A Predator's Demise (3)

Somewhere inside the Silverleaf Hospital,

Ivan's eyes fluttered open, the soft light of dawn casting gentle shadows across the infirmary. The first thought that pierced the haze of his mind was Ian. He bolted upright, his heart pounding with fear, only to feel a slight weight pressing against his side. Turning his head, Ivan saw his twin brother, Ian, lying next to him, his chest rising and falling with each slow, steady breath.

Relief washed over Ivan, and he let out a long sigh, his small hand reaching out to gently touch Ian's hair. The soft strands slipped through his fingers like silk, and he felt a lump form in his throat. They were safe. For now.

Ian's face was pale, and dark circles shadowed his eyes. Bandages wrapped around his arms and torso, a stark reminder of the torture he had endured. Ivan's heart ached at the sight of his brother's injuries. Guilt gnawed at him for not being there, for not protecting Ian from such cruelty.

Ivan's mind drifted, memories of the event flashing before him. The pain, the fear, and the desperate race to find the knights—all of it felt like a distant nightmare. Yet, here they were, alive and together. He clung to that thought, allowing it to anchor him as he studied Ian's peaceful face.

For a few moments, Ivan lost himself in his thoughts. At five years old, the weight of responsibility he felt for his brother was immense. He had promised himself to always protect Ian, and the event had tested that promise to its limits.

Then, Ivan's hand instinctively reached up to his own face, and his heart skipped a beat. His blindfold was missing. Panic surged through him, but he forced himself to stay calm. His breathing quickened, and his eyes darted around, searching for the familiar fabric.

A soft giggle broke through his reverie, and Ivan's eyes snapped towards the source of the sound. Standing in the doorway was a nurse, her face warm with a kind smile. She had a gentle aura, and her eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Well, good evening, sleepyhead," she said, her voice soothing and cheerful. "You gave us quite a scare."

Ivan blinked at her, still half-dazed from waking up. "My blindfold..." he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

The nurse stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, dear. I noticed how important it was to you and your brother, so I kept them safe," she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out Ivan's blindfold. "Here it is."

Relief washed over Ivan once more, and he took the blindfold from her, tying it securely around his eyes. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice trembling slightly despite his effort to stay composed.

As he tied the blindfold, the nurse caught a glimpse of his eyes—a gem-like feature, with a purplish hue to them, yet they are unmistakably red. She said nothing, her expression carefully neutral, but there was a flicker of recognition and understanding in her eyes.

"You're in the infirmary," the nurse continued, adjusting the blanket over him. "The knights brought you both here earlier today. You've been very brave."

Ivan nodded slowly, his gaze drifting back to Ian. "Is he...is he going to be okay?"

The nurse's expression softened, and she gave a reassuring nod. "Yes, he's going to be just fine. He's sleeping now, but he'll wake up soon. The both of you just need to rest and regain your strength."

Ivan felt a wave of relief wash over him once more, and he leaned back against the pillow. 

"Try to get some more rest," the nurse said. "I'll be right here if you need anything."

As Ivan closed his eyes, he felt a renewed

sense of hope. They had made it through the worst of it, and with the knights and the kind nurse by their side, he felt safe. But before he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts turned to Kal, their friend who had been with them until they were captured.

He hoped Kal was safe. They hadn't seen him since then, and Ivan couldn't shake the worry. Kal was smart, but the danger was real. He silently prayed that Kal had evaded capture and was waiting for them somewhere safe.

The nurse's voice brought him back to the present. "Rest now, little one. Everything will be alright," she said softly, brushing his forehead.

Ivan nodded, still thinking of Kal. He settled deeper into the warmth of the blanket, feeling Ian's presence next to him. As sleep overtook him, Ivan whispered a final prayer for Kal, hoping they would be together again soon.


Inside the ruined building,

"Hello," Kallous greeted them with an innocent smile, his voice surprisingly sweet and childlike.

Lucy's eyes widened in disbelief, her face contorting with surprise. She could hardly believe her eyes. How had Kallous reappear after disappearing without a trace? "You," she managed to choke out, pointing a finger at Kallous.

Elias's brow furrowed, momentarily confused. His mind struggled to understand how Kallous, one of the experiment subjects they had kidnapped, had suddenly shown up here. "What are you doing here? How did you—"

Kallous cut him off with a cold laugh. "Oh, I found you," he said, his voice dripping with venom. "And now, it's time for a little chat."

Elias exchanged a bewildered glance with Lucy, his thoughts racing. 'Where had he been all this time?' he wondered, a mixture of confusion and concern flooding his mind. The child's sudden reappearance was both shocking and perplexing.

Normally, if a captive found a way to escape, wouldn't they flee? Why would he come back?

Kallous glanced around the room, feigning interest in the surroundings as if everything fascinated him. The casualness of his movements only added to their unease. "Lovely place you have here. A bit dark, though."

Lucy's hands trembled slightly as she struggled to find her voice. "Kallous... where have you been?" she asked cautiously, her voice wavering with a hint of fake concern.

Kallous tilted his head, studying Lucy with a thoughtful expression. "Oh, I've been around," he replied casually. "Just exploring, you know? Learning things."

Elias scowled, his frustration evident, but he remained silent, deep in thought.

Lucy's eyes flickered nervously between Kallous and Elias. "We were worried about you," she continued, her voice still uneasy. "We thought... something might have happened to you, and the rest of the children."

Kallous's smile widened slightly, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. 'She's trying to play the caring caretaker now', he thought, "Oh, I'm fine," he assured her. "More than fine, actually." His words seemed to drip with sadistic pleasure as he continued to speak. "Oh, And the others are safe and sound."

