
The hospital room door slammed open with a force that reverberated through the sterile white walls, jolting Kallous out of his contemplative trance. His baby blue hair, a shade reminiscent of the early morning sky, tumbled over his silver eyes like a silken waterfall. He turned sharply towards the sudden intrusion, a flicker of irritation in his otherwise cold expression.

A nurse stood in the doorway, her presence a calm contrast to the earlier disturbance. She was a woman in her mid-thirties, with soft, chestnut brown hair tied back in a neat bun and a warm, gentle smile that conveyed both professionalism and genuine care. She held the hands of two small figures who seemed to crackle with an energy too immense for their five-year-old bodies.

"Here we are," the nurse said softly, her voice soothing. "Kallous, you have visitors."

Ian, with his short, fluffy hair a striking pink like cherry blossom petals, bounded into the room. His blindfold, a deep crimson, barely stayed in place as he moved. Ivan followed closely, his long white hair flowing like a cascade of moonlight. His demeanor was more composed but no less intense, and his matching crimson blindfold contrasted starkly against his pale hair and skin.

The nurse guided them to Kal's bedside, her hands gentle yet firm. "I'll leave you three to catch up," she said, her eyes sparkling with understanding as she glanced at Kallous. "If you need anything, just press the call button."

With that, she turned and quietly exited the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. The twins' small forms seemed to fill the space with their vibrant energy, a stark contrast to Kal's reserved demeanor.

"Kal! Are you okay?" Ian's voice was a torrent of concern and curiosity as he rushed to the bedside, his small hands gripping the bedrail. His face lit up with pure joy at seeing Kallous, his excitement palpable. "I'm so happy you came!" he exclaimed.

A soft blush crept up Kal's cheeks at Ian's words, and he quickly turned his head to hide it. Despite his best efforts to maintain his cold facade, he couldn't completely mask his reaction. Ivan noticed and smiled slightly, his observant eyes catching the brief display of emotion.

Ivan, quieter but equally protective, stood beside his brother, his presence a silent shield. "You're not hurt, are you?" he asked, his voice a soft murmur that barely disrupted the tense air.

Kallous, though younger, exuded a maturity that contrasted sharply with his shiny appearance. He sat up, his movements measured, and met their concern with a cool nod. Determined to distance himself from the twins, he steeled his resolve, yet their genuine worry tugged at the barriers he tried to build around his heart.

"I'm fine," he said, his voice devoid of warmth, though the sharpness was tempered, his face an impenetrable mask of indifference.

Ian and Ivan exchanged a glance, their faces mirroring the same flicker of unease. They sensed a change in Kal, a deeper coldness that hadn't been there before. Still, they attributed it to his exhaustion and let it be for the moment.

Ian, undeterred by Kal's frosty reception, began to chatter incessantly, filling the room with his high-pitched, rapid-fire speech. "You won't believe what happened in the past two weeks! Everyone knows about the orphanage incident now. The knights are still searching for that ugly old hag. She can't hide forever."

Ivan's expression tightened at the mention of Lucy, the dreaded head of the orphanage. "Some of the nobles were arrested for their involvement," he added, his tone grave. "The ones that weren't tried to pass off their actions and adopt the surviving orphans. The town is in chaos."

Kal's mind wandered as Ian continued to talk, detailing every event that had occurred during his absence. The knights' relentless search, the newfound interest of the nobles, the fates of the other orphans—it all swirled around him like a distant storm. 

He focused on the window, where the late afternoon sun cast a golden hue across the sterile room, creating a stark contrast to the otherwise cold and impersonal environment. How ironic, he thought, that the world outside could look so warm while he felt so detached.

"Kal," Ian's voice broke through his reverie, softer now. "We missed you."

A flicker of something—regret, perhaps—passed through Kal's eyes, but he quickly buried it. he remained silent, his eyes briefly meeting theirs before turning away "I need to rest," he said, his tone firm but lacking its earlier harshness.

Ian's face fell slightly, but he quickly recovered, sensing the unspoken request for solitude. "I understand, we'll be back" he promised.

