Beneath the Silent Stars

Kallous lay sprawled on the ground, his body battered and bloodied, his armor dented and scratched from the fierce battle that had just ended. 

Above him, the night sky stretched out in an expanse of deep indigo, now tinged with hues of violet and crimson as the otherworldly races began their quiet arrival in this world. The stars shimmered with an eerie, distant light, casting a faint glow over the devastated landscape below.

His breaths were shallow, each inhale accompanied by a twinge of pain. The silence that enveloped him felt heavy, pressing down like a tangible weight. The night was quiet, the chaos and violence of moments ago now a haunting memory.

Kallous let his eyes trace the patterns of the stars, seeking solace in their distant, unchanging presence. They twinkled above, indifferent to the turmoil below, offering a cold comfort.

Amidst this solemn quiet, Allyn's voice broke through, soft and caring, cutting through the weighty silence like a gentle breeze. 'Kal, how do you feel right now?'

Kallous blinked, his gaze still fixed on the sky. How did he feel? It was a question that seemed too complex to answer. He had always prided himself on his detachment, his ability to remain unaffected by the world around him. But now, that facade was shattered, and he was left grappling with a torrent of emotions he couldn't name.

"I don't know, Allyn," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I don't know how I feel."

When he had first arrived in this world, a world born from the pages of his own novel, he had envisioned a simple life—a second chance to live carefree, to rewrite the fate of a small town and rescue its orphans, especially the twins, from a future disaster. He had succeeded, in a way, but the cost had been far greater than he could have ever anticipated.

He closed his eyes, the memories flooding back. Half of the orphans were dead, the town lay in ruins, and the twins had nearly died, sacrificing themselves for him. The guilt gnawed at him, a relentless beast that refused to be silenced. He had changed their fate, but the price was steep.

"All I wanted was to avoid a future disaster," he muttered, his voice filled with a bitter edge. "But look at what I've done. Half of them are dead, and the twins... they almost died because of me."

Allyn's voice, gentle yet unwavering, interjected once more. 'Kal, the orphans were all meant to perish, but you intervened and saved most of them. The town was destined to fall into ruin, yet nothing has happened that cannot be repaired. 

This destruction—it's the aftermath of the earthquake, a natural disaster. And as for the twins... they made their own choice. You intervened and saved them. You accessed your blessing, Kal. You saved their lives.'

Kal's lips twisted into a wry smile. "Accessed my blessing," he echoed. "I didn't even know I had it. It just... happened."

He remembered the moment vividly—the golden light enveloping the twins, the way their wounds had closed and their breathing had steadied. It had been miraculous, but it also felt like a cruel twist of fate.

The stars above twinkled in indifferent silence, their distant gleam a stark reminder of the cosmic forces at play. He had authored this world, had penned its rules and crafted its characters, yet now he found himself ensnared within its web—a puppet tangled in the strings of his own actions. The weight of responsibility pressed upon him like a leaden cloak, the burden of lives and destinies now squarely upon his shoulders.

Kallous reached for the ring hanging on his neck like a necklace, his fingers brushing against the cool metal. He remembered the voice he had heard, calling him her descendant. The memory was vivid, the warmth of her tone still lingering in his mind. He tried to examine the ring more closely, its faint glow in the starlight hinting at hidden power.

The system had malfunctioned, and then somehow, everything he had asked for from the voice had come true. The blessing, the miraculous healing—it all aligned with his desperate pleas.

"Allyn," he said slowly, still gazing at the ring. "Did you hear the voice? The woman's voice that called out to me?"

Allyn's response was immediate and filled with confusion. 'Voice? Kal, I didn't hear any voice. I was busy trying to understand why the system was acting so erratically.'

Kallous hummed in thought, his eyes drifting back to the sky. "I see," he murmured. The voice was real to him, but Allyn hadn't heard it. It was another layer of mystery in this world he had crafted. He allowed himself a moment of contemplation, feeling the weight of the ring against his chest.

The stars above continued their silent dance, a constant amidst the chaos of his life. As he lay there, Kallous felt a strange sense of peace, a momentary respite from the turmoil. He didn't have all the answers, but for now, he was content to simply exist, to breathe and to reflect under the shifting night sky.

After some time, Kallous pushed himself up from the ground, wincing at the stiffness in his muscles and the lingering ache in his bones. He glanced down at his torn and blood-stained clothes, a grimace crossing his face. 'I could really use a hot shower right now,' he thought to himself, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

He looked over at the twins, their small bodies lying peacefully on the ground. His eyes softened, a mix of relief and determination settling over him. He then glanced down at his own shorter frame, sighing deeply. 'I need to grow up faster,' he thought, the weight of responsibility pressing heavily on his young shoulders.

