaching us how to be polite and how to act around important people. They say it will help us get adopted faster. We learned how to curtsy and bow, and how to speak softly and clearly. I try my best to learn everything they teach us because I want to be perfect when you come to get me. I dream about the day I get to go home with you.

Day twenty:

I think of Kal as my little doll sometimes. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to watch over him, even if he doesn't know it. He is very brave, always helping the other kids, even when he looks so tired. I wish I could be brave like him. He makes me feel safe, even though he is the one who needs protecting. Sometimes, when I see him smile, it feels like everything will be okay.

Day twenty- two:

Another maid went missing today. She had been yelling at Kal earlier in the day. She grabbed his arm and shook him, saying mean things. Later, I saw Kal watching her with a strange look in his eyes, like he was thinking really hard about something serious. It scares me a little, but I think he is just trying to protect himself. I try to stay away from Uncle Cian and keep an eye on Kal from a distance. I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

Day thirty- four:

Today, something strange happened. Aunty Lucy told me I was chosen to be adopted with some other special kids. I was so happy! I thought it meant I would get to go to a new, wonderful home with loving parents. But then, things started to change. Uncle Cian isn't nice at all anymore; he scares me with his cold, hard eyes. He doesn't smile like he used to. Kal keeps to himself more and more, but I still see him watching everything, like he's waiting for something to happen.

Day thirty- seven:

We were taken to a different place for training. The adults here are very strict. They teach us different things now, like how to follow orders without asking questions and how to stay quiet and hidden. It's not fun anymore. The place is dark and cold, with no flowers or sunshine. I miss the garden and the flowers. I miss Kal's stories and his smile, even though it was always a little sad.

Day thirty- eight:

The training is getting harder. They make us do exercises that hurt, like running until our legs feel like jelly and lifting heavy things. Sometimes we don't get enough to eat, and our tummies rumble loudly. They say it's to make us stronger, but I just feel scared all the time. I try to do everything they say so they won't hurt me. I haven't seen Kal in a few days. I hope he is okay. More people are going missing, and I heard some whispers about a ghost that takes people away.

Day forty- two: 

Today was the worst day. They took us to a dark room and did things to us. They called it an experiment. It hurt so much, and I cried, but they didn't stop. They stuck needles in us and made us drink strange, bitter liquids. I didn't see Kal today. I don't understand why they are doing this to us. My heart hurts more than my body, and I just want to go home to you, Mommy and Daddy.

I hope you find me soon and take me away from this place. I just want to be safe and happy with you. I dream about the day I get to see your faces and feel your hugs. Please come quickly.

Day ???

A new day came? I didn't pay attention but they took some of the other kids away. They said they were being transferred to a new facility, but I don't believe them. I heard the guards talking about "disposal," and my heart sank. I feel so helpless, like there's nothing I can do to save my friends.

I think about Kal a lot. I wonder if he's okay, if he's found a way to escape. I hope he knows that I'm thinking of him, that I haven't given up hope. I know he would never give up on us.


I saw him, he was being dragged by the monster. I tried to call out to him and I felt my heart sink. Kal looked around, he saw us—the other orphans who have been through so much. We were all scared, and some of us started to cry softly. I saw him notice me, and for a moment, I tried to reach him But before I could, a mean lady with a scar on her face told us to be quiet. She was so scary, we all obeyed her right away.

I watched as they dragged Kal into that room. I don't know what they're doing to Kal in there, but I know it's bad.

Suddenly, There was a big explosion. The guards were all confused, and that's when Kal came to save us. He looked like an angel with his silver eyes shining in the darkness. He found us hiding together, so scared. He told us we had to move fast and to stay close to him.

We ran through the hallways, trying not to make any noise. Kallous knew exactly where to go, even though everything was chaotic. When we got to the door, Kallous pushed it open and made sure we all got outside safely.

Outside, the sky was gray and sad, but the air felt nice and cool. Kallous stayed back to make sure we were all okay. He's really brave.

Then, something scary happened. Just as Kal was about to leave, the monster grabbed him and pulled him back. he looked really angry and said mean things to Kallous. The other kids screamed even louder, and I felt so scared for Kal. I saw Cian stumble and fall to the ground suddenly. He looked like he was in pain, clutching his chest. I wanted to see what was happening, but the other kids were pulling me away to run.