Ivan, ever the silent guardian, placed a gentle hand on Ian's shoulder, guiding him towards the door and giving Kal his much-needed privacy.

As they left, the door clicking shut behind them, Kallous let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. The room fell silent once more, but their presence lingered, a ghostly reminder of bonds he wished to sever yet couldn't entirely dismiss.

Kal's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar, gentle voice in his mind. Allyn, his ever-watchful system, had been observing everything.

✿'Kal,' Allyn's voice whispered, carrying a tone of both concern and understanding, 'you were a bit cold to the twins just now.'

Kallous sighed, his eyes closing as he leaned back against the pillows. "I know, Allyn, but it had to be done. I need to keep some distance."

Allyn's voice softened, filled with a bright cheerfulness. 'I understand. You have a lot on your plate. But did you see the way Ian's eyes lit up when he saw you? They really missed you.'

Kallous couldn't help but smile faintly at the thought. "Yeah, I noticed. It's hard not to when he practically beams."

✿'And Ivan,' Allyn continued, her tone light and encouraging, 'he's like your little shadow. Always watching out for you in his quiet way.'

Kal nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "They are good kids. I just..."

✿'I know,' Allyn smiled, her voice gentle. 'But remember, whatever the path you choose, I'll always be here for you.'

Kallous took a deep breath, letting Allyn's words sink in. "Thanks, Allyn. I appreciate it."

✿'Anytime, Kal,' Allyn replied with a mental smile. 'Now, let's focus on getting out of here safely. We've got a lot to do.'

Just as Kallous was about to slip out of bed, a soft knock on the door froze him in place.

'What's up with all the visitors today?' He thought.

His breath caught in his throat, and he exchanged a tense look with the empty room, knowing Allyn could sense his anxiety. The knock came again, slightly more insistent this time. His eyes drifted to the door, half-expecting the twins to burst back in with their relentless energy.

He frowned, pushing himself up slightly. "Come in," he called, his voice tinged with the smallest hint of apprehension.

The door opened slowly, revealing a knight in gleaming armor. The knight's presence commanded attention, his tall frame silhouetted against the fading light from the hallway. His face was partially obscured by his helmet, but Kallous could sense the scrutiny in his gaze. The knight stepped into the room with a measured pace, the clink of his armor echoing softly in the sterile silence.

Kal's eyes widened as the knight removed his helmet, revealing a kind face framed by short, brown hair. The knight's gaze softened as he took in Kallous's frightened demeanor. He approached the bedside with a cautious yet reassuring air, his movements slow and deliberate.

"Kallous," the knight greeted, his voice surprisingly gentle. "How are you feeling?"

Remembering him as the knight from before, Kallous immediately shifted his demeanor and started his act, allowing a look of wide eyed innocence shimmering with unshed tears. He shrank back slightly,hugging the blanket closer, as if it were a protective shield. "I... I'm okay," he whispered, his voice trembling slightly. The knight's eyes softened further, sympathy evident in his expression as he took a step closer.

"There's no need to be afraid. You're safe now. We just want to make sure you're well taken care of." The knight reached out, placing a gentle hand on Kal's shoulder. 

Kallous flinched, a surge of discomfort rippling through him. He secretly hated being touched. 'Don't show it,' he told himself. 'You have to keep up the act'. He peeked up at the knight with a hesitant, almost hopeful look, his lips quivering. 

A single tear slid down his cheek, mingling with his overwhelming desire to appear vulnerable and endearing. "Promise?" he asked, his voice barely audible, filled with a childlike innocence that tugged at the knight's heartstrings.

The knight's hand paused momentarily as he felt Kallous flinch. A dark, murderous look flickered across his face, quickly masked by his gentle demeanor. 'How much must this poor child have suffered?' he thought, his heart aching with a fierce protective instinct.

The knight's knelt beside the bed, bringing himself to Kallous's eye level. He smiled, a warm, reassuring smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. "I promise," he said softly. "You're safe here, Kallous." 

