
The cool afternoon air wrapped around Kallous as he landed gracefully in the alley below, the dim light of the setting sun casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets. He moved quickly, slipping through the maze of backstreets, his mind racing. The hospital staff might soon discover his absence, but for now, he was free.

With swift, silent steps, Kallous darted through the quiet alleys, using his knowledge of the town's layout to stay hidden. Every turn, every narrow escape, fueled his determination.

Finally, he reached a secluded corner, hidden from prying eyes. He knew he needed to disguise himself. With a quick thought, he accessed his system space, a small, hidden inventory accessible only to him.

─ 'Allyn, I need a disguise,' he murmured, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

✿ 'Understood, Kal. I have just the thing,' Allyn replied, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.

A dark, hooded cloak materialized before him, its fabric shimmering with an ethereal quality. The cloak was long, reaching down to his ankles, and its deep midnight blue color seemed to absorb the surrounding light. It came with a mask, a simple yet elegant design that covered his face entirely, leaving only his eyes visible. Intricate silver patterns adorned the mask, giving it an air of mystique and anonymity.

But there was more. Along with the cloak and mask, Allyn had added a few extra touches that made the outfit not only cool but somewhat cute. The cloak had tiny, subtle star patterns that glowed softly in the dark, and the mask had small, rounded edges that gave it a softer appearance. Even the hood had a slight, whimsical point at the top. The ensemble was completed with a pair of soft, leather gloves that fit his small hands perfectly.

Kallous looked at the outfit, a small sigh escaping his lips. 'Allyn, did you have to make it cute?' he asked, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

✿ 'Of course,' Allyn responded cheerfully. 'You look adorable, Kal. Besides, it suits you perfectly.'

Kallous rolled his eyes but didn't argue. He could never say no to Allyn. 'Fine, fine. If it makes you happy,' he muttered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

He quickly donned the cloak and mask, feeling the weight of the fabric settle comfortably around him. He pulled the hood up, shadowing his face, and adjusted the mask. His transformation was complete; he was now a nameless, faceless figure, unrecognizable to anyone who might be searching for him.

Despite his young age and the sinister nature of his plans, Kal's appearance remained undeniably lovable. His small frame, barely that of a five-year-old and slightly shorter than average, combined with his baby-blue hair and silver eyes, gave him an almost angelic look. The addition of the cute elements to his outfit only enhanced this dichotomy, making him seem both endearing and mysterious.

He stepped back into the streets, his movements now more confident, assured by his hidden identity. The night was his ally, the darkness a cloak that shielded him from the world. As he walked, he began planning his next move.

─ 'Allyn, we need to locate Lucy,' he said, his voice calm and measured. 'I'm ready to end this game of hide and seek.'

A creepy, angelic smile spread across his face at the thought, his silver eyes glinting with a mix of excitement and menace.

✿ 'Agreed, Kal. But first, you need to eat something. You haven't had a proper meal in days,' Allyn reminded him gently.

With a thought, he accessed his system again, this time retrieving a refreshing meal approved by Allyn: a small bowl of mixed fruits, a sandwich with fresh vegetables and lean meat, and a bottle of chilled water. The vibrant colors and fresh scents of the fruits and vegetables were inviting, a far cry from the simple meals he was used to.

He sat down on a weathered bench, the dusk's stillness wrapping around him like a blanket. As he ate, Allyn's presence remained a comforting constant, her voice a soft hum in his mind.

✿ 'I'll scan the town while you eat,' Allyn said. 'I need to update the system map and get a clearer picture of our surroundings.'

Kallous nodded, taking a bite of the sandwich. The fresh, crisp flavors were soothing, a small moment of normalcy amidst the chaos. He could feel Allyn's energy expanding, her consciousness spreading out to gather information.

As he chewed, he decided to pass the time by checking what he had in his system storage. He accessed the inventory, a holographic interface appearing before him, displaying various items he had collected. One item caught his eye: a beautiful ring he had received as a mission reward.

The ring was a striking shade of dark blue, reminiscent of the night sky. Tiny silver flecks embedded in the band gave it the appearance of a star-studded sky or a delicate constellation. The gem set in the center sparkled with an otherworldly light, shifting subtly as it caught the last rays of the setting sun.

