A Knight's Dilemma

『Lucius Hawthorne' POV』

Snowflakes fell gently from the darkened sky, blanketing the castle grounds in a serene, undisturbed white. Each flake descended slowly, as if time itself had slowed in reverence to the winter night. Inside the grand hall, warmth and light danced together, casting a comforting glow that contrasted sharply with the cold outside. 

The Duke and Duchess sat by the crackling fireplace, their faces softened with contentment and the pure joy of shared moments. Captain Lucius, a charming figure, stood before them, the firelight playing across his stern features, adding a touch of warmth to his otherwise solemn demeanor.

The Duchess's voice, filled with an assured serenity, broke the silence. Her eyes sparkled with confidence, a confidence born from both trust and the life growing within her. "Keep a watchful eye, Lucius. Ensure his safety, and should any need arise, bring him to us swiftly," she instructed, her hand resting protectively on her growing belly, a subtle yet poignant reminder of the new life soon to join their family—a life that, along with her own, would not be here if not for her little Angel who had saved them..

The Duke, a man of few words, let his actions speak as he placed a firm, reassuring hand on Lucius's shoulder. His eyes, usually so reserved, conveyed a depth of trust and expectation. "We have full faith in your abilities, Lucius." 

Lucius nodded solemnly, the weight of the responsibility settling heavily on his shoulders. As the captain of his elite unit, he was no stranger to daunting tasks, but this mission felt deeply personal. The Duchess's kindness and gentle nature had endeared her to all who knew her, making the mere thought of her in distress an unbearable burden. His heart ached with determination, knowing the stakes were higher than ever.

Lucius bowed deeply, his resolve etched into every line of his stern features. "I will not fail you," he vowed, his voice steady and resolute, echoing with an unwavering commitment. The firelight flickered in his eyes, reflecting the fierce determination burning within him.

As he turned and left the grand hall, the echoes of his footsteps mingling with the gentle fall of snow outside, he steeled himself for the journey ahead. The night was quiet, the air crisp with winter's chill. The road would be treacherous, but failure was not an option.

The search proved to be both arduous and frustrating. Days bled into weeks as Lucius scoured every corner of the Empire for any sign of the child with blue hair and silver eyes. His search led to dead ends, each more infuriating than the last, as if the child had vanished into thin air. The boy's unique appearance should have made him easy to spot, yet it seemed the world had conspired to hide him away.

During his relentless search, Lucius received a letter from his trusted friend, Aric. Though Lucius would never openly admit how much he valued Aric's assistance, the letter's contents were chilling enough to warrant immediate attention.

Aric had received an anonymous letter detailing the unspeakable atrocities occurring at an orphanage—sinister operations, the exploitation of innocent children, and the involvement of influential figures within the kingdom's shadowy underbelly. As Lucius read through the harrowing details, his blood ran cold, realizing the extent of the corruption.

Unable to join his friend immediately due to his ongoing search for the missing child, Lucius visited his friend to help devise a plan. Together, they discussed strategies and gathered intelligence, determined to put an end to the heinous activities at the orphanage.

Soon, Aric launched a daring rescue mission at the orphanage. Under the bright light of day, the team strategically infiltrated the premises, moving through corridors and rooms with meticulous caution. Though Lucius was not physically present during the operation, he provided crucial support and guidance from afar, ensuring that every step was coordinated and effective. His heart raced with each update, the tension of the mission palpable despite the distance. The rescue efforts had to succeed; the stakes were far too high.

As Lucius communicated with Aric and the other knights involved, shocking news emerged. A child almost fitting the description Lucius had been searching for had been living at the orphanage and had been taken by kidnappers during the chaos of the rescue mission. The realization was devastating, a bitter mix of hope and despair crashing over him. Despite this setback, Lucius felt a renewed surge of determination to rescue the boy at all costs. Whether or not this was the child he was tasked to find, he could not turn his back on an innocent life in danger.

Time passed, and then a major incident occurred near the forest. Lucius and the other knights rushed to the scene, their hearts pounding with urgency. They found injured children who had been missing for some time, their eyes haunted by stories of terror and survival.

The children spoke of a boy with blue hair, whom they called "the youngest," a brave and resourceful child who had helped them during their captivity. He had offered comfort and assistance when they needed it most, his courage shining through their harrowing tales. The descriptions filled Lucius with a mix of hope and sorrow, each account a testament to the boy's resilience and the desperate need to find him.

