A Predator's Demise (2)

Kallous took a deep breath, his mind still reeling from the explosion and the rapid turn of events. Moving swiftly through the side exit, he scanned the area, ensuring they were far enough from the crumbling building. 

The children, a small group ranging from five to eight-year-olds, huddled together in the alley. Their faces were etched with fear, eyes wide and hearts pounding. But amidst the terror, a glimmer of relief now shone through their tear-streaked faces, knowing they had survived the blast that had torn their world apart.

"Is everyone alright?" Kallous asked, his voice gentle as he knelt down beside them.

The oldest child, Jeremy, who had been trying to check up on Kallous, looked particularly troubled. He had a haunted expression, clearly affected by witnessing Oscar's death.

Lily sniffled, her voice trembling. "I... I'm okay," she managed to say, though tears welled up in her eyes.

Kallous nodded, keeping a safe distance from the children, uncomfortable with physical contact himself. He surveyed their surroundings with a keen eye, checking for any signs of danger.

"We need to keep moving," Kallous stated, his tone matter-of-fact. "Can everyone walk?"

The children nodded silently, their young faces still pale and eyes wide with shock from the explosion and the terrifying events that had unfolded. Kallous took a moment to center himself, drawing on the mental map that had become his lifeline in these chaotic situations. He was thankful for the system's detailed guide, glad that Allyn fully scanned the area before hand knowing it could make all the difference in keeping them safe.

"Follow me," Kallous said quietly, his voice steady but lacking warmth, as he led them through the dense forest. Every step was calculated, every turn based on the map etched in his mind.

As they walked, Kallous kept a watchful eye on each child. Lily, clutching her teddy bear tightly, stumbled over a root, and Kallous adjusted his path slightly to avoid it, not touching her but ensuring she stayed on her feet. He glanced at Jeremy, the oldest at just eight, who walked silently beside him, shoulders hunched, lost in his thoughts. Kallous knew Jeremy had seen too much for his young age—Oscar's death would haunt him.

'Just keep moving', Kallous thought to himself, 'just get them to safety.'

As Kallous led the children through the dense forest, Allyn's voice suddenly broke the silence in his mind, filled with bright, sweet energy. 

✿'Hey, Kal, I know you can hear me,' she began, her tone tinged with concern. 'These kids are really scared and confused. They're so young, facing something no child should ever have to endure.'

Kallous remained silent, focusing on the path ahead but allowing Allyn's soothing voice to wash over him.

✿'And you,' Allyn continued, her worry evident, 'you haven't eaten anything all day. You're running on fumes. You can't keep pushing yourself like this. What if you collapse?'

Kallous sighed internally, knowing she was right but unwilling to acknowledge it. 'I'll be fine, Starlight.'

✿'Fine?' Allyn echoed, her tone softening. 'where did my gluten of a master go to?.'

He felt a twinge of irritation but quickly dismissed it. Allyn's voice was the one comforting constant in the madness, and he didn't want to disrupt that. 'I appreciate the concern, Allyn. Just... keep an eye on things for me.'

Allyn's voice grew even softer, almost tender. 'I always do, Kal. But remember, these kids need you to be strong. They need you to get them to safety. And for that, you need to be at your best.'

Kallous nodded slightly, more to himself than to anyone else. 'I know. I'll get something to eat once we're safe.'

✿'Promise?' Allyn's tone was teasing yet serious.

─'Promise,' Kallous replied, feeling a slight smile tug at the corner of his lips despite the dire situation.

✿'Good,' Allyn said, her voice brightening. 'Now, keep moving. You're doing great, Kallous. Just a little further to go.'

Kallous felt a renewed sense of determination, driven by the comfort of Allyn's words. He quickened his pace slightly, his mind focused on the path ahead,The forest around them was eerily quiet, the only sounds the rustling of leaves underfoot and the distant hooting of an owl. Kallous's senses were on high alert, listening for any unusual noise that could signal danger.

"We're almost there," Kallous murmured to himself, more focused on the cabin ahead than on reassuring the children. He kept his pace steady, trying not to let the pain in his shoulder slow him down. He couldn't afford to falter now, not when they were so close to safety.

A sudden crack of a branch behind them made Kallous whirl around, heart pounding. He relaxed when he saw it was just a squirrel darting through the trees. His nerves were on edge, the adrenaline still coursing through him. He looked back at the children, their faces drawn and exhausted, and pushed himself to go a little faster.

Finally, through the trees, Kallous saw the outline of a cabin up ahead. Relief washed over him, and he quickened his pace, leading the children towards the dimly lit refuge. They were safe for now, but Kallous knew their ordeal was far from over.

Kallous ushered the children inside the cabin, ensuring the door was securely shut behind them. The cabin was stocked with enough provisions to last a few days, and the sturdy structure would keep them safe until the knights arrived.

"Stay here," Kallous instructed Jeremy, the oldest child, his voice tinged with a seriousness that belied his years. "The knights will be here soon. They'll take care of you."

Jeremy looked down at him with wide, confused eyes. "What about you, Kallous? Aren't you staying with us?"

Kallous shook his head, "I have to go back and take care of something. You'll be safe here. Just stay together and wait for the knights."

"But... youngest..." Jeremy's voice trembled with worry and uncertainty.

Kallous hesitated, then placed a reassuring hand on Jeremy's shoulder, squeezing gently. "Listen to me, Jeremy," he said, his voice remaining steady. "You're the oldest. They look up to you. You need to be strong for them now. Can you do that?"

Jeremy nodded slowly, his eyes downcast. "I... I think so," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know you can," Kallous replied, giving the blond boy a brief nod. "Remember, the knights will be here soon. You just need to hold on a little longer."