'This is pretty,' Kallous mused, taking the ring out to examine it more closely. He remembered the mission he had completed to earn it, but the name of the ring was unreadable to him. The description was filled with question marks, a mystery waiting to be solved.

'I guess the system needs another update to access it,' he thought, intrigued. Despite the uncertainty surrounding its properties, he quite liked the ring. However, since he wore gloves most of the time, he thought of a better use for it.

─ 'Allyn, can you help me turn this into a necklace?' he asked, holding the ring up for her to see.

✿ 'Of course, Kal,' Allyn replied warmly. 'Give me a moment.'

The ring floated gently from Kallous's hand, suspended by Allyn's energy. It transformed before his eyes, a delicate silver chain forming and attaching to the ring, turning it into a pendant. The final result was a beautiful necklace, the starry ring now hanging elegantly from the chain.

Kallous smiled, slipping the necklace over his head. The ring rested comfortably against his chest, hidden beneath his cloak. 'Thanks, Allyn. I like it,' he said softly.

✿ 'Always happy to help, Kal,' she replied, her presence a comforting constant.

As he finished his meal, Kallous couldn't help but reflect on his recent behavior in the hospital room. He remembered how he had acted more childish than usual, even panicking when he learned about the Duke and Duchess of Whishipper. The memory made his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

─ 'Allyn,' he began hesitantly, his voice softer than before. 'I'm sorry about earlier. I... I kind of lost it back in the hospital. It's just... everything happened so suddenly, and I wasn't prepared.'

Allyn's voice was warm and understanding. 'Kal, you have every right to feel the way you did. It was a shocking revelation. But honestly, I thought it was cute,' she said, her tone turning playful. 'You're always so composed, so seeing you act a bit childish and panicked was... endearing.'

Kallous felt his blush deepen. 'Still, it was unlike me. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me. I'm sorry,' he reiterated, his tone sincere.

✿'No need to apologize, Kal,' Allyn replied, her voice filled with affection. 'It just made me love you even more! You're always trying so hard to be strong and independent. Seeing that you have moments of vulnerability makes you even more precious.'

Kallous couldn't help but smile, despite his embarrassment. 'Thanks, Allyn. You always know how to make me feel better.'

✿ 'That's what I'm here for,'she responded with a mental smile.

Kalllous looked up at the sky, now tinged with the deep hues of twilight, and took a deep breath.

─ 'Allyn, any updates on Lucy's location?' he asked, his mind already shifting back to the task at hand.

✿ 'Scanning...,' Allyn's voice echoed in his mind. 'Give me a moment, Kal.'

Kallous waited, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The park was quiet, the only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of the town preparing for nightfall.

✿ 'Got it,' Allyn finally said. 'There's a lead on Lucy's whereabouts. She's headed near the old warehouse district. It's not far from here.'

Kallous stood, a serene smile forming on his lips. "Time to hunt" he whispered. With his disguise in place and Allyn's comforting presence in his mind, he set off towards the old warehouse district, his steps silent and assured. The game of hide and seek was nearing its end.


『Lucy Biatche' POV』

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the town. The once-familiar sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves now felt like harbingers of doom to Lucy Biatche. Clad in a tattered cloak, she pushed through the underbrush, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind a chaotic swirl of dark memories and raw terror.

That child—the one she had planned to use and discard like all the others—had turned her life into a living nightmare. His angelic face masked a soul steeped in darkness, his innocent smile hiding a mind that delighted in torment. For two relentless weeks, he had broken her spirit, methodically inflicting pain with the curiosity of a budding sadist. Then, with a gentle touch that only deepened her horror, he healed her wounds and set her free, leaving her with nothing but her trauma and a desire for revenge.

Now, as the head of a disgraced orphanage, Lucy was on the run. Her facade of a benevolent caretaker had been shattered when the knights uncovered her child trafficking ring. Her reputation was ruined, and the life she had meticulously built was in ashes. But she couldn't leave without exacting her vengeance on the devilish boy who had upended her world.

Panting, she stumbled into a small clearing, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of pursuit. Then she heard it—a soft rustling, followed by hesitant footsteps. Fear surged through her, and she whirled around, her hand instinctively reaching for the dagger hidden in her cloak.

