

Ian's voice cut through the tension like a blade, jolting Kallous from his intense focus. The air was thick with foreboding, each second stretched out in agonizing slowness. He barely registered the blur of movement as Ian sprinted towards him, wind whipping around the boy's form. Ian's mouth forming words that Kallous couldn't quite grasp.

Time seemed to slow, and Kallous' heart pounded in his chest as the scene unfolded before him. The ground beneath him felt unsteady, as though the very earth was rebelling against the horror about to take place. Kallous watched in stunned disbelief as Ian moved to his side. His mind screamed for him to act, to do something, but his body remained frozen, paralyzed by the dread coursing through his veins.

Then, almost instantaneously, Ivan appeared, his movements a dark flash against the dim surroundings. Kallous' mind struggled to process what was happening, the events moving too quickly for him to react. Ivan's expression was filled with panic, his eyes locking onto Kallous for a fleeting moment before the inevitable.

The next moment, a deafening shot rang out. The sound was sharp and cruel, a harbinger of the devastation that followed. Kallous' eyes widened in horror as he saw Ivan throw himself in front of the projectile, shielding both Ian and Kallous with his own body. The impact was immediate and brutal, the force of the shot tearing through Ivan and striking Ian as well. Blood sprayed into the air, the vivid red contrasting violently with the dark surroundings.

Kallous, at first too stunned to react, stood frozen as the scene unfolded before him. His mind struggled to process the sudden violence, the surreal sight of the twins crumpling to the ground. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, and he felt his blood run cold. His skin paled, the color draining from his face as shock set in.

It wasn't until he saw the twins lying motionless, blood pooling around them, that Kallous snapped back to reality. Dropping his weapon, he staggered forward, his legs feeling like lead. He fell to his knees beside them, his hands trembling as he reached out, unsure of what to do.

Kallous' breaths became erratic and shallow, each gasp a struggle against the tightening vise around his chest. His vision blurred, and his mind was no longer in the present. Instead of seeing the twins, he saw a faceless figure writhing in agony, blood pouring from unseen wounds. The screams echoed in his mind, a haunting reminder of a past he couldn't forget. The faceless figure's cries grew louder, drowning out the chaos around him.

His heart pounded in his ears, the sound almost drowning out the screams. He was lost in the memory, his mind dragging him back to a time of pain and helplessness. His hands clawed at his chest, trying to steady his breathing, but the panic was overwhelming. Tears streamed down his face, silently spilling over as his body shook with the force of his suppressed sobs. His tears mixed with the blood on his hands, the crimson smearing across his pale skin.

Kallous' eyes darted between Ivan and Ian, his mind racing. He finally realized what was happening. "No, no, no!" he cried, his voice breaking with anguish. "Ivan! Ian!" His voice was a strangled whisper at first, growing louder and more frantic as panic overtook him.

Kallous could feel the life slipping away from Ivan, his breaths shallow and labored. His hands pressed down on Ivan's wound in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding.

In the midst of his panic, a voice broke through the chaos. 'Kal,' Allyn's calm yet urgent tone echoed in his mind, piercing through the fog of his despair. 'You must use a healing potion now. It's their only chance!'

Kallous' eyes widened as he registered Allyn's words. His mind, still reeling from the shock, latched onto the instruction. He accessed the system storage, retrieving the potion with practiced precision. His hands were steady, betraying none of the panic coursing through him. "Please work, please work," he muttered to himself, his voice a low, desperate whisper.

He poured the potion over the twins' wounds, watching intently as the liquid was absorbed into their skin. But nothing happened. Their breathing remained shallow, Ivan and Ian's life slipping away with each passing second. The silence of their struggle was deafening, and Kallous' silent tears continued to fall, each one a testament to his despair and helplessness.

The enormity of the situation crushed Kallous' spirit. He had always planned to leave them, to abandon the twins once everything was settled. In his mind, he had convinced himself that he didn't care, that their fate was inconsequential to his own survival. But now, faced with the stark reality of losing them, the truth cut through his denial like a blade. He did care. He cared deeply. And it was this realization that twisted the knife of despair even deeper.

Silent tears fell from Kallous' eyes, his breaths coming in short, panicked bursts. He could feel his chest tightening, the overwhelming fear and helplessness suffocating him. He was hyperventilating, each gasp a desperate attempt to regain control. His vision narrowed, tunneling as he tried to keep himself grounded. The sight of Ithe twin'sheavily injured bodies next to him was too much to bear.

Kallous' hands were stained with blood, his fingers trembling uncontrollably. He cradled the twins' heads in his lap, his tears falling freely, mingling with their blood. The world around him faded into the background, the only sound his choked sobs. "No, no...no. Don't..." he whispered, his voice broken. The loss was unbearable, a crushing weight on his soul.

