Twists of Fate

"Welcome back."

Lucy's blood ran cold. Standing in the center of the room, bathed in the dim light filtering through the grimy windows, was Kallous. His smile, as innocent as ever, belied the horrors he had inflicted. His eyes twinkled with a sinister delight that only she could see.

"Did you miss me, Lucy?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. "I missed you."

William's face turned ashen, his legs trembling like leaves in a storm. "How... how did you get here?" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

Kallous giggled, the sound sending shivers down Lucy's spine. "You left the door open for me, silly. It was very kind of you."

Lucy's hand instinctively reached for her dagger, her eyes locked on the boy. "What do you want?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

Kallous twirled around playfully, his laughter echoing eerily through the empty room. "Oh, Lucy," he cooed, "we had so much fun, didn't we? Do you remember the screams of your friends? How their cries for mercy filled the air? I can still hear them, you know." He leaned in closer, as if sharing a secret, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Especially yours."

Lucy's heart pounded in her chest, her grip on the dagger tightening until her knuckles turned white. She could still feel the phantom pains of the tortures he inflicted, the searing agony of each wound, the despair of watching her companions fall one by one. The memories threatened to overwhelm her, but she forced herself to focus on the present, on the threat standing before her in the body if a child.

This was the first time William saw Kallous like that. He had always seen him as a sweet, cute, and helpful child. Kallous had never spoken like this before.

"Young Kallous," William began, his voice shaky but trying to maintain some semblance of his usual calm demeanor. "Surely, there must be some misunderstanding. You were always such a good boy. Why are you doing this?"

Kallous turned his gaze to William, his expression shifting to one of mock innocence. "Oh, mister butler," he said sweetly, "it's so nice to see you again. It's a shame, really, that I have to ruin that perfect image you have of me."

Inside, Kallous felt a cold satisfaction. Playing the innocent child was always so entertaining. They never saw the knife until it was at their throats.

Lucy watched the exchange, her mind racing. She could see William's confusion and fear, and she knew they had to act quickly before Kallous decided to make his next move. She glanced around the room, searching for anything that could be used as a weapon or a distraction.

Kallous sighed, turning back to Lucy. "You know, I really thought you would have run farther, Lucy. But here you are, back in my grasp. And you, William, such a loyal butler, trying to protect your mistress. It's almost touching."

His smile faded, replaced by a cold, calculating stare. "But I'm done with this game. It's time to end it."

Lucy knew better than to underestimate Kallous, but the thirst for revenge clouded her judgment. With a reckless move, she took her dagger and hurled it at Kallous. The blade spun through the air, a glint of hope in its trajectory.

Kal's eyes narrowed, and with a swift motion, he reached into his cloak and drew a small, ornate crossbow, something that looked like it belonged in a child's toy chest. But Lucy knew better; this was no toy.

The dagger missed him by mere inches, clattering uselessly to the floor. Kallous didn't flinch; instead, he calmly loaded the crossbow with a dart laced with his favorite poison, a substance so potent it would bring even the strongest warrior to their knees.

"Predictable," he murmured, his voice devoid of emotion.

Before Lucy could react, he aimed and fired. The dart whistled through the air, embedding itself deep into her leg. She screamed, a sound torn from the depths of her soul, as pain shot through her like wildfire. She crumpled to the ground, clutching her leg as the poison spread, its numbing tendrils making it impossible to stand.

"Poor, poor Lucy," Kallous said, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "You should have known better than to try something so foolish."

Lucy screamed in agony, her voice echoing through the dimly lit room. "William, do something!" she cried, her voice desperate and filled with pain.

William stood frozen, his mind racing but his body paralyzed by fear. His eyes darted between Lucy and Kallous, panic setting in as he realized the true extent of Kallous's cruelty.

"Please, Kallous," William begged like the coward that he is instead of trying to attack the child himself, his voice cracking. "Spare her. You don't have to do this."

Kallous turned his cold gaze to William, his smile widening ever so innocently. "Oh, mister butler, ever so loyal. What will you do now?"

William, torn between fear and duty, finally, spurred by Lucy's plea, he gathered his courage and lunged forward, his trembling hands reaching for the crossbow.

Kallous was faster, sidestepping with a dancer's grace and bringing the crossbow up to William's throat in a fluid motion.

