A Predator's Demise (4)

A/N: TRIGGER WARNING! The following chapter features violent scenes; skip if you find it disturbing.


『Lucy Biatche' POV』

Lucy Biatche had always basked in the adoration of those around her. She was a woman of unparalleled beauty and charm, her influence stretching far and wide. Nobles and commoners alike whispered her name with reverence and respect, for she held the power to make or break anyone with a mere word. Her reputation was untarnished, a flawless facade of grace and control.

But that was all history now.

As Lucy weaved through the crowded streets of Vita, she cursed under her breath, pulling her hood tighter around her face. The bustling market was alive with chatter and the scent of fresh bread, a stark contrast to the turmoil roiling within her. Her thoughts drifted to the root of her downfall: the idiotic butler. He had taken a knight—an Elpis knight, no less—whose demise had been a necessity. His blunder had drawn the ire of the entire Order of the Elpis knight, and now Lucy was a hunted woman.

Desperation gnawed at her as she scanned the sea of faces, searching for any sign of recognition. Her once flawless reputation lay in tatters, and her life was in constant peril. The knights were relentless, their search for her unyielding. She had lost everything, forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on her back and a burning desire for revenge.

And then there was the boy. He had seemed so perfect, so malleable—a means to an end. She had intended to use him for her own pleasure, then sell him to the highest bidder. But something had changed. The boy had stopped being cute, stopped being compliant. He had fought back, surprising her with a strength and defiance that had nearly cost her dearly. Now, he was another loose end, another threat to her survival.

The streets of Vita were teeming with life, and every shadow seemed to hold a lurking danger. Lucy moved with purpose, her destination clear: her half-brother's place. He was a man of dubious morals and even more dubious loyalties, but he was her only hope. If she could reach him, perhaps she could find refuge, regroup, and plan her next move.

As she pushed through the crowd, she caught glimpses of the knights' sigils, their crimson cloaks standing out starkly against the drab backdrop of the town. Her heart pounded in her chest, each step a reminder of the precariousness of her situation. She couldn't afford to be seen, couldn't afford to be caught.

The market's noise grew louder, a cacophony of haggling voices and clattering carts. Lucy's senses were on high alert, her eyes darting from side to side. She knew she had to remain calm, had to blend in. But it was easier said than done. Her mind was a whirlwind of fear and anger, her body tense with the effort of maintaining her composure.

Finally, she reached the outskirts of the town, the hustle and bustle giving way to quieter, more affluent streets. Her half-brother's library came into view, a dilapidated building on the outside, covered in grime and vines, a stark contrast to the wealth of knowledge and splendor within. It was a place of refuge—if only she could reach it.

With one last, furtive glance over her shoulder, Lucy quickened her pace. She could feel the knights closing in, their presence a constant, oppressive weight. Her only hope lay within the confines of that library, in the hands of a man she could trust. She had no choice. She had to survive. She had to reclaim her power, her reputation, and her life.

The dilapidated exterior of the library belied the grandeur that lay within. Lucy approached the grimy door, her pulse quickening. It was ajar, swinging slightly with the breeze. Unease settled in her stomach.

"Simon?" she called out, her voice a hushed whisper. There was no response. She stepped inside, immediately struck by the darkness that swallowed the normally vibrant space. Dust motes floated in the beams of sunlight that managed to penetrate the grimy windows.

She moved cautiously, her eyes adjusting to the gloom. Books were strewn across the floor, shelves toppled, and papers scattered everywhere. This chaos was unlike her brother, a notorious clean freak who never let a single book fall out of place.

"Simon, where are you?" Lucy's voice trembled with rising panic. She made her way towards the hidden room, the place where Simon often secluded himself, deep in his studies.

Descending the narrow staircase, Lucy's footsteps echoed against the cold stone walls, amplifying the silence around her. Each step was a jolt to her fraying nerves, her heart pounding louder with every descent. The air grew heavier, tinged with a metallic scent that she couldn't quite place. 