Kallous' mind raced, his thoughts a whirlwind of fear and helplessness. "Why isn't it working?" he cried out, his voice raw with despair. He looked to Allyn, seeking answers, but the system was silent, his starlight was silent. The reality of the situation hit Kallous like a physical blow. His hands, stained with the twins' blood, shook uncontrollably.

The silence that followed was agonizing, a stark contrast to the chaos that had erupted moments before. Kallous' tears fell unchecked, his body wracked with silent sobs. He had always believed himself to be detached, indifferent to the fate of those around him that are of no importance to the bigger picture. But now, as he held the soon lifeless bodies of the twins, he realized how deeply he had deceived himself. The pain was excruciating, a relentless torment that gnawed at his very being.

In the background, Lucy's laughter rang out, maniacal and hollow. It cut through the silence like a knife, adding to the surreal horror of the moment. Kallous felt a dark energy stir within him, a response to his anguish and rage. The ground around him began to wither and die, the grass turning black and brittle. Lucy, closest to the epicenter, was the first to feel its effects. Her laughter turned to gasps as her skin paled, her vitality draining away.

As the ground withered and an earthquake continued to shake the earth, Kallous' eyes were lifeless. The ring he wore as a necklace began to shine faintly. System notifications echoed in his mind, their incessant ringing a distant and distorted cacophony. 



The notifications attempted to explain his mental state, but Kallous was beyond their reach. The clinical, detached messages were powerless to capture the depth of his despair and the overwhelming sorrow that gripped his soul.

Allyn's voice called out to him, urgent and pleading, cutting through the mechanical drone of the system alerts. But Kallous wasn't listening. His focus was entirely on the twins. He held their bodies close, his arms trembling as he desperately tried to sense their heartbeats, to find some sign of life. His mind was a storm of flashbacks and regrets, each memory more painful than the last.

He remembered the cold detachment with which he gave them, thinking he had to abandon the twins when the time was right. He had convinced himself that he didn't care, But now, their sacrifice for him was a brutal reminder of his failures, his own weakness. The reality of their loyalty and love shattered his carefully constructed facade, leaving him raw and exposed.

As Kallous was consumed by his torment, a voice broke through the chaos in his mind. It was a woman's voice, warm and motherly, radiating a calming presence. Her tone was like a gentle lullaby, each word caressing his soul with a nurturing embrace. The sheer comfort of her voice alone calmed him, momentarily pulling him from the abyss of his despair. His eyes, still dead and vacant, focused inward as he heard her speak.

"Descendant of mine, what makes you so upset?"

Kallous could only respond with silence, but she was reading his heart, understanding his pain without him needing to utter a word. Her voice was a soothing balm, gently easing the deepest wounds of his soul. With each word, she mended the frayed edges of his spirit, offering a sanctuary where his torment found no purchase. In her compassionate embrace, he felt a flicker of solace.

She asked, "What is your wish?"

Kallous' eyes flashed with sadness as he clutched the cold, dying bodies of the twins in his arms. He whispered, "To heal them."

The voice was silent for a moment, as if contemplating his sorrow, then she asked again with tender patience, "Is that all you wish for?"

Anger surged through Kallous as he remembered the reason the twins were shot. Someone had aimed at him, but the twins had protected him with their lives. His eyes filled with rage, the once lifeless silver orbs now burning with a fierce intensity. "I want revenge."

The voice, calm and composed, replied, "Very well."

Right then, the earthquake around Kallous surged less, but the withering around him intensified. The ground beneath him cracked and crumbled, while the air grew thick with a sense of impending change. The system in his mind began to alarm him, its mechanical voice echoing urgently.




Kallous felt a moment of tension, as if the very fabric of reality was holding its breath and with it, a wave of liberation washed over him. The pressure that had been suffocating him began to lift, replaced by an expanding sense of freedom. There was a pause, a moment of stillness before the next message appeared.


Another brief pause, the words resonating deeply within him.


Kallous felt a strange energy envelop him, like a cocoon of pure potential. The system continued, its tone now more insistent.


His mind buzzed with new information, each update bringing a surge of power that coursed through his veins, making him feel more alive than ever before.


In an instant, Kallous received the shocking knowledge of his blessing and couldn't help but smile gently, an innocent expression contrasting his blood-soaked appearance. Despite the sorrow that lingered in his heart, he knew there was no time to lose. The ring that hung around his neck began to glow softly, its light a silent encouragement. With a swift, determined motion, he removed his gloves, revealing a hand trembling with a mix of grief and hopeful anticipation.