Following the children's leads, Lucius and the knights searched the area near the abandoned building where the bombing had occurred. The scene was grim, with twisted metal and charred remnants scattered around. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and destruction. Lucius's heart pounded with a mix of hope and dread as they combed through the debris, calling out for any sign of the boy. Each moment stretched into an eternity, the weight of their task pressing heavily upon them as they sought the faintest glimmer of hope amidst the ruins.

Lucius continued his search with unwavering determination. Despite the grim scenes and countless challenges, he refused to let hope slip through his fingers. The image of the boy with blue hair and silver eyes was a constant in his mind, he refused to lose hope in finding the child.

It wasn't until he visited the hospital to check on the children rescued from the ordeal that a new lead emerged. Among the wounded were two special twins, whose bond and connection to the hero child piqued Lucius's interest.

Intrigued, Lucius inquired further and learned that the hero child's name was Kallous. But what struck him most were the twins' descriptions of Kallous's striking silver eyes, a detail that had eluded him until now. With this newfound information, Lucius's determination was reignited, fueling his resolve to find Kallous and ensure his safety.

Frustration gnawed at Lucius as the trail went cold once again. Yet, he refused to give up. The image of the hopeful Duke and Duchess fueled his resolve. He would find the boy, Kallous, no matter the cost. Each setback only strengthened his determination. Lucius pressed on, his commitment to the mission unwavering. The search continued, and he remained focused on his goal.

Lucius returned to the hospital, his steps heavy with fatigue but his mind sharp with determination. For the past two weeks, he had visited the hospital at least three times a week, checking on the rescued children and hoping for any new information about Kallous. His persistence was finally rewarded.

As he entered the ward where the rescued children were recovering, he felt a sense of anticipation mixed with dread. His eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of the boy he had been relentlessly pursuing.

In a corner bed, partially hidden by a privacy curtain, he saw a small figure. The boy was weak and bruised, his blue hair matted and dirty. His silver eyes, though dimmed by exhaustion, still held a spark of life. Lucius's heart skipped a beat. This had to be Kallous.

The nurse tending to the boy looked up as Lucius approached. "He was brought in just a few hours ago," she said softly, sensing the importance of the moment. "He must have run away and found his way here. He's been through a lot, but he's a fighter."

Lucius knelt beside the bed, his usually stern features softening with relief and compassion. The boy appeared half-conscious, his breathing shallow but steady. "You're safe now," Lucius said gently, reaching out a hand to brush the boy's hair back. "I'm here to help you."

The boy stirred slightly at Lucius's touch, his eyes fluttering open briefly. He seemed confused and disoriented, not fully aware of his surroundings or the man beside him.

The nurse continued, "He needs rest and care, but he's going to make it. He's stronger than he looks."

Lucius gave a grateful nod and turned back to Kallous. "Rest now," he said softly. "You're safe."

Kallous's eyes closed again, his small hand instinctively reaching out and gripping Lucius's larger one with surprising strength. Despite his exhaustion, there was a faint sense of trust in his touch.

Lucius remained steadfast by the boy's side, a silent sentinel tasked of protection. His heart swelled with a blend of relief and steadfast determination. Finding Kallous had been no small feat, but now, ensuring the boy's safety and well-being was his sole mission. The journey had been arduous, yet in this defining moment, Lucius embraced a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in his duty.

As the night wore on, Lucius kept his vigil, the promise of a better tomorrow reflected in the quiet rise and fall of Kallous's breath.


Two hours ago, young Kallous roamed the town streets with an air of innocence and cheerfulness. His small figure moved with a casual ease, munching on a chocolate cookie with a childlike delight. The sun's gentle rays painted the surroundings in a warm hue, contrasting starkly with the chilling nature of his thoughts.

In the midst of his leisurely stroll, Allyn, his shiny companion, voiced a question that momentarily disrupted the façade of innocence. 'Is it really okay to let Lucy off the hook like that? Even if she is all healed up, who knows if she will come back for trouble even after all of that.' Allyn's concern was palpable, her gaze searching for answers in Kal's unnervingly blank expression.

Kallous turned to her, his smile widening into something chillingly cute, a combination that sent a shiver down Allyn's spine, if she ever had one, and caused a mini heart attack. "Lucy's patched up, and there's no evidence. Besides, her actions are quite entertaining," he remarked casually, his tone devoid of empathy, his eyes gleaming with a darkness that belied his youthful appearance.

Allyn, momentarily taken aback by the contrast between Kal's charming smile and his unsettling words, managed to continue, 'But what if she does something?'

Kal's smile remained, his eyes glinting mischievously. "I'm counting on that," he replied with a chilling calmness, his gaze fixed on something unseen, his mind already plotting the next twisted game.