"Miss Lucy?"

Relief and disbelief warred within Lucy as she recognized the voice. She peered through the dappled sunlight and saw a tall, stoic figure emerge from the shadows. Her breath caught in her throat.

"William," she whispered, her voice a mix of shock and relief. Her butler, her loyal yet cowardly accomplice, had returned.

William, looking bedraggled and weary, hurried towards her. "Thank the higher lords above, you're safe, Miss Lucy," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I feared the worst when the knights stormed the orphanage. I ran, but I never stopped praying for your safety."

For a moment, Lucy felt a strange warmth in her chest. She had thought she was entirely alone in this nightmare. Seeing William again was like grasping a lifeline in a stormy sea. "William," she breathed, her eyes wide with a mix of relief and residual shock. "I thought I'd never see you again."

He nodded, his eyes darting around nervously. "We must be careful, Miss Lucy. Those knights won't stop until they find you. But I'm here now, and I'll help you as best as I can."

Lucy managed a weak smile, the first since her ordeal began. "We need a plan, William. That child... he's more dangerous than we ever imagined. I can't leave without making him pay for what he's done."

William looked at Lucy with confusion and concern etched on his face. "Miss Lucy, I don't understand. What child are you speaking of? What happened to you?"

Lucy's eyes hardened, and she took a deep breath, her body trembling as she relived the nightmare. "It's that boy we brought in last. The one we thought was just another orphan to sell. But he... he was different."

William's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"He played us," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "After we captured him and the other kids, something happened. There was an explosion at the hideout, and I went to find my brother at his place. When I got there, I found the boy."

William looked puzzled. "You mean he followed you?"

Lucy shook her head, her eyes filled with haunted memories. "No. He was already there. He had my brother's lifeless body at his feet, and Cian and Elias tied up. He must have tracked them down and... had his fun with them."

William's face paled. "Simon was already dead?"

Lucy nodded, her voice trembling with rage and sorrow. "Yes. His body... what was left of it... lay there, cold and mutilated. And then I had to watch as he tortured Cian. He took his time, savoring every scream, every plea for mercy. It was a game to him. And then he killed him slowly, horribly. I could do nothing but watch."

William shook his head, trying to process the horror. "But... he's just a child. How could he—"

"He's not just a child," Lucy interrupted, her voice a mixture of anger and fear. "He's a monster. A demon hiding behind an innocent face. When it was finally my turn, he didn't just torture me. He played with me like a toy, using some potions to heal my wounds only to hurt me again. He was having fun, William. He enjoyed it. All the while, he wore that sickeningly sweet smile."

William recoiled in shock, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Miss Lucy, I had no idea."

Lucy clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms. "I managed to escape only because he let me go, smiling that innocent smile. But I won't let him get away with it. I will make him pay for what he did to me, to Cian, to my brother."

William looked at her, his eyes filled with a newfound dread. "What do you plan to do?"

William looked around nervously, clearly terrified. "Miss Lucy, this sounds dangerous. We can't stay out here. We need a safe place. My hideout is nearby, in the old warehouse district. We can lay low there, figure out our next move."

Lucy's eyes narrowed. "You think hiding is the answer?"

William swallowed hard, his fear palpable. "Just for a while, until we can come up with a plan. Please, Miss Lucy. It's not safe out here."

She stared at him for a moment, considering his words. "Fine," she said finally, her voice icy. "Take me to your hideout. But this isn't over, William. Not by a long shot."

William nodded, relief washing over his features. "This way, Miss Lucy."

William led Lucy through the winding paths of the old warehouse district, the towering, decrepit buildings casting long shadows in the late morning light. The air was thick with the smell of decay and rust, a fitting backdrop for Lucy's dark thoughts.

"We're almost there," William said, his voice low and trembling. "Just around this corner."

They turned, and there it was—a small, unassuming warehouse, its wooden door slightly ajar. William's eyes widened in confusion. "I'm sure I locked it before I left," he muttered. "Maybe I forgot..."

They approached cautiously, and William pushed the door open wider. The interior was dim, filled with stacks of old crates and scattered debris. As they stepped inside, a soft, familiar voice greeted them.

"Welcome back."