As he scanned the surroundings, he noticed the ground in disarray, evidence of the tumultuous events that had unfolded. Most notably, the area where the old hag had met her demise caught his attention. Where her remains had once been lay an egg, nestled amidst the debris. 

Kallous recalled that Lucy had been holding it when she emerged from the peculiar portal. Nearby, several glittering gems caught his eye, their allure undeniable. Without hesitation, he collected the gems and stored them away in his system storage. 'Free money,' he thought wryly, a small smirk tugging at his lips amidst the grim aftermath.

Curiosity piqued, Kallous approached the egg cautiously. It lay still, its surface smooth and midnight-blue, emitting a faint warmth that hinted at life within. It felt warm to the touch, pulsing with a faint energy. As he cradled it, the egg hummed softly and moved slightly, as if it wanted to get closer to him. He decided to use the system to scan it.

With a moment's hesitation, Kallous addressed the system, his voice steady despite the weariness that threatened to overwhelm him. "System, analyze the egg," he commanded.

The system responded with a faint hum, data streams flowing through his mind.


Egg Type: Celestial Beast. 

Status: Dormant. 

Potential: ???.

Recommended Action: Incubation and Care for optimal hatching.

Kal's eyes widened in surprise. "A Celestial Beast," he whispered, a mix of excitement and caution in his voice. This was no ordinary find. Celestial beasts had only appeared once in his novel, and they were considered the closest companions to the Constellations. They were beings of immense power, revered and feared alike, their presence a sign of great change.

He remembered writing about them, their ethereal forms and the mysterious aura they carried. They were seldom seen, but their influence was profound, often shaping the destinies of those they encountered. To hold a Celestial egg was to hold a fragment of the stars themselves, a being that could alter the fabric of reality.

As he thought more about it, a theory began to form in his mind. Was this egg the reason for the town's demise in the novel? Knowing Lucy, she must have stolen it from its mother and did something to it, enraging the Celestial beasts. The mother's wrath could have been the cause of the town's doom, a catastrophic event that set the narrative in motion.

A deep sigh escaped Kal's lips as he cradled the egg tenderly, the weight of his discovery pressing down on him. This egg, now in his hands, was a powerful artifact, a potential ally, but also a reminder of the chaos that had befallen the town. 

He had to be careful with it, to ensure that history did not repeat itself. If the mother was watching over it, he vowed to take good care of it. The last thing he wanted was for a high entity to ruin his slacker life.

With renewed determination, Kallous glanced once more at the twins, their innocence stark against the backdrop of chaos. They had survived this ordeal, but their journey was far from over. He vowed to find them a safer place, where they could decide their own path—whether to continue alongside him or seek solace elsewhere.

Taking a deep breath, Kallous straightened his posture, the weight of his decisions settling heavily on his young shoulders. "Let's get you two to a safer place," he murmured softly, more to himself than to anyone else, as he prepared himself for the journey ahead.


『???' POV』

The town of Vita trembled under the onslaught of magical upheaval. Portals flickered into existence like glitches in reality, threatening to tear apart the fabric of their peaceful existence.

Citizens huddled in fear as the sky above them shimmered with otherworldly colors, a spectacle both beautiful and terrifying. Blood-red streaks painted the heavens, mingling with hues of violet and emerald, casting an eerie glow over the town.

Aric, the fiery-haired captain of the Elpis knights, darted through the chaotic streets, his energy palpable even amidst the turmoil. His voice rang out with commands, a mix of authority and reassurance as he directed his knights to maintain order. 

"Form a perimeter! Keep everyone away from the portals!" he bellowed, his tone cutting through the panicked cries of the townspeople. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, a grim reminder of the lives already lost to the chaos.

Beside him, Lucius, captain of the Astria knights, moved with a calm resolve. His short brown hair was tousled by the winds of magic swirling around them, but his demeanor remained steady. Lucius surveyed the scene with keen eyes, his thoughts racing. Despite his outward calm, worry gnawed at his heart—for the safety of his people, and for one child in particular.

The Duke and Duchess had entrusted Lucius with a solemn duty: to find Kallous, a child of mysterious origins, and bring him safely to them. Lucius had located the boy earlier, visiting him in the hospital after the initial tremors had subsided. 

Now, amidst the escalating chaos, he knew time was running short to fulfill his promise. Blood smeared the walls of the hospital, a grim testament to the violent upheaval that had torn through Vita. The bodies of the wounded and dead lay strewn about, their lifeless eyes staring into the void as the portals wreaked havoc on reality.