I hope Kal is okay. He's our hero. I miss you mommy and daddy and wish you were here with me. I hope I can meet you soon.

Love, Lilly.

P.S. I have to tell you what happened next, but I'll have to write it in my next letter.


Back to le present-

Kallous gave the last child a gentle push towards safety, scanning the area for any remaining threats. Just as he was about to follow the others, a rough hand grabbed him from behind. He was yanked back, his body slamming against the cold, hard wall. Pain flared in his shoulder, but he suppressed any sign of discomfort. He turned to see Cian, his face twisted with rage and satisfaction.

"You think you can get away that easily?" Cian sneered, tightening his grip on Kallous's arm. "You're not going anywhere."

Kallous's eyes narrowed as he faced Cian, his heart steady and cold. Emotions like fear were foreign to him; instead, a calculating force sharpened his mind and steadied his hand.

✿ 'Don't panic, Kal,' Allyn's voice echoed in his mind, smooth and calming. 'Use the system shop, always remember the backup plan.'

In a fraction of a second, Kallous mentally accessed the system, navigating through the options with practiced ease. He selected a vial labeled 'Venom of the Viper' – a grade E slow-acting poison that promised an agonizing demise.

Cian's grip tightened, his eyes glinting with a predatory hunger. "You've been a thorn in my side for too long, boy. Time to teach you a lesson."

Kallous forced a smile, feigning submission as he subtly activated the vial. A faint hiss signaled the release of the poison, its invisible tendrils winding through the air towards Cian.

Cian, too consumed with his own arrogance, failed to notice the trap being set. He leaned in closer, his breath hot and foul against Kallous's face. "Beg for mercy, and maybe I'll be good to you."

Kallous remained silent, his eyes locked on Cian's. Moments later, Cian's expression shifted, confusion flickering across his features as the poison began to take effect. His grip on Kallous's arm loosened.

"What... what did you do?" Cian gasped, stepping back as his strength began to wane. Panic flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by anger. He staggered, clutching at his chest.

Kallous watched with a cold, unfeeling gaze. "Something you deserve," he said calmly, devoid of the fear that would have gripped anyone else in his position. He felt nothing but a cold satisfaction as he saw the panic start to creep into Cian's eyes.

✿ 'Good, Kal,' Allyn's voice was approving. 'Keep him distracted.'

Cian staggered, clutching at his throat as the poison slowly worked its way through his system. "You... you little monster," he choked out, his voice raspy and desperate.

Kallous took a step forward, his eyes never leaving Cian's. "You shouldn't have underestimated me."

Cian fell to his knees, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Please... stop this," he pleaded, his earlier bravado crumbling. His eyes, once filled with cruel intent, were now wide with terror.

The venom coursed through Cian's veins, each passing moment bringing him closer to a slow, agonizing end. His vision blurred, and he fell forward, his body convulsing.

Kallous turned away from the pitiful sight, his mind already moving on to the next task.

This one's going into my special collection, Allyn thought, her tone brimming with satisfaction as she continued to record one of Kallous's many triumphs. She had always despised Cian, and watching his downfall unfold brought a wicked delight to her little shiny heart.

Kallous remained by Cian's side, watching every agonized twitch, every desperate gasp. "This is what happens to those who stand in my way," he said softly, his voice devoid of empathy.

Cian's convulsions grew weaker, his strength fading as the poison took its full effect. His eyes rolled back, and he collapsed completely, his body limp on the ground. He was still conscious, but only barely. The torment in his eyes was a testament to the hellish pain he was enduring.

Satisfied, Kallous finally turned away from the pitiful sight, his mind already moving on to the next task. He needed to ensure the children were safe and get as far away from this place as possible.

─'Keep him locked in the system space once he goes unconscious. He still has some use later on,' Kal instructed, his voice cold and calculating as he glanced back one last time, seeing Cian's barely conscious form twitching feebly on the ground. The slow death had begun, and there would be no escape for him now. 'here are still more ways to make him suffer. The poison alone doesn't satisfy me.'

With swift, silent steps, Kallous made his way to the exit, ensuring that the children were safely away from the chaos.