Elias finally spoke up, his voice calm but stern. His frustration simmered beneath the surface. 'Never thought I'd see a victim return to their kidnappers,' he thought, incredulous. 'Why would he risk it? Perhaps there's something seriously wrong with his head. Maybe, the torture was too much?' The thought gnawed at him, but there was no time to dwell on it. This was their chance to get answers before the knights found them and they were all arrested. After all, having all the experiments back was better than running empty-handed.

"Kallous, tell me where the other children are," Elias demanded, his tone revealing his impatience.

Kallous's smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Why do you want to know, doctor?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. " Worried about them?"

Elias's jaw tensed as he struggled to keep his temper in check 'He's just a child, but he knows more than he should.' "Of course I'm worried," he said tightly. "They're under our care." 

Kallous shrugged casually, not giving an answer.

Lucy stepped forward."Dear, we need to know they're okay—"

Kallous cut her off with a cold laugh, his eyes glinting with malevolent intent."Save it," he said, his voice ice-cold. "I'm not interested in your bullshit"

Elias scoffed, a bitter smile twisting his lips. "What can you do? You're just a child."

Kallous's smile vanished, his eyes still as bright."Oh, you'd be surprised," Kallous replied smoothly, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Elias. He skipped around playfully, his demeanor suddenly childish and carefree. "Just a little boy with some shiny toys."

Elias's eyes narrowed, suspicion flickering across his face. "What are you talking about?"

Kallous's grin widened. "You'll find out soon enough."

─'Allyn,System Shop, now.' The interface appeared before him, a myriad of tools and weapons at his disposal. His fingers twitched as he selected a one time use -tech gadget, something perfect for a situation like this.

Name : Shiny Tranquilizer Watch.

Rank: D

Details: A historical Item that was once wielded by a legendary child (?) detective and has since been lost to the sands of time.

✿ 'Always makes me wonder where the system got all these stuff (ರ⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠ರ)'

In an instant, the sleek, magical- looking watch materialized on his wrist, adorned with gleaming runes and emitting a faint, otherworldly glow. It looked innocent enough, a simple timepiece, but Kallous knew the power it held. He activated it with a subtle press of a button, feeling the reassuring weight of the device.

With a quick, fluid motion, he raised his wrist and aimed the watch at Elias, the one who he hated most. Before Elias could react, a small, shimmering dart shot out, striking him in the neck. Elias's eyes widened in shock, his hand flying up to the dart before he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Lucy gasped, taking a step back. "What did you do to him?"

Kallous turned his attention to her, his expression cold and calculating. The watch on his wrist gleamed faintly. "Just a little something to help him sleep," he replied casually, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "Now, as for you..."

Lucy trembled, fear evident in her wide eyes. She glanced nervously at Elias, lying unconscious on the ground. "Dear, let's all calm down and talk this through," she pleaded, her voice trembling. Her mind raced with disbelief. 'Can't believe I'm begging a child.'

Kallous shook his head slowly, his childish demeanor fading back in. "No, I don't think we can." He raised the watch again, the runes on its surface glinting in the dim light, ready to fire another dart.

Panicking, Lucy glanced around, her heart pounding in her chest. She realized with growing desperation that Kallous was blocking the door. In a split-second decision, she turned and sprinted towards a nearby window, her movements frantic, The sound of shattering glass filled the air as she kicked out the pane and leapt through the opening, her feet crunching on the shards.

Kallous watched Lucy flee through the window, a grin spreading across his face. "Ah, Allyn, It seems that the old hag is trying to make a break for it," he mused mockingly. "How boring."

'The watch wasn't going to work a second time anyway.'

The soft, gentle voice of Allyn echoed in his mind. 'Kal, Shall I provide you with her location?'

Kallous's smile grew wider, making Allyn turn still when she saw it. "Ah, yes...of course, Allyn. You're always so prompt and helpful." He paused, his eyes never leaving Lucy's retreating form. "But maybe later, I think I'll let her play a little longer. I'm enjoying the show."

✿'Alright...though it seems like she is heading towards the town, perhaps the library?' 

Kallous's grin grew wider "Ah, perfect. I planned on taking the trash there and having my sweet time with them, but oh well...I love a good reunion."

As he spoke, his eyes turned to Elias's unconscious body, his expression thoughtful. "Allyn, a body should be in a half-dead state to be in the system space, right?" he asked calmly, his tone gentle and curious.

Allyn's form flickered into view, nodding slightly. 'Yes, that's correct, but you already know that.'

Kallous's eyes narrowed as he spoke, his gaze fixed on Elias's face. "Just making sure," he said with a nod.

His head turned, scanning the room, his eyes lingering on the chair across the room. Moonlight filtered through the dusty windows, casting eerie shadows that danced on the walls. He took a deliberate step towards it, the old floorboards creaking softly under his weight.

His hand reached out to grasp one of the chair's legs, his fingers wrapping around it with ease. He snapped it off with a quick, decisive motion, the sound echoing faintly in the silent room.

He turned back to Elias, the broken chair leg still clutched in his hand. His eyes never left Elias's body as he spoke in a low tone. "Let's ensure he's in the right state, then our little problem will be solved," he muttered.

With careful precision, Kallous leaned over Elias's prone form. He knelt beside him and, in one swift motion, drove the jagged edge of the chair leg into Elias's chest. The force was enough to penetrate, but not deep enough to be fatal. Blood began to well up around the wound, staining Elias's shirt.

Satisfied with his work of art, Kallous stood up and changed his now dirty gloves. " Keep him in the space, now we need to leave before the knights find this place. Lucy is waiting for us after all."

Kallous turned away, leaving with a smile on his face as he headed to his next destination.