The sky above them continued to shift, stars glowing with an intensity that defied explanation. Blood-red hues mingled with the celestial display, creating an otherworldly tapestry that mesmerized and horrified in equal measure. Lucius glanced upwards, momentarily captivated by the celestial display, before refocusing on the task at hand.

"We need to clear this area," he instructed his knights, his voice firm but tinged with urgency. "Keep everyone calm and maintain order. We must ensure no beasts breach our defenses."

Aric nodded in agreement, his expression serious yet determined. "We've got this, Lucius," he replied with a confident grin. "Just another night in Vita, eh?" His boots splashed through puddles of crimson, the blood of their fallen mingling with the dirt of the streets.

Lucius managed a small smile in return, grateful for Aric's unwavering optimism in the face of adversity. Together, they coordinated their efforts, rallying their knights and citizens alike in a unified front against the magical anomalies threatening their home.

The ground beneath Vita still rumbled from the recent earthquake, its echoes a haunting reminder of the devastation left in its wake. Buildings lay in ruins, their shattered remnants casting long shadows in the eerie glow of the magical sky. Aric and Lucius moved through the debris-strewn streets, their hearts heavy with sorrow for those lost and injured.

Among the wreckage, they encountered scenes of heart-wrenching despair. Families clung to each other amidst the rubble, tears streaking their dirt-stained faces as they searched for loved ones. Blood spattered the ground, and the air was thick with the acrid stench of smoke and burning flesh.

The cries of pain and loss mingled with the distant howls of magic gone awry, creating a cacophony of chaos that threatened to overwhelm their senses.

Lucius paused at one particularly grim sight—a collapsed building where rescuers worked frantically to extract survivors. Corpses lay half-buried under the rubble, their faces twisted in agony. He approached cautiously, his gaze sweeping over the scene with a mixture of determination and sorrow. 

Among the rescuers, he spotted a familiar face—a young woman with tears streaming down her cheeks as she cradled a child in her arms, the lifeless body limp and bloodied.

"Lucius," Aric called softly, his voice breaking through the din of despair. He gestured toward another area where knights were providing medical aid to the wounded. Blood soaked the ground around them as the injured writhed in pain, their cries a haunting symphony of suffering.

"We need to keep moving. There are still people who need our help."

Nodding grimly, Lucius tore his gaze away from the heartbreaking scene before him, his heart heavy with grief.

As they navigated through Vita's battered streets, memories of happier times flickered in Lucius's mind—of sunlit days spent in the town square, laughter echoing through the air as children played. Now, those same streets lay in ruins, their innocence shattered by forces beyond their understanding. Bodies littered the ground, their blood pooling in the cracks of the cobblestone streets.

"Lucius," Aric's voice broke through his reverie once more, filled with concern. "Are you holding up alright?"

Lucius forced a tight smile, though the weight of their losses pressed heavily upon him. "It's just... seeing the town like this," he murmured, his voice raw with emotion. "So many lives torn apart."

Aric placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, his own expression mirroring Lucius's grief. "We'll rebuild, my friend," he said quietly, his tone resolute. "But for now, we focus on getting through this night. We owe it to them—to everyone who calls Vita home."

With renewed determination, they pressed on, their hearts heavy but their resolve unyielding. Each life they saved, each soul they comforted, was a small victory amidst the chaos—a testament to the strength of Vita's spirit in the face of adversity.

The ground beneath their feet was slick with blood, its dark crimson hue a stark contrast against the pale, lifeless bodies strewn across the streets. As they passed by, Lucius could feel the despair radiating from the survivors, their eyes hollow and vacant from the trauma they had endured. The smell of charred flesh and decay permeated the air, mixing with the acrid stench of smoke from fires that had ravaged the town.

In the distance, a shriek echoed through the night—a sound so primal and filled with terror that it sent shivers down their spines. Lucius and Aric exchanged a glance, their expressions hardening with resolve. They knew that whatever was causing this madness was far from over, and they had to be prepared for anything.

As they continued their grim march, they came across a small group of survivors huddled together in an alleyway. Their faces were gaunt, eyes wide with fear as they clung to each other for comfort. Among them was an elderly woman, her frail body trembling as she whispered prayers to whoever might still be listening.

"Please," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. "Help us."

Lucius knelt beside her, his heart heavy with sorrow. "We will," he promised, his voice gentle yet firm. "We will get you to safety."

Aric, meanwhile, scanned the area for any signs of danger. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to strike at a moment's notice. He could feel the dark energy pulsing through the air, a tangible force that seemed to feed off the fear and suffering around them.

"We need to move," he said, his voice low and urgent. "It's not safe here."

The survivors nodded, their movements slow and sluggish from exhaustion. Lucius and Aric helped them to their feet, guiding them through the maze of rubble and destruction. Every step was a struggle, but they pressed on, driven by a fierce determination to protect those who remained.

