Echoes of the Past

The world around Kallous was a nebulous void, an endless expanse of darkness that felt both oppressive and infinite. He was a child, small and fragile, his mind struggling to grasp the surreal nature of his surroundings. It was as if he had been plunged into the deepest depths of night, where no light dared to shine. Confusion and fear gripped his heart, making it beat erratically in his chest.

Out of the shadowy abyss, sounds began to emerge—subtle at first, then growing louder and more distinct. The faint echoes of whispers, indistinguishable yet ominous, merged into a cacophony of tortured screams. Kallous's breath hitched as he recognized the voice. It was his own, but twisted and filled with an anguish he could scarcely comprehend.

His eyes, wide with terror, darted around, seeking the source of the screams. A cold, malicious laughter seeped through the darkness, chilling him to the bone. The laughter was inhuman, devoid of warmth or mercy, and it reverberated through the void like a death knell.

From the suffocating blackness, a figure emerged. It was a child, gaunt and emaciated, with skin stretched taut over protruding bones. The boy's eyes, hollow and haunted, locked onto Kallous. His face was a mirror image of Kallous's own, but twisted by suffering and starvation. Every rib was visible, his body a grotesque testament to prolonged torment.

The boy opened his mouth to scream, and instead of tears, blood streamed down his cheeks, painting his face in a horrifying mask of crimson despair. "Please," he whimpered, his voice a raspy whisper of agony, "make it stop... I can't take it anymore." The pain in his voice was a physical force, hitting Kallous like a blow to the chest.

Kallous wanted to move, to help, but he was frozen, a powerless spectator. The boy's pleas became more desperate, his small body wracked with sobs that shook his frail frame. Blood mixed with saliva dripped from his lips as he cried out, "Revenge... I want revenge..."

The darkness around them seemed to pulse with the boy's suffering, as unseen tormentors laughed and mocked his pain. Their sadistic glee echoed, a sinister chorus that made Kallous's skin crawl. The child's eyes, once bright, dimmed with each passing second, the light of life fading from them.

"Revenge..." the boy whispered again, his voice barely audible, "for all they've done..."

Suddenly, the nightmarish scene began to dissolve, the darkness receding like a tide. The boy's figure blurred and faded, his bloodstained face the last to disappear. The laughter and screams echoed one final time before being swallowed by silence.

Kallous woke with a start, his small body trembling. His heart pounded in his chest, and his sheets were damp with sweat. He sat up, gasping for breath, as the remnants of the nightmare slipped away like grains of sand through his fingers. The vivid terror faded into a hazy confusion, leaving him with nothing but an inexplicable sense of dread. A single tear rolled down his cheek, glistening in the dim evening light that filtered through the window.

Confusion and unease mingled in his young heart. He didn't understand why he felt so shaken, so disturbed. He wiped the tear from his cheek with a trembling hand, an unfamiliar sensation of confusion gnawing at him. He didn't understand why he had cried. Fear and sadness were emotions he had long since mastered to manipulate others, not something he genuinely felt.

The hospital room around him felt stifling, the pale walls and sterile scent doing little to calm his perplexed mind. He glanced around, hoping for a familiar presence to anchor him to reality, and there she was—Allyn, his starlight, hovering beside him with a concerned expression.

✿'You were thrashing in your sleep,' Allyn said softly, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.

Kallous blinked, his wide, innocent eyes scanning the room.

─'I had a bad dream,' he murmured, his voice small and fragile. The memory of the gaunt child and the haunting cries for revenge were already slipping away, leaving behind an inexplicable sense of confusion.

Allyn's gaze intensified, her concern palpable. 'It seemed more than just a bad dream, Kal.'

Kallous shook his head, trying to dispel the lingering confusion. 'I can't remember it clearly,' he said, his small hands clutching the bed sheets tightly. 'But it felt so real. And... I.' His voice trailed off, perplexed by this rare display of emotion.

Just then, the door creaked open and a nurse walked in, her footsteps soft on the tiled floor. She was a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor. Seeing Kallous awake, she hurried over to his side.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice full of genuine concern.

Kallous put on his best innocent expression, his eyes wide and vulnerable. "I had a bad dream," he said softly, letting his lower lip tremble just a little.

The nurse's heart melted at the sight. She sat on the edge of his bed and gently brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. "Oh, you poor thing," she murmured. "You're safe here, darling. No one can hurt you."

Kallous stared up at the nurse with wide, innocent eyes, his small frame curled up slightly as if still trembling from the remnants of his dream. His gaze flickered between the nurse and an unseen presence beside him—Allyn, who observed with eager admiration, her ethereal form shimmering softly in the hospital room's subdued light.

The nurse's heart went out to him, her maternal instincts stirred by the sight of the young boy appearing so fragile and scared. She hesitated, then sat on the edge of his bed, keeping a respectful distance. "Oh, sweetheart," she murmured, her voice laced with sympathy. "You must have been through so much. Can you tell me what happened?"