As she neared the bottom, muffled sounds became more distinct—whimpers interspersed with a low, agonized groan. Fear tightened its grip around her throat.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy oak door, its hinges creaking in protest. The sight that met her eyes made her blood run cold.

In the dim, flickering light of a single lantern, she saw Cian, her trusted right hand, bound tightly to a chair. His usually stoic face was streaked with tears, his eyes wide and filled with a terror she had never seen before. His body trembled with suppressed sobs, his chest heaving as he struggled against the ropes that cut into his skin.

"Cian," Lucy whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. She took a step forward, her eyes following his gaze to the far corner of the room, but all she saw were shadows.

Lucy hesitated for a moment before moving inside the office door. She pushed it fully open and her breath caught in her throat.

Elias, the doctor she had relied on to carry out her darkest commands, lay on the floor, unconscious and bleeding profusely from a wound in his chest. His usually precise and immaculate appearance was now a grisly mess. His chest bore a deep, ragged wound, blood seeping through his clothing and pooling on the floor. His face was pale, lips tinged with blue.

Stepping cautiously into the dimly lit room, Lucy's heart pounded in her chest. She hurried over to Cian's side, her calls to him going unanswered. Her eyes followed his gaze, and what she saw made her gasp in horror.

Simon, her brother, lay in pieces across the room. His once handsome face was frozen in a grimace of pain and horror, eyes open and vacant. His limbs were severed crudely, as if by a butcher rather than a surgeon. Blood was everywhere, staining the walls, the floor, and dripping from the ceiling. The metallic smell of blood and the unmistakable scent of death filled the air, making Lucy feel dizzy and sick to her stomach.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to cry. Not yet. She needed to understand what had happened to her brother, her closest confidant and protector. He now lay lifeless and torn apart before her, a sight that chilled her to the bone.

Cian's muffled sobs broke through the shock that had gripped her. She turned to him, her heart breaking at the sight of her usually composed and loyal friend in such anguish. "Cian, who did this?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Cian looked at the remains of his beloved, then glanced into Lucy's eyes. Before he could respond, another voice cut in. Emerging from the shadows was Kallous with an unsettling grin on his face.

"Lucy!" he exclaimed, his voice high-pitched and eerily cheerful. "Did you have fun playing hide and seek?"

Lucy froze, her eyes narrowing at the sight of Kallous. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut. 

"You did this," she said, her voice trembling with a mix of grief and anger. "You killed him."

Kallous tilted his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But guess what? It doesn't matter now!"

Lucy's mind raced, trying to make sense of the chaos unfolding before her. She had underestimated Kallous, dismissed him as just another pawn in her twisted game. But now, faced with the consequences of her actions, she realized the depth of her mistake.

"You're just a child," Lucy spat, her voice laced with venom. "What could you possibly hope to achieve?"

Kallous chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Lucy's spine. "Oh, Lucy, you really don't get it, do you? You took everything from me—my innocence, my childhood, my freedom. And now, it's time for you to pay."

Of course, all of this was just a bunch of lies. Kallous simply said it to cause drama.

Lucy's eyes narrowed as she processed his words. "This won't end well for you, Kallous. You think you can threaten me? You're nothing but a pathetic little boy."

Kallous's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with unhinged delight. "Maybe so, but I'm the one holding the key now."

Before Lucy could react, Kallous produced a small orb from his pocket, glowing with a pulsing, magical energy. With a flick of his wrist, he activated it. The ground beneath Lucy's feet rumbled violently, and a trapdoor sprang open, dropping her into a dark, musty chamber below.

Gasping for breath, Lucy scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest. She was trapped, surrounded by walls of solid stone with no apparent escape.

Then she heard it—the unmistakable sound of metal scraping against metal. The floor beneath her began to shift, and she felt herself being lifted upwards. The platform she stood on rose, bringing her back into the room, but now encased in a metal cage that suspended her above the horrific scene below.