As they neared the outskirts of town, a sudden, bone-chilling wail pierced the night. Lucius's heart raced as he turned to see a shadowy figure emerging from one of the portals. Its form was twisted and grotesque, a nightmarish amalgamation of limbs and eyes that glowed with an unholy light.

"Go!" he shouted to the survivors. "Run! We'll hold it off!"

Aric drew his sword, his eyes blazing with fury. "Come on, you abomination," he growled, his voice filled with defiance. "Let's see what you've got."

The creature let out a guttural roar, its many eyes narrowing as it charged toward them. Lucius and Aric stood their ground, their swords gleaming in the eerie light of the magical sky. As the battle commenced, the air was filled with the clash of steel and the sickening sound of flesh being torn apart.

Blood sprayed across the ground, painting the streets in a macabre tapestry of death and destruction. The creature fought with a ferocity that seemed unending, its every movement a blur of malevolent intent. But Lucius and Aric were relentless, their bond as knights unbreakable as they fought side by side.

With a final, desperate lunge, Lucius plunged his sword into the creature's heart. It let out a bloodcurdling scream, its body convulsing violently before it dissolved into a pool of dark ichor. Panting heavily, Lucius and Aric stood victorious, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits unyielding.

"We did it," Aric said, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Lucius nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of further threats. "For now," he replied, his voice steady. "But we must remain vigilant. This is far from over."

As they made their way back to the survivors, the first light of dawn began to break over Vita. The town lay in ruins, its streets littered with the remnants of a once peaceful existence. But amidst the destruction, they surveyed the scene, their hearts heavy with the weight of loss and determination to rebuild.

"We need to find a safe place for the survivors here in town," Aric said quietly, his voice tinged with urgency. "With the Emperor's order not to leave, we must ensure they are secure."

Lucius nodded solemnly, his gaze sweeping over the devastated landscape. "We'll set up a makeshift shelter in the town square," he decided, already formulating a plan to gather everyone and provide necessary aid.

Their duty as knights extended far beyond the confines of their own town, a responsibility they bore with unwavering resolve. But as they coordinated the survivors and arranged for their immediate needs, a sudden cry pierced the air—a child's voice, fragile yet filled with unyielding determination.

Turning, they spotted a young boy, no older than ten, standing amidst the rubble with tears streaking his dirt-streaked face. His small hands clutched a tattered doll, its once bright colors faded by the harsh realities of the night.

Approaching slowly, Lucius crouched down to meet the boy at eye level, his heart aching at the sight of such innocence marred by tragedy. "Hey there," he said gently. "Are you alright?"

The boy sniffled, his lower lip trembling as he struggled to find words amidst his overwhelming fear. "M-my sister," he managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper. "She's trapped... please, she's just over there."

Aric joined them, his expression softening as he knelt beside Lucius. "We'll help you find her," he assured the boy, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "What's her name?"

"Anna," the boy replied, his eyes wide with desperation. "Please, she's scared."

Lucius exchanged a glance with Aric, a silent understanding passing between them. They had faced many challenges together, but none compared to the anguish of comforting a child in the aftermath of such devastation.

"Stay here," Lucius instructed gently. "We'll bring her back to you."

With that, they navigated through the debris, their senses sharpened by the urgency of their mission. Each step brought them closer to Anna's faint cries, her voice a beacon of hope amidst the rubble that threatened to bury her spirit.

They found her, buried beneath a collapsed beam, her face streaked with tears yet alive with relief at their arrival. Working together, they carefully lifted the debris, their muscles straining against the weight of despair that threatened to overwhelm them.

"Anna," Aric said softly, his voice filled with quiet reassurance. "You're safe now."

Trembling, Anna reached out, her small hand grasping Aric's with a strength born of survival. "Thank you," she whispered, her words a fragile echo of the resilience that lay within her young heart.

As they led Anna back to her brother, Aric and Lucius exchanged a glance—a fleeting moment of understanding amidst the chaos that surrounded them. They were knights, sworn to protect and serve, yet in that moment, they were also guardians of hope in a world fractured by uncertainty.

The journey ahead would be long and arduous, filled with challenges that tested their resolve and shattered their illusions of invincibility. But as they looked upon Vita's shattered streets, illuminated by the rising sun, they knew that their bond—forged in battle and tempered by compassion—would guide them through the darkest of nights.

And so, with Anna and her brother safely in their care, Aric and Lucius remained in Vita, ensuring the survivors were settled and provided for. Their armor glinted faintly in the early morning light as they stood vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges awaited, their resolve unyielding as they embraced their role as protectors within the confines of their shattered town at dawn.