Jeremy's eyes, though still brimming with tears, showed a flicker of resolve. He took a deep breath, straightening his small shoulders. "Okay, Kallous. I'll keep them safe."

"Good," Kallous said, his voice softening just a touch. "You're a brave kid, Jeremy. Don't forget that."

With one last glance at the children huddled inside the cabin, Kallous turned and slipped out the door, closing it quietly behind him. He stood outside for a moment, listening to the sounds of the forest, ensuring there were no immediate threats. Satisfied that the children were secure, he took a deep breath and set off back into the woods.

✿'Kal, you're going back?' Allyn's voice hummed in delight, her words filled with a lively energy that contrasted sharply with the somber determination in Kallous's mind.

─'I have to,' Kallous replied silently. 'They dared to lay their hands on me. They dared to breathe the same air as me. They need to be dealt with.'

✿'You know it's dangerous,' Allyn continued, her tone softening with a touch of apprehension. 'But I believe in you, Kal. Just... be careful. I'm always here for you.'

A grim smile tugged at Kallous's lips. 'I know.'


Kallous and Allyn reached the outskirts of the abandoned building, a scene of chaos and destruction. Smoke curled from half-collapsed walls, and debris littered the ground like discarded toys.

✿'This place looks like a battlefield,' Allyn remarked in Kallous's mind, her voice a mix of awe and concern.

Kallous surveyed the scene with a grim expression. 'It's worse than I expected,' he replied silently. 'But it's time to finish what was started.'

As they moved deeper into the wreckage, Kallous spotted the guards—a pair of burly men standing near the entrance, looking around warily. Their grizzled faces were etched with fatigue, their eyes scanning the ruins for any signs of trouble. They seemed completely oblivious to the presence of a small child approaching them.

With a quick and precise strike from a small, enchanted needle he had acquired from the system shop, Kallous swiftly silenced the guards. 

The needle glinted faintly in the dim light as it struck, and the men gasped in surprise before collapsing without a sound. Their bodies slumped to the ground, their heavy boots stirring up dust and small bits of debris.

Kallous watched with satisfaction as the guards' final moments unfolded. One of them clutched at his chest, eyes widening in disbelief, while the other stared up at Kallous with a look of astonishment. His gaze seemed fixated on Kallous's striking blue hair and silver eyes, as if trying to make sense of how a small child with such unique features had managed to outwit them.

They struggled briefly, but the enchantment worked swiftly, and soon they lay still, their lifeless forms blending into the shadows cast by the moonlit night.

He wiped the needle clean with a rag he kept in his pocket, his small fingers deftly handling the task while wearing gloves. As he did, a feeling of intrigue settled within him. The sensation of using magic, the power it afforded him over others—it was a new experience, one that both troubled and fascinated him

'I think poison suits me.' Kal hummed to himself, he stared at the deadly weapon with soft, caring eyes.

Allyn's voice whispered in his mind, a comforting anchor amidst the chaos. 'Well done, Kal,' she said softly, her tone filled with joy and admiration. 'You've certainly left your mark here.'

Kallous felt a warmth spread across his cheeks. 'Thanks, Allyn.' he replied, feeling a bit bashful. He wasn't used to receiving compliments, especially for actions like these.

As Kallous moved deeper into the abandoned building, the eerie silence hung heavy around him, broken only by the faint sound of his footsteps echoing off the crumbling walls. His silver eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of movement or life.

Once he approached the doorway, he could hear muffled voices from within. He paused, his curiosity piqued, and leaned closer to listen.

Inside the room, Lucy, the head of the orphanage, and the doctor were in heated discussion. The flickering lantern cast eerie shadows across their faces as they spoke.

"We've lost the kids," Lucy's voice was strained with panic. "The experiments were too much. The clients aren't going to like this."

Doctor Elias paced back and forth, his frustration palpable. He ran a hand through his hair, his brow furrowed in worry. "Cian disappeared amidst all of this," he muttered under his breath. "And on top of that, the knights found out about the experiments. That explosion was too loud to go unnoticed."

Lucy wrung her hands, her voice desperate. "What do we do now, Elias? We can't let them find out about the experiments. The consequences—"

Elias cut her off, his tone sharp with annoyance. "I know, Lucy. I know. We need to clean up this mess before it gets worse. If the knights find out more, we're finished."

Kallous listened intently from his hiding place outside the room, his small frame barely visible in the shadows. Allyn hummed softly in his mind, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the tension.

✿'Lucy's panicking,' Allyn observed quietly. 'It sounds like they're in trouble.'

Kallous clenched his fists, a mix of anger and determination coursing through him. 'They deserve everything that's coming to them,' he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Allyn's tone turned somber. 'Kal, what are you planning?'

A grim smile tugged at Kallous's lips. 'Change of plans,' he replied coldly. 'Since they're both here, I'll knock them down in one go and keep their half- dead bodies in the system space. I need to have a long chat with them.'

As Kallous entered the room, his presence finally caught Lucy and Elias's attention. They turned abruptly, their eyes widening in disbelief as they registered the small figure before them. He moved with a confidence beyond his years, his blue hair shining like a beacon in the darkness.

"Hello," Kallous greeted them with an innocent smile, his voice surprisingly sweet and childlike.

Lucy's eyes widened in disbelief, her face contorting with surprise. "You," she managed to choke out, pointing a finger at Kallous.

Elias's brow furrowed, momentarily confused. "What are you doing here? How did you—"

Kallous cut him off with a cold laugh. "Oh, I found you," he said, his voice dripping with venom. "And now, it's time for a little chat."