Kallous stood there, his twisted smile widening as he watched her rise. "Welcome to your own personal hell, Lucy," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "A creation of your own brother. Sweet, isn't it?"

From her elevated position, Lucy could see everything. The instruments of torture, the terrified expressions of Cian and Elias, and Kallous, with a gleam of sadistic pleasure in his eyes. She was forced to witness every agonizing moment, powerless to intervene.

Kallous's smile widened as he moved to a table covered with Simon's instruments. Sharp blades, pliers, and other grotesque tools glinted menacingly in the dim light. Lucy's stomach churned at the sight, her mind reeling with the possibilities of what was to come.

"Let's start with Cian, shall we?" Kallous said, his voice taking on a chilling sing-song quality. "It's only fitting, considering he's been very dificult and disturbing."

"No!" Lucy screamed, pounding on the walls of the chamber. "Leave him alone, Kallous!"

Kallous ignored her, picking up a scalpel and turning to Cian, who was still bound to the chair, his eyes filled with terror. "Now, Cian, let's see how much you can take before you break," he said, his tone mockingly gentle.

He made a shallow cut across Cian's chest, eliciting a sharp intake of breath and a low groan of pain. Blood welled up from the incision, trickling down his torso. Lucy could only watch in helpless horror, her screams echoing off the stone walls.

"Stop it, Kallous! Please!" she begged, tears streaming down her face.

Kallous laughed, the sound echoing eerily in the chamber. "Oh, Lucy, we're just getting started," he said, making another, deeper cut. Cian's scream filled the room, a sound of pure agony that seemed to vibrate through Lucy's very soul.

Next, Kallous picked up a pair of pliers and hummed. "Now, this is one of my favorites," he said, turning to Elias, who was beginning to regain consciousness. "Let's see how the good doctor likes a taste of his own medicine."

Elias's eyes fluttered open, and he immediately began to struggle, but his movements were weak and futile. Kallous approached him slowly, savoring the moment.

"No...," Elias whimpered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kallous grabbed Elias's hand, forcing the pliers onto one of his fingers. With a sadistic grin, he began to squeeze, the sound of bones cracking and Elias's subsequent scream filling the chamber. Lucy sobbed uncontrollably, unable to tear her eyes away from the gruesome scene.

"Do you see, Lucy?" Kallous said, his voice rising over the screams. "This is what happens when you underestimate me. When you think you can control me. When you harm what's mine."

He continued to torture Elias, moving from finger to finger, each snap and scream a fresh torment for Lucy. Cian's moans of pain mixed with Elias's cries, creating a symphony of suffering that echoed in Lucy's ears.

"You're a monster!" Lucy shouted, her voice raw with emotion. "You'll pay for this, Kallous! I swear it!"

Kallous turned to her, his eyes glinting with madness. "Oh, but Lucy, you taught me everything I know. I learned it from first hand experiance after all." he said, his voice eerily calm. "This is your legacy. And now, you get to watch it unfold."

He picked up a larger blade, moving back to Cian, whose eyes were glazed with pain. "Let's make this one count, shall we?" he said, raising the blade high.

Lucy screamed, a sound of pure, unadulterated despair, as Kallous brought the blade down. The chamber filled with the sickening sound of flesh being sliced and bones breaking, accompanied by Cian's final, heart-wrenching scream.

As the echoes of agony subsided, Kallous stood over his victims, blood dripping from his hands. He turned to Lucy, a satisfied smile on his face.

"And now, Lucy," he said, an innocent smile graced his beautiful face, "Don't cry, okay? You'll join them shortly, and we'll all play together."

He moved towards her, his intent clear in his eyes. Lucy's heart pounded in her chest as she realized that her own nightmare was about to begin. The chamber's darkness seemed to close in around her, a fitting prelude to the hell that Kallous had planned.