As a thought crossed his mind, he Interrupting the conversation and reminded Allyn, "I must check the mission's countdown tomorrow. Keep that in mind, Allyn."

As they approached the looming hospital, Kallous's demeanor shifted imperceptibly. He slipped into a secluded alley, hidden from prying eyes, and retrieved a small vial containing a dark potion. This concoction, obtained from the ever so generous system, held the power to simulate wounds and exhaustion, perfect for the silly act he planned.

With practiced ease, Kallous applied the potion, his features contorting into a facade of weariness and pain. Realistic wounds marred his once innocent appearance, and a weariness settled upon him, as though he had endured trials far beyond his years.

Allyn watched with a mixture of concern and fear, her heart still recovering from Kallous's unsettling smile. 'Kal, are you sure about this? That potion seems dangerous,' she cautioned, her voice trembling slightly. Despite knowing that the system's potion wouldn't cause any near-death experiences for Kallous, she couldn't shake off her worries for him.

Kallous's smile widened, the innocence in it contrasting sharply with the darkness in his silver eyes. "It's all part of the act. I need to look the part for our game," he replied coolly.

Disguised in his deceptive appearance, Kallous staggered towards the hospital's entrance, his movements exaggerated to convey the illusion of a weary traveler. As he approached the door, he glanced back at Allyn, his chillingly cute smile still in place.

"Here goes," Kallous muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible. With a final, dramatic stumble, he allowed himself to collapse just inside the hospital entrance, ensuring he would be found quickly.

The hospital staff rushed to his side, their concerned voices blending into a cacophony of noise. Kallous closed his eyes, feeling their hands lifting him onto a gurney. He remained still, his mind calculating the next steps of his plan. The twins had insisted he come to the hospital, and now here he was. 

'The things I do for them.' he mused inwardly, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite the seriousness of the situation.

As Kallous was carefully placed on a hospital bed, the nurses quickly surrounded him, their faces a mixture of concern and sorrow. Thanks to the potion, he was able to maintain the appearance of unconsciousness while subtly using Allyn to keep an eye on his surroundings.

The nurses murmured softly among themselves, their professional facades slipping as they took in the sight of Kallous's seemingly battered body. His innocent, cherubic face contrasted starkly with the realistic-looking wounds, drawing sympathetic frowns from the staff. Some of the nurses couldn't hold back their tears, their hearts aching at the thought of such a young child suffering so much.

One nurse gently brushed a lock of hair from Kallous's forehead, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Poor thing," she whispered to her colleague, her voice trembling. "What kind of monster would do this to a child?"

As they worked to assess and treat his fabricated injuries, Kallous kept his eyes closed, the potion allowing him to remain convincingly still. His mind, however, was alert and calculating, using Allyn's senses to monitor everything around him.

The nurse who had been gently brushing his hair stepped back, her eyes red from unshed tears, as a new presence entered the room.

✿'A knight just arrived,' Allyn informed him.

Kallous's curiosity piqued, and he opened his eyes just a sliver, enough to take in the imposing figure that had entered. The knight, clad in gleaming armor adorned with high-ranking insignia, approached the bed with a sense of urgency and concern. The remaining nurse straightened up, her demeanor shifting to one of formality in the presence of such an important figure.

The knight knelt beside Kallous's bed, his eyes filled with worry and compassion. He studied the boy's seemingly battered form, his brows furrowing with each passing second. Kallous ignored their conversation, his focus instead on him. Through the haze induced by the potion, he subtly assessed the man's status, noting the details revealed by the system.

Name: Lucius Hawthorne.

Race: human.  Age: 26.

SB: Mana Veil. Rank: A+.

Title: Trueblade.

STR: 41

STA: 36

MANA: 40

INT: 29

END: 50

LUCK: 31

> Upgrade the system to show the rest of the status.

Upon seeing this, only one thought crossed Kal's mind. 

'Why was this knight showing such concern for him?' His inner thoughts were a jumble of confusion and curiosity, but amidst it all, there was a flicker of satisfaction. If this knight was truly as honorable as he seemed, Kallous could use that to his advantage, playing up his innocent facade to garner sympathy and perhaps gain valuable tool.

His eyes closed again, feigning exhaustion, but his small hand instinctively reached out and gripped Lucius's larger one with surprising strength. It was a calculated move, a subtle display of vulnerability tinged with a hint of trust—a strategic maneuver to further manipulate the situation to his advantage.

With a faint smile playing on his lips, hidden behind closed eyes, Kallous reveled in the unfolding intrigue. Life never ceased to surprise him, and he relished the challenge of manipulating those around him.

And within seconds, sleep gradually claimed him.