"How foolish," Kallous whispered, his voice a soft caress of malice. With a swift flick of his wrist, he struck William in the side of the head with the crossbow, sending the butler sprawling to the ground, dazed and bleeding.

Lucy, through her haze of pain, watched in horror as Kallous approached William, a cruel smile playing on his lips. She didn't think of saving him; instead, she saw an opportunity. While Kallous was busy killing William, she could use the time to escape. She had to survive, no matter the cost.

Kallous knelt beside William, pressing the tip of his weapon against the butler's throat. "Any last words?" he taunted.

William's eyes filled with tears, his voice barely a whisper. "Please... spare her."

Kallous tilted his head, a mock pout forming on his lips. "Spare her?" he echoed, feigning contemplation. "How sweet of you, mister butler. But I'm afraid that's not how this story ends."

William's tears flowed freely now, his sobs wracking his body. "I beg you, Kallous," he cried, his voice breaking. "She doesn't deserve this. Take me instead."

Kal's eyes gleamed with malice, and he leaned in closer, his voice a venomous whisper. "Your pleas are music to my ears, William. But I'm afraid mercy isn't in my nature."

But Before Kallous could strike, the room was suddenly bathed in an eerie, otherworldly light. An announcement screen appeared before them, floating in the air like a hologram. It was identical to the one Kallous alone had seen before, but this time, it was addressed to everyone living on the planet.

[Attention, inhabitants of this world, be still,For change is upon you, a promise to fulfill.]

The room's silence was shattered by a sudden, crackling announcement, but this time, it wasn't like the system's. Instead, it was a recording of someone speaking through an amplified device, the voice resonating with authority and a tinge of urgency.

"Citizens of Eunor, this is your Emperor," 

the voice boomed, reverberating through the walls and sending a shiver down the spine of anyone who heard it. 

"Do not panic. Stay hidden and remain protected. This is a National level Calamity. All must stay in place. I Repeat, this is a National level Calamity. Citizens must stay in place. Do not venture outside. Stay safe, and await further instructions."

The holographic message flickered, casting an eerie glow over the room. For a moment, the three of them stood frozen, the gravity of the announcement sinking in.

Kal's expression shifted from madness to confusion, the crossbow lowering slightly. "What... what is this?" he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. His mind raced with questions, seeking answers that seemed just out of reach. He reached out to Allyn, her presence a comforting and steady voice within his thoughts.

─ 'Allyn,' he communicated silently, his thoughts projecting directly to her within his mind, 'any idea why things escalated so suddenly?'

Allyn's response was swift, her usually shiny demeanor tinged with concern. 'It could be a butterfly effect,' she suggested, her mental voice resonating with a sense of urgency. 'Small changes can ripple out unexpectedly, altering the course of events.'

Kallous frowned deeply, his brow furrowing as he contemplated her words. 'We don't have time to figure out why,' he replied urgently, the weight of their predicament settling heavily upon his shoulders. 'We need to focus on how to act now.'

✿ 'I agree,' Allyn affirmed, her presence a reassuring anchor in the tumultuous sea of thoughts. 'Let's deal with unshiny creature and lover boy before the situation spirals out of control.'

Taking advantage of the distraction, William lunged at Kallous, wrestling the crossbow from his grip. The two struggled, but William's desperation gave him strength. He managed to twist Kallous's arm, forcing him to drop the weapon.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled violently. The entire room shook, dust and debris falling from the ceiling as the building groaned under the strain.

An earthquake.

Kal's grip on the crossbow loosened, and William seized the moment. With a surge of adrenaline, he knocked the weapon from Kallous's hands, sending it skittering across the floor. The tremors grew more intense, and the walls began to crack. The floor beneath them split open, and a deep, ominous rumble echoed through the room. Kallous staggered, momentarily losing his balance.

William stumbled backward, putting distance between himself and Kallous. "Lucy, now!" he shouted.

Lucy, despite the poison coursing through her veins, took the opportunity. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she crawled away from the collapsing room, inching towards the exit.

Kallous, regaining his footing, noticed their escape attempts and snarled in frustration. The building groaned ominously, threatening to collapse at any moment. He glanced at William, who was backing away.

"You're not getting away that easily," Kallous hissed, his silver eyes narrowing with fury. 

