Inescapable Destiny

『Ivan & Ian black' POV』

The door to Kallous' hospital room clicked shut behind them, the sound almost imperceptible amid the hustle and bustle of the medical ward. Ian and Ivan walked side by side, their small hands clasped together in a united front against the sterile, impersonal environment. Ian's cherry blossom pink hair bobbed with every step, his boundless energy making it difficult to contain his excitement. Ivan, with his moonlit cascade of white hair, moved more cautiously, his demeanor a steady anchor to his brother's spirited enthusiasm.

Once they were out of earshot from Kallous' room, Ian couldn't hold back any longer. "Did you see him, brother? Kal looks so different now, so... distant," he said, his voice tinged with worry. His blindfold slipped slightly, and he adjusted it with a quick, practiced motion.

Ivan gave a slight nod, his expression thoughtful but his words minimal as always. "Noticed," he murmured, his voice soft. "He is obviously hiding something. We can only watch in silence and be there for him, even if he tries to push us away."

As they walked down the hallway, their path was interrupted by a knight clad in gleaming armor, his presence commanding and authoritative. He nodded at the twins, acknowledging their presence before heading towards Kallous' room. Ian's curiosity piqued instantly.

"Why is a knight going to see Kal?" Ian asked, his voice hushed yet brimming with curiosity. His crimson blindfold shifted slightly as he turned to look at Ivan.

Ivan didn't respond with words; instead, he ruffled Ian's hair in a gesture of comfort and reassurance. The hallway stretched out before them, an endless series of doors and muted colors. The twins continued walking, each lost in their thoughts about Kal and the knight's visit.

They eventually made their way to the hospital's cafeteria, a space designed to offer a semblance of comfort with its soft chairs and potted plants. The scent of food was a welcome distraction, and they quickly found an empty table in a quiet corner. Ian's high-pitched chatter filled the space as they settled down with their meals.

"You know, Ivan," Ian said between bites, "I think we should visit Kal every day. Make sure he knows he's not getting rid of us that easily."

Ivan nodded, his mouth full, and gave a small smile. "Every day," he agreed, his words few but his commitment clear.

The comfortable silence was shattered by a sudden, crackling announcement. It carried the eerie familiarity of the warnings often encountered within the treacherous gates, well-known to both knights and adventurers alike.

[Attention, inhabitants of this world, be still,For change is upon you, a promise to fulfill.]

Ian and Ivan exchanged a glance, their food momentarily forgotten as another announcement crackled to life. The voice that followed was commanding, filling the room with a sense of foreboding.

"Citizens of Eunor, this is your Emperor,"

The voice boomed, reverberating through the halls and sending a shiver down the spine of anyone who heard it.

"Do not panic. Stay hidden and remain protected. This is a National level Calamity. All must stay in place. I Repeat, this is a National level Calamity. Citizens must stay in place. Do not venture outside. Stay safe, and await further instructions."

The cafeteria fell into a tense silence, the gravity of the announcement sinking in. Ian's earlier excitement was replaced with a palpable sense of unease. "What do you think it means, brother?" he asked, his voice small and uncertain.

Ivan's eyes widened as the words took hold. A National-level Calamity? The prophecy... it must be happening now. He felt a chill run down his spine, recalling the lessons and books he'd pored over, the ones about the prophecy and the ominous promise it held. The Constellations and the Saint had warned them, and now that warning was coming to pass.

Ivan's expression tightened, his usual calm demeanor strained. "Not good," he replied simply, his hand reaching out to grasp Ian's once more. "We stay together."

The atmosphere in the cafeteria shifted, a wave of anxiety rippling through the gathered people. Whispers and worried glances were exchanged, the gravity of the Emperor's words not lost on anyone.

"We need to find Kal," Ivan said, his voice firm and resolute. Without another word, the twins bolted from the cafeteria, the announcement still echoing in their minds. The corridors seemed longer now, every step filled with a growing sense of urgency.

They reached Kallous' room, the door slightly ajar. Ivan pushed it open with a sense of dread. The room was empty, the bed neatly made, and the only sign of recent occupation was the lingering scent of antiseptic and the soft hum of medical equipment.

"Kal?" Ian called out, his voice tinged with panic. He rushed to the bed, as if expecting Kallous to be hiding beneath it.

Ivan's heart pounded in his chest. Where could he be? His eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for any clue. Then, with a determined look, he closed his eyes and tried to lacate Kal's shadow using his blessing. His mana spread throughout the room and the corridors beyond, Ivan's heart sank. There was no sign of Kallous's shadow anywhere in the hospital. The shadows retreated, leaving Ivan with a deep sense of unease.

"I can't find him," Ivan whispered, his voice barely audible. "He's not here."

Ian's eyes darted around the room, desperate for any sign. His gaze landed on the open window, the curtains fluttering slightly in the breeze. "The window, Ivan! He might have gone through there!"

As they moved towards the window, a sudden, violent tremor shook the entire building. The ground beneath them rumbled and groaned, sending objects crashing to the floor. Ian stumbled, grabbing onto Ivan for support. "An earthquake?" he exclaimed, panic rising in his voice.

Ivan's grip tightened around his brother, his mind racing. "We need to get out of here," he said urgently, guiding Ian towards the doorway. The hospital's structure creaked ominously, and the lights flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

"We have to find a safe place," Ian said, his voice trembling. "And we need to find Kal."

