"Chapter 2:Arrival in Orario and Visiting the Guild"(Revised Version)

First-Person View

After deciding to head towards the city, I needed to make initial preparations so that the gods wouldn't sense my demonic blood and demon energy. For this, I required one spell from Anos' arsenal — the Narz spell.

Narz is a fundamental magic spell that masks the origin of magical power. It makes the magical power appear human rather than demonic to everyone around. This spell will help me conceal my aura so that the gods won't attack me as soon as I arrive in the city. Additionally, I need to use another spell — Najira.

Najira is a spell that hides the target's magical power. It will help conceal my enormous reserve of magical energy.

What annoys me the most right now are the Purple Eyes of Destruction. Now I understand why Satoru always wore a blindfold. The feeling that you can destroy everything with just a glance is simply shocking. I need a small seal for my eyes from Anos's arsenal — and the problem is solved.

Now, I can set off for the city. I think I'll take Yamato with me, just in case I encounter something on the way.

Some Time Later...

As I approached the city, I realized I had ended up in a fantasy world, because what I was seeing was beyond words. I can only say that it was amazing. Getting closer to the city, I noticed a line for entry consisting of various races, merchants, and adventurers.

"Why does no author mention in their fantasy books that the queues to these cities are enormous? Thank goodness the old man threw me into this world in the morning and not closer to evening."

After waiting in line for a while, it was finally my turn to pass through. A guard stopped me at the gate to ask a few questions.

Guard: Young man, where have you come from and what is your purpose in visiting Orario?

Me: I came from the Far East to become an adventurer, find a family, and enjoy the adventures.

Guard: From the Far East, you say? I don't see any features in you typical of people from the East.

Me: (Ha-ha-ha) I understand I don't look the part. My family has lived there for generations, though I don't really know where my ancestors originally came from. Unfortunately, I can't find out because I'm the last of my family, so I decided to travel. One day, while traveling with a caravan, people were talking about adventurers and the city of Orario, so I decided to come here to find a place where I can call home.

Guard: I sympathize with you, young friend. You must have gone through a lot to get here.

Me: Thank you. What do I need to do to enter the city and become an adventurer?

Guard: To enter the city, you need a document proving your identity, which you can get at the guild. If you don't have one, we can issue a temporary one. You will also have to pay an entry fee of 200 valis.

Me: No problem. Do I need to pay extra for the temporary ID?

Guard: (Ha-ha) You're quite the cheerful one. No, it's temporary and will allow you to enter the city and register at the guild.

Me: Thank you. Could you also tell me how to get to the guild so I can get the ID and possibly find out information about the so-called dungeon?

Guard: Of course. See that tall tower in the distance? That's the dungeon, and the guild is nearby. They will provide you with the information you need.

Me: Thanks for your help, and have a good day.

First-Person Perspective

As I walked through the streets of Orario on my way to the guild, I couldn't stop marveling at the fact that I was truly in a fantasy world. Along the way, I saw many different merchants with their stalls, selling all kinds of trinkets and food.

"Note to self: try the food at these stalls after registering at the guild because some of it looks very appetizing. Alright, enough distractions and growling stomach. First, I need to take care of business, and then I can enjoy the perks of the fantasy world, namely, delicious food. After all, I haven't eaten since my death (ha-ha-ha). Silly words and puns."

Looking around, I noticed people were starting to give me strange looks. I realized I had made a joke and laughed at it myself, apparently out loud. There it was, my first social blunder in the fantasy world. The most important thing now was to maintain a composed face and keep moving toward my goal. And my goal was the guild.

First-Person Perspective

Reaching the guild building and stepping inside, I was greeted by a spacious area. On one side, adventurers were lined up to sell what they had collected in the dungeon. On the other side, it seemed like people were waiting to get information or hand something over to the staff.

Regarding this, I wasn't sure if the guild bought information or not; I'd have to clarify that with whoever became my advisor. For now, though, another queue. After waiting in line for a while, I encountered one of the characters from Danmachi, Eina Tulle, a half-elf girl who looked after Bell Cranel. Eina was a kind and gentle half-elf girl, yet quite strict when the situation demanded it. She had a beautiful, slender figure typical of elves, cute long ears, short brown hair, and lovely emerald eyes.

Apparently, I stared at her for too long, making her feel uncomfortable.

Eina: Good day, my name is Eina Tulle. How can I help you?

Me: I just recently arrived in the city, and the guard at the entrance said I need to get an ID to be able to stay in the city.

Eina: I see, you are a newcomer. What brings you to the city?

Me: I came to the city to become an adventurer and find a family to enjoy adventures with.

Eina: I understand. In that case, you need to fill out a form for the ID, and after you join a family, you will need to fill out a form for adventurers.

Me: So, without joining a family, I can't enter the dungeon?

Eina: That's correct. Those are the rules after many people who weren't blessed by the gods entered the dungeon and died.

Me: I understand, Miss Eina. Then, can you give me the form for the ID?

Eina: Certainly.

While filling out the form, I needed to provide my first and last name, age, and occupation. It was all quite straightforward, though I took some time deciding on what name and age to use. After all, I wasn't going to write that I was just a few hours old. I decided to choose the most optimal age—18 years, just a couple of years older than Bell.

Being a lazy person, I decided to use my old name and surname, Anos, and ended up with a name that even sounded similar: Alexander Voldigod. After completing the form, I handed it to Eina.

Me: Miss Eina, I've filled out the form. Can you check if everything is correct so I don't waste the paper?

Eina: You've filled it out correctly, Voldigod-san. You indicated your age as 18, though I thought you were older.

Me: I think, thank you (strange look).

Under my strange look, Eina blushed for some reason, although my eyes shouldn't evoke such cute emotions in the opposite sex.

Eina: (ahem) Excuse me, here is your ID, Voldigod-san. If you need any more information, feel free to ask me.

Me: Thank you, Miss Eina. If possible, could you tell me where I can find information about the families I can join?

Eina: Of course. You can look through the families of the gods in this book, or are you looking for a specific god you would like to join?

Me: I don't have a specific family in mind. I just arrived in the city and want to look around before deciding who to join.

Browsing through the so-called family register, I tried to find a certain loli-goddess because I couldn't remember when she arrives. After spending some time, I found who I was looking for, namely Hestia, the goddess of fire and hearth.

When people say Hestia gives useless buffs with her blessing—it's not true. There's nothing better than coming home after a hard day to a place where you are awaited. After finding what I was looking for, I decided to return the book to Eina and at the same time find out where I could grab a bite to eat. If it turned out to be "The Hostess of Fertility," even better. Where else could one meet cute maid girls if not at the most significant place in Orario?

Me: Thank you, Miss Eina. I found what I was looking for. If it's not too much trouble, could you tell me where I can get a good meal?

Eina: Certainly, Voldigod-san. You can go to "The Hostess of Fertility." They cook very well there, and the portions are quite large—just right for a growing body.

Me: Then could you point the way for this hungry traveler so he can satisfy his hunger, Miss Advisor? (slightly bowed).

Eina: Of course, I'll show you. It's my job to help adventurers, after all.

Said a slightly blushing Eina as she pointed the way to the restaurant.

To be continued…