Kal's boots crunched over the debris-strewn floor as he prowled through the shattered chamber. His senses were honed, every nerve alert for the slightest movement or sound. Then, amidst the wreckage, he finally spotted Lucy, crawling weakly across the broken floor, her face streaked with dirt and tears of desperation.

He started towards Lucy, but another violent tremor shook the ground, forcing him to steady himself against the wall.

✿ 'Kallous, watch your step!' Allyn's voice rang in his mind, her tone a mix of concern and exasperation. 'Focus on the task at hand. And when you catch that slippery little creature, make sure to teach her a lesson she won't forget.'

Kallous reached for his fallen crossbow, his fingers closing around its familiar grip. He raised his weapon, finger tensing on the trigger, ready to end her life and prevent further catastrophe. But before he could take the shot, a sudden movement caught his eye. William, battered and bleeding, emerged from the shadows, throwing himself protectively over Lucy.

"Don't," William rasped, his voice strained with pain but filled with a fierce determination. "Run, Lucy. Get out of here."

Allyn's voice seethed with anger in Kallous's mind. 'That filthy coward! He's more trouble than he's worth. Finish him and then go after that bitch! ((╬◣﹏◢))'

Despite the chaos of the situation, Kallous couldn't help but muse at Allyn's choice of words. 'Language, Allyn,' he thought back dryly, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Even in the midst of pandemonium, her fiery spirit never ceased to amaze him.

Lucy's eyes widened in terror and disbelief. She glanced at William, then back at Kallous, her resolve hardening as she realized the gravity of the situation. Without a word, she pushed herself away from William's grasp, scrambling to her feet.

"I'm sorry, Will," she muttered, her voice thick with guilt but her eyes fixed on escape.

William coughed, blood staining his lips as he watched her go, his heart breaking with each painful breath. "Go," he urged once more, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll hold him off. You need to get to safety."

Kallous watched this scene, an unsettling smile spreading across his face. Instead of anger or determination, a surprising sound bubbled up from deep within him—a laugh. It was childlike and carefree, a stark contrast to the tension and violence of the moment. Even Allyn, felt a blush of embarrassment for the incongruity of it all. Silently, she recorded the scene, capturing the unexpected laughter echoing through the chamber.

William, his strength waning but his resolve unyielding, stared at Kallous with confusion etched on his face. "You find this funny?" William's voice was hoarse, his body trembling with pain and fatigue.

Kallous grinned, his eyes sparkling with an odd mixture of amusement and something deeper. "Oh, William," he chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You have no idea."

Kal's eyes narrowed as he recalled the fine clothing he wore, a gift from Allyn. Now, they were smeared with grime and blood, all thanks to William. A surge of anger coursed through him. This wasn't just about his plans or the mission—it was personal. William had defiled the one thing Kallous held sacred, a token of Allyn's care and affection.

Wasting no time and with deliberate precision, Kallous raised his crossbow. William's eyes, filled with pain, met Kal's gaze briefly before Kallous acted. There was a flicker of recognition in William's expression, a silent plea that went unanswered.

Kal's grin widened, and his voice was almost tender as he spoke. "You want to die so badly, William? Allow me to grant your wish then."

In that moment, Kallous didn't let William finish whatever last words or intentions he had. With a swift, decisive motion, Kallous fired his weapon. The arrow flew straight and headed to his heart, embedding itself in William's chest. Immediately, a potent poison began to seep from the arrowhead into William's bloodstream.

William gasped, his eyes widening in horror as the poison took hold. His veins felt like they were on fire, the searing pain radiating outwards from the wound. His heart pounded erratically, each beat a thunderous explosion of agony. His muscles spasmed uncontrollably, and he fell to his knees, convulsing.

As the poison spread, William's vision blurred, darkness creeping in at the edges. His breath came in ragged, shallow gasps, and his body felt heavy, as though it were turning to lead. His skin grew cold and clammy, sweat pouring from his brow as he struggled to hold onto the last vestiges of life.

Finally, with one last, shuddering breath, William's body went limp. The poison had done its work, his suffering brought to a merciless end.

Kallous lowered his crossbow, his face a mask of cold satisfaction. The chamber echoed with the sound of his boots as he stepped over William's dead body, his thoughts already turning to Lucy. She wouldn't get far. Not from him.