Kallous's voice quivered slightly as he recounted the vague details of his nightmare, carefully selecting words to evoke pity without revealing too much. "I was so scared," he whispered, his eyes downcast as if reliving the fear. "I thought I would never wake up."

Allyn, unseen and unnoticed by anyone but Kallous, felt a rush of excitement at his performance. She admired his ability to manipulate emotions effortlessly, to craft a persona that could sway even the most caring hearts. She felt proud but also worried. 

However, he is just acting.

Nothing too... serious.

The nurse nodded empathetically, her gaze gentle as she listened. "You're safe now," she reassured him softly. "We're all here to help you."

Kallous looked up at her through lowered lashes, a hint of gratitude in his eyes mingled with a carefully veiled calculation. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice laced with a fragile sweetness. 

The nurse smiled warmly, understanding his need for space and not pushing further. She fetched a glass of water from the bedside table, offering it to him with a gentle smile. "Here, drink some water. It'll help calm your nerves."

Kallous took the glass with trembling hands, his fingers brushing against the nurse's as he accepted the gesture of kindness. He sipped the water slowly, watching the nurse over the rim of the glass with an air of feigned vulnerability.

Allyn watched with fascination, she giggled and took her camera to secretly capture her little master's shininess. 

The nurse smiled at Kallous before rising from the bedside. "I'll check in on you later, sweetheart," she said gently, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Kallous nodded faintly, his eyes casting a fleeting glance towards where Allyn stood, her form a shimmering outline beside him. As the nurse departed, closing the door softly behind her, Kallous's expression shifted subtly.

The facade of innocence and vulnerability faded like mist in the morning sun, replaced by a demeanor of quiet reserve and composure. His features settled into a neutral expression, betraying little of the emotions that had played on his face moments ago.

Allyn's presence shimmered softly beside him, her gaze fixed on Kallous with a mixture of love and concern. 

✿'You did well, Kal,' she murmured, gentle voice echoed in Kallous's mind.

Kallous nodded, his mind already drifting back to the tasks at hand. "Thank you, Allyn," he replied quietly, his tone thoughtful.

Allyn smiled softly, her form glowing faintly in response to his acknowledgment. 'Remember to check your status window,' she added gently, her presence a reassuring constant.

Kallous turned his attention to the holographic display floating beside him, the status window detailing his status and ongoing missions. 

Kallous took a deep breath, his fingers hovering over the holographic display that projected his status window. The soft glow of the interface illuminated his face as he navigated through the detailed metrics of his current state. 


✧ ( Kallous ) [ Lv.9] [ Points: 10]

Race: -

[ SB: Hidden ]

[ Title: Harbinger of Destiny]

[ Rank ]


[ STRENGTH: 15 (+4) ]


[ STAMINA: 18 (+7) ]




[ ENDURANCE: 16 (+5) ]


[ LUCK: 42 ]


Each stat was listed with its current value and modifiers, a testament to his recent efforts and training. Kallous's lips quirked in a sardonic smile as he noted the change in his level, a bitter reminder of the 'training' sessions that had pushed him to these limits—sessions that were less about improvement and more about endurance through.... torment?

He also found it odd that he could use mana ever so slightly, though it didn't seem evident here. Just as he was about to ask about it, his attention was diverted by the new title on his status : "Harbinger of Destiny." His brows furrowed deeply as he read the description below it, his eyes scanning each line with growing incredulity.

✧Harbinger of Destiny

Bearer of fate's burden, a beacon in the night, You, who defied stars' indifferent light. From shadows deep, you mended dreams broken, A guardian of hope, your vow unspoken.

Destiny's threads entwined in your hand, Crafting futures where stars brightly stand. Forever smiled upon by souls once pure, You are the harbinger, steadfast and sure.

Kallous felt his mouth drop open as he processed the poetic yet heavy-handed description. "What the...?" he muttered, bewilderment morphing into frustration. This was no ordinary title—it felt more like a decree, a celestial edict that placed the weight of countless futures on his slender shoulders.

He scrolled back up, rereading the part about being a beacon in the night and guardian of hope. He could almost hear the dramatic orchestral music playing in the background. "Oh, great. Now I'm a walking, talking prophet," he grumbled, sarcasm dripping from his words.

Allyn, ever the observant companion, floated closer with a concerned expression. 'Kal, what's wrong?'

"What's wrong?" Kallous repeated, his voice rising slightly in pitch. "This! This title! It makes me sound like some kind of... of... cosmic janitor cleaning up after the universe's messes!" He huffed, feeling a surge of panic. "I'm supposed to be a slacker! I've got plans for a laid-back life, Allyn! Not this... destiny-weaving nonsense!"

He imagined his ideal future slipping away: lazy afternoons spent napping, manipulating people with ease for fun and profit, and never having to shoulder any real responsibility. Instead, the image of him running around, guiding lost souls like some protagonist, and fixing destinies popped into his mind. "I didn't sign up for this!" he nearly wailed, the comedic absurdity of his predicament not lost on him.