Closing his eyes, Kallous delved deep within himself, summoning the wellspring of mana that lay dormant. His right hand hovered above the twins' injuries, fingers barely grazing the torn flesh. He drew a deep breath, his focus unwavering, channeling every ounce of his will into the act. He might have been pushing his limits, but it was a risk he had to take. Failure was not an option.

Soon, a soft golden light enveloped the twins, spreading from his hand like the first light of dawn over a desolate landscape. The withered, lifeless areas around them began to heal, the golden light weaving through their wounds with a delicate, almost ethereal grace. The sight was both miraculous and humbling, as if the very essence of life was being poured back into them.

Kallous watched in awe as the golden light danced across their skin, knitting together torn flesh and revitalizing their pale, near lifeless forms. Their shallow breaths grew deeper, their chests rising and falling with newfound strength.

The process was swift, the mana working effortlessly through him, driven by sheer determination and an unyielding will. With each passing moment, the ethereal glow intensified, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the ground. The air around them seemed to hum with ancient magic, a melody that only Kallous could hear.

As the final threads of light wove themselves into the twins, their color returned, their wounds closing completely without a trace. The golden glow faded, leaving behind a serene silence, broken only by the sound of their steady breathing. In that moment, surrounded by the remnants of his magic, Kallous knew he had succeeded.

And then, he heard it—a faint whimper, a sound of pure terror. Kallous's gaze snapped to the source, his thoughts immediately darkening with hatred as he recognized the figure. Lucy, the one who had caused so much turmoil than planned, now cowered in the shadows.

Kallous's rage reignited, a blazing inferno fueled by his loathing. He remembered vividly how close he had been to ending her life, a mere heartbeat away from extinguishing the source of his suffering, only to be interrupted by someone's intervention. The image of her tear-streaked face did nothing to sway him from his resolve

He followed the sound, his eyes narrowing as they fell upon the source of the shooting. There, trembling and broken, was William—the butler. The coward was on his knees, shivering and awestruck, his skin already showing signs of the withering curse that Kallous's blessing inflicted.

A cold fury washed over Kallous. William should have died by his hand long ago, but by some reasons, most definitely fate had allowed this moment to occur. The rage within him burned hotter, a wildfire of vengeance. He wanted William to suffer, to feel a death far more agonizing than the peaceful one he had once thought he gave him.

With deliberate slowness, Kallous extended his left hand. Dark blue tendrils of energy swirled around his fingers, the power of his blessing ready to be unleashed. He knew the extended range would drain more of his mana, but the price was insignificant compared to the satisfaction of seeing William's end.

Their eyes met. William's gaze was filled with desperation and dread, silently pleading for mercy that would never come. Kallous's expression was cold, unyielding. He spoke no words, but the intensity of his stare conveyed everything. With a decisive gesture, he activated his blessing.

The scene was filled with a chilling scream as the dark energy enveloped William. His body convulsed violently, his flesh rapidly decaying and turning to ash. The scream was a symphony of agony, a testament to the raw power of Kallous's wrath. The air itself seemed to darken as William's lifeforce was drained, his fate sealed by the blackened eyes of Kallous.

In seconds, it was over. William was nothing more than a pile of ash, never to come back to life even if fate said otherwise. Kallous stood over the remnants, his anger subsiding into a grim satisfaction. Silent fell once more, save for the soft sobs and whimpers of the pathetic old hag.

Kallous turned to Lucy, his eyes still as dark as when his blessing was still taking effect. A cruel smile twisted his lips as he looked at her trembling form. "This time," he said, his voice cold and devoid of mercy, "your death is final."

She opened her mouth to speak, but he didn't give her a chance. With a swift, decisive motion, he reached out, the dark tendrils of his blessing wrapping around her. Her scream was cut short as the life was drained from her, her body crumbling to ash before his eyes. The room fell silent once more, the air heavy with the aftermath of his wrath.

Kallous stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath. It was finally over. The rage that had fueled him ebbed away, leaving behind a hollow sense of completion. He turned his attention to the twins, who were now safe and resting peacefully beside him.

He allowed himself a rare moment of softness as he stared at them, their small chests rising and falling with steady breaths. They were alive, saved by his hand and his power. The golden light from his previous healing still lingered in the air, a reminder of the hope and fate that he had changed.

Gently, he brushed a strand of hair from one of their faces. For the longest time, he just watched them, letting the silence wash over him. The once scene of chaos and violence, now felt like a sanctuary, a place where he had finally found some measure of peace.

The dark eyes of his blessing began to fade back to their original silver, and he felt exhaustion wash over him. He gazed at the twins, a thought crystallized in his mind. They had used their own life to save him. They had shown a courage and selflessness that deeply moved him. He decided then that he would keep the twins by his side, if they chose to stay with him even after he revealed their true heritage.