'He seems genuine', Kallous thought, allowing himself a brief moment of belief. He sniffled, his small frame relaxing just a bit. He clutched the blanket tighter, his fingers peeking out like tiny, trembling birds. "Okay," he said, a fragile smile beginning to form. 'This is what they want to see, right? Someone who needs them?'

The knight's gaze remained steady and kind. "I understand. You've been through a lot. But you're safe now, and we're doing everything we can to find your abductors."

Kallous nodded, a shy, sweet gesture. "Thank you,"he whispered, though his mind raced with questions.' Why is he here anyway?'

As the knight turned to leave, Kallous saw an opportunity. "Wait," he called out, his voice laced with a newfound vulnerability. "Why... why are you doing this?"

The knight paused, turning back to face him. "I'm Captain Lucius of the Astria Knights," he began, his voice steady yet carrying an underlying warmth. "I was sent by the Duke and Duchess of Whishipper, especially for you."

"The Duke and Duchess?" Kallous asked, genuine confusion mixing with his act. "Why would they want me?"

Lucius smiled, a paternal warmth in his eyes that made Kallous's heart clench. "Don't worry, just rest now, Kallous."

Kallous watched in silence as Lucius turned to leave, the weight of his words settling heavily in the room. The door closed softly behind the knight, leaving Kallous alone in the silence of his thoughts.

He sat there for a moment, stunned by the revelation. Then it hit him with the force of a thunderclap. 'The Duke and Duchess of Whishipper? Oh, what the fu—.'

"Allyn!" he called out in a hushed tone, forgetting momentarily that he could communicate with her telepathically.

But... Who are we to judge?

Allyn, his ever-faithful companion, materialized beside him with a calm, shiny glow. "What is it, Kal?" she asked, her voice soothing.

"What is it? What is it?" Kallous whisper-shouted, his frustration evident in every gesture. "The Duke and Duchess of Whishipper! Did you forget?!! Those are the protagonist's parents!"

Allyn nodded slowly, her expression thoughtful. "I heard. But... how did they find you?"

Kallous threw his hands up in frustration. "Exactly! And how the heck did they even know it was me? The Duchess was unconscious when I saved her! This is bad. This is really bad."

Allyn floated closer, trying to suppress a hint of amusement at her little master's escalating panic. Her glow intensified slightly, a subtle sign of her concern. "Kal, take a deep breath. Panicking won't help."

"Panicking? I'm not panicking," Kallous retorted, panicking. "I can already see my peaceful, slacker life slipping away! WHAT IS UP WITH TODAY?! And how did they even figure it out? Do they have a spy network? Magic? Dumb luck?"

Allyn's serene demeanor wavered for a moment as she fought to maintain her composure. Her lips quivered, and a faint sparkle danced in her eyes, threatening to break into a smile.

Kal is absolutely adorable when he's panicking. Today is truly a blessed day (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠).

Kallous started pacing, his steps quick and agitated. "He said they sent him especially for me! Why would they do that unless they knew something? And if they're adopting orphans, they might want to take me."

Allyn's eyes widened with realization. "You're right. And remember what the twins said about nobles adopting the surviving orphans? It's too much of a coincidence. This isn't just a thank you; it's a way to kidnap you—."

Kallous stopped, his eyes wide with panic. "No, no. This is too risky. They could be planning something. I need to leave. Now. Deal with everything here and then vanish. No twins, no dukes, and definitely no protagonist!"

Allyn suppressed a smile, finding Kal's mix of anxiety and determination oddly endearing. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she couldn't help but be amused by his antics. Her inner dialogue was a different story, though she knew better than to laugh out loud.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in Kal's mind. He turned to Allyn with newfound determination. "The window!" he exclaimed, pointing towards it. "I could use that to escape. Just slip out and disappear."

Before Allyn could respond, Kallous moved swiftly. With a quick glance back at Allyn, he dashed towards the window. In one fluid motion, he pushed it open and leaped out into the cool, dimly lit sky.

Allyn watched in surprise as Kal vanished. She sighed softly to herself, then without hesitation, she followed after him.