In a split-second decision, Ivan focused his mana and the dark tendrils wrapped around them both, and with a shudder, they were enveloped in shadows, reappearing on the hospital's roof. The shaking of the ground was less severe there, but they could see the chaos unfolding below.

Ivan took a moment to steady himself, his breath coming in quick gasps. "Stay close," he instructed Ian, his voice tight with concentration. Closing his eyes, he extended his senses outward, letting the shadows spread across the town in search of Kallous's unique signature. The process was draining, each second pulling more and more of his mana reserves. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he pushed his limits, determined to find their friend.

Just when he thought he could sustain it no longer, Ivan felt a faint but unmistakable pull. His eyes snapped open, and he looked towards the eastern edge of the town. The dilapidated buildings of the old warehouse district loomed in the distance, shrouded in an eerie, foreboding silence. "I found him," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, strained with the effort of his search.

Ian's eyes widened in alarm, a mixture of relief and dread washing over him. "Not alone? Who's with him?" His voice trembled with concern, the implications of the unknown company weighing heavily on his mind.

"I don't know," Ivan replied, his voice strained from the effort. "But we need to get to him, now."

Without wasting another moment, both of them teleported straight to Kallous. The rush of mana surged through Ivan's veins, leaving a cold, tingling sensation in its wake.

Ivan's last teleportation drained nearly all his remaining mana, leaving him lightheaded and weak, but they arrived at the location. The scene before them was chaotic and dimly lit by the flickering lights of the old warehouse district. Shadows danced ominously across the walls. Kallous stood, his long blue hair matted with blood, holding a weapon aimed at someone.

As the twins' eyes adjusted to the dim light, they saw it was Lucy, the head of the orphanage. She was even more bloodied and disheveled than Kallous, her eyes wide with fear and pain, her breaths ragged and uneven.

Ian's breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding with a mix of worry and confusion. He was about to call out to Kallous when he noticed movement in the shadows behind their friend. Someone was aiming a weapon at Kallous, their intent clear and deadly.

Without thinking, Ian tapped into his wind ability, his body surging forward with incredible speed. "WATCH OUT!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the tense silence, a desperate plea echoing in the cold night air.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Ian's heart pounded in his ears as he sprinted towards Kallous, his mind focused solely on saving his friend. The assailant's weapon gleamed menacingly, and Ian could see the moment it was fired, a dark projectile streaking through the air.

Simultaneously, Ivan saw his younger twin's reckless dash and knew he had to act. Drawing upon the last reserves of his mana, Ivan used his shadow blessing to teleport beside Kallous, his form materializing out of the darkness just as the projectile closed in.

The world seemed to narrow to a single point, the deadly shot inching closer and closer. Ian's eyes were wide with fear and determination, his wind ability propelling him forward faster than he had ever moved. He could see Kallous' eyes widening in shock as he realized the danger, his own movements slow and labored as he struggled to react.

Ivan's heart ached with a mixture of pride and terror as he watched his younger brother throw himself into harm's way. The bond between them was unbreakable, forged through years of hardship and mutual understanding. In this moment, Ivan knew he had to protect both Kallous and Ian, no matter the cost.

As the shot neared its target, Ivan threw himself in front of Kallous and Ian, his body a shield against the impending threat. The impact was instantaneous, the force of the blow sending a shockwave of pain through his entire being. Ivan gasped, the air leaving his lungs in a painful rush as the world around him dimmed. But the force was too strong; it tore through Ivan and hit Ian as well.

Ian's eyes widened in horror as he felt the impact, a sharp, searing pain exploding in his chest. Time seemed to freeze, the sound of the double impact echoing in his ears like a distant thunderclap. Ivan's form crumpled to the ground, and Ian followed, their bodies collapsing together in a tangled heap.

Kallous, at first too stunned to react, stood frozen as the scene unfolded before him. His mind struggled to process the sudden violence, the surreal sight of the twins crumpling to the ground. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, and he felt his blood run cold. His skin paled, the color draining from his face as shock set in.

It wasn't until he saw the twins lying motionless, blood pooling around them, that Kallous snapped back to reality. Dropping his weapon, he staggered forward, his legs feeling like lead. He fell to his knees beside them, his hands trembling as he reached out, unsure of what to do.

The blood from his own victim mingled with the fresh crimson that now stained the twins' clothes. "No, no, no!" he cried, his voice breaking with anguish. "Ivan! Ian!" His voice was a strangled whisper at first, growing louder and more frantic as panic overtook him. 

Kallous' eyes darted between Ivan and Ian, his mind racing. He could feel the life slipping away from Ivan, his breaths shallow and labored. His hands pressing down on his wound in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding.

As Ivan's strength ebbed away, his last thoughts were of his brother and the hope that he could forgive him for leaving first. His eyes met Kallous', he smiled and soon his final breath escaping his lips as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Ian, barely clinging to consciousness himself, felt his brother's grip weaken and then go limp. The world around him was a blur of pain and sorrow. "Brother..." he murmured, his vision darkening as his own strength waned. In his last moments, his thoughts drifted to Kallous, hoping he would be safe. A faint smile formed on his lips as he saw Kallous' tear-streaked face.

Kallous' heart shattered as he watched the light fade from Ian's eyes. He cradled the twins' heads in his lap, his tears falling freely, mingling with their blood. "No, don't..." he whispered to himself, his voice choked with grief.

The last thing Ian saw was Kallous' desperate cries echoing in his fading consciousness. And then, there was only darkness, a cold, silent void where once there had been warmth and light. The night around them grew quieter, the eerie silence enveloping them in its cold embrace.