Allyn tried to stifle a giggle, it was rare for her little master to act childish without faking it and she's living for it. Sadly, she failed to hold her laugh. 

✿'You have to admit, Kal, it does sound kind of... noble.'

"Noble?" Kallous's eyes widened in mock horror. "No, no, no! I had a plan, Allyn. Save the town, ditch the twins somewhere safe, and then hightail it out of here to live the ultimate slacker life. No responsibilities, no heroics, away from all this hero nonsense! just pure freedom."

Allyn floated closer, trying to keep a straight face but failing. 'Kal, it's not the end of the world. It's just a title you know.'

"Not the end of the world?" Kallous nearly shrieked. "For me, it is! Titles can't be hidden, Allyn! Once someone scans me, they'll know. Everyone will know! I'll be marked as this destiny-guiding, fate-tweaking prophet or something. I can kiss my dream of a quiet, lazy life goodbye."

Allyn just left her little master to vent for a while. She knew he would get over it in a minute.

"Just my luck," he grumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Why couldn't I get a simple title like 'Master of Relaxation' or 'King of Naps'?"

As he vented and cursed every existence out there, Allyn watched from a distance, her luminous form flickering softly. She had seen Kal go through many phases, and this wasn't a new one. She could understand his frustration; after all, he had carefully crafted a life of minimal effort and maximum leisure. This title threatened to upend all of that. But she also knew that he had a knack for adapting, even if he didn't realize it himself.

Finally, Kallous stopped and took a deep breath. He stared at the status window one last time before closing it with a wave of his hand. "Fine," he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. "If the universe sees me as a 'Harbinger of Destiny,' then so be it. But I'm doing it my way."

He turned to find Allyn hovering nearby, a knowing smile on her face. 'Got it out of your system?' she asked, her tone light.

Kallous rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smile from creeping onto his lips. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good."

Allyn floated closer, her expression softening. 'You know, Kal, you still have 10 status points you haven't used yet.'

Kallous groaned. "Not now, Allyn. I don't want to see that status window again right now. I'll set them later."

✿'You know, Kal, sometimes the things we least expect end up being the most rewarding.' Allyn chuckled.

Kallous sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I suppose. But don't expect me to start spouting prophecies or saving the world anytime soon. I'm still aiming for that slacker life."

✿'Wouldn't have it any other way, Kal.'

Then Kallous turned his attention to the other system window where the mission was displayed. The mission details flickered into focus, providing a stark contrast to his previous concerns about his title. 


Life and death is nothing to whoever holds the fate of others.

Changing one's fate is risky but worth to those who deserve it.

To you who is challenging such fate,Live!

Survive and show the world that you are worth the sacrifice!

➢ Time left: 29 hours

His eyes narrowed as he reviewed the mission details "The visitors will arrive soon, and so is the protagonist's birth. We need to act fast. First, I'll deal with the twins and the knight. Then, I'll head to finish Lucy off. I want everything to be dealt with before the time ends."

Allyn's eyes widened slightly, but she nodded in agreement. 'Alright, Kal. Just remember, we're in this together.'

Kallous smirked. "Don't worry, Allyn. I might be a slacker, but I'm still the best at what I do."

Allyn hesitated, then floated closer. 'Kal, are you sure you want to send the twins away? They've been with us through so much.'

Kallous paused, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. Memories of the twins flooded his mind: their laughter, their unyielding support, the way they always managed to lift his spirits no matter how dire the situation. He remembered the day they met, how they had stumbled into his life and somehow made it better despite his initial reluctance to let them in. Their shared adventures, the dangers they faced together, and the bond that had formed—stronger than he had ever expected.

He saw their faces, wide-eyed and hopeful. He had never wanted to be anyone's friend. He had wanted a quiet, lazy life, free from the burdens of destiny and responsibility. But the twins had changed that. They had made him care.

Kallous sighed, the weight of his decision pressing heavily on his shoulders. "It's for the best," he said quietly, more to himself than to Allyn. "This kind of friendship... it shouldn't have formed in the first place. It's dangerous for them to be around me, especially now."

✿'But Kal,' Allyn pressed gently, 'they care for you. They trust you. Are you really willing to let them go just like that?'

His heart ached at the thought. He remembered the day they had reached their hands offering friendship, their fierce determination, their unwavering loyalty without question. They had become more than just companions; they were like the family he never had. And now, he was about to break that bond, to send them away for their own their real family.

Kallous closed his eyes, fighting back the surge of emotion. "I have to," he whispered. "I already changed their fate, they will forever remember me as their benefacture... It's better this way. They deserve a chance at a normal life, away from all this chaos anyway."

Allyn floated closer, her glow soft and comforting. 'Sometimes, Kal, doing what's best for others means making the hardest choices. Just know that whatever happens, I'm always here for you.'

Kallous nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Yeah, I know."

With a deep breath, he steeled himself, pushing the memories and emotions aside. He had a mission to complete, and he couldn't afford to let his feelings get in the way. 

"Let's get started," he said, his voice firm but tinged with sadness. "We have a lot to do."