Fleeting Freedom

『A day in le life of Allyn『Allyn's POV』.』

Dear stars,

Another day begins in the peculiar life I share with Kallous, my little master. The sun had barely begun its ascent, casting a dim, pre-dawn glow through the thick curtains. I could feel the thrill building within me as I prepared to wake him. The alarm, my beloved instrument of daily torment, began its shrill song, echoing through the quiet room.

Kal, cocooned in his blankets, let out a groan that was both irritated and resigned. His disheveled hair spread across the pillow like a halo of chaos, and his eyes fluttered open, filled with sleepy annoyance. "Good morning, Kal," I chimed, my voice dripping with exaggerated cheerfulness. Despite his muttered curses and half-hearted glares, I knew this routine was necessary. He must grow well and shiny, after all, even if it means enduring my cheerful torment each morning.

Reluctantly, he shuffled out of bed, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated. I watched him make his way to the bathroom, a sense of fond amusement bubbling within me. His irritation was like a familiar tune, one that I had come to anticipate and, strangely, adore. It was in these small moments of grumbling compliance that I saw a different side of him—a side that was vulnerable and almost endearing.

The shower turned on, steam soon filling the room and fogging up the mirror. I monitored his progress, ensuring he went through the motions of washing up. The sound of water splashing and the faint scent of soap filled the air. When he emerged, hair damp and sticking to his face, it was time for our next ritual. "Let's tackle that hair of yours," I announced, summoning my round, fingerless hands to the task.

Brushing Kal's long hair was no small feat. Each strand seemed to have a mind of its own, tangling and knotting despite my best efforts. But I took pride in this task, carefully working through the knots with a gentle touch. Kal sat patiently, never complaining. His eyes sometimes closing as I worked, his breathing steadying into a calm rhythm. It was in these quiet moments that I felt closest to him, my little master who trusted me implicitly with this small but significant part of his routine.

Yet, even as I cherished these moments, a shadow loomed over our days. Kallous wasn't fascinated with death; it was simply that people were idiots who annoyed him to no end. Inevitably, their foolishness would lead to their demise, often in the most unfortunate of circumstances. I had seen him encounter these irritants, his patience wearing thin until it snapped, resulting in yet another regrettable incident.

Recently, his actions had grown more disturbing. He had kidnapped Lucy, the woman who we both hated with a passion. For two harrowing weeks, he kept her captive, subjecting her to unimaginable tortures. Her screams echoed through the walls, but they were music to his ears. He made her suffer a hundred times worse than she had ever made him. And while a part of me reveled in the chaos, another part shuddered with concern.

Despite my enjoyment of his dark deeds, I couldn't shake the worry that plagued me. Kal's mental health was delicate, a precarious balance between innocence and madness. While he could still play the part of a child, acting sweet and unassuming, the blood on his hands told a different story. What if one day, in the throes of his dark passions, he injured himself? What if his frustrations turned inward?

In the midst of our dark days, there are still moments of light. Like when Kal offers me a rare, genuine smile after I've perfectly braided his hair, or when he absentmindedly hums a tune while reading a book. These glimpses of his innocence remind me of the child he once was and, perhaps, still is underneath the layers of cynicism and cruelty. It is in these tender moments that my hope rekindles, the belief that somewhere within, little master can find a sliver of peace.

I love him dearly, my little master. His sass, his indifference, even his cruelty—I accept it all. But I am afraid. Afraid for his future, for the person he might become. My purpose is to protect and guide him, but how can I shield him from the darkness that already resides within him?

And so, each day, I wake him with that annoying alarm. I watch him grow, tend to his needs, and hope against hope that he will find true happiness. Because that is what love is, isn't it? Accepting someone entirely, darkness and all, and standing by them through their struggles.

Yours faithfully, 



Under the moon's shadowy embrace, enveloping the town in a mysterious hush, Kallous found himself ensconced within the clandestine chambers concealed beneath the library's walls, a sanctuary from prying eyes and the clamor of the outside world.. Perched in a lavish chair, its opulence a stark contrast to his small form, he exuded an aura of innocence that clashed intriguingly with the cunning gleam that flickered in his eyes like hidden fireflies in the dark.

Allyn, his starlight, materialized with a soft glow, her form casting a gentle luminescence that danced across the room's tapestried walls. 'Kal,' she began, her voice a melodic blend of concern and urgency, 'it's been two weeks. The twins are growing increasingly worried about your absence.'

Kallous tilted his head, a small, mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Oh, Allyn, always so concerned," he remarked, his tone sweet yet tinged with an unsettling edge. "They should know by now that I am quite capable of looking after myself."

Allyn's eyes softened with genuine worry, her form changed, reflecting her concern. 'The knights have redoubled their efforts,' she continued, her voice laced with apprehension. 'They remain steadfast in their belief that your abductors may still be concealing you, oblivious to the true nature of recent events.'

Kallous chuckled softly, his laughter carrying a chilling innocence. "Let them search," he replied, waving a dismissive hand. "They will never find me unless I want them to."

His gaze shifted to the corner of the room, where the lifeless bodies of Lucy's companions lay, their faces frozen in fear and terror. Kallous stood up slowly, his movements graceful and deliberate, and approached Lucy, who sat huddled in a corner, her eyes wide with haunting emptiness.

Kallous observed Lucy with a mix of simmering hatred and cold determination. Her fragile state tugged at something inside him, but he quickly pushed the feeling away, his resolve unyielding.

"Lucy," Kallous's voice cut through the tense silence, his tone now eerily sweet. "I'm bored of this game. Our twisted dance is over."

Lucy's eyes widened with fear and disbelief, her body tensing as she braced for whatever torment Kallous had planned next. "No... please," she pleaded, her voice quivering.

Kallous's innocent smile broadened, making him look even more like the child he was. "I will let you go, Lucy," he said softly.

As his words hung heavy in the air, Lucy felt a storm of emotions crash over her. Fear, relief, and confusion battled within her, leaving her momentarily paralyzed as she tried to understand his unexpected words.

"K-Kallous," Lucy whispered, her voice trembling as she looked at him with wide, bewildered eyes. "I... I don't understand. Why... why are you letting me go?"

Kallous's expression remained calm, hiding the turmoil beneath. "Because, Lucy," he replied icily, his tone sharp as a blade, "your suffering no longer entertains me."

Lucy's mind raced, struggling to grasp the meaning of Kallous's words. The hatred and cruelty she had endured seemed at odds with this sudden act of mercy. Was it a trick, a new way to torment her? Or was there a deeper motive behind his actions?

Kallous stepped closer, his innocent smile still playing on his lips. With surprising gentleness, he began to untie the ropes that bound Lucy. She flinched at his touch, trembling as his small hands worked swiftly and efficiently.

"There you go, Lucy," he said softly, almost like a child who had just finished a helpful chore. "You're free to go."

Lucy's heart pounded in her chest as she stood up slowly, her legs shaky and weak. She glanced around the room, her eyes darting from the lifeless bodies of her companions to the door that now seemed both a gateway to freedom and a looming threat.

"Why?" she whispered again, her voice barely audible.

Kallous's innocent smile widened, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of childish glee and something far darker. "Because, Lucy, watching you run is going to be so much more fun."

A chill ran down Lucy's spine at his words. She backed away slowly, her eyes never leaving his, terrified of turning her back on him. Finally, she reached the door and turned the handle with trembling fingers. The door creaked open, and she bolted into the night, the cool air hitting her face like a slap.

Kallous stood in the doorway, watching her disappear into the darkness. He tilted his head to the side, his smile unwavering. "Run, Lucy," he whispered to himself, "run as far as you can."

'Nothing could hide you from me anyway.'

As Lucy fled through the moonlit streets, her mind was a whirlwind of fear and confusion. She couldn't shake the image of Kallous's innocent smile, the way it had sent chills down her spine. She didn't know where she was going, only that she had to get as far away from him as possible.

Kallous stood in the doorway, watching Lucy's figure fade into the moonlit distance. His innocent smile remained, a chilling contrast to the cold glint in his eyes. Allyn, shimmering softly beside him, looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

✿ 'Kal,' she began gently, her voice a whisper in the stillness. "Why didn't you kill her? You had every opportunity."

Kallous hummed a light, almost whimsical tune, tilting his head as he considered her question. "Death is too merciful for someone like her," he replied, his tone sweet yet laced with an unsettling edge. "Besides, I do love a good game of hide and seek."

He turned away from the door, his small form moving gracefully through the room. Allyn followed, her light casting eerie shadows on the tapestried walls. "I have plans, Allyn," Kallous continued, his voice carrying a chilling calmness. "And Lucy is just a part of them. Watching her run, feeling her fear—it's all so exhilarating."

Approaching the lifeless bodies of Lucy's companions, Kallous knelt beside them with a mix of curiosity and detachment. Reaching into the hidden folds of his clothing, he retrieved a small vial from the system space. The liquid inside shimmered ominously, a dark, swirling concoction that promised swift destruction. He uncorked the vial with a soft pop and poured its contents over the corpses.

The potion worked immediately, the bodies beginning to smolder as the liquid spread across their skin. Within moments, they were reduced to ashes, the acrid smell of burning flesh filling the room. Kallous watched the transformation with a detached fascination, then scattered the ashes with a flick of his wrist, ensuring no trace of them remained.

Turning his attention to the room itself, Kallous retrieved another vial from the system space. This one contained a volatile, incendiary liquid that gleamed menacingly in the dim light. He moved methodically around the library, pouring the potion in a careful, deliberate pattern, ensuring maximum coverage. The potent smell of the potion permeated the air, a foreboding prelude to the destruction that was about to unfold.

Satisfied with his work, Kallous struck a match, its tiny flame casting a brief, flickering glow. He let it fall onto the potion-soaked floor, and flames erupted instantly, roaring to life with a fierce hunger. The fire spread rapidly, consuming bookshelves, tapestries, and furniture alike, turning the once secretive sanctuary into an inferno.

Kallous watched the fire with an almost serene expression, his innocent smile unwavering as the flames danced and crackled. Allyn hovered beside him, her light flickering in the growing heat, a silent witness to the chaos.

"It's time to leave," Kallous said calmly, turning his back on the blaze. He and Allyn exited the library, stepping into the cool night air as the building behind them was engulfed in flames.

As they walked away, the glow of the burning library illuminating the night sky, Kallous looked up at the moon with a satisfied expression. 

The game will soon come to an end.